Beispiel #1
	def run(self, source, destination, _from, to, excludes = None, chmod = None, delete = False, retry = 1, test_mode = False):
		run synchronization process
		@param source: source server
		@param destination: destination server
		@param _from: path on source server
		@param to: path on destination server
		@param exclude: instance of FileSet
		@param chmod: value for destination files to be chmoded to
		@param delete: if true any files in destination that is non-exist in source will be deleted
		@param test_mode: if true run in test mode
		@rtype: bool
		@return: True on success
		@raise InvalidParameterError: If one of the arguments is invalid.
		@raise Other: from localclient methods

		#validating that source or destination are servers and at least one of them is local server
		if source.__class__ != LocalServer:
			raise InvalidParameterError('source', 'Must be instance of LocalServer class')
		if destination.__class__ != FtpServer:
			raise InvalidParameterError('destination', 'Must be instance of FtpSerevr class')
		if not Validator.validate_non_empty_string(_from):
			raise InvalidParameterError('_from', 'Must be non-empty string')
		if not Validator.validate_non_empty_string(to):
			raise InvalidParameterError('to', 'Must be non-empty string')
		if excludes.__class__ != FileSet and excludes != None:
			raise InvalidParameterError('excludes', 'should be instance of FileSet')
		if not Validator.validate_non_empty_string(chmod) and chmod != None:
			raise InvalidParameterError('chmod', 'should be a string value in form like "0777"')
		if not Validator.validate_boolean(delete):
			raise InvalidParameterError('delete', 'should be boolean value')
		if not Validator.validate_boolean(test_mode):
			raise InvalidParameterError('test_mode', 'should be boolean value')
		local_platform = source.get_platform()
		ftp_platform = destination.get_platform()

		if not destination.is_exists(to):

				except Exception, e:
Beispiel #2
	def get_file(self, local_path, file_path, replace = False, retry = 1):
		get a file spesified by file path from the server

		@param local_path: local path on local machine where the directory will be checked out
		@param file_path: path of file on subversion  that will be got
		@param replace: if true replaces the existing local working diretory
		@param retry: number of retries before fail

		@raise GetFileError on failure

		if not Validator.validate_non_empty_string(local_path):
			raise InvalidParameterError("local_path", "Must be non-empty string")
		if not Validator.validate_non_empty_string(file_path):
			raise InvalidParameterError("file_path", "Must be non-empty string")
		if not Validator.validate_boolean(replace):
			raise InvalidParameterError("replace", "Must be a boolean value")
		if not Validator.validate_integer(retry):
			raise InvalidParameterError("retry", "Must be an integer value")

		local_path = self.local_client.get_platform().trim_path(local_path)
		file_path = self.local_client.get_platform().trim_path(file_path)

		if os.path.exists(local_path):
			if os.path.isdir(local_path):
				base_name = self.local_client.get_platform().basename(file_path)
				local_path += self.local_client.get_platform().get_separator() + base_name

		while retry:
			retry -= 1
				file_str = + file_path)
				if retry == 0:
					raise GetFileError("repository path: ")

				if os.path.exists(local_path):
					if os.path.isfile(local_path):
						if replace:
							self.local_client.delete(local_path, None, False, True, retry)
							raise FileExistsError(local_path + " already exists")

				local_file = open(local_path, 'w')

			except Exception, e:
				if retry == 0:
					raise FileWriteError ()
Beispiel #3
	def create_db(self, name, character_set = "", collate = "", if_not_exists = True, retry = 1):
		creates new database using data base name, character_set, and collate

		@param name: name of database to be created
		@param character_set: character set of the database
		@param collate: the collation of the database
		@param if_not_exist: only creates the database if it does not exist
		@param retry: The number of times to retry execution on error

		@rtype: bool
		@return: True on success

		@raise InvalidParameterError:  If method parameters are invalid in type.
		@raise DbCreateError: if failed to create the database.

		if False == Validator.validate_non_empty_string(name):
			raise InvalidParameterError('name', 'name should be a non-empty string')
		if False == Validator.validate_string(character_set):
			raise InvalidParameterError('character_set', 'character_set should be a string')
		if False == Validator.validate_string(collate):
			raise InvalidParameterError('collate', 'collate should be a string')
		if False == Validator.validate_boolean(if_not_exists):
			raise InvalidParameterError('if_not_exist', 'should be a boolean')

		while True:
				statement = "CREATE DATABASE %s %s"
				conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = self.__host, user = self.__username, passwd = self.__password, port = self.__port)
				transaction = conn.cursor()

				if True == if_not_exists:
					statement = statement % ("IF NOT EXISTS", name)
					statement = statement % ("", name)

				if 0 != len(character_set):
					statement = statement + " CHARACTER SET = %s " % (character_set)
				if 0 != len(collate):
					statement = statement + " COLLATE = %s " % (collate)

				AppLogger.debug('Executing SQL command "%s"' % (statement))

				return True

			except Exception, e:

				retry = retry - 1
				if 0 == retry:
					raise DbCreateError, str(e)
Beispiel #4
	def execute_sql(self, statements, database, transaction = False):
		Executes a sequence of SQL statements.

		@param statements: list of statements to be executed.
		@param database: the name of the database to run the statements.
		@param transaction: if it is True, statements will be executed as a single transaction.

		@rtype: bool
		@return: True on success

		@raise InvalidParameterError:  If method parameters are invalid in type.
		@raise DbStatementError: if method fails in executing statements or connecting to database.

		if statements.__class__ != list:
			raise InvalidParameterError('statements', 'statements should be a list of statements')
		if False == Validator.validate_non_empty_string(database):
			raise InvalidParameterError('database', 'must be a non empty string')
		if False == Validator.validate_boolean(transaction):
			raise InvalidParameterError('transaction', 'must be a boolean')

		while True:

				cursor = None
				conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = self.__host, user = self.__username, passwd = self.__password, port = self.__port, db = database)
				cursor = conn.cursor()

				for statement in statements:
					if not transaction:


				return True

			except Exception, e:

				if cursor:

				raise DbStatementError, str(e)
Beispiel #5
	def drop_db(self, name, if_exists = True, retry = 1):
		drops a database.

		@param name: name of database to be dropped
		@param if_exists: only drop the database if it did not exist
		@param retry: The number of times to retry execution on error

		@rtype: bool
		@return: True on success

		@raise InvalidParameterError:  If method parameters are invalid in type.
		@raise DbDropError: if method fails in creating database or connecting to database

		if False == Validator.validate_non_empty_string(name):
			raise InvalidParameterError('name', 'name should be a non-empty string')
		if False == Validator.validate_boolean(if_exists):
			raise InvalidParameterError('if_exists', 'should be a boolean')

		while True:
				statement = "DROP DATABASE %s %s"
				conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = self.__host, user = self.__username, passwd = self.__password, port = self.__port)
				transaction = conn.cursor()

				if True == if_exists:
					statement = statement % ("IF EXISTS", name)
					statement = statement % ("", name)

				AppLogger.debug('Executing SQL command "%s"' % (statement))

				return True

			except Exception, e:

				retry = retry - 1
				if 0 == retry:
					raise DbDropError, str(e)
Beispiel #6
	def list(self, path, excludes = None, recursive = False, retry = 1):
		list directory contents
		@param path: directory to be listed
		@param excludes: excluded files
		@param recursive: boolean for list the directory recursively or not
		@param retry: count of function retry
		@return: list of current working directory files  

		@raise InvalidParameterError: If the required argument(s) are not specified.
		@raise ListDirectoryError: If the specified directory can not be listed
		@raise FileNotExistsError: if the path not exist

		if not Validator.validate_non_empty_string(path):
			raise InvalidParameterError("path", "path can not be None or empty string")
		if not Validator.validate_boolean(recursive):
			raise InavlidParameterError("recursive", "recursive must be boolean")

		if not Validator.validate_integer(retry):
			raise InavlidParameterError("retry", "retry must be integer")

			if path == '.':
				path = self.get_cwd()
				path = self.append_to_root(path)
			if not self.is_exists(path):
				raise FileNotExistsError(path)
			return self.__list(path, excludes, recursive, retry)
		except Exception, e:
			raise #ListDirectoryError('Can not list directory ' + path + " " + str(e))
Beispiel #7
	def get_file_list(self, path, recursive = False, retry = 1):
		list file on subversion server given a  spesified path
		raise ListFileError on failure

		if not Validator.validate_string(path):
			raise InvalidParameterError("local_path", "Must be a string value")
		if not Validator.validate_boolean(recursive):
			raise InvalidParameterError("recursive", "Must be a boolean value")
		if not Validator.validate_integer(retry):
			raise InvalidParameterError("retry", "Must be an integer value")

		path = self.local_client.get_platform().trim_path(path)

		while retry:
			retry -= 1
				return + path, recurse = recursive)
			except Exception, e:
				if retry == 0:
					raise ListFileError("Repository path: " + self.repository_path + path, str(e))