def to_python(self, value, state=None):
         if not value:
             return datetime.utcnow()
         return datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d')
         raise TGValidationError(_('Expected date in format 2013-01-11'))
Beispiel #2
            def _to_python(self, value):
                if not value:
                    return value

                if value == 'True':
                    return True
                raise TGValidationError('Not True')
Beispiel #3
            def to_python(self, value, state=None):
                    pyv = self._to_python(value)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise TGValidationError(str(e))

                self.validate_python(pyv, None)
                return pyv
Beispiel #4
    def _perform_validate(self, controller, params):
        """Run validation for the controller with the given parameters.

        Validation is stored on the "validation" attribute of the controller's

        If can be in three forms:

        1) A dictionary, with key being the request parameter name, and value a
           FormEncode validator.

        2) A FormEncode Schema object

        3) Any object with a "validate" method that takes a dictionary of the
           request variables.

        Validation can "clean" or otherwise modify the parameters that were
        passed in, not just raise an exception.  Validation exceptions should
        be FormEncode Invalid objects.


        validation = getattr(controller.decoration, 'validation', None)

        if validation is None:
            return params

        # An object used by FormEncode to get translator function
        formencode_state = type('state', (), {'_': staticmethod(pylons_formencode_gettext)})

        #Initialize new_params -- if it never gets updated just return params
        new_params = {}

        # The validator may be a dictionary, a FormEncode Schema object, or any
        # object with a "validate" method.
        if isinstance(validation.validators, dict):
            # TG developers can pass in a dict of param names and FormEncode
            # validators.  They are applied one by one and builds up a new set
            # of validated params.

            errors = {}
            for field, validator in validation.validators.items():
                    if isinstance(validator, _FormEncodeValidator):
                        new_params[field] = validator.to_python(params.get(field),
                        new_params[field] = validator.to_python(params.get(field))
                # catch individual validation errors into the errors dictionary
                except validation_errors as inv:
                    errors[field] = inv

            # Parameters that don't have validators are returned verbatim
            for param, param_value in params.items():
                if not param in new_params:
                    new_params[param] = param_value

            # If there are errors, create a compound validation error based on
            # the errors dictionary, and raise it as an exception
            if errors:
                raise TGValidationError(TGValidationError.make_compound_message(errors),

        elif isinstance(validation.validators, _FormEncodeSchema):
            # A FormEncode Schema object - to_python converts the incoming
            # parameters to sanitized Python values
            new_params = validation.validators.to_python(params, formencode_state)

        elif (hasattr(validation.validators, 'validate')
              and getattr(validation, 'needs_controller', False)):
            # An object with a "validate" method - call it with the parameters
            new_params = validation.validators.validate(
                controller, params, formencode_state)

        elif hasattr(validation.validators, 'validate'):
            # An object with a "validate" method - call it with the parameters
            new_params = validation.validators.validate(params, formencode_state)

        # Theoretically this should not happen...
        # if new_params is None:
        #     return params

        return new_params
 def test_validation_error_has_message(self):
     e = TGValidationError('This is a validation error')
     assert str(e) == 'This is a validation error'
Beispiel #6
 def to_python(self, value):
         return int(value)
         raise TGValidationError('Not a number')
Beispiel #7
 def _to_python(self, value):
     if '@' not in value:
         raise TGValidationError('not email')
     return value
Beispiel #8
 def _to_python(self, value):
         return int(value)
         raise TGValidationError('Must be an integer')
Beispiel #9
 def validate_python(self, value, state=None):
     if not value:
         raise TGValidationError('Empty')