Beispiel #1
    def odometry_callback(self, msg):
        """Handle updated measured velocity callback."""
        if not bool(self.config):

        linear = msg.twist.twist.linear
        angular = msg.twist.twist.angular
        v_linear = numpy.array([linear.x, linear.y, linear.z])
        v_angular = numpy.array([angular.x, angular.y, angular.z])

        if self.config['odom_vel_in_world']:
            # This is a temp. workaround for gazebo's pos3d plugin not behaving properly:
            # Twist should be provided wrt child_frame, gazebo provides it wrt world frame
            # see
            xyzw_array = lambda o: numpy.array([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w])
            q_wb = xyzw_array(msg.pose.pose.orientation)
            R_bw = transf.quaternion_matrix(q_wb)[0:3, 0:3].transpose()

            v_linear =
            v_angular =
        # Compute compute control output:
        t = time_in_float_sec_from_msg(msg.header.stamp)
        e_v_linear = (self.v_linear_des - v_linear)
        e_v_angular = (self.v_angular_des - v_angular)
        a_linear = self.pid_linear.regulate(e_v_linear, t)
        a_angular = self.pid_angular.regulate(e_v_angular, t)

        # Convert and publish accel. command:
        cmd_accel = geometry_msgs.Accel()
        cmd_accel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=a_linear[0], y=a_linear[1], z=a_linear[2])
        cmd_accel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=a_angular[0], y=a_angular[1], z=a_angular[2])
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, node: Node, index, topic, pos, orientation, axis=None):
        self.node = node
        self._index = index
        self._topic = topic
        self._pos = None
        self._orientation = None
        self._force_dist = None

        if pos is not None and orientation is not None:
            self._pos = pos
            self._orientation = orientation
            if axis is None:
                axis = self.DEFAULT_AXIS
            # compute contribution to configuration matrix of this thruster
            thrust_body = transformations.quaternion_matrix(orientation).dot(
            torque_body = numpy.cross(pos, thrust_body)
            self._force_dist = numpy.hstack((
                thrust_body, torque_body)).transpose()
        self._command = 0
        self._thrust = 0
        self._command_pub = self.node.create_publisher(FloatStamped, self._topic, 10)

        self.node.get_logger().info('Thruster #{} - {} - {}'.format(
            self._index, self.LABEL, self._topic))
Beispiel #3
    def odometry_callback(self, msg):
        """Handle updated measured velocity callback."""
        if not bool(self.config):

        p = msg.pose.pose.position
        q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
        p = numpy.array([p.x, p.y, p.z])
        q = numpy.array([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])

        if not self.initialized:
            # If this is the first callback: Store and hold latest pose.
            self.pos_des = p
            self.quat_des = q
            self.initialized = True

        # Compute control output:
        t = time_in_float_sec_from_msg(msg.header.stamp)

        # Position error
        e_pos_world = self.pos_des - p
        e_pos_body = transf.quaternion_matrix(q).transpose()[0:3, 0:3].dot(

        # Error quaternion wrt body frame
        e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply(transf.quaternion_conjugate(q),

        if numpy.linalg.norm(e_pos_world[0:2]) > 5.0:
            # special case if we are far away from goal:
            # ignore desired heading, look towards goal position
            heading = math.atan2(e_pos_world[1], e_pos_world[0])
            quat_des = numpy.array(
                [0, 0, math.sin(0.5 * heading),
                 math.cos(0.5 * heading)])
            e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply(
                transf.quaternion_conjugate(q), quat_des)

        # Error angles
        e_rot = numpy.array(transf.euler_from_quaternion(e_rot_quat))

        v_linear = self.pid_pos.regulate(e_pos_body, t)
        v_angular = self.pid_rot.regulate(e_rot, t)

        # Convert and publish vel. command:
        cmd_vel = geometry_msgs.Twist()
        cmd_vel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_linear[0],
        cmd_vel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_angular[0],
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, index, pos, quat, topic, node:rclpy.node.Node):
     self.node = node = index
     self.pos = pos
     self.quat = quat
     self.topic = topic
     self.rot = quaternion_matrix(quat)[0:3, 0:3]
     unit_z = self.rot[:, 2]
     # Surge velocity wrt vehicle's body frame
     surge_vel = np.array([1, 0, 0])
     fin_surge_vel = surge_vel -, unit_z) / np.linalg.norm(unit_z)**2 * unit_z        
     # Compute the lift and drag vectors
     self.lift_vector = -1 * np.cross(unit_z, fin_surge_vel) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(unit_z, fin_surge_vel))
     self.drag_vector = -1 * surge_vel / np.linalg.norm(surge_vel)       
  = self.node.create_publisher(FloatStamped, self.topic, 3)
    def __init__(self, index, topic, pos, orientation, axis=DEFAULT_AXIS):
        self._index = index
        self._topic = topic
        self._pos = None
        self._orientation = None
        self._force_dist = None
        if pos is not None and orientation is not None:
            self._pos = pos
            self._orientation = orientation
            # compute contribution to configuration matrix of this thruster
            thrust_body = transformations.quaternion_matrix(orientation).dot(
            torque_body = numpy.cross(pos, thrust_body)
            self._force_dist = numpy.hstack(
                (thrust_body, torque_body)).transpose()
        self._command = 0
        self._thrust = 0
        self._command_pub = rospy.Publisher(self._topic,

        rospy.loginfo('Thruster #{} - {} - {}'.format(self._index, self.LABEL,
    def __init__(self, node_name, **kwargs):

        # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle
        self.namespace = self.get_namespace().replace('/', '')
            'Initialize control allocator for vehicle <%s>' % self.namespace)

        self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer, self)
        tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None

            if self.namespace != '':
                target = '{}/base_link'.format(self.namespace)
                source = '{}/base_link_ned'.format(self.namespace)
                target = 'base_link'
                source = 'base_link_ned'
            self.get_logger().info('Lookup transfrom from %s to %s' %
                                   (source, target))
            tf_trans_ned_to_enu = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
            ).lookup_transform(target, source, rclpy.time.Time(),
        except Exception as e:
                'No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned'
                ' for vehicle {}, message={}'.format(self.namespace, e))
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None

        if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None:
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = quaternion_matrix(
                 tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3]

                'base_link transform NED to ENU=\n{}'.format(

        self.base_link = self.get_parameter(
            'base_link', 'base_link').get_parameter_value().string_value

        # Retrieve the thruster configuration parameters if available
        thruster_config = self.get_parameters_by_prefix('thruster_config')
        if len(thruster_config) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Thruster configuration not available')
        self.thruster_config = parse_nested_params_to_dict(
            self.thruster_config, '.', True)

        # Check if all necessary thruster model parameter are available
        thruster_params = [
            'conversion_fcn_params', 'conversion_fcn', 'topic_prefix',
            'topic_suffix', 'frame_base', 'max_thrust'
        for p in thruster_params:
            if p not in self.thruster_config:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Parameter <%s> for thruster conversion function is missing'
                    % p)

        # Setting up the thruster topic name
        self.thruster_topic = build_topic_name(
            self.namespace, self.thruster_config['topic_prefix'], 0,

        self.thruster = None

        # Retrieve the fin configuration if available
        fin_config = self.get_parameters_by_prefix('fin_config')
        if len(fin_config) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Fin configuration is not available')

        self.fin_config = parse_nested_params_to_dict(self.fin_config, '.',

        # Check if all necessary fin parameters are available
        fin_params = [
            'fluid_density', 'lift_coefficient', 'fin_area', 'topic_prefix',
            'topic_suffix', 'frame_base'

        for p in fin_params:
            if p not in self.fin_config:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Parameter <%s> for fin configuration is missing' % p)

        self.fin_lower_limit = -np.pi / 2
        if 'lower_limit' in self.fin_config:
            self.fin_lower_limit = self.fin_config['lower_limit']

        self.fin_upper_limit = np.pi / 2
        if 'upper_limit' in self.fin_config:
            self.fin_upper_limit = self.fin_config['upper_limit']

        if self.fin_config['lower_limit'] >= self.fin_config['upper_limit']:
            raise RuntimeError('Fin angle limits are invalid')

        self.fins = dict()

        self.n_fins = 0

        if not self.find_actuators():
            raise RuntimeError('No thruster and/or fins found')
def get_force_vector(pos, orientation, axis):
    thrust_body = transformations.quaternion_matrix(orientation).dot(
    torque_body = np.cross(pos, thrust_body)
    return np.hstack((thrust_body, torque_body)).transpose()
    def __init__(self, inertial_frame_id='world'):
        """Class constructor."""
        assert inertial_frame_id in ['world', 'world_ned']
        # Reading current namespace
        self._namespace = rospy.get_namespace()

        self._inertial_frame_id = inertial_frame_id
        self._body_frame_id = None
        self._logger = get_logger()

        if self._inertial_frame_id == 'world':
            self._body_frame_id = 'base_link'
            self._body_frame_id = 'base_link_ned'

            import tf2_ros

            tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
            listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer)

            tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                'world', 'world_ned', rospy.Time(),
            self.q_ned_to_enu = np.array(
        except Exception as ex:
                'Error while requesting ENU to NED transform'
                ', message={}'.format(ex))
            self.q_ned_to_enu = quaternion_from_euler(2 * np.pi, 0, np.pi)
        self.transform_ned_to_enu = quaternion_matrix(
                self.q_ned_to_enu)[0:3, 0:3]

        if self.transform_ned_to_enu is not None:
  'Transform world_ned (NED) to world (ENU)=\n' +

        self._mass = 0
        if rospy.has_param('~mass'):
            self._mass = rospy.get_param('~mass')
            if self._mass <= 0:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Mass has to be positive')

        self._inertial = dict(ixx=0, iyy=0, izz=0, ixy=0, ixz=0, iyz=0)
        if rospy.has_param('~inertial'):
            inertial = rospy.get_param('~inertial')
            for key in self._inertial:
                if key not in inertial:
                    raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid moments of inertia')
            self._inertial = inertial

        self._cog = [0, 0, 0]
        if rospy.has_param('~cog'):
            self._cog = rospy.get_param('~cog')
            if len(self._cog) != 3:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid center of gravity vector')

        self._cob = [0, 0, 0]
        if rospy.has_param('~cog'):
            self._cob = rospy.get_param('~cob')
            if len(self._cob) != 3:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid center of buoyancy vector')

        self._body_frame = 'base_link'
        if rospy.has_param('~base_link'):
            self._body_frame = rospy.get_param('~base_link')

        self._volume = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~volume'):
            self._volume = rospy.get_param('~volume')
            if self._volume <= 0:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid volume')

        # Fluid density
        self._density = 1028.0
        if rospy.has_param('~density'):
            self._density = rospy.get_param('~density')
            if self._density <= 0:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid fluid density')

        # Bounding box
        self._height = 0.0
        self._length = 0.0
        self._width = 0.0
        if rospy.has_param('~height'):
            self._height = rospy.get_param('~height')
            if self._height <= 0:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid height')

        if rospy.has_param('~length'):
            self._length = rospy.get_param('~length')
            if self._length <= 0:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid length')

        if rospy.has_param('~width'):
            self._width = rospy.get_param('~width')
            if self._width <= 0:
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid width')

        # Calculating the rigid-body mass matrix
        self._M = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6), dtype=float)
        self._M[0:3, 0:3] = self._mass * np.eye(3)
        self._M[0:3, 3:6] = - self._mass * \
        self._M[3:6, 0:3] = self._mass * \
        self._M[3:6, 3:6] = self._calc_inertial_tensor()

        # Loading the added-mass matrix
        self._Ma = np.zeros((6, 6))
        if rospy.has_param('~Ma'):
            self._Ma = np.array(rospy.get_param('~Ma'))
            if self._Ma.shape != (6, 6):
                raise rospy.ROSException('Invalid added mass matrix')

        # Sum rigid-body and added-mass matrices
        self._Mtotal = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))

        # Acceleration of gravity
        self._gravity = 9.81

        # Initialize the Coriolis and centripetal matrix
        self._C = np.zeros((6, 6))

        # Vector of restoring forces
        self._g = np.zeros(6)

        # Loading the linear damping coefficients
        self._linear_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))
        if rospy.has_param('~linear_damping'):
            self._linear_damping = np.array(rospy.get_param('~linear_damping'))
            if self._linear_damping.shape == (6,):
                self._linear_damping = np.diag(self._linear_damping)
            if self._linear_damping.shape != (6, 6):
                raise rospy.ROSException('Linear damping must be given as a 6x6 matrix or the diagonal coefficients')

        # Loading the nonlinear damping coefficients
        self._quad_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6,))
        if rospy.has_param('~quad_damping'):
            self._quad_damping = np.array(rospy.get_param('~quad_damping'))
            if self._quad_damping.shape != (6,):
                raise rospy.ROSException('Quadratic damping must be given defined with 6 coefficients')

        # Loading the linear damping coefficients proportional to the forward speed
        self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))
        if rospy.has_param('~linear_damping_forward_speed'):
            self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.array(
            if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape == (6,):
                self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.diag(self._linear_damping_forward_speed)
            if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape != (6, 6):
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Linear damping proportional to the '
                    'forward speed must be given as a 6x6 '
                    'matrix or the diagonal coefficients')

        # Initialize damping matrix
        self._D = np.zeros((6, 6))

        # Vehicle states
        self._pose = dict(pos=np.zeros(3),
                          rot=quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0))
        # Velocity in the body frame
        self._vel = np.zeros(6)
        # Acceleration in the body frame
        self._acc = np.zeros(6)
        # Generalized forces
        self._gen_forces = np.zeros(6)        
    def _init_async_impl(self):
        tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None

            if self.namespace != '':
                target = '{}base_link'.format(self.namespace)
                target = target[1::]
                source = '{}base_link_ned'.format(self.namespace)
                target = 'base_link'
                source = 'base_link_ned'
            source = source[1::]
            tf_trans_ned_to_enu = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                target, source, rclpy.time.Time(),
        except Exception as e:
                'No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned'
                ' for vehicle {}, message={}'.format(self.namespace, e))
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None

        if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None:
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = transformations.quaternion_matrix(
                 tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3]

            self.get_logger().info('base_link transform NED to ENU=\n' +

        self.get_logger().info('ThrusterManager::update_rate=' +

        # Set the tf_prefix parameter
        #TODO probably comment
        #self.set_parameters(['thruster_manager/tf_prefix'], [self.namespace])
        # param_tf_prefix = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('thruster_manager.tf_prefix', rclpy.Parameter.Type.STRING, self.namespace)
        # self.set_parameters([param_tf_prefix])

        # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM
        # matrix for future use
        self.output_dir = None
        if self.has_parameter('output_dir'):
            self.output_dir = self.get_parameter(
            if not isdir(self.output_dir):
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid output directory, output_dir=' +
            self.get_logger().info('output_dir=' + self.output_dir)

        # Number of thrusters
        self.n_thrusters = 0

        # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command
        self.thrusters = list()

        # Thrust forces vector
        self.thrust = None

        #TODO Close check...transform to dict
        # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque
        self.configuration_matrix = None
        # tam = self.get_parameter('tam')
        # if len(tam) != 0:
        #tam = parse_nested_params_to_dict(tam, '.')
        if self.has_parameter('tam'):
            tam = self.get_parameter('tam').value
            tam = numpy.array(tam)
            #reshape the array. #TODO Unsure
            self.configuration_matrix = numpy.reshape(tam, (6, -1))
            # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns
            self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1]
            # Create publishing topics to each thruster
            params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params']
            conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'].value
            if type(params) == list and type(conv_fcn) == list:
                if len(params) != self.n_thrusters or len(
                        conv_fcn) != self.n_thrusters:
                    raise RuntimeError('Lists conversion_fcn and '
                                       'conversion_fcn_params must have '
                                       'the same number of items as of '
            #TODO !!!!!!!!! Check if the topic name has to be corrected somewhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            for i in range(self.n_thrusters):
                topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'].value + 'id_' + str(i) + \
                if list not in [type(params), type(conv_fcn)]:
                    #Unpack parameters to values
                    deduced_params = {
                        key: val.value
                        for key, val in params.items()
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        self, conv_fcn, i, topic, None, None, **deduced_params)
                    #Unpack parameters to values
                    deduced_params = {
                        key: val.value
                        for key, val in params[i].items()
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        self, conv_fcn[i], i, topic, None, None,

                if thruster is None:
                    RuntimeError('Invalid thruster conversion '
                                 'function=%s' %

            self.get_logger().info('Thruster allocation matrix provided!')
            self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters)

        if not self.update_tam():
            raise RuntimeError('No thrusters found')

        # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs
        self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None
        if self.configuration_matrix is not None:
            self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv(

        # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use
        if self.output_dir is not None:
            with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file:
        # else:
        #     self.get_logger().info('Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=' + str(self.output_dir))

        self._ready = True
        self.get_logger().info('ThrusterManager: ready')
 def rot_matrix(self):
     """`numpy.array`: Rotation matrix"""
     return quaternion_matrix(self._rot)[0:3, 0:3]
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self):
        """Class constructor."""
        # This flag will be set to true once the thruster allocation matrix is
        # available
        self._ready = False

        # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle
        self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace()
        if self.namespace != '':
            if self.namespace[-1] != '/':
                self.namespace += '/'

            if self.namespace[0] != '/':
                self.namespace = '/' + self.namespace

        if not rospy.has_param('thruster_manager'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster manager parameters not '
                                     'initialized for uuv_name=' +

        # Load all parameters
        self.config = rospy.get_param('thruster_manager')

        robot_description_param = self.namespace + 'robot_description'
        self.use_robot_descr = False
        self.axes = {}
        if rospy.has_param(robot_description_param):
            self.use_robot_descr = True

        if self.config['update_rate'] < 0:
            self.config['update_rate'] = 50

        self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None

        tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer)
        tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None

            if self.namespace != '':
                target = '{}base_link'.format(self.namespace)
                target = target[1::]
                source = '{}base_link_ned'.format(self.namespace)
                target = 'base_link'
                source = 'base_link_ned'
            source = source[1::]
            tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                target, source, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1))
        except Exception as e:
            rospy.loginfo('No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned'
                  ' for vehicle {}, message={}'.format(self.namespace, e))
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None

        if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None:
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = transformations.quaternion_matrix(
                 tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3]

            rospy.loginfo('base_link transform NED to ENU=\n' + str(self.base_link_ned_to_enu))

          'ThrusterManager::update_rate=' + str(self.config['update_rate']))

        # Set the tf_prefix parameter
        rospy.set_param('thruster_manager/tf_prefix', self.namespace)

        # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM
        # matrix for future use
        self.output_dir = None
        if rospy.has_param('~output_dir'):
            self.output_dir = rospy.get_param('~output_dir')
            if not isdir(self.output_dir):
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Invalid output directory, output_dir=' + self.output_dir)
            rospy.loginfo('output_dir=' + self.output_dir)

        # Number of thrusters
        self.n_thrusters = 0

        # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command
        self.thrusters = list()

        # Thrust forces vector
        self.thrust = None

        # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque
        self.configuration_matrix = None
        if rospy.has_param('~tam'):
            tam = rospy.get_param('~tam')
            self.configuration_matrix = numpy.array(tam)
            # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns
            self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1]
            # Create publishing topics to each thruster
            params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params']
            conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn']
            if type(params) == list and type(conv_fcn) == list:
                if len(params) != self.n_thrusters or len(conv_fcn) != self.n_thrusters:
                    raise rospy.ROSException('Lists conversion_fcn and '
                                             'conversion_fcn_params must have '
                                             'the same number of items as of '
            for i in range(self.n_thrusters):
                topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \
                if list not in [type(params), type(conv_fcn)]:
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        conv_fcn, i, topic, None, None,
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        conv_fcn[i], i, topic, None, None,

                if thruster is None:
                    rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion '
                                       % self.config['conversion_fcn'])
            rospy.loginfo('Thruster allocation matrix provided!')
            self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters)

        if not self.update_tam():
            raise rospy.ROSException('No thrusters found')

        # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs
        self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None
        if self.configuration_matrix is not None:
            self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv(

        # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use
        if self.output_dir is not None:
            with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file:
            rospy.loginfo('Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=' + str(self.output_dir))

        self.ready = True
        rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: ready')
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self,
                 node: Node,
                 tf_trans_world_ned_to_enu: TransformStamped = None):
        """Class constructor."""
        self.node = node
        assert inertial_frame_id in ['world', 'world_ned']
        # Reading current namespace
        self._namespace = self.node.get_namespace()

        self._inertial_frame_id = inertial_frame_id
        self._body_frame_id = None
        self._logger = get_logger()

        if self._inertial_frame_id == 'world':
            self._body_frame_id = 'base_link'
            self._body_frame_id = 'base_link_ned'

        # Handle tf2 results here
        if tf_trans_world_ned_to_enu is not None:
            self.q_ned_to_enu = np.array([
                'No world ned to enu was provided. Setting to default')
            self.q_ned_to_enu = quaternion_from_euler(2 * np.pi, 0, np.pi)

        # try:
        #     import tf2_ros

        #     tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        #     listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer, self.node)

        #     tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
        #         'world', 'world_ned', rclpy.time.Time(),
        #         rclpy.time.Duration(seconds=10))

        #     self.q_ned_to_enu = np.array(
        #         [tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.x,
        #         tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.y,
        #         tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.z,
        #         tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w])
        # except Exception as ex:
        #     self._logger.warning(
        #         'Error while requesting ENU to NED transform'
        #         ', message={}'.format(ex))
        #     self.q_ned_to_enu = quaternion_from_euler(2 * np.pi, 0, np.pi)

        self.transform_ned_to_enu = quaternion_matrix(self.q_ned_to_enu)[0:3,

        if self.transform_ned_to_enu is not None:
  'Transform world_ned (NED) to world (ENU)=\n' +

        self._mass = 0.0
        if self.node.has_parameter('mass'):
            self._mass = self.node.get_parameter('mass').value
            if self._mass <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Mass has to be positive')

        self._inertial = dict(ixx=0, iyy=0, izz=0, ixy=0, ixz=0, iyz=0)
        if self.node.has_parameter('inertial'):
            #inertial = self.node.get_parameter('inertial').value
            inertial = self.node.get_parameters_by_prefix('inertial')
            inertial = {key: val.value for key, val in inertial.items()}
            for key in self._inertial:
                if key not in inertial:
                    raise RuntimeError('Invalid moments of inertia')
            self._inertial = inertial

        self._cog = [0, 0, 0]
        if self.node.has_parameter('cog'):
            self._cog = self.node.get_parameter('cog').value
            if len(self._cog) != 3:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid center of gravity vector')

        self._cob = [0, 0, 0]
        # bug fix wrt the original code
        if self.node.has_parameter('cob'):
            self._cob = self.node.get_parameter('cob').value
            if len(self._cob) != 3:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid center of buoyancy vector')

        self._body_frame = 'base_link'
        if self.node.has_parameter('base_link'):
            self._body_frame = self.node.get_parameter(

        self._volume = 0.0
        if self.node.has_parameter('volume'):
            self._volume = self.node.get_parameter('volume').value
            if self._volume <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid volume')

        # Fluid density
        self._density = 1028.0
        if self.node.has_parameter('density'):
            self._density = self.node.get_parameter('density').value
            if self._density <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid fluid density')

        # Bounding box
        self._height = 0.0
        self._length = 0.0
        self._width = 0.0
        if self.node.has_parameter('height'):
            self._height = self.node.get_parameter('height').value
            if self._height <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid height')

        if self.node.has_parameter('length'):
            self._length = self.node.get_parameter('length').value
            if self._length <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid length')

        if self.node.has_parameter('width'):
            self._width = self.node.get_parameter('width').value
            if self._width <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid width')

        # Calculating the rigid-body mass matrix
        self._M = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6), dtype=float)
        self._M[0:3, 0:3] = self._mass * np.eye(3)
        self._M[0:3, 3:6] = - self._mass * \
        self._M[3:6, 0:3] = self._mass * \
        self._M[3:6, 3:6] = self._calc_inertial_tensor()

        # Loading the added-mass matrix
        self._Ma = np.zeros((6, 6))
        if self.node.has_parameter('Ma'):
            # Get 1D array
            Ma = self.node.get_parameter('Ma').value
            # Reshape the array.
            self._Ma = np.reshape(Ma, (6, 6))
            if self._Ma.shape != (6, 6):
                raise RuntimeError('Invalid added mass matrix')

        # Sum rigid-body and added-mass matrices
        self._Mtotal = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))

        # Acceleration of gravity
        self._gravity = 9.81

        # Initialize the Coriolis and centripetal matrix
        self._C = np.zeros((6, 6))

        # Vector of restoring forces
        self._g = np.zeros(6)

        # Loading the linear damping coefficients
        self._linear_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))
        if self.node.has_parameter('linear_damping'):
            self._linear_damping = np.array(
            if self._linear_damping.shape == (6, ):
                self._linear_damping = np.diag(self._linear_damping)
            if self._linear_damping.shape != (6, 6):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Linear damping must be given as a 6x6 matrix or the diagonal coefficients'

        # Loading the nonlinear damping coefficients
        self._quad_damping = np.zeros(shape=(6, ))
        if self.node.has_parameter('quad_damping'):
            self._quad_damping = np.array(
            if self._quad_damping.shape != (6, ):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Quadratic damping must be given defined with 6 coefficients'

        # Loading the linear damping coefficients proportional to the forward speed
        self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))
        if self.node.has_parameter('linear_damping_forward_speed'):
            self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.array(
            if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape == (6, ):
                self._linear_damping_forward_speed = np.diag(
            if self._linear_damping_forward_speed.shape != (6, 6):
                raise RuntimeError('Linear damping proportional to the '
                                   'forward speed must be given as a 6x6 '
                                   'matrix or the diagonal coefficients')

        # Initialize damping matrix
        self._D = np.zeros((6, 6))

        # Vehicle states
        self._pose = dict(pos=np.zeros(3), rot=quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0))
        # Velocity in the body frame
        self._vel = np.zeros(6)
        # Acceleration in the body frame
        self._acc = np.zeros(6)
        # Generalized forces
        self._gen_forces = np.zeros(6)
    def __init__(self):
        # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle
        self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace().replace('/', '')
        rospy.loginfo('Initialize control allocator for vehicle <%s>' %

        self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer)
        tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None

            if self.namespace != '':
                target = '{}/base_link'.format(self.namespace)
                source = '{}/base_link_ned'.format(self.namespace)
                target = 'base_link'
                source = 'base_link_ned'
            rospy.loginfo('Lookup transfrom from %s to %s' % (source, target))
            tf_trans_ned_to_enu = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                target, source, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1))
        except Exception as e:
                'No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned'
                ' for vehicle {}, message={}'.format(self.namespace, e))
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None

        if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None:
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = quaternion_matrix(
                 tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3]

            rospy.logwarn('base_link transform NED to ENU=\n{}'.format(

        self.base_link = rospy.get_param('~base_link', 'base_link')

        # Check if the thruster configuration is available
        if not rospy.has_param('~thruster_config'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster configuration not available')

        # Retrieve the thruster configuration parameters
        self.thruster_config = rospy.get_param('~thruster_config')

        # Check if all necessary thruster model parameter are available
        thruster_params = [
            'conversion_fcn_params', 'conversion_fcn', 'topic_prefix',
            'topic_suffix', 'frame_base', 'max_thrust'
        for p in thruster_params:
            if p not in self.thruster_config:
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Parameter <%s> for thruster conversion function is missing'
                    % p)

        # Setting up the thruster topic name
        self.thruster_topic = '/%s/%s/%d/%s' % (
            self.namespace, self.thruster_config['topic_prefix'], 0,
        self.thruster = None

        # Check if the fin configuration is available
        if not rospy.has_param('~fin_config'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Fin configuration is not available')

        # Retrieve the fin configuration is available
        self.fin_config = rospy.get_param('~fin_config')

        # Check if all necessary fin parameters are available
        fin_params = [
            'fluid_density', 'lift_coefficient', 'fin_area', 'topic_prefix',
            'topic_suffix', 'frame_base'

        for p in fin_params:
            if p not in self.fin_config:
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Parameter <%s> for fin configuration is missing' % p)

        self.fin_lower_limit = -np.pi / 2
        if 'lower_limit' in self.fin_config:
            self.fin_lower_limit = self.fin_config['lower_limit']

        self.fin_upper_limit = np.pi / 2
        if 'upper_limit' in self.fin_config:
            self.fin_upper_limit = self.fin_config['upper_limit']

        if self.fin_config['lower_limit'] >= self.fin_config['upper_limit']:
            raise rospy.ROSException('Fin angle limits are invalid')

        self.fins = dict()

        self.n_fins = 0

        if not self.find_actuators():
            raise rospy.ROSException('No thruster and/or fins found')