Beispiel #1
async def test_activity_mounting(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    mountwatcher = AutomountWatcherStub()
    rsync = RsyncRunnerStub()
    backupdir = BackupDirectoryStub()
    act = BackupRestoreMainActivity(ovshell, mountwatcher, rsync, backupdir)
    w = act.create()

    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "Please insert USB storage" in urwid_mock.render(w)

    # WHEN
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # THEN
    assert "This app allows to copy files to and from USB stick" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "No files to restore." in urwid_mock.render(w)

    # WHEN
    backupdir.backed_up_files = ["file_one", "file_two"]
    assert "file_one" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "file_two" in urwid_mock.render(w)
Beispiel #2
def test_pop_activity() -> None:
    # GIVEN
    # Create a basic palette and an urwid main loop - we are messing with the internal
    # implementation of palette handling.
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    palette = [
        ("text", "white", "black", ""),
    asyncioloop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    evl = urwid.AsyncioEventLoop(loop=asyncioloop)
    mainloop = urwid.MainLoop(None, palette=palette, event_loop=evl)

    screen = ScreenManagerImpl(mainloop)
    act1 = ActivityStub("Activity One")
    act2 = ActivityStub("Activity Two")

    assert "Activity Two" in urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)

    # WHEN

    # THEN
    assert "Activity One" in urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)
    assert act2.activated == 1
    assert act2.destroyed == 1
    assert act2.shown == 1
    assert act2.hidden == 1

    assert act1.activated == 1
    assert act1.shown == 2
    assert act1.hidden == 1
Beispiel #3
async def test_restore_cancel(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    rsync = RsyncRunnerStub()
    rsync.progress = [
        RsyncStatusLine(0, 0, "0 KB/s", "00:01:00", None),
        RsyncStatusLine(2000, 23, "15 KB/s", "01:28:20", None),
        RsyncStatusLine(12000, 85, "12 KB/s", "03:29:12", None),
    act = RestoreActivity(ovshell, rsync, "/backup_src", "/backup_dest")

    w = act.create()

    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "0% | 0.0 B   | 0 KB/s | 00:01:00" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # press the cancel button
    assert "Cancel" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])

    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "Restore was cancelled." in urwid_mock.render(w)

    # close the activity
    assert "Close" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])
    assert ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity() is None
Beispiel #4
async def test_restore_failure(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    rsync = RsyncRunnerStub()
    rsync.progress = [
        RsyncStatusLine(0, 0, "0 KB/s", "00:01:00", None),
        RsyncFailedException(255, "Expected failure"),
    act = RestoreActivity(ovshell, rsync, "/backup_src", "/backup_dest")

    w = act.create()

    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "0% | 0.0 B   | 0 KB/s | 00:01:00" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # rsync should fail at this point
    assert "Restore has failed (error code: 255)." in urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "Expected failure" in urwid_mock.render(w)

    # close the activity
    assert "Close" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])
    assert ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity() is None
Beispiel #5
    def test_wizard_go_through(self,
                               ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
        # GIVEN
        urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
        act = setupapp.SetupActivity(ovshell, "test")
        w = act.create()

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "Setup wizard" in rendered
        assert "his wizard will guide you through" in rendered
        urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "Device orientation" in rendered
        urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "Touch screen calibration" in rendered
        urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "Sensor calibration" in rendered
        urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "Setup is complete" in rendered

        urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])
        assert ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity() is None
Beispiel #6
async def test_activity_no_updates(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    act = CheckForUpdatesActivity(ovshell, OpkgToolsStub())
    wdg = act.create()

    # First render starts the command
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    assert "System update" in view
    assert "Checking for updates..." in view

    # Second render shows the output
    await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    assert "Checking for updates..." in view

    # Fourth render renders the finished command
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    await ovshell.screen.stub_wait_for_tasks(act)
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    assert "No updates found" in view

    assert "Exit" in view
    urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["enter"])
    assert ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity() is None
Beispiel #7
async def test_mainmenu_autostart_timeout(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub,
                                          nosleep: None) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    app = MockApp()
    ovshell.apps.stub_add_app("mockapp", app, MockExtension())
    ovshell.settings.set("ovshell.autostart_app", "mockapp")
    ovshell.settings.set("ovshell.autostart_timeout", 3)
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell)
    w = act.create()

    # WHEN
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # THEN
    rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)

    assert "Starting Mock App in" in rendered
    assert "Press any button to cancel" in rendered

    # Let the countdown finish
    assert act.autostart_countdown_task is not None
    await act.autostart_countdown_task
    rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "Press any button to cancel" not in rendered
    assert app.launched
Beispiel #8
async def test_activity_fs_mounting(
    activity_testbed: LogDownloaderActivityTestbed, ) -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    w = activity_testbed.activity.create()
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "Please insert USB storage" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "Mounting USB storage..." in urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "Please insert USB storage" in urwid_mock.render(w)
Beispiel #9
def test_set_indicator_simple() -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    mainloop = mock.Mock(urwid.MainLoop)
    screen = ScreenManagerImpl(mainloop)

    screen.set_indicator("test", "Hello World", api.IndicatorLocation.LEFT, 0)

    view = urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)
    assert "Hello World" in view

    view = urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)
    assert "Hello World" not in view
Beispiel #10
async def _until(
    wdg: urwid.Widget, predicate: Callable[[str], bool], timeout: float = 0.05
) -> str:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    step = 0.01
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    time = timeout
    while not predicate(view):
        await asyncio.sleep(step)
        time -= step
        if time < 0:
            raise TimeoutError()
        view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    return view
Beispiel #11
    def test_switch_orientation(self,
                                ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
        # GIVEN
        urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
        step = setupapp.OrientationWizardStep(ovshell)
        root = Path(ovshell.os.path("//"))
        root.joinpath("sys", "class", "graphics", "fbcon").mkdir(parents=True)
        with open(root / "boot" / "config.uEnv", "w") as f:

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(step)
        assert "Skip" in rendered
        assert "Landscape" in rendered
        assert "Portrait" in rendered

        # WHEN
        urwid_mock.keypress(step, ["down", "down", "enter"])

        # THEN
        with open(ovshell.os.path("//sys/class/graphics/fbcon/rotate_all"),
                  "r") as f:
            writtenrot =

        assert writtenrot == "3"

        setting = ovshell.settings.getstrict("core.screen_orientation", str)
        assert setting == "1"
Beispiel #12
    async def test_success(self, ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
        # GIVEN
        urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
        act = setupapp.CommandRunnerActivity(ovshell, "Test", "Running test",
                                             "cmd", [])
        w = act.create()

        assert "Test" in urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "Running test" in urwid_mock.render(w)

        # WHEN
        await ovshell.screen.stub_wait_for_tasks(act)

        # THEN
        assert ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity() is None
Beispiel #13
def test_activity_initial_view(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    act = CheckForUpdatesActivity(ovshell, OpkgToolsStub())

    # WHEN
    wdg = act.create()
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)

    # THEN
    assert "System update" in view
Beispiel #14
async def test_activity_unmount(
    activity_testbed: LogDownloaderActivityTestbed, ) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    activity_testbed.downloader.stub_files = [
        FileInfo("two.igc", ".igc", size=20000, mtime=0, downloaded=False)
    w = activity_testbed.activity.create()

    # Let mount watcher detect start
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert activity_testbed.mountwatcher.stub_running

    assert "two.igc" in urwid_mock.render(w)

    # WHEN
    assert "Please insert USB storage" in urwid_mock.render(w)
Beispiel #15
def test_mainmenu_start_initial(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell)

    # WHEN
    w = act.create()

    # THEN
    rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "Main Menu" in rendered
    assert "Applications" in rendered
    assert "Settings" in rendered
Beispiel #16
async def test_full_upgrade(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    opkgstub = OpkgToolsStub(
            UpgradablePackage("package-one", "1", "1.1"),
            UpgradablePackage("package-two", "2.4", "4.3"),
    act = CheckForUpdatesActivity(ovshell, opkgstub)
    wdg = act.create()

    view = await _until(wdg, lambda v: "upgradable packages found" in v)
    assert "2  upgradable packages found" in view
    assert "Continue" in view

    urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["enter"])
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    assert "[ ] package-one                    1            1.1" in view
    assert "[ ] package-two                    2.4          4.3" in view

    # Press select all
    urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["enter"])
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    assert "[X] package-one" in view
    assert "[X] package-two" in view

    # Press "Upgrade"
    urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["right", "enter"])

    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    assert "Upgrading packages..." in view

    view = await _until(wdg, lambda v: "Upgrade completed!" in v)
    assert "Exit" in view

    # Press Exit
    urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["enter"])
    assert ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity() is None
Beispiel #17
def test_push_activity() -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    mainloop = mock.Mock(name="MainLoop")
    screen = ScreenManagerImpl(mainloop)
    act = ActivityStub("Stub Activity")

    # WHEN

    # THEN
    act.activated == 1
    view = urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)
    assert "Stub Activity" in view
Beispiel #18
async def test_mainmenu_autostart_cancel(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub,
                                         nosleep: None) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    app = MockApp()
    ovshell.settings.set("ovshell.autostart_timeout", 3)
    ovshell.apps.stub_add_app("mockapp", app, MockExtension())
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell, "mockapp")
    w = act.create()
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "Press any button to cancel" in urwid_mock.render(w)

    # WHEN
    urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["esc"])
    await asyncio.sleep(0)

    # THEN
    rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "Press any button to cancel" not in rendered
    assert act.autostart_countdown_task is not None
    assert act.autostart_countdown_task.cancelled()
Beispiel #19
async def test_activity_download_error(
    activity_testbed: LogDownloaderActivityTestbed, ) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    activity_testbed.downloader.stub_files = [
        FileInfo("two.igc", ".igc", size=20000, mtime=0, downloaded=False)
    w = activity_testbed.activity.create()
    activity_testbed.downloader.failing = True

    # WHEN
    urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["down", "enter"])

    # THEN
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "0 %" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "50 %" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    await asyncio.sleep(0)
    assert "Failed" in urwid_mock.render(w)
Beispiel #20
async def test_backup_act_create(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    rsync = RsyncRunnerStub()
    act = BackupActivity(ovshell, rsync, "/backup_src", "/backup_dest")

    # WHEN
    w = act.create()

    # THEN
    rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
    assert "Backup" in rendered
    assert "Copying files from Openvario to USB stick..." in rendered
    assert "Cancel" in rendered
Beispiel #21
def test_set_indicator_ordering() -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    mainloop = mock.Mock(urwid.MainLoop)
    screen = ScreenManagerImpl(mainloop)
    screen.set_indicator("3", "Three", api.IndicatorLocation.RIGHT, 3)
    screen.set_indicator("1", "One", api.IndicatorLocation.RIGHT, 1)
    screen.set_indicator("2", ["T", "w", "o"], api.IndicatorLocation.RIGHT, 2)

    # WHEN
    view = urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)

    # THEN
    assert "One Two Three" in view
Beispiel #22
    async def test_wizard_diplay(self,
                                 ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
        # GIVEN
        urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
        sys_info_stub = SystemInfoStub()
        sys_info_stub.pkg_versions = {"xcsoar-testing": "7.0.0-preview15"}
        act = aboutapp.AboutActivity(ovshell)
        act.sys_info = sys_info_stub
        w = act.create()

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "About Openvario" in rendered
        assert "..." in rendered  # versions are not populated initially

        # WHEN
        # wait for all versions to be fetched
        await ovshell.screen.stub_wait_for_tasks(act)

        rendered = urwid_mock.render(w)
        assert "..." not in rendered
        assert "N/A" in rendered
        assert "7.0.0-preview15" in rendered
        assert "00000 (stub)" in rendered
Beispiel #23
def test_push_dialog() -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    mainloop = mock.Mock(name="MainLoop")
    mainloop.screen._palette = {}
    screen = ScreenManagerImpl(mainloop)
    act1 = ActivityStub("Main Activity")

    # WHEN
    dialog = screen.push_dialog("Dialog Title", urwid.Text("Dialog content"))
    dialog.add_button("Nevermind", lambda: False)
    dialog.add_button("Close", lambda: True)

    # THEN
    view = urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)
    assert "Dialog Title" in view
    assert "Dialog content" in view
    assert "Close" in view
    assert "Nevermind" in view

    # WHEN
    # Click the default button (Nevermind)
    urwid_mock.keypress(mainloop.widget, ["enter"])

    # THEN
    # Dialog did not close
    assert "Dialog Title" in urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)

    # WHEN
    # Click the "close" button
    urwid_mock.keypress(mainloop.widget, ["right", "enter"])

    # THEN
    # Dialog closed
    assert "Dialog Title" not in urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)
Beispiel #24
def test_push_modal() -> None:
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    mainloop = mock.Mock(name="MainLoop")
    mainloop.screen._palette = {}
    screen = ScreenManagerImpl(mainloop)
    act1 = ActivityStub("Activity One")

    # WHEN
        ActivityStub("Modal Activity"),
        api.ModalOptions(align="center", width=20, valign="top", height=3),

    # THEN
    # Modal activity does not obscure the main view
    view = urwid_mock.render(mainloop.widget)
    assert "Modal Activity" in view
    assert "Activity One" in view
Beispiel #25
async def test_activity_backup(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    mountwatcher = AutomountWatcherStub()
    rsync = RsyncRunnerStub()
    backupdir = BackupDirectoryStub()
    act = BackupRestoreMainActivity(ovshell, mountwatcher, rsync, backupdir)
    w = act.create()

    # WHEN
    # Press the default button (Backup)
    assert "Backup" in urwid_mock.render(w)
    urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["enter"])

    # THEN
    pact = ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity()
    assert isinstance(pact, BackupActivity)
Beispiel #26
    async def test_password_input(self, ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
        urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
        fields = {"Passphrase": {"Type": "psk", "Requirement": "mandatory"}}
        act = ConnmanInputActivity(ovshell.screen, self.service, fields)

        wdg = act.create()
        rendered = urwid_mock.render(wdg)

        assert "Sample Service" in rendered
        assert "Passphrase" in rendered
        assert "Confirm" in rendered

        # Enter a password
        urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["5", "e", "c", "r", "e", "t"])
        urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["down", "enter"])

        res = await act.done
        assert res == {"Passphrase": "5ecret"}
def test_PackageSelectionWidget_select_some(
    ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub, ) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    packages = [
        UpgradablePackage("package-one", "1", "1.1"),
        UpgradablePackage("package-two", "2.4", "4.3"),
    wdg = PackageSelectionWidget(packages, ovshell.screen)

    # WHEN
    # select and deselect package-one, then select package-two
    urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["down", "enter", "enter", "down", "enter"])

    # THEN
    view = urwid_mock.render(wdg)
    assert "[ ] package-one" in view
    assert "[X] package-two" in view
    assert wdg.selected == {"package-two"}
async def test_PackageSelectionWidget_nothing_selected(
    ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub, ) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    packages = [
        UpgradablePackage("package-one", "1", "1.1"),
        UpgradablePackage("package-two", "2.4", "4.3"),

    wdg = PackageSelectionWidget(packages, ovshell.screen)
    assert "Upgrade" in urwid_mock.render(wdg)

    # WHEN
    # Press "Upgrade" button without selecting anything
    urwid_mock.keypress(wdg, ["right", "enter"])

    # THEN
    dialog = ovshell.screen.stub_dialog()
    assert dialog is not None
    assert dialog.title == "Nothing to upgrade"
    assert dialog.content.text == "Please select one or more packages to upgrade."
Beispiel #29
    async def test_failure(self, ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
        # GIVEN
        urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
        act = setupapp.CommandRunnerActivity(ovshell, "Test", "Running test",
                                             "cmd", [])
        ovshell.os.stub_expect_run(2, stderr=b"Error happened")

        # WHEN
        await ovshell.screen.stub_wait_for_tasks(act)

        # THEN
        dialog = ovshell.screen.stub_dialog()
        assert dialog is not None
        assert dialog.title == "Test"
        assert "Error happened" in urwid_mock.render(dialog.content)
        closed = dialog.stub_press_button("Close")
        assert closed
        assert self.completed
Beispiel #30
def test_mainmenu_exit(ovshell: testing.OpenVarioShellStub) -> None:
    # GIVEN
    urwid_mock = UrwidMock()
    act = MainMenuActivity(ovshell)
    w = act.create()

    # WHEN
    urwid_mock.keypress(w, ["esc"])

    # THEN
    quitdialog = ovshell.screen.stub_dialog()
    assert quitdialog is not None
    assert quitdialog.title == "Shut Down?"

    # Perform the shut down
    closed = quitdialog.stub_press_button("Shut Down")
    assert not closed
    finalact = ovshell.screen.stub_top_activity()
    assert finalact is not None
    rendered = urwid_mock.render(finalact.create())
    assert "Openvario shutting down..." in rendered
    assert "OS: Shut down" in ovshell.get_stub_log()