Beispiel #1
            "class": "main the-content"

for article in articles[0:1]:
    # Text processing
    # Create instance of TextProcess class that fetches text from url and filters it
    tp = TextProcess(url=article["url"],

    # Get filtered senteces in list
    filtered_sentences = tp.get_filtered_sentences()

    # Dictionary extraction
    # Create instance of Dictionary class comparses filtered sentences with those in
    # dictionary and creates node and edge list
    wt = Dictionary(dictionary_path=article["dictionary_path"])

    # Sets node nad edge list. First parameter is fitlered sentences, second is array
    # of wanted word types. Words that are not connected to other are set as node list
    # those that are connected are stored as edge list
    wt.set_words_as_node_and_egde_list(filtered_sentences, [Dictionary.NOUN])
    # Creates dictionary array that sets weight to amount of occurences of each pair