def connectTo(self, cMsTimeout, sGadgetType, sHostname, uPort=None):
        Connects to the specified target device.
        Returns True on Success.
        Returns False otherwise.
        if uPort is None:
            self.oTxsSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sHostname)
            self.oTxsSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout,
        if self.oTxsSession is None:
            return False

        fDone = self.oTxsSession.waitForTask(30 * 1000)
        print 'connect: waitForTask -> %s, result %s' % (
            fDone, self.oTxsSession.getResult())
        if fDone is True and self.oTxsSession.isSuccess():
            fRc = True
            fRc = False

        if fRc is True:
            self.sGadgetType = sGadgetType

        return fRc
Beispiel #2
    def connectTo(self, cMsTimeout, sGadgetType, sHostname, uPort = None):
        Connects to the specified target device.
        Returns True on Success.
        Returns False otherwise.
        if uPort is None:
            self.oTxsSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sHostname);
            self.oTxsSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sHostname, uPort = uPort);
        if self.oTxsSession is None:
            return False;

        fDone = self.oTxsSession.waitForTask(30*1000);
        print 'connect: waitForTask -> %s, result %s' % (fDone, self.oTxsSession.getResult());
        if fDone is True and self.oTxsSession.isSuccess():
            fRc = True;
            fRc = False;

        if fRc is True:
            self.sGadgetType = sGadgetType;

        return fRc;
Beispiel #3
def main(asArgs): # pylint: disable=C0111,R0914,R0915
    cMsTimeout      = long(30*1000);
    sAddress        = 'localhost';
    uPort           = None;
    fReversedSetup  = False;
    fReboot         = False;
    fStdTests       = True;

    i = 1;
    while i < len(asArgs):
        if asArgs[i] == '--hostname':
            sAddress = asArgs[i + 1];
            i = i + 2;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--port':
            uPort = int(asArgs[i + 1]);
            i = i + 2;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--reversed-setup':
            fReversedSetup = True;
            i = i + 1;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--timeout':
            cMsTimeout = long(asArgs[i + 1]);
            i = i + 2;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--reboot':
            fReboot   = True;
            fStdTests = False;
            i = i + 1;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--help':
            print ' [--hostname <addr|name>] [--port <num>] [--timeout <cMS>] [--reboot] [--reversed-setup]'
            return 0;
            print 'Unknown argument: %s' % (asArgs[i]);
            return 2;

    if uPort is None:
        oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, fReversedSetup = fReversedSetup);
        oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, uPort = uPort, fReversedSetup = fReversedSetup);
    if oSession is None:
        print 'openTcpSession failed';
        return 1;

    fDone = oSession.waitForTask(30*1000);
    print 'connect: waitForTask -> %s, result %s' % (fDone, oSession.getResult());
    if fDone is True and oSession.isSuccess():
        if fStdTests:
            # Get the UUID of the remote instance.
            sUuid = oSession.syncUuid();
            if sUuid is not False:
                print '%s: UUID = %s' % (boolRes(True), sUuid);
                print '%s: UUID' % (boolRes(False),);

            # Create and remove a directory on the scratch area.
            rc = oSession.syncMkDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1');
            print '%s: MKDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1');
            print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncRmDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1');
            print '%s: RMDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            # Create a two-level subdir.
            rc = oSession.syncMkDirPath('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1');
            print '%s: MKDRPATH(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2');
            print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/');
            print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1');
            print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncRmTree('${SCRATCH}/testdir2');
            print '%s: RMTREE(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            # Check out a simple file.
            rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy', '${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print '%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy-replaced', '${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print '%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print '%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> "%s" expected "howdy-replaced"' % (stringRes(rc, 'howdy-replaced'), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncIsFile('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print '%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print '%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc, False), rc);
            rc = oSession.syncIsSymlink('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print '%s: ISSYMLNK(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc, False), rc);

            rc = oSession.syncRmFile('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print '%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            # Unicode filename (may or may not work, LANG/LC_TYPE dependent on some hosts).
            rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy', u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder');
            print (u'%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace');

            rc = oSession.syncIsFile(u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder');
            print (u'%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace');

            rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder');
            print (u'%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace');

            # Finally, some file uploading and downloading with unicode filenames.
            strUpFile  = 'tst-txsclient-upload.bin';
            strDwnFile = 'tst-txsclient-download.bin';
                abRandFile = os.urandom(257897);
                print 'INFO: no urandom... falling back on a simple string.'
                abRandFile = 'asdflkjasdlfkjasdlfkjq023942relwjgkna9epr865u2nm345;hndafgoukhasre5kb2453km';
                for i in range(1, 64):
                    abRandFile += abRandFile;
                oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strUpFile, 'w+b');
                rc = True;
                rc = False;
                print('%s: creating file (%s) to upload failed....' % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile));

            if rc is True:
                rc = oSession.syncUploadFile(strUpFile, '${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin')
                print('%s: PUT FILE(%s, ${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile, rc));

                rc = oSession.syncDownloadFile('${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin', strDwnFile)
                print('%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin, tst-txsclient-downloaded.txt) -> %s'
                      % (boolRes(rc), rc));

                    oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strDwnFile, "rb");
                    abDwnFile =;
                    if abRandFile == abDwnFile:
                        print '%s: downloaded file matches the uploaded file' % (boolRes(True),);
                        print '%s: downloaded file does not match the uploaded file' % (boolRes(False),);
                        print 'abRandFile=%s' % (abRandFile,);
                        print 'abDwnFile =%s' % (abRandFile,);
                    print '%s: reading downloaded file (%s) failed....' % (boolRes(False), strDwnFile);

                rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u'${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin');
                print '%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

            try:    os.remove(strUpFile);
            except: pass;
            try:    os.remove(strDwnFile);
            except: pass;

            # Execute some simple thing, if available.
            # Intentionally skip this test if file is not available due to
            # another inserted CD-ROM (e.g. not TestSuite.iso).
            sProg = '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NetPerf${EXESUFF}';
            rc = oSession.syncIsFile(sProg, 30 * 1000, True);
            if rc is True:
                rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg, '--help'));
                print '%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc);

                rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg, 'there', 'is no such', 'parameter'), \
                                         oStdOut='${SCRATCH}/stdout', \
                print('%s: EXEC(%s there is not such parameter > ${SCRATCH}/stdout 2> ${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> %s'
                      % (boolRes(rc, False), sProg, rc));

                rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/stdout');
                print 'INFO:   GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stdout) -> "%s"' % (rc);
                rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/stderr');
                print 'INFO:   GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> "%s"' % (rc);

                print 'TESTING: syncExec...'
                rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, '--version'));
                print '%s: EXEC(%s --version) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc);

                print 'TESTING: syncExec...'
                rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, '--help'));
                print '%s: EXEC(%s --help) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc);

                #print 'TESTING: syncExec sleep 30...'
                #rc = oSession.syncExec('/usr/bin/sleep', ('/usr/bin/sleep', '30'));
                #print '%s: EXEC(/bin/sleep 30) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);
                print 'SKIP:   Execution of %s skipped, does not exist on CD-ROM' % (sProg,);

            # Execute a non-existing file on CD-ROM.
            sProg = '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NonExisting${EXESUFF}';
            rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg,), oStdIn = '/dev/null', oStdOut = '/dev/null', \
                                     oStdErr = '/dev/null', oTestPipe = '/dev/null', \
                                     sAsUser = '', cMsTimeout = 3600000, fIgnoreErrors = True);
            if rc is None:
                rc = True;
                reporter.error('Unexpected value \"%s\" while executing non-existent file "%s"' % (rc, sProg));
            print '%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc);

            # Done
            rc = oSession.syncDisconnect();
            print '%s: disconnect() -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

        elif fReboot:
            print 'TESTING: syncReboot...'
            rc = oSession.syncReboot();
            print '%s: REBOOT() -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);

    if g_cFailures != 0:
        print ' %u out of %u test failed' % (g_cFailures, g_cTests);
        return 1;
    print ' all %u tests passed!' % (g_cTests);
    return 0;
def main(asArgs):  # pylint: disable=C0111,R0914,R0915
    cMsTimeout = 30 * 1000
    sAddress = "localhost"
    uPort = None
    fReversedSetup = False
    fReboot = False
    fStdTests = True

    i = 1
    while i < len(asArgs):
        if asArgs[i] == "--hostname":
            sAddress = asArgs[i + 1]
            i = i + 2
        elif asArgs[i] == "--port":
            uPort = int(asArgs[i + 1])
            i = i + 2
        elif asArgs[i] == "--reversed-setup":
            fReversedSetup = True
            i = i + 1
        elif asArgs[i] == "--timeout":
            cMsTimeout = long(asArgs[i + 1])
            i = i + 2
        elif asArgs[i] == "--reboot":
            fReboot = True
            fStdTests = False
            i = i + 1
        elif asArgs[i] == "--help":
            print " [--hostname <addr|name>] [--port <num>] [--timeout <cMS>] [--reboot] [--reversed-setup]"
            return 0
            print "Unknown argument: %s" % (asArgs[i])
            return 2

    if uPort is None:
        oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, fReversedSetup=fReversedSetup)
        oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, uPort=uPort, fReversedSetup=fReversedSetup)
    if oSession is None:
        print "openTcpSession failed"
        return 1

    fDone = oSession.waitForTask(30 * 1000)
    print "connect: waitForTask -> %s, result %s" % (fDone, oSession.getResult())
    if fDone is True and oSession.isSuccess():
        if fStdTests:
            # Get the UUID of the remote instance.
            sUuid = oSession.syncUuid()
            if sUuid is not False:
                print "%s: UUID = %s" % (boolRes(True), sUuid)
                print "%s: UUID" % (boolRes(False),)

            # Create and remove a directory on the scratch area.
            rc = oSession.syncMkDir("${SCRATCH}/testdir1")
            print "%s: MKDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            rc = oSession.syncIsDir("${SCRATCH}/testdir1")
            print "%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            rc = oSession.syncRmDir("${SCRATCH}/testdir1")
            print "%s: RMDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            # Create a two-level subdir.
            rc = oSession.syncMkDirPath("${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1")
            print "%s: MKDRPATH(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            rc = oSession.syncIsDir("${SCRATCH}/testdir2")
            print "%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir("${SCRATCH}/testdir2/")
            print "%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir("${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1")
            print "%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            rc = oSession.syncRmTree("${SCRATCH}/testdir2")
            print "%s: RMTREE(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            # Check out a simple file.
            rc = oSession.syncUploadString("howdy", "${SCRATCH}/howdyfile")
            print "%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            rc = oSession.syncUploadString("howdy-replaced", "${SCRATCH}/howdyfile")
            print "%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            rc = oSession.syncDownloadString("${SCRATCH}/howdyfile")
            print '%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> "%s" expected "howdy-replaced"' % (
                stringRes(rc, "howdy-replaced"),

            rc = oSession.syncIsFile("${SCRATCH}/howdyfile")
            print "%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir("${SCRATCH}/howdyfile")
            print "%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc, False), rc)
            rc = oSession.syncIsSymlink("${SCRATCH}/howdyfile")
            print "%s: ISSYMLNK(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc, False), rc)

            rc = oSession.syncRmFile("${SCRATCH}/howdyfile")
            print "%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

            # Unicode filename (may or may not work, LANG/LC_TYPE dependent on some hosts).
            rc = oSession.syncUploadString("howdy", u"${SCRATCH}/Schröder")
            print (u"%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode("ascii", "replace")

            rc = oSession.syncIsFile(u"${SCRATCH}/Schröder")
            print (u"%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode("ascii", "replace")

            rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u"${SCRATCH}/Schröder")
            print (u"%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode("ascii", "replace")

            # Finally, some file uploading and downloading with unicode filenames.
            strUpFile = "tst-txsclient-upload.bin"
            strDwnFile = "tst-txsclient-download.bin"
                abRandFile = os.urandom(257897)
                print "INFO: no urandom... falling back on a simple string."
                abRandFile = "asdflkjasdlfkjasdlfkjq023942relwjgkna9epr865u2nm345;hndafgoukhasre5kb2453km"
                for i in range(1, 64):
                    abRandFile += abRandFile
                oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strUpFile, "w+b")
                rc = True
                rc = False
                print ("%s: creating file (%s) to upload failed...." % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile))

            if rc is True:
                rc = oSession.syncUploadFile(strUpFile, "${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin")
                print ("%s: PUT FILE(%s, ${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile, rc))

                rc = oSession.syncDownloadFile("${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin", strDwnFile)
                print (
                    "%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin, tst-txsclient-downloaded.txt) -> %s"
                    % (boolRes(rc), rc)

                    oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strDwnFile, "rb")
                    abDwnFile =
                    if abRandFile == abDwnFile:
                        print "%s: downloaded file matches the uploaded file" % (boolRes(True),)
                        print "%s: downloaded file does not match the uploaded file" % (boolRes(False),)
                        print "abRandFile=%s" % (abRandFile,)
                        print "abDwnFile =%s" % (abRandFile,)
                    print "%s: reading downloaded file (%s) failed...." % (boolRes(False), strDwnFile)

                rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u"${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin")
                print "%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)


            # Execute some simple thing, if available.
            # Intentionally skip this test if file is not available due to
            # another inserted CD-ROM (e.g. not TestSuite.iso).
            sProg = "${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NetPerf${EXESUFF}"
            rc = oSession.syncIsFile(sProg, 30 * 1000, True)
            if rc is True:
                rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg, "--help"))
                print "%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc)

                rc = oSession.syncExecEx(
                    (sProg, "there", "is no such", "parameter"),
                print (
                    "%s: EXEC(%s there is not such parameter > ${SCRATCH}/stdout 2> ${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> %s"
                    % (boolRes(rc, False), sProg, rc)

                rc = oSession.syncDownloadString("${SCRATCH}/stdout")
                print 'INFO:   GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stdout) -> "%s"' % (rc)
                rc = oSession.syncDownloadString("${SCRATCH}/stderr")
                print 'INFO:   GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> "%s"' % (rc)

                print "TESTING: syncExec..."
                rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, "--version"))
                print "%s: EXEC(%s --version) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc)

                print "TESTING: syncExec..."
                rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, "--help"))
                print "%s: EXEC(%s --help) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc)

                # print 'TESTING: syncExec sleep 30...'
                # rc = oSession.syncExec('/usr/bin/sleep', ('/usr/bin/sleep', '30'));
                # print '%s: EXEC(/bin/sleep 30) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc);
                print "SKIP:   Execution of %s skipped, does not exist on CD-ROM" % (sProg,)

            # Execute a non-existing file on CD-ROM.
            sProg = "${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NonExisting${EXESUFF}"
            rc = oSession.syncExecEx(
            if rc is None:
                rc = True
                reporter.error('Unexpected value "%s" while executing non-existent file "%s"' % (rc, sProg))
            print "%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc)

            # Done
            rc = oSession.syncDisconnect()
            print "%s: disconnect() -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

        elif fReboot:
            print "TESTING: syncReboot..."
            rc = oSession.syncReboot()
            print "%s: REBOOT() -> %s" % (boolRes(rc), rc)

    if g_cFailures != 0:
        print " %u out of %u test failed" % (g_cFailures, g_cTests)
        return 1
    print " all %u tests passed!" % (g_cTests)
    return 0
def main(asArgs): # pylint: disable=C0111,R0914,R0915
    cMsTimeout      = long(30*1000);
    sAddress        = 'localhost';
    uPort           = None;
    fReversedSetup  = False;
    fReboot         = False;
    fShutdown       = False;
    fStdTests       = True;

    i = 1;
    while i < len(asArgs):
        if asArgs[i] == '--hostname':
            sAddress = asArgs[i + 1];
            i = i + 2;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--port':
            uPort = int(asArgs[i + 1]);
            i = i + 2;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--reversed-setup':
            fReversedSetup = True;
            i = i + 1;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--timeout':
            cMsTimeout = long(asArgs[i + 1]);
            i = i + 2;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--reboot':
            fReboot   = True;
            fShutdown = False;
            fStdTests = False;
            i = i + 1;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--shutdown':
            fShutdown = True;
            fReboot   = False;
            fStdTests = False;
            i = i + 1;
        elif asArgs[i] == '--help':
            print(' [--hostname <addr|name>] [--port <num>] [--timeout <cMS>] '
                  '[--reboot|--shutdown] [--reversed-setup]');
            return 0;
            print('Unknown argument: %s' % (asArgs[i]));
            return 2;

    if uPort is None:
        oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, fReversedSetup = fReversedSetup);
        oSession = txsclient.openTcpSession(cMsTimeout, sAddress, uPort = uPort, fReversedSetup = fReversedSetup);
    if oSession is None:
        print('openTcpSession failed');
        return 1;

    fDone = oSession.waitForTask(30*1000);
    print('connect: waitForTask -> %s, result %s' % (fDone, oSession.getResult()));
    if fDone is True and oSession.isSuccess():
        if fStdTests:
            # Get the UUID of the remote instance.
            sUuid = oSession.syncUuid();
            if sUuid is not False:
                print('%s: UUID = %s' % (boolRes(True), sUuid));
                print('%s: UUID' % (boolRes(False),));

            # Create and remove a directory on the scratch area.
            rc = oSession.syncMkDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1');
            print('%s: MKDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1');
            print('%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncRmDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir1');
            print('%s: RMDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            # Create a two-level subdir.
            rc = oSession.syncMkDirPath('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1');
            print('%s: MKDRPATH(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2');
            print('%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/');
            print('%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1');
            print('%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/testdir2/subdir1) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncRmTree('${SCRATCH}/testdir2');
            print('%s: RMTREE(${SCRATCH}/testdir2) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            # Check out a simple file.
            rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy', '${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print('%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy-replaced', '${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print('%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print('%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> "%s" expected "howdy-replaced"' % (stringRes(rc, 'howdy-replaced'), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncIsFile('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print('%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));
            rc = oSession.syncIsDir('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print('%s: ISDIR(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc, False), rc));
            rc = oSession.syncIsSymlink('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print('%s: ISSYMLNK(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc, False), rc));

            rc = oSession.syncRmFile('${SCRATCH}/howdyfile');
            print('%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/howdyfile) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            # Unicode filename (may or may not work, LANG/LC_TYPE dependent on some hosts).
            rc = oSession.syncUploadString('howdy', u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder');
            print((u'%s: PUT FILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace'));

            rc = oSession.syncIsFile(u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder');
            print((u'%s: ISFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace'));

            rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u'${SCRATCH}/Schröder');
            print((u'%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/Schröder) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc)).encode('ascii', 'replace'));

            # Finally, some file uploading and downloading with unicode filenames.
            strUpFile  = 'tst-txsclient-upload.bin';
            strDwnFile = 'tst-txsclient-download.bin';
                abRandFile = os.urandom(257897);
                print('INFO: no urandom... falling back on a simple string.');
                abRandFile = 'asdflkjasdlfkjasdlfkjq023942relwjgkna9epr865u2nm345;hndafgoukhasre5kb2453km';
                for i in range(1, 64):
                    abRandFile += abRandFile;
                oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strUpFile, 'w+b');
                rc = True;
                rc = False;
                print('%s: creating file (%s) to upload failed....' % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile));

            if rc is True:
                rc = oSession.syncUploadFile(strUpFile, '${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin')
                print('%s: PUT FILE(%s, ${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), strUpFile, rc));

                rc = oSession.syncDownloadFile('${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin', strDwnFile)
                print('%s: GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin, tst-txsclient-downloaded.txt) -> %s'
                      % (boolRes(rc), rc));

                    oLocalFile = utils.openNoInherit(strDwnFile, "rb");
                    abDwnFile =;
                    if abRandFile == abDwnFile:
                        print('%s: downloaded file matches the uploaded file' % (boolRes(True),));
                        print('%s: downloaded file does not match the uploaded file' % (boolRes(False),));
                        print('abRandFile=%s' % (abRandFile,));
                        print('abDwnFile =%s' % (abRandFile,));
                    print('%s: reading downloaded file (%s) failed....' % (boolRes(False), strDwnFile));

                rc = oSession.syncRmFile(u'${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin');
                print('%s: RMFILE(${SCRATCH}/tst-txsclient-uploaded.bin) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

            try:    os.remove(strUpFile);
            except: pass;
            try:    os.remove(strDwnFile);
            except: pass;

            # Execute some simple thing, if available.
            # Intentionally skip this test if file is not available due to
            # another inserted CD-ROM (e.g. not TestSuite.iso).
            sProg = '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NetPerf${EXESUFF}';
            rc = oSession.syncIsFile(sProg, 30 * 1000, True);
            if rc is True:
                rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg, '--help'));
                print('%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc));

                rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg, 'there', 'is no such', 'parameter'), \
                                         oStdOut='${SCRATCH}/stdout', \
                print('%s: EXEC(%s there is not such parameter > ${SCRATCH}/stdout 2> ${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> %s'
                      % (boolRes(rc, False), sProg, rc));

                rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/stdout');
                print('INFO:   GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stdout) -> "%s"' % (rc));
                rc = oSession.syncDownloadString('${SCRATCH}/stderr');
                print('INFO:   GET FILE(${SCRATCH}/stderr) -> "%s"' % (rc));

                print('TESTING: syncExec...');
                rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, '--version'));
                print('%s: EXEC(%s --version) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc));

                print('TESTING: syncExec...');
                rc = oSession.syncExec(sProg, (sProg, '--help'));
                print('%s: EXEC(%s --help) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc));

                #print('TESTING: syncExec sleep 30...'
                #rc = oSession.syncExec('/usr/bin/sleep', ('/usr/bin/sleep', '30')));
                #print('%s: EXEC(/bin/sleep 30) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));
                print('SKIP:   Execution of %s skipped, does not exist on CD-ROM' % (sProg,));

            # Execute a non-existing file on CD-ROM.
            sProg = '${CDROM}/${OS/ARCH}/NonExisting${EXESUFF}';
            rc = oSession.syncExecEx(sProg, (sProg,), oStdIn = '/dev/null', oStdOut = '/dev/null', \
                                     oStdErr = '/dev/null', oTestPipe = '/dev/null', \
                                     sAsUser = '', cMsTimeout = 3600000, fIgnoreErrors = True);
            if rc is None:
                rc = True;
                reporter.error('Unexpected value \"%s\" while executing non-existent file "%s"' % (rc, sProg));
            print('%s: EXEC(%s ${SCRATCH}) -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), sProg, rc));

            # Done
            rc = oSession.syncDisconnect();
            print('%s: disconnect() -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

        elif fReboot:
            print('TESTING: syncReboot...');
            rc = oSession.syncReboot();
            print('%s: REBOOT() -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));
        elif fShutdown:
            print('TESTING: syncShutdown...');
            rc = oSession.syncShutdown();
            print('%s: SHUTDOWN() -> %s' % (boolRes(rc), rc));

    if g_cFailures != 0:
        print(' %u out of %u test failed' % (g_cFailures, g_cTests));
        return 1;
    print(' all %u tests passed!' % (g_cTests));
    return 0;