Beispiel #1
def test_sanitize():
    test = "a paragraph of benign text"
    result = "\t<p>a paragraph of benign text</p>"
    expect = textile.Textile().parse(test, sanitize=True)
    assert result == expect

    test = """<p style="width: expression(alert('evil'));">a paragraph of evil text</p>"""
    result = '<p style="">a paragraph of evil text</p>'
    expect = textile.Textile().parse(test, sanitize=True)
    assert result == expect

    test = """<p>a paragraph of benign text<br />and more text</p>"""
    result = '<p>a paragraph of benign text<br />\nand more text</p>'
    expect = textile.Textile(html_type='html5').parse(test, sanitize=True)
    assert result == expect
Beispiel #2
def test_block_tags_false():
    t = textile.Textile(block_tags=False)
    assert t.block_tags is False

    result = t.parse('test')
    expect = 'test'
    assert result == expect
Beispiel #3
def test_block():
    t = textile.Textile()
    result = t.block('h1. foobar baby')
    expect = '\t<h1>foobar baby</h1>'
    assert result == expect

    b = Block(t, "bq", "", None, "", "Hello BlockQuote")
    expect = ('blockquote', OrderedDict(), 'p', OrderedDict(),
              'Hello BlockQuote')
    result = (b.outer_tag, b.outer_atts, b.inner_tag, b.inner_atts, b.content)
    assert result == expect

    b = Block(t, "bq", "", None, "", "Hello BlockQuote")
    citation = '{0}1:url'.format(t.uid)
    expect = ('blockquote',
              OrderedDict([('cite', '{0.uid}{0.refIndex}:url'.format(t))]),
              'p', OrderedDict(), 'Hello BlockQuote')
    result = (b.outer_tag, b.outer_atts, b.inner_tag, b.inner_atts, b.content)
    assert result == expect

    b = Block(t, "bc", "", None, "", 'printf "Hello, World";')
    # the content of text will be turned shelved, so we'll asert only the
    # deterministic portions of the expected values, below
    expect = ('pre', OrderedDict(), 'code', OrderedDict())
    result = (b.outer_tag, b.outer_atts, b.inner_tag, b.inner_atts)
    assert result == expect

    b = Block(t, "h1", "", None, "", "foobar")
    expect = ('h1', OrderedDict(), '', OrderedDict(), 'foobar')
    result = (b.outer_tag, b.outer_atts, b.inner_tag, b.inner_atts, b.content)
    assert result == expect
Beispiel #4
def test_encode_url():
    # I tried adding these as doctests, but the unicode tests weren't
    # returning the correct results.
    t = textile.Textile()

    url = 'http://www.example.local'
    result = 'http://www.example.local'
    eurl = t.encode_url(url)
    assert eurl == result

    url = 'http://[email protected]'
    result = 'http://[email protected]'
    eurl = t.encode_url(url)
    assert eurl == result

    url = 'http://*****:*****@www.example.local'
    result = 'http://*****:*****@www.example.local'
    eurl = t.encode_url(url)
    assert eurl == result

    url = 'http://*****:*****@www.example.local/Ubermensch'
    result = 'http://*****:*****@www.example.local/Ubermensch'
    eurl = t.encode_url(url)
    assert eurl == result

    url = "http://*****:*****@www.example.local/Übermensch"
    result = "http://*****:*****@www.example.local/%C3%9Cbermensch"
    eurl = t.encode_url(url)
    assert eurl == result

    url = 'http://*****:*****@www.example.local:8080/Übermensch'
    result = 'http://*****:*****@www.example.local:8080/%C3%9Cbermensch'
    eurl = t.encode_url(url)
    assert eurl == result
Beispiel #5
def test_imagesize():
    PIL = pytest.importorskip('PIL')

    test = "!!"
    result = '\t<p><img alt="" height="95" src="" width="275" /></p>'
    expect = textile.Textile(get_sizes=True).parse(test)
    assert result == expect
def test_github_pull_61():
    """Fixed code block multiline encoding on quotes/span"""
    test = '''bc.. This is some TEXT inside a "Code BLOCK"

  if (JSON) {

    return {"JSON":"value"}

Back to 10-4 CAPS 

p.. Some multiline Paragragh

Here is some output!!! "Some" CAPS'''

    expect = '''<pre><code>This is some TEXT inside a &quot;Code BLOCK&quot;

  if (JSON) {

    return {&quot;JSON&quot;:&quot;value&quot;}

Back to 10-4 CAPS </code></pre>

<p>Some multiline Paragragh</p>

<p>Here is some output!!! &#8220;Some&#8221; <span class="caps">CAPS</span></p>'''
    t = textile.Textile()
    result = t.parse(test)
    assert result == expect
Beispiel #7
    def testImageSize(self):
            from PIL import ImageFile
        except ImportError:
            raise SkipTest()

        test = "!!"
        result = '\t<p><img src="" alt="" width="275" height="95" /></p>'
        expect = textile.Textile(get_sizes=True).textile(test)
        eq_(result, expect)
    def testSanitize(self):
            import html5lib
        except ImportError:
            raise SkipTest()

        test = "a paragraph of benign text"
        result = "\t<p>a paragraph of benign text</p>"
        expect = textile.Textile().textile(test, sanitize=True)
        eq_(result, expect)

        test = """<p style="width: expression(alert('evil'));">a paragraph of evil text</p>"""
        result = '<p style="">a paragraph of evil text</p>'
        expect = textile.Textile().textile(test, sanitize=True)
        eq_(result, expect)

        test = """<p>a paragraph of benign text<br />and more text</p>"""
        result = '<p>a paragraph of benign text<br>and more text</p>'
        expect = textile.Textile().textile(test, sanitize=True,
        eq_(result, expect)
def test_github_pull_62():
    """Fix for paragraph multiline, only last paragraph is rendered
    test = '''p.. First one 'is'


p.. Second one 'is'


p.. Third one 'is'


p.. Last one 'is'

ESCAPED "good" test'''

    expect = '''<p>First one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;bad&#8221;</p>

<p>Second one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;bad&#8221;</p>

<p>Third one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;bad&#8221;</p>

<p>Last one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;good&#8221; test</p>'''
    t = textile.Textile()
    result = t.parse(test)
    assert result == expect
Beispiel #10
def test_blockcode_comment():
    input = '###.. block comment\nanother line\n\np. New line'
    expect = '\t<p>New line</p>'
    t = textile.Textile()
    result = t.parse(input)
    assert result == expect
Beispiel #11
def test_blockcode_extended():
    input = 'bc.. text\nmoretext\n\nevenmoretext\n\nmoremoretext\n\np. test'
    expect = '<pre><code>text\nmoretext\n\nevenmoretext\n\nmoremoretext</code></pre>\n\n\t<p>test</p>'
    t = textile.Textile()
    result = t.parse(input)
    assert result == expect
Beispiel #12
 def testPBAColspan(self):
     eq_(textile.Textile().pba(r'\3', element='td'), ' colspan="3"')
Beispiel #13
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.text import wrap
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from discipline.models import STEP_DESC, STEP_VIEW, PRE_LETTER_STEPS
import textile

Textile = textile.Textile(restricted=True)

register = template.Library()

def format_field(case, field):
    Format long-form text as required by the discipline module, making substitutions as appropriate.
    text = eval("case." + field)
    if text is None or text.strip() == "":
        return mark_safe('<p class="empty">None</p>')

    if field == 'contact_email_text':
        # special case: contact email is plain text
        return mark_safe(
            "<pre>" + escape(wrap(case.substitite_values(unicode(text)), 78)) +
        return mark_safe(Textile.textile(case.substitite_values(
Beispiel #14
def test_relURL():
    t = textile.Textile()
    t.restricted = True
    assert t.relURL("gopher://") == '#'
def test_github_pull_63():
    """Forgot to set multiline_para to False"""
    test = '''p.. First one 'is'


bc.. {
 First code BLOCK


p.. Second one 'is'


p.. Third one 'is'


bc.. {
 Last code BLOCK


p.. Last one 'is'

ESCAPED "good" test'''

    expect = '''<p>First one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;bad&#8221;</p>

 First code BLOCK


<p>Second one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;bad&#8221;</p>

<p>Third one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;bad&#8221;</p>

 Last code BLOCK


<p>Last one &#8216;is&#8217;</p>

<p><span class="caps">ESCAPED</span> &#8220;good&#8221; test</p>'''
    t = textile.Textile()
    result = t.parse(test)
    assert result == expect