def test_rows_availability(self, vector):
    # This test is run serially because it requires the query to come back within
    # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
    # that time.
    query = vector.get_value('query')
    # Execute async to get a handle. Wait until the query has completed.
    handle = self.execute_query_async(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))
    self.impalad_test_service.wait_for_query_state(self.client, handle,
        self.client.QUERY_STATES['FINISHED'], timeout=20)

    profile = self.client.get_runtime_profile(handle)
    start_time_ms = None
    rows_avail_time_ms = None
    for line in profile.split("\n"):
      if "Ready to start on" in line:
        start_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(self.__find_time(line))
      elif "Rows available:" in line:
        rows_avail_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(self.__find_time(line))

    if start_time_ms is None:
      assert False, "Failed to find the 'Ready to start' timeline event in the " \
                    "query profile:\n%s" % profile
    if rows_avail_time_ms is None:
      assert False, "Failed to find the 'Rows available' timeline event in the " \
                    "query profile:\n%s" % profile
    time_diff = rows_avail_time_ms - start_time_ms
    assert time_diff >= self.ROWS_AVAIL_LOWER_BOUND_MS,\
        "The 'Rows available' timeline event was marked prematurely %sms after the "\
        "'Ready to start' event.\nExpected the event to be marked no earlier than "\
        "%sms after the 'Ready to start' event.\nQuery: %s"\
        % (time_diff, self.ROWS_AVAIL_LOWER_BOUND_MS, query)
Beispiel #2
  def test_rows_sent_counters(self, vector):
    """Validate that ClientFetchWaitTimer, NumRowsFetched, RowMaterializationRate,
    and RowMaterializationTimer are set to valid values in the ImpalaServer section
    of the runtime profile."""
    num_rows = 25
    query = "select sleep(100) from functional.alltypes limit {0}".format(num_rows)
    handle = self.execute_query_async(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))
      # Wait until the query is 'FINISHED' and results are available for fetching.
      self.wait_for_state(handle, self.client.QUERY_STATES['FINISHED'], 30)
      # Sleep for 2.5 seconds so that the ClientFetchWaitTimer is >= 1s.
      # Fetch the results so that the fetch related counters are updated.
      assert self.client.fetch(query, handle).success

      runtime_profile = self.client.get_runtime_profile(handle)
      fetch_timer ="ClientFetchWaitTimer: (.*)", runtime_profile)
      assert fetch_timer and len(fetch_timer.groups()) == 1 and \
          parse_duration_string_ms( > 1000
      assert "NumRowsFetched: {0} ({0})".format(num_rows) in runtime_profile
      assert"RowMaterializationRate: [1-9]", runtime_profile)
      # The query should take at least 1s to materialize all rows since it should sleep
      # for at least 1s during materialization.
      materialization_timer ="RowMaterializationTimer: (.*)", runtime_profile)
      assert materialization_timer and len(materialization_timer.groups()) == 1 and \
          parse_duration_string_ms( > 1000
    def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
        # This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
        # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
        # that time. It also assumes that it will be able to get a thread token to
        # execute the join build in parallel.
        test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
        query = test_case[0]
        join_type = test_case[1]

        # Ensure that the cluster is idle before starting the test query.
        for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
            verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)

        # Execute the query. The query summary and profile are stored in 'result'.
        result = self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))

        # Parse the query summary; The join node is "id=3".
        # In the ExecSummary, search for the join operator's summary and verify the
        # avg and max times are within acceptable limits.
        exec_summary = result.exec_summary
        check_execsummary_count = 0
        join_node_name = "03:%s" % (join_type)
        for line in exec_summary:
            if line['operator'] == join_node_name:
                avg_time_ms = line['avg_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
                self.__verify_join_time(avg_time_ms, "ExecSummary Avg")
                max_time_ms = line['max_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
                self.__verify_join_time(max_time_ms, "ExecSummary Max")
                check_execsummary_count += 1
        assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), \
            "Unable to verify ExecSummary: {0}".format(exec_summary)

        # Parse the query profile; The join node is "id=3".
        # In the profiles, search for lines containing "(id=3)" and parse for the avg and
        # non-child times to verify that they are within acceptable limits. Also verify
        # that the build side is built in a different thread by searching for the string:
        # "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
        profile = result.runtime_profile
        check_fragment_count = 0
        asyn_build = False
        for line in profile.split("\n"):
            if ("(id=3)" in line):
                # Sample line:
                # HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
                strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
                non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
                non_child_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(non_child_time)
                                        "Fragment non-child")
                check_fragment_count += 1
            # Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
            if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
                asyn_build = True
        assert (asyn_build
                ), "Join is not prepared asynchronously: {0}".format(profile)
        assert (check_fragment_count > 1), \
            "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment: {0}".format(profile)
Beispiel #4
 def __verify_join_time(self, duration, comment):
     duration_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(duration)
     if (duration_ms > self.HASH_JOIN_UPPER_BOUND_MS):
         assert False, "Hash join timing too high for %s: %s %s" % (
             comment, duration, duration_ms)
     if (duration_ms < self.HASH_JOIN_LOWER_BOUND_MS):
         assert False, "Hash join timing too low for %s: %s %s" % (
             comment, duration, duration_ms)
  def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
    # This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
    # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
    # that time. It also assumes that it will be able to get a thread token to
    # execute the join build in parallel.
    test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
    query = test_case[0]
    join_type = test_case[1]

    # Ensure that the cluster is idle before starting the test query.
    for impalad in ImpalaCluster().impalads:
      verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
      verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)

    # Execute the query. The query summary and profile are stored in 'result'.
    result = self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))

    # Parse the query summary; The join node is "id=3".
    # In the ExecSummary, search for the join operator's summary and verify the
    # avg and max times are within acceptable limits.
    exec_summary = result.exec_summary
    check_execsummary_count = 0
    join_node_name = "03:%s" % (join_type)
    for line in exec_summary:
      if line['operator'] == join_node_name:
        avg_time_ms = line['avg_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
        self.__verify_join_time(avg_time_ms, "ExecSummary Avg")
        max_time_ms = line['max_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
        self.__verify_join_time(max_time_ms, "ExecSummary Max")
        check_execsummary_count += 1
    assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), \
        "Unable to verify ExecSummary: {0}".format(exec_summary)

    # Parse the query profile; The join node is "id=3".
    # In the profiles, search for lines containing "(id=3)" and parse for the avg and
    # non-child times to verify that they are within acceptable limits. Also verify
    # that the build side is built in a different thread by searching for the string:
    # "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
    profile = result.runtime_profile
    check_fragment_count = 0
    asyn_build = False
    for line in profile.split("\n"):
      if ("(id=3)" in line):
        # Sample line:
        # HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
        strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
        non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
        non_child_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(non_child_time)
        self.__verify_join_time(non_child_time_ms, "Fragment non-child")
        check_fragment_count += 1
      # Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
      if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
        asyn_build = True
    assert (asyn_build), "Join is not prepared asynchronously: {0}".format(profile)
    assert (check_fragment_count > 1), \
        "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment: {0}".format(profile)
    def test_rows_availability(self, vector):
        # This test is run serially because it requires the query to come back within
        # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
        # that time.
        query = vector.get_value('query')
        # Execute async to get a handle. Wait until the query has completed.
        handle = self.execute_query_async(query,

        profile = self.client.get_runtime_profile(handle)
        start_time_ms = None
        rows_avail_time_ms = None
        for line in profile.split("\n"):
            if "Ready to start on" in line:
                start_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(
            elif "Rows available:" in line:
                rows_avail_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(

        if start_time_ms is None:
            assert False, "Failed to find the 'Ready to start' timeline event in the " \
                          "query profile:\n%s" % profile
        if rows_avail_time_ms is None:
            assert False, "Failed to find the 'Rows available' timeline event in the " \
                          "query profile:\n%s" % profile
        time_diff = rows_avail_time_ms - start_time_ms
        assert time_diff >= self.ROWS_AVAIL_LOWER_BOUND_MS,\
            "The 'Rows available' timeline event was marked prematurely %sms after the "\
            "'Ready to start' event.\nExpected the event to be marked no earlier than "\
            "%sms after the 'Ready to start' event.\nQuery: %s"\
            % (time_diff, self.ROWS_AVAIL_LOWER_BOUND_MS, query)
Beispiel #7
    def test_host_profile_jvm_gc_metrics(self, unique_database):
            "create function {0}.gc(int) returns int location '{1}' \
        profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(
            "select {0}.gc(int_col) from functional.alltypes limit 1000".

        gc_count_regex = "GcCount:.*\((.*)\)"
        gc_count_match =, profile)
        assert gc_count_match, profile
        assert int( > 0, profile

        gc_time_millis_regex = "GcTimeMillis: (.*)"
        gc_time_millis_match =, profile)
        assert gc_time_millis_match, profile
        assert parse_duration_string_ms( > 0