Beispiel #1
def main(argv=None):
	'''Run either all tests, or those specified in argv'''
	if argv is None:
		argv = sys.argv

	# parse options
	covreport = False
	failfast = False
	loglevel = logging.WARNING
	opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:],
		'hVD', ['help', 'coverage', 'fast', 'failfast', 'ff', 'full', 'debug', 'verbose'])
	for o, a in opts:
		if o in ('-h', '--help'):
			print '''\
usage: %s [OPTIONS] [MODULES]

Where MODULE should a module name from ./tests/
If no module is given the whole test suite is run.

  -h, --help     print this text
  --fast         skip a number of slower tests and mock filesystem
  --failfast     stop after the first test that fails
  --ff           alias for "--fast --failfast"
  --full         full test for using filesystem without mock
  --coverage     report test coverage statistics
  -V, --verbose  run with verbose output from logging
  -D, --debug    run with debug output from logging
''' % argv[0]
		elif o == '--coverage':
			if coverage:
				covreport = True
				print >>sys.stderr, '''\
Can not run test coverage without module 'coverage'.
On Ubuntu or Debian install package 'python-coverage'.
		elif o == '--fast':
			tests.FAST_TEST = True
				# set before any test classes are loaded !
		elif o == '--failfast':
			failfast = True
		elif o == '--ff': # --fast --failfast
			tests.FAST_TEST = True
			failfast = True
		elif o == '--full':
			tests.FULL_TEST = True
		elif o in ('-V', '--verbose'):
			loglevel = logging.INFO
		elif o in ('-D', '--debug'):
			loglevel = logging.DEBUG
			assert False, 'Unkown option: %s' % o

	# Start tracing
	if coverage:
		cov = coverage.coverage(source=['zim'], branch=True)
		cov.erase() # clean up old date set
		cov.exclude('assert ')
		cov.exclude('raise NotImplementedError')

	# Set logging handler (don't use basicConfig here, we already installed stuff)
	handler = logging.StreamHandler()
	handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
	logger = logging.getLogger()
	#logging.captureWarnings(True) # FIXME - make all test pass with this enabled

	# Build the test suite
	loader = unittest.TestLoader()
		if args:
			suite = unittest.TestSuite()
			for name in args:
				module = name if name.startswith('tests.') else 'tests.' + name
				test = loader.loadTestsFromName(module)
			suite = tests.load_tests(loader, None, None)
	except AttributeError as error:
		# HACK: unittest raises and attribute errors if import of test script
		# fails try to catch this and show the import error instead - else raise
		# original error
		import re
		m = re.match(r"'module' object has no attribute '(\w+)'", error.args[0])
		if m:
			module =
			m = __import__('tests.' + module) # should raise ImportError
		raise error

	# And run it
	unittest.installHandler() # Fancy handling for ^C during test
	result = \
		unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, failfast=failfast, descriptions=False).run(suite)

	# Check the modules were loaded from the right location
	# (so no testing based on modules from a previous installed version...)
	mylib = os.path.abspath('./zim')
	for module in [m for m in sys.modules.keys()
			if m == 'zim' or m.startswith('zim.')]:
				if sys.modules[module] is None:
				file = sys.modules[module].__file__
				assert file.startswith(mylib), \
					'Module %s was loaded from %s' % (module, file)

	test_report(result, 'test_report.html')
	print '\nWrote test report to test_report.html\n'

	# Stop tracing
	if coverage:

	# Create coverage output if asked to do so
	if covreport:
		print 'Writing coverage reports...'
		cov.html_report(directory='./coverage', omit=['zim/inc/*'])
		print 'Done - Coverage reports can be found in ./coverage/'
Beispiel #2
def main(argv=None):
    '''Run either all tests, or those specified in argv'''

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    coverage = None
    loglevel = logging.WARNING
    opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:],
        'hVD', ['help', 'debug', 'verbose', 'coverage'])
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ('-h', '--help'):
            print '''\
usage: %s [OPTIONS] [MODULES]

Where MODULE should a module name from ./tests/
If no module is given the whole test suite is run.

  --coverage     report test coverage statistics
  -h, --help     print this text
  -V, --verbose  run with verbose output from logging
  -D, --debug    run with debug output from logging
''' % argv[0]
        elif o == '--coverage':
                import coverage as coverage_module
            except ImportError:
                print >>sys.stderr, '''\
Can not run test coverage without module 'coverage'.
On Ubuntu or Debian install package 'python-coverage'.
            #~ coverage = coverage_module.coverage(data_suffix=True, auto_data=True)
            print "running unittest with coverage."
            coverage = coverage_module.coverage(data_suffix=True)
            coverage.erase() # clean up old date set
            coverage.exclude('assert ')
            coverage.exclude('raise NotImplementedError')
        elif o in ('-V', '--verbose'):
            loglevel = logging.INFO
        elif o in ('-D', '--debug'):
            loglevel = logging.DEBUG
            assert False

    # Set logging handler
    logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') #

    # Build the test suite
    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
    suite = tests.load_tests(loader, None, None)

    # And run it
    unittest.installHandler() # Fancy handling for ^C during test

    # Create coverage output if asked to do so
    if coverage:
        #~ coverage.combine()
        print 'Writing coverage reports...'
        pyfiles = list(tests.all_files())
        #~, show_missing=False)
        #~ coverage.html_report(pyfiles, directory='./coverage', omit=['zim/inc/*'])
        coverage_report(coverage, pyfiles, './coverage')
        print 'Done - Coverage reports can be found in ./coverage/'
Beispiel #3
def main(argv=None):
	'''Run either all tests, or those specified in argv'''
	if argv is None:
		argv = sys.argv

	# parse options
	coverage = None
	failfast = False
	loglevel = logging.WARNING
	opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:],
		'hVD', ['help', 'coverage', 'fast', 'failfast', 'debug', 'verbose'])
	for o, a in opts:
		if o in ('-h', '--help'):
			print '''\
usage: %s [OPTIONS] [MODULES]

Where MODULE should a module name from ./tests/
If no module is given the whole test suite is run.

  -h, --help     print this text
  --fast         skip a number of slower tests (assumes --failfast)
  --failfast     stop after the first test that fails
  --coverage     report test coverage statistics
  -V, --verbose  run with verbose output from logging
  -D, --debug    run with debug output from logging
''' % argv[0]
		elif o == '--coverage':
				import coverage as coverage_module
			except ImportError:
				print >>sys.stderr, '''\
Can not run test coverage without module 'coverage'.
On Ubuntu or Debian install package 'python-coverage'.
			#~ coverage = coverage_module.coverage(data_suffix=True, auto_data=True)
			coverage = coverage_module.coverage(data_suffix=True)
			coverage.erase() # clean up old date set
			coverage.exclude('assert ')
			coverage.exclude('raise NotImplementedError')
		elif o == '--fast':
			failfast = True
			tests.FAST_TEST = True
				# set before any test classes are loaded !
		elif o == '--failfast':
			failfast = True
		elif o in ('-V', '--verbose'):
			loglevel = logging.INFO
		elif o in ('-D', '--debug'):
			loglevel = logging.DEBUG
			assert False

	# Set logging handler
	logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')

	# Build the test suite
	loader = unittest.TestLoader()
	if args:
		suite = unittest.TestSuite()
		for name in args:
			module = name if name.startswith('tests.') else 'tests.' + name
			test = loader.loadTestsFromName(module)
		suite = tests.load_tests(loader, None, None)

	# And run it
	unittest.installHandler() # Fancy handling for ^C during test
	result = \
		unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, failfast=failfast, descriptions=False).run(suite)

	# Check the modules were loaded from the right location
	# (so no testing based on modules from a previous installed version...)
	mylib = os.path.abspath('./zim')
	for module in [m for m in sys.modules.keys()
			if m == 'zim' or m.startswith('zim.')]:
				if sys.modules[module] is None:
				file = sys.modules[module].__file__
				assert file.startswith(mylib), \
					'Module %s was loaded from %s' % (module, file)

	test_report(result, 'test_report.html')
	print '\nWrote test report to test_report.html\n'

	# Create coverage output if asked to do so
	if coverage:
		#~ coverage.combine()

		print 'Writing coverage reports...'

		pyfiles = list(tests.zim_pyfiles())
		#~, show_missing=False)
		#~ coverage.html_report(pyfiles, directory='./coverage', omit=['zim/inc/*'])
		coverage_report(coverage, pyfiles, './coverage')
		print 'Done - Coverage reports can be found in ./coverage/'
Beispiel #4
def main(argv=None):
	'''Run either all tests, or those specified in argv'''
	if argv is None:
		argv = sys.argv

	# parse options
	coverage = None
	failfast = False
	loglevel = logging.WARNING
	opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:],
		'hVD', ['help', 'coverage', 'fast', 'failfast', 'debug', 'verbose'])
	for o, a in opts:
		if o in ('-h', '--help'):
			print '''\
usage: %s [OPTIONS] [MODULES]

Where MODULE should a module name from ./tests/
If no module is given the whole test suite is run.

  -h, --help     print this text
  --fast         skip a number of slower tests (assumes --failfast)
  --failfast     stop after the first test that fails
  --coverage     report test coverage statistics
  -V, --verbose  run with verbose output from logging
  -D, --debug    run with debug output from logging
''' % argv[0]
		elif o == '--coverage':
				import coverage as coverage_module
			except ImportError:
				print >>sys.stderr, '''\
Can not run test coverage without module 'coverage'.
On Ubuntu or Debian install package 'python-coverage'.
			#~ coverage = coverage_module.coverage(data_suffix=True, auto_data=True)
			coverage = coverage_module.coverage(data_suffix=True)
			coverage.erase() # clean up old date set
			coverage.exclude('assert ')
			coverage.exclude('raise NotImplementedError')
		elif o == '--fast':
			failfast = True
			tests.FAST_TEST = True
				# set before any test classes are loaded !
		elif o == '--failfast':
			failfast = True
		elif o in ('-V', '--verbose'):
			loglevel = logging.INFO
		elif o in ('-D', '--debug'):
			loglevel = logging.DEBUG
			assert False

	# Set logging handler
	logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')

	# Build the test suite
	loader = unittest.TestLoader()
	if args:
		suite = unittest.TestSuite()
		for module in [ 'tests.'+name for name in args ]:
			test = loader.loadTestsFromName(module)
		suite = tests.load_tests(loader, None, None)

	# And run it
	unittest.installHandler() # Fancy handling for ^C during test
	result = \
		unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, failfast=failfast, descriptions=False).run(suite)

	# Check the modules were loaded from the right location
	# (so no testing based on modules from a previous installed version...)
	mylib = os.path.abspath('./zim')
	for module in [m for m in sys.modules.keys()
			if m == 'zim' or m.startswith('zim.')]:
				if sys.modules[module] is None:
				file = sys.modules[module].__file__
				assert file.startswith(mylib), \
					'Module %s was loaded from %s' % (module, file)

	test_report(result, 'test_report.html')
	print '\nWrote test report to test_report.html\n'

	# Create coverage output if asked to do so
	if coverage:
		#~ coverage.combine()

		print 'Writing coverage reports...'

		pyfiles = list(tests.zim_pyfiles())
		#~, show_missing=False)
		#~ coverage.html_report(pyfiles, directory='./coverage', omit=['zim/inc/*'])
		coverage_report(coverage, pyfiles, './coverage')
		print 'Done - Coverage reports can be found in ./coverage/'
Beispiel #5
			suite = tests.load_tests(loader, None, None)
	except AttributeError, error:
		# HACK: unittest raises and attribute errors if import of test script
		# fails try to catch this and show the import error instead - else raise
		# original error
		import re
		m = re.match(r"'module' object has no attribute '(\w+)'", error.args[0])
		if m:
			module =
			m = __import__('tests.'+module) # should raise ImportError
		raise error

	# And run it
	unittest.installHandler() # Fancy handling for ^C during test
	result = \
		unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, failfast=failfast, descriptions=False).run(suite)

	# Check the modules were loaded from the right location
	# (so no testing based on modules from a previous installed version...)
	mylib = os.path.abspath('./zim')
	for module in [m for m in sys.modules.keys()
			if m == 'zim' or m.startswith('zim.')]:
				if sys.modules[module] is None:
				file = sys.modules[module].__file__
				assert file.startswith(mylib), \
					'Module %s was loaded from %s' % (module, file)

	test_report(result, 'test_report.html')