Beispiel #1
def sync_object_and_role(adcm, fields: dict) -> dict:
    """Sync `object` and `role` fields in Policy data"""
    from tests.api.utils.endpoints import Endpoints
    from tests.api.testdata.getters import get_endpoint_data

    if 'role' not in fields or 'object' not in fields:
        return fields

    new_fields = deepcopy(fields)
    role_id = new_fields['role']['id']
    role = next(
        filter(lambda r: r['id'] == role_id,
               get_endpoint_data(adcm, Endpoints.RbacAnyRole)), None)
    if role is None:
        return new_fields

    new_fields['object'] = []
    for object_type in role['parametrized_by_type']:
        role_object = random.choice(
            role_object.get("name", role_object.get("fqdn")),

    return new_fields
Beispiel #2
 def _get_or_create_multiple_data_for_endpoint(self, endpoint: Endpoints, count: int):
     Method for multiple data creation for given endpoint.
     For each object new object chain will be created.
     If endpoint does not allow data creation of any kind (POST, indirect creation, etc.)
     method will proceed without data creation or errors
     IMPORTANT: Class context _available_fkeys and _used_fkeys
                will be relevant only for the last object in set
     for data_class in endpoint.data_class.predefined_dependencies:
         if f"{Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class).path}/{{id}}" in endpoint.path:
             endpoint_data = self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class))
             endpoint.path = endpoint.path.format(id=str(endpoint_data[0]["id"]))
             self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class), force=True)
     current_ep_data = get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=endpoint)
     if len(current_ep_data) < count:
         for _ in range(count - len(current_ep_data)):
             with allure.step(f"Create {endpoint.path} data"):
                 if len(get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=endpoint)) > count:
Beispiel #3
def sync_child_roles_hierarchy(adcm, fields: dict):
    """Child roles can be only in infrastructure or application hierarchy"""
    from tests.api.utils.endpoints import Endpoints
    from tests.api.testdata.getters import get_endpoint_data

    if "child" not in fields:
        return fields

    child_list = fields.get("child")

    if not child_list or len(child_list) == 1:
        return fields

    def _role_by_id(roles, role_id):
        return next(filter(lambda x: role_id == x["id"], roles))

    def _has_correct_parametrization(role,
                                     allowed_parametrization: Tuple[str]):
        types = _role_by_id(all_roles, role["id"])["parametrized_by_type"]
        return all(role_type in allowed_parametrization for role_type in types)

    all_roles = get_endpoint_data(adcm, endpoint=Endpoints.RbacBusinessRole)
    for role in child_list:
        role_obj = _role_by_id(all_roles, role["id"])
        if parametrization := role_obj["parametrized_by_type"]:
            first_parametrized_child = parametrization
Beispiel #4
 def _get_new_id_by_type(self, prev_id: int, key_type: str, api_wrapper: ADCMTestApiWrapper) -> int:
     Get new item by type name (when type name can be converted directly to endpoint).
     ! This method isn't universal, it was originally made for resolving generic keys for "object" in RBAC Policy !
     ! api_wrapper is instance of tests.api.utils.api_objects.ADCMTestApiWrapper !
     endpoint = Endpoints[key_type.lower().capitalize()]
     new_item = next(filter(lambda x: x['id'] != prev_id, get_endpoint_data(api_wrapper, endpoint)), None)
     if new_item is None:
         raise ValueError(f'Failed to find new generic foreign key id for type {key_type}')
     return new_item['id']
Beispiel #5
    def _get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(self, endpoint: Endpoints, force=False, prepare_data_only=False):
        Get data for endpoint with data preparation
        for data_class in endpoint.data_class.predefined_dependencies:
            # If this is 'object' endpoint (for example, group-config/{id}/host)
            # we don't force create object and try to get one (first) of current created
            if f"{Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class).path}/{{id}}" in endpoint.path:
                endpoint_data = self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class))
                endpoint.path = endpoint.path.format(id=str(endpoint_data[0]["id"]))
            # else force create depended endpoint object
                self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class), force=True)

        if force and not prepare_data_only and Methods.POST not in endpoint.methods:
            if current_ep_data := get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=endpoint):
                return current_ep_data
            raise ValueError(
                f"Force data creation is not available for {endpoint.path} and there is no any existing data"
Beispiel #6
 def _prepare_field_value_for_object_creation(self, field, force=False):
     if is_fk_field(field):
         fk_endpoint = Endpoints.get_by_data_class(field.f_type.fk_link)
         fk_data = None
         if "{id}" not in fk_endpoint.path:
             fk_data = get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=fk_endpoint)
         if not fk_data or force:
             if fk_endpoint in self._endpoints_stack and not field.required:
                 return []
             fk_data = self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=fk_endpoint, force=force)
         return self._choose_fk_field_value(field=field, fk_data=fk_data)
     if isinstance(field.f_type, GenericForeignKeyList):
         return field.f_type.payload
     return self._generate_field_value(field=field)
Beispiel #7
 def generate_new_value_for_unchangeable_fk_field(self, f_type, current_field_value):
     """Generate new value for unchangeable fk fields"""
     if not isinstance(f_type, ForeignKey):
         raise ValueError("Field type is not ForeignKey")
     new_objects = get_endpoint_data(self.adcm, Endpoints.get_by_data_class(f_type.fk_link))
     if len(new_objects) == 1:
         with assume_step(f'Data creation is not available for {f_type.fk_link}', exception=ValueError):
             new_objects = self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(
                 endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(f_type.fk_link), force=True
     valid_new_objects = [obj for obj in new_objects if obj["id"] != current_field_value]
     if valid_new_objects:
         return valid_new_objects[0]["id"]
     with allure.step("Failed to create new data. Returning a non-existent object"):
         return 42
Beispiel #8
    def _solve_field_relations(self, endpoint: Endpoints, data: dict, field: Field, force=False):
        If field has relations, relate logic should be described in this place
        _data = deepcopy(data)
        related_field_name =
        # if related field doesn't exist, create it
        if not field.f_type.relates_on.data_class:
            if related_field_name not in _data:
                _data[related_field_name] = self._prepare_field_value_for_object_creation(
                    field=field.f_type.relates_on.field, force=force

        if endpoint == Endpoints.GroupConfig:
            if == "object_id":
                field.f_type.fk_link = Endpoints.get_by_path(_data[related_field_name]).data_class

        elif endpoint == Endpoints.ConfigLog:
            # Skip initial ADCM object because ADCM config object has validation rules
            if _data[related_field_name] == 1:
                _data[related_field_name] = 2
            if in ["config", "attr"]:
                current_config_log = [
                    for data in get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=endpoint)
                    if data[related_field_name] == _data[related_field_name]
                field.f_type.schema = build_schema_by_json(current_config_log[])

        elif endpoint in (Endpoints.RbacNotBuiltInPolicy, Endpoints.RbacBuiltInPolicy):
            if == "object":
                role_fk = _data[related_field_name]
                role = get_object_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=endpoint.RbacAnyRole, object_id=role_fk)
                field.f_type.payload = [
                        "id": self._get_adcm_object_id_by_object_type(object_type),
                        "type": object_type,
                    for object_type in role["parametrized_by_type"]
                _data[] = field.f_type.payload

            raise NotImplementedError(f"Relations logic needs to be implemented for {endpoint} for field {}")

        return _data, field
Beispiel #9
class DbFiller:
    """Utils to prepare data in DB before test"""

    __slots__ = ("adcm", "_available_fkeys", "_used_fkeys", "_endpoints_stack")

    def __init__(self, adcm: ADCMTestApiWrapper):
        self.adcm = adcm
        self._available_fkeys = defaultdict(set)
        self._used_fkeys = {}
        self._endpoints_stack = []

    @allure.step("Generate valid request data")
    def generate_valid_request_data(self, endpoint: Endpoints, method: Methods) -> dict:
        Return valid request body and url params for endpoint and method combination
        if method == Methods.POST:
            return {
                "data": self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(
                "url_params": {},

        if method == Methods.LIST:
            self._get_or_create_multiple_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=endpoint, count=3)
            return {"data": None, "url_params": {}}

        full_item = get_object_data(

        if method in (Methods.GET, Methods.DELETE):
            return {"data": None, "url_params": {}, "object_id": full_item["id"]}

        if method in (Methods.PUT, Methods.PATCH):
            changed_fields = {}
            for field in get_fields(endpoint.data_class, predicate=lambda x: x.changeable):
                if isinstance(field.f_type, ForeignKey):
                    fk_data = self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(
                        endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(field.f_type.fk_link), force=True
                    if isinstance(field.f_type, ForeignKeyM2M):
                        changed_fields[] = [{"id": el["id"]} for el in fk_data]
                    elif isinstance(field.f_type, ObjectForeignKey):
                        changed_fields[] = {"id": fk_data[0]["id"]}
                        changed_fields[] = fk_data[0]["id"]
                elif != "id":
                    changed_fields[] = self._generate_field_value(
                        field=field, old_value=full_item[]
            if getattr(endpoint.data_class, 'dependable_fields_sync', None):
                changed_fields = endpoint.data_class.dependable_fields_sync(self.adcm, changed_fields)
            result = {
                "full_item": full_item.copy(),
                "changed_fields": changed_fields,
                "url_params": {},
                "object_id": full_item["id"],
            result["data"] = full_item
            return result
        raise ValueError(f"No such method {method}")

    def _clear_context(self):
        Clear the current db filler context
        It should be called after an endpoint's data generation cycle
        self._available_fkeys = defaultdict(set)
        self._used_fkeys = {}
        self._endpoints_stack = []

    def _get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(self, endpoint: Endpoints, force=False, prepare_data_only=False):
        Get data for endpoint with data preparation
        for data_class in endpoint.data_class.predefined_dependencies:
            # If this is 'object' endpoint (for example, group-config/{id}/host)
            # we don't force create object and try to get one (first) of current created
            if f"{Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class).path}/{{id}}" in endpoint.path:
                endpoint_data = self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class))
                endpoint.path = endpoint.path.format(id=str(endpoint_data[0]["id"]))
            # else force create depended endpoint object
                self._get_or_create_data_for_endpoint(endpoint=Endpoints.get_by_data_class(data_class), force=True)

        if force and not prepare_data_only and Methods.POST not in endpoint.methods:
            if current_ep_data := get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=endpoint):
                return current_ep_data
            raise ValueError(
                f"Force data creation is not available for {endpoint.path} and there is no any existing data"

        if not force and (current_ep_data := get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=endpoint)):
            # try to fetch data from current endpoint
            return current_ep_data
Beispiel #10
 def _get_adcm_object_id_by_object_type(
     self, object_type: Literal["cluster", "service", "component", "provider", "host"]
 ) -> int:
     """Get random created object by given type"""
     return random.choice(get_endpoint_data(adcm=self.adcm, endpoint=Endpoints[object_type.capitalize()]))["id"]