def getStringChecked(self, sField):
     Check if specified field is present in server response and returns it as string.
     If not present, a fitting exception will be raised.
     if not sField in self._dResponse:
         raise testboxcommons.TestBoxException(
             'Required data (' + str(sField) +
             ') was not found in server response')
     return str(self._dResponse[sField]).strip()
 def checkParameterCount(self, cExpected):
     Checks the parameter count, raise TestBoxException if it doesn't meet
     the expectations.
     if len(self._dResponse) != cExpected:
         raise testboxcommons.TestBoxException(
             'Expected %d parameters, server sent %d' %
             (cExpected, len(self._dResponse)))
     return True
Beispiel #3
    def getIntChecked(self, sField, iMin=None, iMax=None):
        Check if specified field is present in server response and returns it as integer.
        If not present, a fitting exception will be raised.

        The iMin and iMax values are inclusive.
        if not sField in self._dResponse:
            raise testboxcommons.TestBoxException(
                'Required data (' + str(sField) +
                ') was not found in server response')
            iValue = int(self._dResponse[sField])
            raise testboxcommons.TestBoxException(
                'Malformed integer field %s: "%s"' %
                (sField, self._dResponse[sField]))

        if   (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
          or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
            raise testboxcommons.TestBoxException('Value (%d) of field %s is out of range [%s..%s]' \
                                                  % (iValue, sField, iMin, iMax))
        return iValue