Beispiel #1
    def test_softmax_optimizations_w_bias2(self):
        x = tensor.matrix('x')
        b = tensor.vector('b')
        c = tensor.vector('c')
        one_of_n = tensor.lvector('one_of_n')
        op = crossentropy_categorical_1hot

        env = gof.Env([x, b, c, one_of_n],
                      [op(softmax(T.add(x, b, c)), one_of_n)])
        assert env.outputs[0].owner.op == op

        print 'BEFORE'
        for node in env.toposort():
            print node.op
        print '----'


        print 'AFTER'
        for node in env.toposort():
            print node.op
        print '===='
        assert len(env.toposort()) == 3

        assert str(env.outputs[0].owner.op) == 'OutputGuard'
        assert env.outputs[0].owner.inputs[
            0].owner.op == crossentropy_softmax_argmax_1hot_with_bias
Beispiel #2
def test_argmax_pushdown_bias():
    x = tensor.dmatrix()
    b = tensor.dvector()

    out = tensor.argmax(softmax_with_bias(x, b), axis=-1)
    env = gof.Env([x, b], [out])


    #print 'AFTER'
    #for node in env.toposort():
    #    print node.op
    assert len(env.toposort()) == 4
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[0].op, tensor.DimShuffle)
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[1].op, tensor.Elemwise)
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[2].op, tensor.MaxAndArgmax)
    assert str(env.toposort()[3].op) == 'OutputGuard'

    x = tensor.dmatrix()
    b = tensor.dvector()

    out = tensor.max_and_argmax(softmax_with_bias(x, b), axis=-1)[0]
    env = gof.Env([x, b], [out])

    backup = config.warn.argmax_pushdown_bug
    config.warn.argmax_pushdown_bug = False
        config.warn.argmax_pushdown_bug = backup

    #print 'AFTER'
    #for node in env.toposort():
    #    print node.op
    assert len(env.toposort()) == 3
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[0].op, SoftmaxWithBias)
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[1].op, tensor.CAReduce)
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[1].op.scalar_op, theano.scalar.Maximum)
    assert str(env.toposort()[2].op) == 'OutputGuard'
Beispiel #3
    def test_softmax_optimizations_vector(self):
        x = tensor.vector('x')
        one_of_n = tensor.lvector('one_of_n')
        op = crossentropy_categorical_1hot
        env = gof.Env([x, one_of_n], [op(softmax(x), one_of_n)])
        assert env.outputs[0].owner.op == op

        assert str(env.outputs[0].owner.op) == 'OutputGuard'
        assert env.outputs[0].owner.inputs[
            0].owner.op == crossentropy_softmax_argmax_1hot_with_bias
Beispiel #4
def test_argmax_pushdown():
    x = tensor.dmatrix()

    #test that the max_and_argmax is pushed down if the max is not used
    out = tensor.max_and_argmax(softmax(tensor.exp(tensor.tanh(sigmoid(x)))),
    env = gof.Env([x], [out])


    #print 'AFTER'
    #for node in env.toposort():
    #print node.op
    assert len(env.toposort()) == 2  # an output_guard is second
    assert env.toposort()[0].op == tensor.basic._max_and_argmax
    assert str(env.toposort()[1].op) == 'OutputGuard'
    x = tensor.dmatrix()
    #test that the max_and_argmax is not pushed down if the max is used
    out = tensor.max_and_argmax(softmax(tensor.exp(tensor.tanh(sigmoid(x)))),
    env = gof.Env([x], [out])

    backup = config.warn.argmax_pushdown_bug
    config.warn.argmax_pushdown_bug = False
        config.warn.argmax_pushdown_bug = backup

    #print 'AFTER'
    #for node in env.toposort():
    #print node.op
    assert len(env.toposort()) == 4  # an output_guard is second
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[0].op, tensor.Elemwise)
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[1].op, Softmax)
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[2].op, tensor.CAReduce)
    assert isinstance(env.toposort()[2].op.scalar_op, theano.scalar.Maximum)
    assert str(env.toposort()[3].op) == 'OutputGuard'
Beispiel #5
    def test_softmax_grad_optimizations(self):
        x = tensor.matrix('x')
        one_of_n = tensor.lvector('one_of_n')
        op = crossentropy_categorical_1hot

        xe = op(softmax(x), one_of_n)

        sum_xe = tensor.sum(xe)
        g_x = tensor.grad(sum_xe, x)
        env = gof.Env([x, one_of_n], [g_x])

        print 'BEFORE'
        for node in env.toposort():
            print node.op, node.inputs
        print '----'

        print 'AFTER'
        for node in env.toposort():
            print node.op, node.inputs

        # the function has 9 ops because the dimshuffle and elemwise{second} aren't getting
        # cleaned up as well as we'd like.
        has_cx1hot = False
        has_cx1hotdx = False
        has_softmax = False
        has_softmaxdx = False
        for node in env.toposort():
            if node.op == crossentropy_softmax_argmax_1hot_with_bias:
                has_cx1hot = True
            if node.op == crossentropy_softmax_1hot_with_bias_dx:
                has_cx1hotdx = True
            if node.op == softmax:
                has_softmax = True
            if node.op == softmax_grad:
                has_softmaxdx = True

        assert has_cx1hot
        assert has_cx1hotdx
        assert not has_softmax
        assert not has_softmaxdx
Beispiel #6
    def process_node(self, env, node):
        # this flag tells if there was any change during the last iterations
        changed = True
        clean_inputs, clean_outputs = scan_utils.reconstruct_graph(
                        node.op.inputs, node.op.outputs)

        local_env = gof.Env(clean_inputs, clean_outputs)
        max_iterations = 2 * len(local_env.toposort()) + 3
        counts = 0
        to_remove = []
        to_replace = []
        replace_with_in = []
        replace_with_out = []
        op = node.op
        # Construct the list of non_sequences to simplify a few things
        st = op.n_seqs
        st += int(numpy.sum([len(x) for x in
                             op.tap_array[:(op.n_mit_mot + op.n_mit_sot)]]))
        st += op.n_sit_sot
        st += op.n_shared_outs
        non_seqs = clean_inputs[st:]
        st = (op.n_seqs +
              op.n_mit_mot +
              op.n_mit_sot +
              op.n_sit_sot +
              op.n_nit_sot +
              op.n_shared_outs + 1)
        outer_non_seqs = node.inputs[st:]
        assert len(non_seqs) == len(outer_non_seqs)
        while changed and counts < max_iterations:
            counts += 1
            changed = False

            for nd in local_env.toposort():
                if (numpy.all([(x in non_seqs) or
                               (x.owner in to_remove) or
                               isinstance(x, tensor.Constant)
                                 for x in nd.inputs]) and
                        # we can do this because the assumption is that a
                        # viewOp or deepCopyOp will be just at the end of the
                        # function and not somewhere in the middle ..
                        not isinstance(nd.op, theano.compile.ViewOp) and
                        not isinstance(nd.op, theano.compile.DeepCopyOp) and
                        # and we didn't already looked at this node
                        not nd in to_remove):

                    # We have a candidate node to removable
                    # Step 1. Reconstruct it on outside
                    outside_ins = []
                    for x in nd.inputs:
                        if x in non_seqs:
                            outside_ins += [outer_non_seqs[non_seqs.index(x)]]
                        elif x in to_replace:
                            outside_ins += [
                        elif isinstance(x, theano.Constant):
                            outside_ins += [x.clone()]
                            raise Exception(
                                ('Error in the `scan_pushout_non_seq_'
                                 'operations`. The optimization tries '
                                 'to move some computation fron scan '
                                 'which is not allowed to move. Report '
                                 'this on theano-users list'), x)
                    outside_ins = [x.type.filter_variable(y) for x,y in
                                   zip(nd.inputs, outside_ins)]
                    nw_outer_node = nd.op.make_node(*outside_ins)
                    # Step 2. Create variables for replacements
                    for idx, y in enumerate(nd.outputs):

                        y_place_holder = scan_utils.safe_new(y, '_replace')
                        to_replace += [y]
                        replace_with_in += [y_place_holder]
                        assert type(y) == type(nw_outer_node.outputs[idx])
                        replace_with_out += [nw_outer_node.outputs[idx]]
                    changed = True
        if counts >= max_iterations:
            raise Exception('Error in the `scan_pushout_non_seq_operations`.'
                            ' The optimization exhausted the maximal number '
                            'of iterations allowed!')
        # We need to check all candidate replacements and choose those that
        # make sense for us

        # Step 1. which elements of `to_replace` are used by remaining
        # components of the inner function
        clean_to_replace = []
        clean_replace_with_in = []
        clean_replace_with_out = []
        existent_nodes = [nd for nd in local_env.toposort()
                            if nd not in to_remove]
        to_keep = []
        for nd in existent_nodes:
            to_keep += nd.inputs
        for idx, out in enumerate(to_replace):
            if out in to_keep and out.owner not in existent_nodes:
                clean_to_replace += [out]
                clean_replace_with_in += [replace_with_in[idx]]
                clean_replace_with_out += [replace_with_out[idx]]

        if len(clean_to_replace) > 0:
            # We can finally put an end to all this madness
            givens = {}
            nw_outer = []
            nw_inner = []
            for to_repl, repl_in, repl_out in zip(clean_to_replace,
                if isinstance(repl_out, theano.Constant):
                    repl_in = repl_out.clone()
                    nw_inner += [repl_in]
                    nw_outer += [repl_out]
                givens[to_repl] = repl_in

            _op_outs = scan_utils.clone(clean_outputs,
            _op_ins = clean_inputs + nw_inner
            op_ins, op_outs = scan_utils.reconstruct_graph(_op_ins, _op_outs)
            # Reconstruct node
            nwScan = scan_op.Scan(op_ins, op_outs,
            nw_node = nwScan.make_node(* (node.inputs + nw_outer))
            env.replace_all_validate(zip(node.outputs, nw_node.outputs),
            return True
        elif to_keep == []:
            # Nothing in the inner graph should be kept
            replace_with = {}
            for idx, out in enumerate(to_replace):
                if out in local_env.outputs:
                    x = node.outputs[local_env.outputs.index(out)]
                    y = replace_with_out[idx]
                    shape = [y.shape[idx] for idx in xrange(y.ndim)]
                    replace_with[x] = tensor.alloc(y,

            # We need to add one extra dimension to the outputs

            return False
Beispiel #7
    def test_extending_2(self):
         This test fails in DebugMode for the same reasons the test in
         fails on debug mode ( as much as I could tell - Razvan )
        from theano import gof

        class Double(gof.Type):
            def filter(self, x, strict=False, allow_downcast=None):
                if strict and not isinstance(x, float):
                    raise TypeError('Expected a float!')
                return float(x)

            def values_eq_approx(self, x, y, tolerance=1e-4):
                return abs(x - y) / (abs(x) + abs(y)) < tolerance

            def __str__(self):
                return "double"

        double = Double()

        class BinaryDoubleOp(gof.Op):
            def __init__(self, name, fn):
       = name
                self.fn = fn

            def __eq__(self, other):
                return type(self) == type(other) and (
           == and (self.fn == other.fn)

            def __hash__(self):
                return hash(type(self)) ^ hash( ^ hash(self.fn)

            def make_node(self, x, y):
                if isinstance(x, (int, float)):
                    x = gof.Constant(double, x)
                if isinstance(y, (int, float)):
                    y = gof.Constant(double, y)
                if x.type != double or y.type != double:
                    raise TypeError('%s only works on doubles' %
                return gof.Apply(self, [x, y], [double()])

            def perform(self, node, inp, out):
                x, y = inp
                z, = out
                z[0] = self.fn(x, y)

            def __str__(self):

        add = BinaryDoubleOp(name='add', fn=lambda x, y: x + y)

        sub = BinaryDoubleOp(name='sub', fn=lambda x, y: x - y)

        mul = BinaryDoubleOp(name='mul', fn=lambda x, y: x * y)

        div = BinaryDoubleOp(name='div', fn=lambda x, y: x / y)

        def c_declare(name, sub):
            return """
            double %(name)s;
            """ % dict(name=name)

        double.c_declare = c_declare

        def c_init(name, sub):
            return """
            %(name)s = 0.0;
            """ % dict(name=name)

        double.c_init = c_init

        def c_extract(name, sub):
            return """
            if (!PyFloat_Check(py_%(name)s)) {
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected a float");
            %(name)s = PyFloat_AsDouble(py_%(name)s);
            """ % dict(name=name, fail=sub['fail'])

        double.c_extract = c_extract

        def c_sync(name, sub):
            return """
            py_%(name)s = PyFloat_FromDouble(%(name)s);
            if (!py_%(name)s) {
                printf("PyFloat_FromDouble failed on: %%f\\n", %(name)s);
                py_%(name)s = Py_None;
            """ % dict(name=name)

        double.c_sync = c_sync

        def c_cleanup(name, sub):
            return ""

        double.c_cleanup = c_cleanup

        from theano import function

        x, y, z = double('x'), double('y'), double('z')
        a = add(x, y)
        b = mul(a, z)
        f = function([x, y, z], b)
        assert f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) == 9.0

        from theano import gof

        class Double(gof.Type):
            def filter(self, x, strict=False, allow_downcast=None):
                if strict and not isinstance(x, float):
                    raise TypeError('Expected a float!')
                return float(x)

            def values_eq_approx(self, x, y, tolerance=1e-4):
                return abs(x - y) / (x + y) < tolerance

            def __str__(self):
                return "double"

            def c_declare(self, name, sub):
                return """
                double %(name)s;
                """ % dict(name=name)

            def c_init(self, name, sub):
                return """
                %(name)s = 0.0;
                """ % dict(name=name)

            def c_extract(self, name, sub):
                return """
                if (!PyFloat_Check(py_%(name)s)) {
                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected a float");
                %(name)s = PyFloat_AsDouble(py_%(name)s);
                """ % dict(sub, name=name)

            def c_sync(self, name, sub):
                return """
                py_%(name)s = PyFloat_FromDouble(%(name)s);
                if (!py_%(name)s) {
                    printf("PyFloat_FromDouble failed on: %%f\\n", %(name)s);
                    py_%(name)s = Py_None;
                """ % dict(name=name)

            def c_cleanup(self, name, sub):
                return ""

        double = Double()

        def c_code(node, name, input_names, output_names, sub):
            x_name, y_name = input_names[0], input_names[1]
            output_name = output_names[0]
            return """
            %(output_name)s = %(x_name)s * %(y_name)s;
            """ % locals()

        mul.c_code = c_code

        from theano import gof

        class BinaryDoubleOp(gof.Op):
            def __init__(self, name, fn, ccode):
       = name
                self.fn = fn
                self.ccode = ccode

            def make_node(self, x, y):
                if isinstance(x, (int, float)):
                    x = gof.Constant(double, x)
                if isinstance(y, (int, float)):
                    y = gof.Constant(double, y)
                if x.type != double or y.type != double:
                    raise TypeError('%s only works on doubles' %
                return gof.Apply(self, [x, y], [double()])

            def perform(self, node, inp, out):
                x, y = inp
                z, = out
                z[0] = self.fn(x, y)

            def __str__(self):

            def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub):
                x, y = inp
                z, = out
                return self.ccode % locals()

        add = BinaryDoubleOp(name='add',
                             fn=lambda x, y: x + y,
                             ccode="%(z)s = %(x)s + %(y)s;")

        sub = BinaryDoubleOp(name='sub',
                             fn=lambda x, y: x - y,
                             ccode="%(z)s = %(x)s - %(y)s;")

        mul = BinaryDoubleOp(name='mul',
                             fn=lambda x, y: x * y,
                             ccode="%(z)s = %(x)s * %(y)s;")

        div = BinaryDoubleOp(name='div',
                             fn=lambda x, y: x / y,
                             ccode="%(z)s = %(x)s / %(y)s;")

        from theano.gof import toolbox

        class Simplify(gof.Optimizer):
            def add_requirements(self, env):

            def apply(self, env):
                for node in env.toposort():
                    if node.op == div:
                        x, y = node.inputs
                        z = node.outputs[0]
                        if x.owner and x.owner.op == mul:
                            a, b = x.owner.inputs
                            if y == a:
                                env.replace_validate(z, b)
                            elif y == b:
                                env.replace_validate(z, a)

        simplify = Simplify()
        x = double('x')
        y = double('y')
        z = double('z')
        a = add(z, mul(div(mul(y, x), y), div(z, x)))
        e = gof.Env([x, y, z], [a])

        class LocalSimplify(gof.LocalOptimizer):
            def transform(self, node):
                if node.op == div:
                    x, y = node.inputs
                    if x.owner and x.owner.op == mul:
                        a, b = x.owner.inputs
                        if y == a:
                            return [b]
                        elif y == b:
                            return [a]
                return False

            def tracks(self):
                # This should be needed for the EquilibriumOptimizer
                # but it isn't now
                # TODO: do this and explain it
                return []  # that's not what you should do

        local_simplify = LocalSimplify()

        x = double('x')
        y = double('y')
        z = double('z')
        a = add(z, mul(div(mul(y, x), y), div(z, x)))
        e = gof.Env([x, y, z], [a])
        simplify = gof.TopoOptimizer(local_simplify)
Beispiel #8
def Env(i, o):
    e = gof.Env(i, o)
    return e