Beispiel #1
	def __list(self, path, excludes, recursive, retry):
		files_list =  self.__get_dir_list(path, retry)
		files = []
		for file_list in files_list:
			ftp_file = FtpListParser(self.get_platform(), file_list)
			file_path = self.get_platform().join(path, ftp_file.get_name())
			file_type = ''
			if ftp_file.get_type() == 'd':
				file_type = FileObject.DIRECTORY
			elif ftp_file.get_type() == 'l':
				file_type = FileObject.LINK
			elif ftp_file.get_type() == 's':
				file_type = FileObject.SOCKET
			elif ftp_file.get_type() == 'c':
				file_type = FileObject.CHARCTER_DEVICE
			elif ftp_file.get_type() == 'p':
				file_type = FileObject.PIPE
			elif ftp_file.get_type() == 'b':
				file_type = FileObject.BLOCK_DEVICE
			elif ftp_file.get_type() == 'D':
				file_type = FileObject.DOOR
				file_type = FileObject.FILE

			if not (excludes is not None and excludes.match(path, ftp_file.get_name(), file_type)):
				resfile = FileObject(self.get_platform(), file_path, file_type, ftp_file.get_mode(), 
									 ftp_file.get_date(), '', '', ftp_file.get_owner(), ftp_file.get_group())
				children = []
				if ftp_file.get_type() == 'd' and recursive:
					children = self.__list(file_path, excludes, True, retry)
					for child in children:
		return files
Beispiel #2
	def __list(self, path, excludes = None, recursive = False, retry = 1):
		if False == Validator.validate_non_empty_string(path):
			raise InvalidParameterError('path', 'should be a not empty string')
		if excludes.__class__ != FileSet and excludes != None:
			raise InvalidParameterError('excludes', 'should be instance of FileSet')
		if recursive.__class__ != bool:
			raise InvalidParameterError('recursive', 'should be a bool')
		if retry.__class__ != int:
			raise InvalidParameterError('retry', 'should be a bool')
		#trim the '/' or '\' from the end of path
		path = self.get_platform().trim_path(path)
		if not os.path.exists(path):
			raise FileNotExistsError, 'file or directory does not exist'
		#test if path is relative
		if self.get_platform().is_relative(path) :
			path = self.__root + path
		if not os.path.isdir(path):
			recursive = False
			if os.path.isfile(path):
				file_type = FileObject.FILE
				file_type = FileObject.LINK
			if Platform.PLATFORM_WINDOWS == self.get_platform().get_platform():
				user_id = ""
				group_id = ""
				user_id = os.stat(path).st_uid
				group_id = os.stat(path).st_gid
			return FileObject(self.get_platform(), path, file_type, os.stat(path).st_mode & 0777 , time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(path)), time.localtime(os.path.getctime(path)), time.localtime(os.path.getatime(path)), user_id, group_id)
			if Platform.PLATFORM_WINDOWS == self.get_platform().get_platform():
				user_id = ""
				group_id = ""
				user_id = os.stat(path).st_uid
				group_id = os.stat(path).st_gid
			file = FileObject(self.get_platform(), path, FileObject.DIRECTORY, os.stat(path).st_mode & 0777 , time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(path)), time.localtime(os.path.getctime(path)), time.localtime(os.path.getatime(path)), user_id, group_id)
			if recursive or inspect.stack()[1][3] == 'list':
				cont_list = os.listdir(path)
				for item in cont_list:
					new_path = path + self.get_platform().get_separator() + item
					base_name = self.get_platform().basename(new_path)
					parent_name = self.get_platform().dirname(new_path)
					if os.path.isfile(new_path):
						_type = FileObject.FILE
						_type = FileObject.DIRECTORY
					if not (excludes and excludes.match(parent_name, base_name, _type)):
						file.add_child(self.__list(new_path, excludes, recursive, retry))
			return file