Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self):
     ''' The subclass `__init__()` should call `super().__init__()` and
         initialize memory, registers and flags. The registers and flags
         may be properties on this object itself or on a separate object
         in the `regsobj` property. Create and initialize properties for
         either the individual flags *or* the status register named by
         `Registers.srname`, but not both.
     self.symtab = SymTab()      # symtab initially empty
Beispiel #2
def ps_parse_section(secname, stream):
    ''' Read the symbols in a section, discarding the ending blank line.
        Returns a list of `Symbol` objects.

        This assumes that all ``Int`` values are in hexadecimal. This
        is not specified in the documentation but experimentally seems
        to be the case.

        ASL ≥ cur-142-bld172 has 6 fields, earlier versions have 5.
        However, from about 2008 through asl-current-142-bld151 there was a
        bug in .map file output where spaces in symbol values were not
        translated to `\032` as documented__ in §5.2. This does not work
        with those buggy versions, but we du a heuristic check for some
        cases of wrong output: if the number of fields is other than 5 or
        6, we raise a ParseError.

        .. _documented:

    syms = []
    while True:
        line = stream.readline().strip()
        if '' == line:  # blank line or EOF
            return syms

        fields = line.split()
        if len(fields) not in (5, 6):
            #   See docstring above.
            raise ParseError('Bad map file fields (see code):'
                             ' {} fields in line {}'.format(
                                 len(fields), repr(line)))

        name, type, value = fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]
        # size = fields[3]
        # used = fields[4]
        # isvar = fields[5]  # ASL ≥ cur-142-bld172: '0'=const, '1'=var

        if type == 'Int':
            value = int(value, base=16)
        elif type == 'Float':
            value = float(value)
        elif type == 'String':
            value = aslunescape(value)
            raise ParseError("Unknown type '{}': {}".format(type, line))
        sym = SymTab.Symbol(name, value, secname)
Beispiel #3
    def parse_symline(line):
        ''' Given a symbol table line (from `symtab_lines()`),
            return a `Symbol` object.

            XXX This does not check to see if the symbol name is
            potentially truncated, though it should do so.
        if '=' in line:
            #   An equate, which might not have a flags field.
            areanum = None
            fields = line.split()
            name = fields[0]
            value = fields[2]
            flags = fields[3] if len(fields) > 3 else ''
            areanum, name, value, flags = line.split()
            areanum = int(areanum)
        return SymTab.Symbol(name, int(value, 16), areanum)
Beispiel #4
def parse_symtab(stream):
    ''' Parse the contents of an AS .map file, returning a `SymTab`.

        The map file is always ASCII-encoded (chars with the high bit set
        are not allowed in symbol names); we expect that the caller opened
        the file in text mode with that encoding specified. Newline format
        is less criticial; the caller must ensure that it's opened such
        that `readline()` works but we ignore all whitespace (\r, \n) at
        line ends.
    symbols = []
    while True:
        line = stream.readline()
        if line == '': break  # EOF

        if line.strip() == '':
            pass  # skip blank lines
        elif line.startswith('Segment '):
            #   Source code line number to machine code address mapping
            #   information. We (currently) don't use this.
        elif line.startswith('Symbols in Segment '):
            #   List of all symbols in a section. Symbol names include
            #   scope numbers for symbols in a local scope, but we do not
            #   yet know the name of that scope so we deal with that later.
            l = len('Symbols in Segment ')
            section_name = line[l:].strip()
            symbols += ps_parse_section(section_name, stream)
        elif line.startswith('Info for Section '):
            #   Number to name mapping for local variable scopes.
            #   We currently don't handle this, but we need to because a
            #   given scope can have a different number from run to run.
            raise ParseError(line.rstrip())
    #   Here is where we should be renaming locally scoped symbols to
    #   have the scope name, rather than number, involved in it in
    #   some way. Potentially we might also use a Symbol subclass that
    #   allows us to note how things are scoped.
    return SymTab(symbols)
Beispiel #5
def ps_parse_section(secname, stream):
    ''' Read the symbols in a section, discarding the ending blank line.
        Returns a list of `Symbol` objects.

        This assumes that all ``Int`` values are in hexadecimal. This
        is not specified in the documentation but experimentally seems
        to be the case.

        From about 2008 through asl-current-142-bld151 there was a bug in
        .map file output where spaces in symbol values were not translated
        to `\032` as documented__ in §5.2. This does not work with those
        buggy versions, but does a heuristic check for some cases of wrong

        .. _documented:

    syms = []
    while True:
        line = stream.readline().strip()
        if '' == line:  # blank line or EOF
            return syms

            name, type, value, size, used = line.split()
        except ValueError as ex:
            raise ParseError("Bad asl version? Got '{}' while parsing {}" \
                .format(ex, repr(line)))

        if type == 'Int':
            value = int(value, base=16)
        elif type == 'Float':
            value = float(value)
        elif type == 'String':
            value = aslunescape(value)
            raise ParseError("Unknown type '{}': {}".format(type, line))
        sym = SymTab.Symbol(name, value, secname)
Beispiel #6
class GenericMachine(MemoryAccess): # MemoryAccess is already an ABC
    ''' Superclass for "Machines" that simulate a microprocessor system
        with memory and registers.

        The interface offers the following properties and methods. The ones
        marked with ◑ must be implemented by the subclass; see the
        attribute/method docstrings for details.

        - ◑`MemoryAccess` routines: `byte()`, `word()`, `deposit()`, etc.
          (See that class for subclassing information.)
        - ◑`Registers`: The subclass of `GenericRegisters` that defines
          the registers and flags of the machine.
        - ◑`__init__()`: See method docstring below.
        - `regs`: The current machine registers and flags.
        - `setregs()`: Set some or all machine registers and flags.

    def __init__(self):
        ''' The subclass `__init__()` should call `super().__init__()` and
            initialize memory, registers and flags. The registers and flags
            may be properties on this object itself or on a separate object
            in the `regsobj` property. Create and initialize properties for
            either the individual flags *or* the status register named by
            `Registers.srname`, but not both.
        self.symtab = SymTab()      # symtab initially empty

    def Registers(self):
        ''' The class defining the registers of the machine.

            This is typically a subclass of `GenericRegisters`, and the
            attribute can be defined most easily with a nested class
            declaration in the subclass:

                class Registers(GenericRegisters):
                    registers = (...)
                    srbits = (...)
                    srname = '...'      # optional

    def _regsobj(self):
        return getattr(self, 'regsobj', self)

    def regs(self):
        ''' A `Registers` instance containing the current values of the
            machine registers and flags.

            If the `regsobj` attribute has a value, the register values
            will be read from attributes on that object, otherwise they
            will be read from attributes on `self`.

            If `Registers` has an `srname` property *and* `regsobj`/`self`
            has the same property, the `Registers` object will be instiated
            with that property. Otherwise it will be instantiated with the
            indivdiual flags read from the `regsobj`/`self`.
        R = self.Registers
        srname = R()._srname()
        regsobj = self._regsobj()
        vals = {}
        for reg in R.registers:
            vals[] = getattr(regsobj,
        if srname and hasattr(regsobj, srname):
            vals[srname] = getattr(regsobj, srname)
            for flag in R.srbits:
                    vals[] = getattr(regsobj,
        return R(**vals)

    def setregs(self, r):
        ''' Given a `Registers` object, set the machine's registers and
            flags to the value of any non-`None` values in the `Registers`.

            If `Registers` has a status register name (`srname`) defined,
            that will be set on the target instead of the individual flags.
            This can be overridden by specifying `setsr=False`.
        setsr = r._srname() and hasattr(self._regsobj(), r._srname())
        r.set_attrs_on(self._regsobj(), setsr=setsr)

    #   Object code loading

    def load_memimage(self, memimage, setPC=False):
        ''' Load the given memimage. If `setPC` is `True` and
            `memimage` has an entry point, the machine's program counter
            will be set to that entry point. The entry point (or `None`)
            is always returned.
        for addr, data in memimage:
            self.deposit(addr, data)
        if memimage.entrypoint is not None:
        return memimage.entrypoint

    def load(self, path, mergestyle='prefcur', setPC=True):
        ''' Load the given file and, if available, symbols. If the file
            has an entry point it will be returned (otherwise `None`
            is returned) and, if `setPC` is `True`, the program counter
            will be set to that entry point.

            The symbol table for the binary, if available, will be merged
            with the machine's existing symbol table using `SymTab.merge()`
            with the given `mergestyle` (default ``prefcur`` to add new
            symbols only if they wouldn't override an existing symbol).

            The symbols file is loaded from the same directory and base
            filename as the input file. The types of files this understands
            * ``.p`` output from Macroassembler AS and its associated
              ``.map`` file.
            * ``.bin`` CoCo binary format and associated ASxxxx ``.rst``
              linker listing file.
        path = str(path)                    # We accept path-like objects
        if path.lower().endswith('.p'):
            #   Assume it's Macro Assembler AS output.
            image, symtab = self._load_asl(path)
            #   Assume it's the basename of ASxxxx toolchain output.
            #   (This should probably be changed to require something
            #   indicating this explicitly.)
            image, symtab = self._load_asxxxx(path)

        entrypoint = self.load_memimage(image, setPC)
        self.symtab.merge(symtab, style=mergestyle)
        return entrypoint

    def _load_asl(self, path):
        image = asl.parse_obj_fromfile(path)
        symtab = None
        mapfile_path = path[0:-2] + '.map'
            symtab = asl.parse_symtab_fromfile(mapfile_path)
        except FileNotFoundError as err:
            print('WARNING: could not read symbol table file from path ' \
                + mapfile_path, file=stderr)
            print('FileNotFoundError: ' + str(err), file=stderr)
        return image, symtab

    def _load_asxxxx(self, path):
        image = asxxxx.parse_cocobin_fromfile(path + '.bin')
            symtab = asxxxx.AxSymTab.readsymtabpath(path)
        except FileNotFoundError as err:
            print('WARNING: could not read symbol table file from path ' \
                + path, file=stderr)
            print('FileNotFoundError: ' + str(err), file=stderr)
        return image, symtab

    #   Execution - abstract methods

    def _RTS_opcodes(self):
        ''' Opcodes that execute an unconditional return from a called
            subroutine. This must be a `set()` or other object that
            supports the `|` operator for set union.

    def _ABORT_opcodes(self):
        ''' The default set of opcodes that should abort the execution of
            `call()`. This must be a `set()` or other object that supports
            the `|` operator for set union.

            Which opcode(s) you choose for this set will depend on both the
            CPU and the conventions of programming on that CPU. For example
            `BRK` is a reasonable abort default on 6502 because it's not
            often used as a call mechanism in 6502 programs, but that is
            not true for the very similar 6800 `SWI` instruction.

    def _getpc(self):
        ''' Efficiently return the current program counter value.

            The PC is checked very frequently by `stepto()`, `call()`, etc.
            and checking it via `regs` (which generates a new a Registers
            object each time it's called) slows down stepping by an order
            of magnitude compared to returning the PC value as directly
            as possible from the underlying simulator.

    def _getsp(self):
        ''' Efficiently return the current stack pointer register value.
            (This should be the register contents, not the address, if they
            differ.) See `_getpc()` for further information.

    def _step(self):
        ' Execute current opcode (and its arguments), updating machine state. '

    def pushretaddr(self, addr):
        ''' Push return address `addr` on to the stack, such that an RTS
            will return to this address.

    def getretaddr(self):
        ' Return the address at the top of the stack that RTS would use. '

    #   Execution - implementation

    #   Default maximum number of opcodes to execute when using stepto(),
    #   call() and related functions. Even on a relatively slow modern
    #   machine, 100,000 opcodes should terminate within a few seconds.
    MAXSTEPS = 100000

    def step(self, count=1, *, trace=False):
        ''' Execute `count` instructions (default 1).

            If `trace` is `True`, the current machine state and instruction
            about to be executed will be printed before executing the step.

            XXX This should check for stack under/overflow.
        for _ in repeat(None, count):
            if trace: print(self.traceline())

    def stepto(self, *, stopat=set(), stopon=set(), trace=False,
        maxsteps=MAXSTEPS, raisetimeout=True):
        ''' Step an opcode and then continue until an address in `stopat`
            or an opcode in `stopon` is reached, or until we have done
            `maxsteps`. (At least one opcode is always executed.) Return
            the number of steps executed.

            An attempt to exceed `maxsteps` will raise a `Timeout`
            exception; if you want to run just a specific number of steps
            use `step()` instead. Any other stop condition simply returns.

            `stopat` and `stopon` are checked to ensure that they are
            `` instances.
        assert isinstance(stopat, Container), \
            "'stopat' must be a"
        assert isinstance(stopon, Container), \
            "'stopon' must be a"

        remaining = maxsteps - 1
        while True:
            pc = self._getpc()
            if pc in stopat or self.byte(pc) in stopon:
            if remaining <= 0:
                if raisetimeout:
                    return maxsteps
            remaining -= 1
        return maxsteps - remaining

    def _raiseTimeout(self, n):
        raise self.Timeout(
            'Timeout after {} opcodes: {} opcode={}' \
            .format(n, self.regs, self.byte(self._getpc())))

    def call(self, addr, regs=None, *, retaddr=0xFFFD,
            stopat=None, stopon=None, maxsteps=MAXSTEPS, trace=False):
        ''' Set the given registers, push `retaddr` on the stack, and start
            execution at `addr`. Execution stops when:
            - `maxsteps` instructions have been executed, raising `Timeout`,
            - an opcode in `stopon` is about to be executed, raising `Abort`,
            - an `RTS` is about to be executed and either the return address on
              the stack is `retaddr` or the SP is the starting SP after
              call()'s initial push of `retaddr`. If both are the case this
              function returns normally, otherwise it raises

            On successful exit:
            - The program counter will be left at the final (unexecuted) RTS
              opcode. Thus, unlike `step()`, this may execute no opcodes if the
              PC is initially pointing to an RTS or an instruction in the abort
            - The stack pointer, however, will be restored to the value before
              call() pushed the sentinel return address `retaddr`. This avoids
              overflowing the stack if call() is used multiple times on a
              single Machine instance.

            Default parameter values are:
            - Stack pointer: the the `Machine.Registers`'s default initial
              stack pointer value, which should have been set to something
              usable at initialization.
            - `retaddr`: an address unlikely to be a valid return address,
              such as one within the CPU's vector table.
            - `stopon`: the set of instructions in `_ABORT_opcodes`.
            - `trace`: False; `step()` tracing will be enabled if True.

            `addr` may be set to `None` to use the program counter in
            `regs`, but will aways override the `regs` PC otherwise.
        if regs is None: regs = self.Registers()

        if addr is not None:
            #   `addr` always overrides the PC in `regs`, but `addr`
            #   may be explicitly set to `None` to use it.

        if stopat is None:  stopat = set()

        if stopon is None:                      stopon = self._ABORT_opcodes
        if not isinstance(stopon, Container):   stopon = (stopon,)
        stopon = set(stopon)                    # should be faster lookup

        allstopon = self._RTS_opcodes | set(stopon)
        maxremain = maxsteps
        initsp = self._getsp()
        while True:
            pc = self._getpc()
            if pc in stopat:  return
            opcode = self.byte(pc)
            if maxremain <= 0:
            if opcode in stopon:
                raise self.Abort('Abort on opcode=${:02X}: {}' \
                    .format(self.byte(pc), self.regs))
            if opcode in self._RTS_opcodes:
                isretsp   = self._getsp() == initsp
                isretaddr = self.getretaddr() == retaddr
                if isretsp or isretaddr:
                    if isretsp and isretaddr:
                        #   Restore stack pointer to original value.
                    #   We considered making this a warning, but it most likely
                    #   indicates a problem with the code under test and, when
                    #   it's expected, it can fairly easily be caught.
                    raise self.UnexpectedCallStack('initsp={:04X} sp={:04X}'
                        ' retaddr={:04X} spretaddr={:04X}'
                        .format(initsp, self._getsp(), retaddr,
            maxremain -= self.stepto(stopat=stopat, stopon=allstopon,
                maxsteps=maxremain, raisetimeout=False, trace=trace)

    #   Tracing and similar information

    class Timeout(RuntimeError):
        ' The emulator ran longer than requested. '

    class Abort(RuntimeError):
        ' The emulator encoutered an instruction on which to abort.'

    class UnexpectedCallStack(RuntimeError):
        ''' The stack after a call() was in an unpexected state, either:
            * Stack pointer at return was not stack pointer at call
              (return address was not taken from where it was pushed); or
            * Return address at call stack pointer was changed.

    def traceline(self):
        ''' Return a line of tracing information about the current step of
            the execution. This just prints the current registers and
            opcode; it could be extended to print stack or other
            information as well.
        #   Ideally this could do some proper disassembly and print a bit
        #   of the stack as well. Printing the stack might also want somehow
        #   to indicate where the stack started at the beginning of the test.
        return '{} {}'.format(self.regs, self.disasm())

    def disasm(self):
        ''' Return a human-readable representation of the current instruction
            at the PC. The default implementation just prints the hex opcode;
            typically this will be overridden with a function that returns
            a nicer disassembly.
        return 'opcode={:02X}'.format(self.byte(self.regs.pc))

    #   Utilities for use by test modules

    def rs(cls, objfile):
        ''' Return a pair ``(R,S)`` of the `Registers` for this machine and
            the `symtab` that results from loading `objfile`.
        m = cls()
        return m.Registers, m.symtab