Beispiel #1
def test_blocksparse_grad_merge():
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    h = tensor.ftensor3()
    iIdx = tensor.lmatrix()
    oIdx = tensor.lmatrix()

    W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val = blocksparse_data()
    W = float32_shared_constructor(W_val)

    o = sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)
    gW = theano.grad(o.sum(), W)

    lr = numpy.asarray(0.05, dtype='float32')

    upd = W - lr * gW

    f1 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx],
                         updates=[(W, upd)],
    # not running with mode=gpu ensures that the elemwise is not merged in
    f2 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx], updates=[(W, upd)])

    f2(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_ref = W.get_value()

    # reset the var
    f1(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_opt = W.get_value()

    utt.assert_allclose(W_ref, W_opt)
Beispiel #2
def test_blocksparse_grad_merge():
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    h = tensor.ftensor3()
    iIdx = tensor.lmatrix()
    oIdx = tensor.lmatrix()

    W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val = blocksparse_data()
    W = float32_shared_constructor(W_val)

    o = sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)
    gW = theano.grad(o.sum(), W)

    lr = numpy.asarray(0.05, dtype='float32')

    upd = W - lr * gW

    f1 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx], updates=[(W, upd)],
    # not running with mode=gpu ensures that the elemwise is not merged in
    mode = None
    if theano.config.mode == 'FAST_COMPILE':
        mode = theano.compile.mode.get_mode('FAST_RUN')

    f2 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx], updates=[(W, upd)], mode=mode)

    f2(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_ref = W.get_value()

    # reset the var
    f1(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_opt = W.get_value()

    utt.assert_allclose(W_ref, W_opt)
def Xtest_blocksparse_grad_merge():
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    h = tensor.ftensor3()
    iIdx = tensor.lmatrix()
    oIdx = tensor.lmatrix()

    W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val = blocksparse_data()
    W = float32_shared_constructor(W_val)

    o = sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)
    gW = theano.grad(o.sum(), W)

    lr = numpy.asarray(0.05, dtype='float32')

    upd = W - lr * gW

    f1 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx],
                         updates=[(W, upd)],

    # Make sure the lr update was merged.
    assert isinstance(f1.maker.fgraph.outputs[0].owner.op, SparseBlockOuterSS)

    # Exclude the merge optimizations.
    mode = mode_with_gpu.excluding('local_merge_blocksparse_alpha')
    mode = mode.excluding('local_merge_blocksparse_output')

    f2 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx], updates=[(W, upd)], mode=mode)

    # Make sure the lr update is not merged.
    assert not isinstance(f2.maker.fgraph.outputs[0].owner.op,

    f2(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_ref = W.get_value()

    # reset the var
    f1(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_opt = W.get_value()

    utt.assert_allclose(W_ref, W_opt)
Beispiel #4
def test_blocksparse_grad_shape():
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    W = tensor.ftensor4()
    h = tensor.ftensor3()
    iIdx = tensor.lmatrix()
    oIdx = tensor.lmatrix()

    o = sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)
    go = theano.grad(o.sum(), [b, W, h])

    f = theano.function([W, h, iIdx, b, oIdx], go, mode=mode_with_gpu)

    W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val = blocksparse_data()

    # just make sure that it runs correcly and all the shapes are ok.
    b_g, W_g, h_g = f(W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)

    assert b_g.shape == b_val.shape
    assert h_g.shape == h_val.shape
    assert W_g.shape == W_val.shape
Beispiel #5
def test_blocksparse_grad_shape():
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    W = tensor.ftensor4()
    h = tensor.ftensor3()
    iIdx = tensor.lmatrix()
    oIdx = tensor.lmatrix()

    o = sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)
    go = theano.grad(o.sum(), [b, W, h])

    f = theano.function([W, h, iIdx, b, oIdx], go, mode=mode_with_gpu)

    W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val = blocksparse_data()

    # just make sure that it runs correcly and all the shapes are ok.
    b_g, W_g, h_g = f(W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)

    assert b_g.shape == b_val.shape
    assert h_g.shape == h_val.shape
    assert W_g.shape == W_val.shape
Beispiel #6
def Xtest_blocksparse_grad_merge():
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    h = tensor.ftensor3()
    iIdx = tensor.lmatrix()
    oIdx = tensor.lmatrix()

    W_val, h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val = blocksparse_data()
    W = float32_shared_constructor(W_val)

    o = sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)
    gW = theano.grad(o.sum(), W)

    lr = numpy.asarray(0.05, dtype='float32')

    upd = W - lr * gW

    f1 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx], updates=[(W, upd)],

    # Make sure the lr update was merged.
    assert isinstance(f1.maker.fgraph.outputs[0].owner.op, SparseBlockOuterSS)

    # Exclude the merge optimizations.
    mode = mode_with_gpu.excluding('local_merge_blocksparse_alpha')
    mode = mode.excluding('local_merge_blocksparse_output')

    f2 = theano.function([h, iIdx, b, oIdx], updates=[(W, upd)], mode=mode)

    # Make sure the lr update is not merged.
    assert not isinstance(f2.maker.fgraph.outputs[0].owner.op,

    f2(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_ref = W.get_value()

    # reset the var
    f1(h_val, iIdx_val, b_val, oIdx_val)
    W_opt = W.get_value()

    utt.assert_allclose(W_ref, W_opt)
Beispiel #7
 def f(b, h, W):
     return sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)
Beispiel #8
 def f(b, h, W):
     return sparse_block_gemv_ss(b.take(oIdx, axis=0), W, h, iIdx, oIdx)