Beispiel #1
def parse_alpine_installed_db(location):
    Yield AlpinePackage objects from an installed database file at `location`
    or None. Typically found at '/lib/apk/db/installed' in an Alpine

    Note: are
    also in the same format as an installed database.
    if not path.exists(location):

    with open(location, 'rb') as f:
        installed = as_unicode(

    if installed:
        # each paragrpah is seprated by LFLF
        packages = (p for p in re.split('\n\n', installed) if p)
        for pkg in packages:
                fields = email.message_from_string(pkg)
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                fields = email.message_from_string(pkg.encode('utf-8'))
            fields = [(
            ) for n, v in fields.items()]
            yield build_package(fields)
Beispiel #2
def parse_rpm_xmlish(location, detect_licenses=False):
    Yield RpmPackage(s) from a RPM XML'ish file at `location`. This is a file
    created with rpm and the xml query option.
    if not location or not os.path.exists(location):

    # there are smetimes weird encodings. We avoid issues there
    with open(location, 'rb') as f:
        rpms = as_unicode(

    # The XML'ish format is in fact multiple XML documents, one for each package
    # wrapped in an <rpmHeader> root element. So we add a global root element
    # to make this a valid XML document.

    for rpm_raw_tags in collect_rpms(rpms):
        tags = collect_tags(rpm_raw_tags)
        pkg = build_package(tags)
        if detect_licenses:
            pkg.license_expression = pkg.compute_normalized_license()
        yield pkg
Beispiel #3
def parse_rpm_xmlish(location, datasource_id, package_type):
    Yield PackageData built from an RPM XML'ish file at ``location``. This is a file
    created with the rpm CLI with the xml query option.
    if not location or not os.path.exists(location):

    # there are smetimes weird encodings. We avoid issues there
    with open(location, 'rb') as f:
        rpms = as_unicode(

    # The XML'ish format is in fact multiple XML documents, one for each package
    # wrapped in an <rpmHeader> root element. So we add a global root element
    # to make this a valid XML document.

    for rpm_raw_tags in collect_rpms(rpms):
        tags = collect_tags(rpm_raw_tags)
        yield build_package(
 def test_as_unicode_from_unicode_replaces_null_bytes_with_space(self):
     test = '\x00is designed to give them, \x00BEFORE the\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
     result = as_unicode(test)
     expected = ' is designed to give them,  BEFORE the      '
     assert expected == result
 def test_as_unicode_converts_bytes_to_unicode(self):
     test_line = '    // as defined in'.encode(
     result = as_unicode(test_line)
     assert type(result) == str