def main(): # Load YOLOv4 model = YOLOv4( input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=100, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, ) model.load_weights("../model/yolov4.h5") model.summary() # Load image img_file = '/Users/stin/Documents/data/Crowd_PETS09/S2/L2/Time_14-55/View_001/frame_0000.jpg' # noqa img = read_image(img_file) # Inference start_time = time.time() boxes, scores, classes, valid_detections = model.predict(img) duration = time.time() - start_time print(f"Inference elapsed time: {duration} s") # Visualise show_detection_results( img[0], boxes[0] * [WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT], scores[0], classes[0].astype(int), )
def detect_video(video_path, output_path="output_videos"): """ Detects the objects from a video using a YOLOv4 model and returns the result video with the same name Arguments: video_path -- path of the image to run detection on output_path -- the path of the output folder Returns: output_video_path -- path to processed video with all the boxes drawn """ print("\nObject detection on " + Path(video_path).name) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) frame_size = (int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) WIDTH, HEIGHT = [length // 32 * 32 for length in frame_size] yolo_model = YOLOv4(input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=100, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, weights="yolov4_utils/yolov4.h5") yolo_model.summary() fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V') if os.path.isdir(output_path) is False: os.mkdir(output_path) output_video_path = os.path.join(output_path, Path(video_path).name) out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_video_path, fourcc, int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)), frame_size) while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = if ret is True: image = tf.convert_to_tensor(frame) image = tf.image.resize(image, (HEIGHT, WIDTH)) images = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) / 255.0 boxes, scores, classes, valid_detections = yolo_model.predict( images) frame = get_processed_image( frame, boxes[0] * [WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT], scores[0], classes[0].astype(int)) cv2.imshow(Path(video_path).name, frame) out.write(frame) if cv2.waitKey(int(50 // cap.get( cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))) & 0xFF == 27: # 27 = ESC ASCII code break else: break cap.release() out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return output_video_path
def yolov4_inference(cspdarknet53_416, yolov4_neck_416, yolov3_head_416_inference, session_mocker): session_mocker.patch( "tf2_yolov4.model.csp_darknet53").return_value = cspdarknet53_416 session_mocker.patch( "tf2_yolov4.model.yolov4_neck").return_value = yolov4_neck_416 session_mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.yolov3_head" ).return_value = yolov3_head_416_inference return YOLOv4(input_shape=(416, 416, 3), num_classes=0, anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS)
def trained_yolov4_model(): # load trained yolov4 model model = YOLOv4( input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=20, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.73, ) model.load_weights('yolov4.h5') return model
def yolov4_training(cspdarknet53_416, yolov4_neck_416, yolov3_head_416_training, session_mocker): session_mocker.patch( "tf2_yolov4.model.csp_darknet53").return_value = cspdarknet53_416 session_mocker.patch( "tf2_yolov4.model.yolov4_neck").return_value = yolov4_neck_416 session_mocker.patch( "tf2_yolov4.model.yolov3_head").return_value = yolov3_head_416_training return YOLOv4(input_shape=(416, 416, 3), num_classes=0, anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, weights=None)
def main(): # Load YOLOv4 model = YOLOv4( input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=100, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, ) model.load_weights("../model/yolov4.h5") model.summary() # Run on video cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/Users/stin/Documents/data/traffic/view1.mp4') frame = 0 total_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) while cap.isOpened(): ret, img_raw = if not ret or (frame > total_frames): # TODO: write counts here frame = 0 break frame += N_SKIP # Image img = img_raw.copy() img = cv2.resize(img, (WIDTH, HEIGHT)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) / 255.0 # Inference start_time = time.time() boxes, scores, classes, valid_detections = model.predict(img) duration = time.time() - start_time print(f"Inference elapsed time: {duration} s") # Visualise show_detection_results( img[0], boxes[0] * [WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT], scores[0], classes[0].astype(int), ) sys.exit()
def convert_darknet_weights(darknet_weights_path, output_weights_path, num_classes): """ Converts yolov4 darknet weights to tensorflow weights (.h5 file) Args: darknet_weights_path (str): Input darknet weights filepath (*.weights). output_weights_path (str): Output tensorflow weights filepath (*.h5). num_classes (int): Number of output classes """ model = YOLOv4( input_shape=INPUT_SHAPE, num_classes=num_classes, anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS ) # pylint: disable=E1101 model.predict(np.random.random((1, *INPUT_SHAPE))) model = load_darknet_weights_in_yolo(model, darknet_weights_path)
def test_should_load_weights_from_file_if_path_exists(mocker): mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.csp_darknet53") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.compute_normalized_anchors") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.yolov4_neck") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.yolov3_head") mocker.patch( "" ).return_value = mocker.sentinel.yolov4 mocker.sentinel.yolov4.load_weights = mocker.MagicMock() YOLOv4( input_shape=(416, 416, 3), num_classes=80, anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, weights=Path(__file__), ) mocker.sentinel.yolov4.load_weights.assert_called_once_with( str(Path(__file__)), by_name=True, skip_mismatch=True, )
def test_should_download_pretrained_weight_if_not_available(mocker): mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.csp_darknet53") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.compute_normalized_anchors") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.yolov4_neck") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.yolov3_head") mocker.patch("" ).return_value = mocker.sentinel.yolov4 mocker.sentinel.yolov4.load_weights = mocker.MagicMock() mock_download_darknet_weights = mocker.patch( "") YOLOv4( input_shape=(416, 416, 3), num_classes=80, anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, weights="darknet", ) mock_download_darknet_weights.assert_called_once_with( mocker.sentinel.yolov4)
def test_should_load_pretrained_weights_if_available(mocker): mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.csp_darknet53") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.compute_normalized_anchors") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.yolov4_neck") mocker.patch("tf2_yolov4.model.yolov3_head") mocker.patch("" ).return_value = mocker.sentinel.yolov4 mocker.sentinel.yolov4.load_weights = mocker.MagicMock() mocker.patch.object(weights, "DARKNET_WEIGHTS_PATH", mocker.MagicMock(is_file=lambda: True)) mock_download_darknet_weights = mocker.patch( "") YOLOv4( input_shape=(416, 416, 3), num_classes=80, anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, weights="darknet", ) assert mock_download_darknet_weights.call_count == 0
def initialize(): global WIDTH_CNN, HEIGHT_CNN, model, CLASSES WIDTH_CNN, HEIGHT_CNN = 32 * 8, 32 * 6 # (Good enough) max_objects = 20 model = YOLOv4( input_shape=(HEIGHT_CNN, WIDTH_CNN, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=max_objects, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.7, ) model.load_weights("../binaries/yolov4.h5") # COCO classes. Ref CLASSES = [ 'person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light', 'fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow', 'elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee', 'skis', 'snowboard', 'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard', 'surfboard', 'tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork', 'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple', 'sandwich', 'orange', 'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair', 'couch', 'potted plant', 'bed', 'dining table', 'toilet', 'tv', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone', 'microwave', 'oven', 'toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase', 'scissors', 'teddy bear', 'hair drier', 'toothbrush' ] print('Initialization done')
def detect_webcam(): # Detects the objects from webcam using a YOLOv4 model cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # cam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280) # cam.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720) frame_size = (int(cam.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cam.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) WIDTH, HEIGHT = [length // 32 * 32 for length in frame_size] yolo_model = YOLOv4(input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=100, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, weights="yolov4_utils/yolov4.h5") yolo_model.summary() while cam.isOpened(): ret, frame = if ret is True: image = tf.convert_to_tensor(frame) image = tf.image.resize(image, (HEIGHT, WIDTH)) images = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) / 255.0 boxes, scores, classes, valid_detections = yolo_model.predict( images) frame = get_processed_image( frame, boxes[0] * [WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT], scores[0], classes[0].astype(int)) cv2.imshow('Webcam (Press ESC for exit)', frame) if cv2.waitKey(int(1000 // cam.get( cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))) & 0xFF == 27: # 27 = ESC ASCII code break else: break cam.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def detect_image(image_path, output_path="output_images"): """ Detects the objects from an image using a YOLOv4 model and returns the result image with the same name Arguments: image_path -- path of the image to run detection on output_path -- the path of the output folder Returns: output_image_path -- path to processed image with all the boxes drawn """ print("\nObject detection on " + Path(image_path).name) img = cv2.imread(image_path) HEIGHT, WIDTH, _ = [length // 32 * 32 for length in img.shape] # get image size yolo_model = YOLOv4(input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=100, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, weights="yolov4_utils/yolov4.h5") yolo_model.summary() image = tf.convert_to_tensor(img) image = tf.image.resize(image, (HEIGHT, WIDTH)) images = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) / 255.0 boxes, scores, classes, valid_detections = yolo_model.predict(images) if os.path.isdir(output_path) is False: os.mkdir(output_path) output_image_path = os.path.join(output_path, Path(image_path).name) result_img = get_processed_image(img, boxes[0] * [WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT], scores[0], classes[0].astype(int)) cv2.imwrite(output_image_path, result_img) return output_image_path
nms_thresh = 0.6 video_path = 'video/39.avi' model_name = "y4" HEIGHT, WIDTH = (416, 416) path_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #cfg_track_path = 'cfg/deep_sort.yaml' #class_names = load_class_names('data/coco.names') # output_video_size = 416 border_line = [(0, 400), (1200, 400)] path_track = 20 # how many frames in path are saves detector = YOLOv4( input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=64, yolo_iou_threshold=0.3, yolo_score_threshold=0.4, ) detector.load_weights("models/yolov4.h5") max_cosine_distance = 0.2 # 03 encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder("models/mars-small128.pb", batch_size=64) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, None) tracker = Tracker(metric) border_lines = {'border1': [[0, 100], [312, 104]]} def drawBorderLines(frame):
def test_should_raise_error_if_weights_argument_is_unknown(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): YOLOv4(input_shape=(416, 416, 3), num_classes=80, anchors=[], weights="unknown") plt.cla() from timeit import default_timer as timer if __name__ == '__main__': #HEIGHT, WIDTH = (640, 960) HEIGHT, WIDTH = (480, 640) #HEIGHT, WIDTH = (1280, 720) model = YOLOv4( input_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=50, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, ) model.load_weights("./yolov4.h5") model.summary() # COCO classes CLASSES = [ 'person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light', 'fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow', 'elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee', 'skis',
def convert_darknet_weights(darknet_weights_path, output_weights_path): """ Converts yolov4 darknet weights to tensorflow weights (.h5 file) Args: darknet_weights_path (str): Input darknet weights filepath (*.weights). output_weights_path (str): Output tensorflow weights filepath (*.h5). """ model = YOLOv4(input_shape=INPUT_SHAPE, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS) # pylint: disable=E1101 model.predict(np.random.random((1, *INPUT_SHAPE))) sample_conv_weights = (model.get_layer("CSPDarknet53").get_layer( "conv2d_32").get_weights()[0]) model_layers = (model.get_layer("CSPDarknet53").layers + model.get_layer("YOLOv4_neck").layers + model.get_layer("YOLOv3_head").layers) # Get all trainable layers: convolutions and batch normalization conv_layers = [layer for layer in model_layers if "conv2d" in] batch_norm_layers = [ layer for layer in model_layers if "batch_normalization" in ] # Sort them by order of appearance. # The first apparition does not have an index, hence the [[0]] trick to avoid an error conv_layers = [conv_layers[0]] + sorted(conv_layers[1:], key=lambda x: int([7:])) batch_norm_layers = [batch_norm_layers[0]] + sorted( batch_norm_layers[1:], key=lambda x: int([20:])) # Open darknet file and read headers darknet_weight_file = open(darknet_weights_path, "rb") # pylint: disable=unused-variable major, minor, revision, seen, _ = np.fromfile(darknet_weight_file, dtype=np.int32, count=5) # Keep an index of which batch norm should be considered. # If batch norm is used with a convolution (meaning conv has no bias), the index is incremented # Otherwise (conv has a bias), index is kept still. current_matching_batch_norm_index = 0 for layer in conv_layers: kernel_size = layer.kernel_size input_filters = layer.input_shape[-1] filters = layer.filters use_bias = layer.bias is not None if use_bias: # Read bias weight conv_bias = np.fromfile(darknet_weight_file, dtype=np.float32, count=filters) else: # Read batch norm # Reorder from darknet (beta, gamma, mean, var) to TF (gamma, beta, mean, var) batch_norm_weights = np.fromfile(darknet_weight_file, dtype=np.float32, count=4 * filters).reshape( (4, filters))[[1, 0, 2, 3]] # Read kernel weights # Reorder from darknet (filters, input_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1]) to # TF (kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], input_filters, filters) conv_size = kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1] * input_filters * filters conv_weights = (np.fromfile( darknet_weight_file, dtype=np.float32, count=conv_size).reshape( (filters, input_filters, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1])).transpose([2, 3, 1, 0])) if use_bias: # load conv weights and bias # increase batch_norm offset layer.set_weights([conv_weights, conv_bias]) else: # load conv weights # load batch norm weights layer.set_weights([conv_weights]) batch_norm_layers[current_matching_batch_norm_index].set_weights( batch_norm_weights) current_matching_batch_norm_index += 1 # Check if we read the entire darknet file. remaining_chars = len( click.echo( f"Number of remaining values to load from darknet weights file: {remaining_chars}" ) darknet_weight_file.close() assert remaining_chars == 0 # Check if weights have been updated sample_conv_weights_after_loading = (model.get_layer( "CSPDarknet53").get_layer("conv2d_32").get_weights()[0]) np.testing.assert_raises( AssertionError, np.testing.assert_array_equal, sample_conv_weights, sample_conv_weights_after_loading, )
classes_path = './process/data/labels/coco.names' classes_path2 = './process/data/labels/cocoorig.names' weights_path = './process/weights/yolov4_custom.h5' weights_path2 = './process/weights/yolov4.h5' num_classes = 80 physical_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if len(physical_devices) > 0: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True) # Initializing YoloV4 yolo = YOLOv4( input_shape=(416, 416, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=1, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=100, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, ) yolo.load_weights(weights_path) yolo.summary() yolo2 = YOLOv4( input_shape=(416, 416, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=100, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, )
SIZE_X, SIZE_Y = (480, 608) #%% Load image image ="scripts/images/cars.jpg") image = tf.image.decode_image(image) image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) image = tf.image.resize(image, (SIZE_X, SIZE_Y)) images = image / 255.0 #%% Load model model = YOLOv4( input_shape=(SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, 3), anchors=YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80, training=False, yolo_max_boxes=15, yolo_iou_threshold=0.5, yolo_score_threshold=0.5, ) model.load_weights("tools/yolov4.h5") #%% Predict predictions = model.predict(images) #%% Printing boxes boxes_x1y1_x2y2 = predictions[0] boxes_y1x1_y2x2 = boxes_x1y1_x2y2[:, :, [1, 0, 3, 2]] bbox_image = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(images, boxes_y1x1_y2x2, colors=None) bbox_image = tf.cast(bbox_image * 255, "uint8")"scripts/output/detection.jpg",
def test_model_instanciation_should_fail_with_input_shapes_not_multiple_of_32( input_shape ): with pytest.raises(ValueError): YOLOv4(input_shape, 80, [])
""" Script to convert yolov4.weights file from AlexeyAB/darknet to TF2.x Initial implementation comes from """ from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from tf2_yolov4.heads.yolov3_head import YOLOV4_ANCHORS from tf2_yolov4.model import YOLOv4 DARKNET_WEIGHTS_PATH = Path(".") / "yolov4.weights" model = YOLOv4((416, 416, 3), YOLOV4_ANCHORS, num_classes=80) model.predict(np.random.random((1, 416, 416, 3))) sample_conv_weights = ( model.get_layer("CSPDarknet53").get_layer("conv2d_32").get_weights()[0]) model_layers = (model.get_layer("CSPDarknet53").layers + model.get_layer("YOLOv4_neck").layers + model.get_layer("YOLOv3_head").layers) # Get all trainable layers: convolutions and batch normalization conv_layers = [layer for layer in model_layers if "conv2d" in] batch_norm_layers = [ layer for layer in model_layers if "batch_normalization" in ] # Sort them by order of appearance.