Beispiel #1
    def test_list(self, mockable_context_envs_dirs):
        mockable_context_envs_dirs.return_value = (self.tmpdir, )
        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list -r --json')
            isinstance(res, list)
            or (isinstance(res, dict) and 'error' in res))

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list ipython --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command(
            'conda list --name nonexistent --json')
        assert json.loads(
            stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'EnvironmentLocationNotFound'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command(
            'conda list --name nonexistent --revisions --json')
        assert json.loads(
            stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'EnvironmentLocationNotFound'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        assert mockable_context_envs_dirs.call_count > 0
Beispiel #2
    def test_list(self):
        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list -r --json')
            isinstance(res, list)
            or (isinstance(res, dict) and 'error' in res))

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list ipython --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command(
            'conda list --name nonexistent --json')
        assert json.loads(
            stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'EnvironmentLocationNotFound'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command(
            'conda list --name nonexistent --revisions --json')
        assert json.loads(
            stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'EnvironmentLocationNotFound'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0
Beispiel #3
 def test_compare(self, mockable_context_envs_dirs):
     mockable_context_envs_dirs.return_value = (self.tmpdir,)
     stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda compare --name nonexistent tempfile.rc --json')
     assert json.loads(stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'EnvironmentLocationNotFound'
     assert stderr == ''
     assert rc > 0
     assert mockable_context_envs_dirs.call_count > 0
Beispiel #4
    def test_run_returns_nonzero_errorlevel(self):
        from tests.test_create import make_temp_env
        from tests.test_create import make_temp_prefix

        prefix = make_temp_prefix(name='test')
        with make_temp_env(prefix=prefix) as prefix:
            stdout, stderr, result = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda run -p "{}" exit 5'.format(prefix))

            assert result == 5
Beispiel #5
    def test_run_returns_int(self):
        from tests.test_create import make_temp_env
        from tests.test_create import make_temp_prefix

        prefix = make_temp_prefix(name='test')
        with make_temp_env(prefix=prefix):
            stdout, stderr, result = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda run -p {} echo hi'.format(prefix))

            assert isinstance(result, int)
Beispiel #6
    def test_list(self):
        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list -r --json')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list) or
                        (isinstance(res, dict) and 'error' in res))

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list ipython --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda list --name nonexistent --json')
        assert json.loads(stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'CondaEnvironmentNotFoundError'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda list --name nonexistent --revisions --json')
        assert json.loads(stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'CondaEnvironmentNotFoundError'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0
Beispiel #7
    def test_search_0(self):
        with captured():
            res = capture_json_with_argv('conda search --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'], list)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'][0], dict)
        keys = ('build', 'channel', 'fn', 'version')
        for key in keys:
            self.assertIn(key, res['conda'][0])

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda search * --json')
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc is None
Beispiel #8
    def test_search_0(self):
        with captured():
            res = capture_json_with_argv('conda search --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'], list)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'][0], dict)
        keys = ('build', 'channel', 'fn', 'version')
        for key in keys:
            self.assertIn(key, res['conda'][0])

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda search * --json')
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc is None
Beispiel #9
    def test_list(self, mockable_context_envs_dirs):
        mockable_context_envs_dirs.return_value = (self.tmpdir,)
        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list -r --json')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(res, list) or
                        (isinstance(res, dict) and 'error' in res))

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda list ipython --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda list --name nonexistent --json')
        assert json.loads(stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'EnvironmentLocationNotFound'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda list --name nonexistent --revisions --json')
        assert json.loads(stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'EnvironmentLocationNotFound'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        assert mockable_context_envs_dirs.call_count > 0
Beispiel #10
    def test_run_uncaptured(self, capfd):
        from tests.test_create import make_temp_env
        from tests.test_create import make_temp_prefix

        prefix = make_temp_prefix(name='test')
        with make_temp_env(prefix=prefix):
            random_text = uuid.uuid4().hex
            stdout, stderr, result = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda run -p {} --no-capture-output echo {}'.format(prefix, random_text))

            assert result == 0
            # Output is not captured
            assert stdout == ""

            # Check that the expected output is somewhere between the conda logs
            captured = capfd.readouterr()
            assert random_text in captured.out
Beispiel #11
    def test_search(self):
        with captured():
            res = capture_json_with_argv('conda search --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'], list)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'][0], dict)
        keys = ('build', 'channel', 'extracted', 'features', 'fn',
                'installed', 'version')
        for key in keys:
            self.assertIn(key, res['conda'][0])

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda search * --json')
        assert json.loads(stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'CommandArgumentError'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda search --canonical --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)
        self.assertIsInstance(res[0], text_type)
Beispiel #12
    def test_search_0(self):
        with captured():
            res = capture_json_with_argv('conda search --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'], list)
        self.assertIsInstance(res['conda'][0], dict)
        keys = ('build', 'channel', 'extracted', 'features', 'fn',
                'installed', 'version')
        for key in keys:
            self.assertIn(key, res['conda'][0])

        stdout, stderr, rc = run_inprocess_conda_command('conda search * --json')
        assert json.loads(stdout.strip())['exception_name'] == 'CommandArgumentError'
        assert stderr == ''
        assert rc > 0

        res = capture_json_with_argv('conda search --canonical --json')
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)
        self.assertIsInstance(res[0], text_type)