Beispiel #1
    def specific_volume(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the specific volume in m³/kg"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            return (self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi') * self.R * self.T * pi /
                    self.p * 1e3)  # because of kJ in R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
            return (pi * (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_pi') +
                          self._basic_equation2('gamma_r_pi')) * self.R *
                    self.T / self.p * 1e3)
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
            return None
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1
Beispiel #2
    def entropy(self, p=None, T=None):
        """NOT IMPLEMENTED"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T
            return (tau * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau') -
                    self._basic_equation1('gamma')) * self.R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
            tau = 540 / self.T
            return ((tau * (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_tau') +
                            self._basic_equation2('gamma_r_tau')) -
                     (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0') +
                      self._basic_equation2('gamma_r'))) * self.R)
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1
Beispiel #3
    def temperature_saturation(self, p=None):
        """Yields Tsat given a pressure p."""
        # module deals with pressure in MPa
        if p is None:
            p = self.p.MPa
            p = Pressure(p).MPa

        if p < Pressure(611.213).unit('Pa').MPa or p > self.pc:
            raise ValueError('Pressure out of range.')

        # table 34
        ni = array([
            1167.0521452767, -724213.16703206, -17.073846940092,
            12020.82470247, -3232555.0322333, 14.91510861353, -4823.2657361591,
            405113.40542057, -0.23855557567849, 650.17534844798

        beta = p**0.25

        E = 1 * beta**2 + ni[2] * beta + ni[5]
        F = ni[0] * beta**2 + ni[3] * beta + ni[6]
        G = ni[1] * beta**2 + ni[4] * beta + ni[7]
        D = 2 * G / (-F - (F**2 - 4 * E * G)**0.5)

        return Temperature((ni[9] + D - ((ni[9] + D)**2 - 4 *
                                         (ni[8] + ni[9] * D))**0.5) * 0.5)
Beispiel #4
    def heat_capacity_constant_v(self, p=None, T=None):
        """NOT IMPLEMENTED"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T
            return (-(tau**2) * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau_tau') +
                    ((self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi') -
                      tau * self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi_tau'))**2) /
                    self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi_pi')) * self.R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1
Beispiel #5
    def speed_of_sound(self, p=None, T=None):
        """NOT IMPLEMENTED"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T
            inside_frac = (((self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi') -
                             tau * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau_pi'))**2) /
                           ((tau**2) * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau_tau')))
            return sqrt(
                ((self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi')**2) /
                 (inside_frac - self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi_pi'))) *
                self.R * self.T * 1000)

        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:
        return -1
Beispiel #6
def test_units():
    """Test units."""
    Tkel = Temperature(273.15).unit('K')
    Tcel = Temperature(0).unit('C')
    assert Tkel == Tcel
    pressuremmhg = Pressure(760).unit('torr')
    pressureatm = Pressure(1).unit('atm')
    assert pressuremmhg == pressureatm
Beispiel #7
    def _is_in_region(self):
        """Finds a region for the (T, p) point (see IAPWS-IF97 for details).
        The usefulness of these regions are to divide the physical properties
        of water into different sets of coefficients and equations."""

        # for the 2 - 3 boundary line
        ni = array([
            348.05185628969, -1.1671859879975, 0.0010192970039326,
            572.54459862746, 13.91883977887

        theta = self.T
        pressure23 = Pressure(ni[0] + ni[1] * theta +
                              ni[2] * theta**2).unit('MPa')
        # exceptional cases
        if self.T == self.Tt and self.p ==
            return 1
        # regular cases
        if self.T >= Temperature(273.15) and self.T <= Temperature(623.15):
            if self.T < self.temperature_saturation(self.p):
                return 1
                return 2
        elif self.T > Temperature(623.15) and self.T <= Temperature(1073.15):
            if self.p > pressure23:
                return 3
                return 2
        elif self.T >= Temperature(1073.15) and self.T <= Temperature(2273.15):
            return 5
            raise Exception('Cannot assign region to the parameters p = ' +
                            str(self.p) + 'T = ' + str(self.T) + 'given.')
Beispiel #8
    def heat_capacity(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the isobaric heat capacity given p and T in kJ/(kg K)."""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            tau = 1386 / T
            return (-1 * tau * tau * self.R *
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
            delta = rho / self.rhoc
            tau = self.Tc / self.T
            return (
                -tau**2 / self._basic_equation3('PHI_tau_tau') +
                (delta * self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta') -
                 delta * tau * self._basic_equation3('PHI_tau_delta'))**2 /
                (2 * delta * self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta') +
                 delta**2 * self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta_delta'))) * self.R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, p, T, massic_basis=False):
        u"""Initializes a Water object."""

        self.p = Pressure(p)
        self.T = Temperature(T)
        # check if water is specified by IAPWS-IF97 for these values
        if self.T < Temperature(273.15) or self.T > Temperature(2273.15):
            raise ValueError('Temperature ' + str(T) +
                             ' out of range (273.15 - 2273.15K)')
        if self.p > Pressure(100).unit('MPa') or self.p < 0:
            raise ValueError('Pressure ' + str(p) +
                             ' out of range (0 - 100 MPa)')
        if self.T > 1073.15 and self.p > Pressure(50).unit('MPa'):
            raise ValueError('p or T value out of range')

        # adjust R to mass or molar basis
        if massic_basis is True:
            self.R = ideal_gas_constant_massic_basis[0]  # kJ/(kg K);
        elif massic_basis is False:
            self.R = ideal_gas_constant[0]
Beispiel #10
    def _basic_equation1(self, value='gamma'):
        """Returns basic equation 1 and its derivatives, ex: 'gamma',
        'gamma_tau', 'gamma_tau_pi', etc."""
        # region1
        Ii = array([
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,
            4, 4, 4, 5, 8, 8, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32
        Ji = array([
            -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -9, -7, -1, 0, 1, 3, -3, 0, 1, 3, 17, -4,
            0, 6, -5, -2, 10, -8, -11, -6, -29, -31, -38, -39, -40, -41
        ni = array([
            0.14632971213167, -0.84548187169114, -3.756360367204,
            3.3855169168385, -0.95791963387872, 0.15772038513228,
            -0.016616417199501, 0.00081214629983568, 0.00028319080123804,
            -0.00060706301565874, -0.018990068218419, -0.032529748770505,
            -0.021841717175414, -5.283835796993e-05, -0.00047184321073267,
            -0.00030001780793026, 4.7661393906987e-05, -4.4141845330846e-06,
            -7.2694996297594e-16, -3.1679644845054e-05, -2.8270797985312e-06,
            -8.5205128120103e-10, -2.2425281908e-06, -6.5171222895601e-07,
            -1.4341729937924e-13, -4.0516996860117e-07, -1.2734301741641e-09,
            -1.7424871230634e-10, -6.8762131295531e-19, 1.4478307828521e-20,
            2.6335781662795e-23, -1.1947622640071e-23, 1.8228094581404e-24,
        pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
        tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T

        if value == 'gamma':
            return sum(ni * ((7.1 - pi)**Ii) * ((tau - 1.222)**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_tau':
            return sum(ni * ((7.1 - pi)**Ii) * Ji * ((tau - 1.222)**(Ji - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_tau_tau':
            return sum(ni * ((7.1 - pi)**Ii) * Ji * (Ji - 1) *
                       ((tau - 1.222)**(Ji - 2)))
        elif value == 'gamma_pi':
            return -1 * sum(ni * Ii * ((7.1 - pi)**(Ii - 1)) *
                            (tau - 1.222)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_pi_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (Ii - 1) * (7.1 - pi)**(Ii - 2) *
                       (tau - 1.222)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_pi_tau' or value == 'gamma_tau_pi':
            return -1 * sum(ni * Ii * (7.1 - pi)**(Ii - 1) * Ji *
                            (tau - 1.222)**(Ji - 1))
            raise Exception('Function not assigned in _basic_equation1()')
Beispiel #11
    def enthalpy(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the enthalpy given p and T in kJ/kg."""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            return Enthalpy(self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau') * 1386 * self.R)

        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            return Enthalpy(540 * self.R *
                            (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_tau') +

        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
            # for region 3 rho needs to be solved numerically
            reg3_solved = self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta')
            delta = reg3_solved[1] / self.rhoc
            tau = self.Tc / self.T
            return Enthalpy((tau * self._basic_equation3('PHI_tau')[0] +
                             delta * reg3_solved[0]) * self.R * self.T)

        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
            return None

        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1000) / self.T
            return (tau * (self._basic_equation5('gamma_0_tau') +
                           self._basic_equation5('gamma_r_tau')) * self.R *
Beispiel #12
    def _basic_equation5(self, value='gamma'):
        """Returns equation 1 and its derivatives, ex: 'gamma',
        'gamma_tau', 'gamma_tau_pi', etc."""
        J0 = array([0, 1, -3, -2, -1, 2], dtype='d')
        n0 = array([
            -13.179983674201, 6.8540841634434, -0.024805148933466,
            0.36901534980333, -3.1161318213925, -0.32961626538917
        Ii = array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], dtype='d')
        Ji = array([1, 2, 3, 3, 9, 7], dtype='d')
        ni = array([
            0.0015736404855259, 0.00090153761673944, -0.0050270077677648,
            2.2440037409485e-06, -4.1163275453471e-06, 3.7919454822955e-08
        pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
        tau = Temperature(1000) / self.T

        if value == 'gamma':
            return (self._basic_equation5('gamma_0') +
        elif value == 'gamma_0':
            return log(pi) + sum(n0 * (tau**J0))
        elif value == 'gamma_r':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * (tau**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi':
            return 1 / pi
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi_pi':
            return -1 / (pi**2)
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau':
            return sum(n0 * J0 * (tau**(J0 - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau_tau':
            sum(n0 * J0 * (J0 - 1) * (tau**(J0 - 2)))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau_pi' or value == 'gamma_0_pi_tau':
            return 0 + 0
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (pi**(Ii - 1)) * (tau**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (tau**(Ji - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (Ii - 1) * (pi**(Ii - 2)) * (tau**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (Ji - 1) * (tau**(Ji - 2)))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau_pi' or 'gamma_r_pi_tau':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (pi**(Ii - 1)) * Ji * (tau**(Ji - 1)))
Beispiel #13
    def gibbs_energy(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the Gibbs Energy given p and T in kJ/kg."""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            return self._basic_equation1('gamma') * self.R * T
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            return self._basic_equation2('gamma') * self.R * T
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:
Beispiel #14
    def pressure_saturation(self, T=None):
        """Yields Psat given a temperature T"""
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if T < 273.15 or T > self.Tc:
            raise ValueError('Temperature out of range.')

        # table 34
        ni = array([
            1167.0521452767, -724213.16703206, -17.073846940092,
            12020.82470247, -3232555.0322333, 14.91510861353, -4823.2657361591,
            405113.40542057, -0.23855557567849, 650.17534844798

        v = T + ni[8] / (T - ni[9])
        A = 1 * v**2 + ni[0] * v + ni[1]
        B = ni[2] * v**2 + ni[3] * v + ni[4]
        C = ni[5] * v**2 + ni[6] * v + ni[7]
        return Pressure(
            (2 * C / (-B + (B**2 - 4 * A * C)**0.5))**4).unit('MPa')
Beispiel #15
class Water(object):
    Taken from The International Association for the Properties of Water and
    Steam. Lucerne, Switzerland. August 2007. Revised Release on the IAPWS
    Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and
    Steam. Reference document: IAPWS-IF97.

    All units in SI and default
    is molar basis."""
    def __init__(self, p, T, massic_basis=False):
        u"""Initializes a Water object."""

        self.p = Pressure(p)
        self.T = Temperature(T)
        # check if water is specified by IAPWS-IF97 for these values
        if self.T < Temperature(273.15) or self.T > Temperature(2273.15):
            raise ValueError('Temperature ' + str(T) +
                             ' out of range (273.15 - 2273.15K)')
        if self.p > Pressure(100).unit('MPa') or self.p < 0:
            raise ValueError('Pressure ' + str(p) +
                             ' out of range (0 - 100 MPa)')
        if self.T > 1073.15 and self.p > Pressure(50).unit('MPa'):
            raise ValueError('p or T value out of range')

        # adjust R to mass or molar basis
        if massic_basis is True:
            self.R = ideal_gas_constant_massic_basis[0]  # kJ/(kg K);
        elif massic_basis is False:
            self.R = ideal_gas_constant[0]

    # constants
    # ideal gas constant was already instantiated
    Tc = 647.096  # Critical point temperature (K)
    pc = Pressure(22.064).unit('MPa')  # Critical point pressure (MPa)
    rhoc = 322.0  # Critical point density kg/m3
    Tt = 273.16  # Triple point temperature (K)
    pt = 611.657  # Triple point pressure (Pa)
    ht = 0.611783  # Enthalpy at triple point (J/kg)

    def temperature_saturation(self, p=None):
        """Yields Tsat given a pressure p."""
        # module deals with pressure in MPa
        if p is None:
            p = self.p.MPa
            p = Pressure(p).MPa

        if p < Pressure(611.213).unit('Pa').MPa or p > self.pc:
            raise ValueError('Pressure out of range.')

        # table 34
        ni = array([
            1167.0521452767, -724213.16703206, -17.073846940092,
            12020.82470247, -3232555.0322333, 14.91510861353, -4823.2657361591,
            405113.40542057, -0.23855557567849, 650.17534844798

        beta = p**0.25

        E = 1 * beta**2 + ni[2] * beta + ni[5]
        F = ni[0] * beta**2 + ni[3] * beta + ni[6]
        G = ni[1] * beta**2 + ni[4] * beta + ni[7]
        D = 2 * G / (-F - (F**2 - 4 * E * G)**0.5)

        return Temperature((ni[9] + D - ((ni[9] + D)**2 - 4 *
                                         (ni[8] + ni[9] * D))**0.5) * 0.5)

    def pressure_saturation(self, T=None):
        """Yields Psat given a temperature T"""
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if T < 273.15 or T > self.Tc:
            raise ValueError('Temperature out of range.')

        # table 34
        ni = array([
            1167.0521452767, -724213.16703206, -17.073846940092,
            12020.82470247, -3232555.0322333, 14.91510861353, -4823.2657361591,
            405113.40542057, -0.23855557567849, 650.17534844798

        v = T + ni[8] / (T - ni[9])
        A = 1 * v**2 + ni[0] * v + ni[1]
        B = ni[2] * v**2 + ni[3] * v + ni[4]
        C = ni[5] * v**2 + ni[6] * v + ni[7]
        return Pressure(
            (2 * C / (-B + (B**2 - 4 * A * C)**0.5))**4).unit('MPa')

    def _is_in_region(self):
        """Finds a region for the (T, p) point (see IAPWS-IF97 for details).
        The usefulness of these regions are to divide the physical properties
        of water into different sets of coefficients and equations."""

        # for the 2 - 3 boundary line
        ni = array([
            348.05185628969, -1.1671859879975, 0.0010192970039326,
            572.54459862746, 13.91883977887

        theta = self.T
        pressure23 = Pressure(ni[0] + ni[1] * theta +
                              ni[2] * theta**2).unit('MPa')
        # exceptional cases
        if self.T == self.Tt and self.p ==
            return 1
        # regular cases
        if self.T >= Temperature(273.15) and self.T <= Temperature(623.15):
            if self.T < self.temperature_saturation(self.p):
                return 1
                return 2
        elif self.T > Temperature(623.15) and self.T <= Temperature(1073.15):
            if self.p > pressure23:
                return 3
                return 2
        elif self.T >= Temperature(1073.15) and self.T <= Temperature(2273.15):
            return 5
            raise Exception('Cannot assign region to the parameters p = ' +
                            str(self.p) + 'T = ' + str(self.T) + 'given.')

    def _basic_equation1(self, value='gamma'):
        """Returns basic equation 1 and its derivatives, ex: 'gamma',
        'gamma_tau', 'gamma_tau_pi', etc."""
        # region1
        Ii = array([
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,
            4, 4, 4, 5, 8, 8, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32
        Ji = array([
            -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -9, -7, -1, 0, 1, 3, -3, 0, 1, 3, 17, -4,
            0, 6, -5, -2, 10, -8, -11, -6, -29, -31, -38, -39, -40, -41
        ni = array([
            0.14632971213167, -0.84548187169114, -3.756360367204,
            3.3855169168385, -0.95791963387872, 0.15772038513228,
            -0.016616417199501, 0.00081214629983568, 0.00028319080123804,
            -0.00060706301565874, -0.018990068218419, -0.032529748770505,
            -0.021841717175414, -5.283835796993e-05, -0.00047184321073267,
            -0.00030001780793026, 4.7661393906987e-05, -4.4141845330846e-06,
            -7.2694996297594e-16, -3.1679644845054e-05, -2.8270797985312e-06,
            -8.5205128120103e-10, -2.2425281908e-06, -6.5171222895601e-07,
            -1.4341729937924e-13, -4.0516996860117e-07, -1.2734301741641e-09,
            -1.7424871230634e-10, -6.8762131295531e-19, 1.4478307828521e-20,
            2.6335781662795e-23, -1.1947622640071e-23, 1.8228094581404e-24,
        pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
        tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T

        if value == 'gamma':
            return sum(ni * ((7.1 - pi)**Ii) * ((tau - 1.222)**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_tau':
            return sum(ni * ((7.1 - pi)**Ii) * Ji * ((tau - 1.222)**(Ji - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_tau_tau':
            return sum(ni * ((7.1 - pi)**Ii) * Ji * (Ji - 1) *
                       ((tau - 1.222)**(Ji - 2)))
        elif value == 'gamma_pi':
            return -1 * sum(ni * Ii * ((7.1 - pi)**(Ii - 1)) *
                            (tau - 1.222)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_pi_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (Ii - 1) * (7.1 - pi)**(Ii - 2) *
                       (tau - 1.222)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_pi_tau' or value == 'gamma_tau_pi':
            return -1 * sum(ni * Ii * (7.1 - pi)**(Ii - 1) * Ji *
                            (tau - 1.222)**(Ji - 1))
            raise Exception('Function not assigned in _basic_equation1()')

    def _basic_equation2(self, value='gamma'):
        """Returns equation 1 and its derivatives, ex: 'gamma', 'gamma_tau',
        'gamma_tau_pi', etc."""
        # region2; ideal part
        J0 = array([0, 1, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 2, 3], dtype='d')
        n0 = array([
            -9.6927686500217, 10.086655968018, -0.005608791128302,
            0.071452738081455, -0.40710498223928, 1.4240819171444,
            -4.383951131945, -0.28408632460772, 0.021268463753307
        # region2; real part
        Ii = array([
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6,
            7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 16, 16, 18, 20, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23,
            24, 24, 24
        Ji = array([
            0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 7, 36, 0, 1, 3, 6, 35, 1, 2, 3, 7, 3, 16,
            35, 0, 11, 25, 8, 36, 13, 4, 10, 14, 29, 50, 57, 20, 35, 48, 21,
            53, 39, 26, 40, 58
        ni = array([
            -0.0017731742473213, -0.017834862292358, -0.045996013696365,
            -0.057581259083432, -0.05032527872793, -3.3032641670203e-05,
            -0.00018948987516315, -0.0039392777243355, -0.043797295650573,
            -2.6674547914087e-05, 2.0481737692309e-08, 4.3870667284435e-07,
            -3.227767723857e-05, -0.0015033924542148, -0.040668253562649,
            -7.8847309559367e-10, 1.2790717852285e-08, 4.8225372718507e-07,
            2.2922076337661e-06, -1.6714766451061e-11, -0.0021171472321355,
            -23.895741934104, -5.905956432427e-18, -1.2621808899101e-06,
            -0.038946842435739, 1.1256211360459e-11, -8.2311340897998,
            1.9809712802088e-08, 1.0406965210174e-19, -1.0234747095929e-13,
            -1.0018179379511e-09, -8.0882908646985e-11, 0.10693031879409,
            -0.33662250574171, 8.9185845355421e-25, 3.0629316876232e-13,
            -4.2002467698208e-06, -5.9056029685639e-26, 3.7826947613457e-06,
            -1.2768608934681e-15, 7.3087610595061e-29, 5.5414715350778e-17,

        pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
        tau = 540 / self.T
        # arrays
        if value == 'gamma':
            return (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0') +
        elif value == 'gamma_0':
            return log(pi) + sum(n0 * (tau**J0))
        elif value == 'gamma_r':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * (tau - 0.5)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi':
            return 1 / pi
        elif value == 'gamme_0_pi_pi':
            return -1 / (pi**2)
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau':
            return 0 + sum(n0 * J0 * (tau**(J0 - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau_tau':
            return 0 + sum(n0 * J0 * (J0 - 1) * tau**(J0 - 2))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi_tau' or value == 'gamma_0_tau_pi':
            return 0
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (pi**(Ii - 1)) * ((tau - 0.5)**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (tau - 0.5)**(Ji - 1))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (Ii - 1) * (pi**(Ii - 2))(tau - 0.5)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (Ji - 1) * (tau - 0.5)**(Ji - 2))
        elif value == 'gamma_pi_tau' or value == 'gamma_tau_pi':

    def _basic_equation3(self, value='PHI'):
        """Returns equation 3 and its derivatives, ex: 'gamma',
        'gamma_tau', 'gamma_tau_pi', etc."""
        # do not forget that the first term is not used
        Ii = array([
            -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
            3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11
        # do not forget that the first term is not used
        Ji = array([
            -1, 0, 1, 2, 7, 10, 12, 23, 2, 6, 15, 17, 0, 2, 6, 7, 22, 26, 0, 2,
            4, 16, 26, 0, 2, 4, 26, 1, 3, 26, 0, 2, 26, 2, 26, 2, 26, 0, 1, 26
        ni = array([
            1.0658070028513, -15.732845290239, 20.944396974307,
            -7.6867707878716, 2.6185947787954, -2.808078114862,
            1.2053369696517, -0.0084566812812502, -1.2654315477714,
            -1.1524407806681, 0.88521043984318, -0.64207765181607,
            0.38493460186671, -0.85214708824206, 4.8972281541877,
            -3.0502617256965, 0.039420536879154, 0.12558408424308,
            -0.2799932969871, 1.389979956946, -2.018991502357,
            -0.0082147637173963, -0.47596035734923, 0.0439840744735,
            -0.44476435428739, 0.90572070719733, 0.70522450087967,
            0.10770512626332, -0.32913623258954, -0.50871062041158,
            -0.022175400873096, 0.094260751665092, 0.16436278447961,
            -0.013503372241348, -0.014834345352472, 0.00057922953628084,
            0.0032308904703711, 8.0964802996215e-05, -0.00016557679795037,
        # it looks like the first term is never used
        # except in the PHI equations
        Ii = Ii[1:]
        Ji = Ji[1:]
        ni = ni[1:]
        n1 = 1.0658070028513

        tau = self.Tc / self.T

        # from equations 28 and p given as input,
        # calculate rho to be used in PHI

        def obj(x):
            print(type(x), x)
            print(type(self.rhoc), self.rhoc)
            return (
                self.p - 1000 * x * self.R * self.T * (x / self.rhoc) *
                (n1 /
                 (x / self.rhoc) + sum(ni * Ii *
                                       (x / self.rhoc)**(Ii - 1) * tau**Ji)))

        for i in range(1, 580, 1):
            a = i
            b = a + 1
            if obj(a) * obj(b) < 0:
        rho = scipy.optimize.bisect(obj, a, b, xtol=1e-10)
        delta = rho / self.rhoc

        # returns PHI and found rho as tuple (PHI, rho)
        if value == 'PHI':
            return (n1 * log(delta) + sum(ni * delta**Ii * tau**Ji), rho)
        elif value == 'PHI_delta':
            return (n1 / delta + sum(ni * Ii * delta**(Ii - 1) * tau**Ji), rho)
        elif value == 'PHI_delta_delta':
            return (-n1 / (delta**2) +
                    sum(ni * Ii * (Ii - 1) * delta**(Ii - 2) * tau**Ji), rho)
        elif value == 'PHI_tau':
            return (sum(ni * delta**Ii * Ji * tau**(Ji - 1)), rho)
        elif value == 'PHI_tau_tau':
            return (sum(ni * delta**Ii * Ji * (Ji - 1) * tau**(Ji - 2)), rho)
        elif value == 'PHI_delta_tau' or value == 'PHI_tau_delta':
            return (sum(ni * Ii * delta**(Ii - 1) * Ji * tau**(Ji - 1)), rho)

    # there is no region 4; region 4 is the saturation line of water/vapor

    def _basic_equation5(self, value='gamma'):
        """Returns equation 1 and its derivatives, ex: 'gamma',
        'gamma_tau', 'gamma_tau_pi', etc."""
        J0 = array([0, 1, -3, -2, -1, 2], dtype='d')
        n0 = array([
            -13.179983674201, 6.8540841634434, -0.024805148933466,
            0.36901534980333, -3.1161318213925, -0.32961626538917
        Ii = array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], dtype='d')
        Ji = array([1, 2, 3, 3, 9, 7], dtype='d')
        ni = array([
            0.0015736404855259, 0.00090153761673944, -0.0050270077677648,
            2.2440037409485e-06, -4.1163275453471e-06, 3.7919454822955e-08
        pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
        tau = Temperature(1000) / self.T

        if value == 'gamma':
            return (self._basic_equation5('gamma_0') +
        elif value == 'gamma_0':
            return log(pi) + sum(n0 * (tau**J0))
        elif value == 'gamma_r':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * (tau**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi':
            return 1 / pi
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi_pi':
            return -1 / (pi**2)
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau':
            return sum(n0 * J0 * (tau**(J0 - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau_tau':
            sum(n0 * J0 * (J0 - 1) * (tau**(J0 - 2)))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau_pi' or value == 'gamma_0_pi_tau':
            return 0 + 0
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (pi**(Ii - 1)) * (tau**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (tau**(Ji - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (Ii - 1) * (pi**(Ii - 2)) * (tau**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (Ji - 1) * (tau**(Ji - 2)))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau_pi' or 'gamma_r_pi_tau':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (pi**(Ii - 1)) * Ji * (tau**(Ji - 1)))

    def gibbs_energy(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the Gibbs Energy given p and T in kJ/kg."""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            return self._basic_equation1('gamma') * self.R * T
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            return self._basic_equation2('gamma') * self.R * T
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

    def specific_volume(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the specific volume in m³/kg"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            return (self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi') * self.R * self.T * pi /
                    self.p * 1e3)  # because of kJ in R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
            return (pi * (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_pi') +
                          self._basic_equation2('gamma_r_pi')) * self.R *
                    self.T / self.p * 1e3)
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
            return None
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1

    def internal_energy(self, p=None, T=None):
        """NOT IMPLEMENTED"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T
            return (tau * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau') -
                    pi * self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi')) * self.R * self.T

        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
            tau = 540 / self.T
            return (tau * (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_tau') +
                           self._basic_equation2('gamma_r_tau')) - pi *
                    (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_pi') +
                     self._basic_equation2('gamma_r_pi'))) * self.R * self.T
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1

    def entropy(self, p=None, T=None):
        """NOT IMPLEMENTED"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T
            return (tau * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau') -
                    self._basic_equation1('gamma')) * self.R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
            tau = 540 / self.T
            return ((tau * (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_tau') +
                            self._basic_equation2('gamma_r_tau')) -
                     (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0') +
                      self._basic_equation2('gamma_r'))) * self.R)
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1

    def enthalpy(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the enthalpy given p and T in kJ/kg."""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            return Enthalpy(self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau') * 1386 * self.R)

        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
            return Enthalpy(540 * self.R *
                            (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0_tau') +

        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
            # for region 3 rho needs to be solved numerically
            reg3_solved = self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta')
            delta = reg3_solved[1] / self.rhoc
            tau = self.Tc / self.T
            return Enthalpy((tau * self._basic_equation3('PHI_tau')[0] +
                             delta * reg3_solved[0]) * self.R * self.T)

        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
            return None

        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1000) / self.T
            return (tau * (self._basic_equation5('gamma_0_tau') +
                           self._basic_equation5('gamma_r_tau')) * self.R *

    def heat_capacity(self, p=None, T=None):
        """Returns the isobaric heat capacity given p and T in kJ/(kg K)."""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            tau = 1386 / T
            return (-1 * tau * tau * self.R *
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
            delta = rho / self.rhoc
            tau = self.Tc / self.T
            return (
                -tau**2 / self._basic_equation3('PHI_tau_tau') +
                (delta * self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta') -
                 delta * tau * self._basic_equation3('PHI_tau_delta'))**2 /
                (2 * delta * self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta') +
                 delta**2 * self._basic_equation3('PHI_delta_delta'))) * self.R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1

    def heat_capacity_constant_v(self, p=None, T=None):
        """NOT IMPLEMENTED"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T
            return (-(tau**2) * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau_tau') +
                    ((self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi') -
                      tau * self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi_tau'))**2) /
                    self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi_pi')) * self.R
        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:

        return -1

    def speed_of_sound(self, p=None, T=None):
        """NOT IMPLEMENTED"""
        if p is None:
            p = self.p
            p = Pressure(p)
        if T is None:
            T = self.T
            T = Temperature(T)

        if self._is_in_region() == 1:
            pi = self.p / Pressure(16.53).unit('MPa')
            tau = Temperature(1386) / self.T
            inside_frac = (((self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi') -
                             tau * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau_pi'))**2) /
                           ((tau**2) * self._basic_equation1('gamma_tau_tau')))
            return sqrt(
                ((self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi')**2) /
                 (inside_frac - self._basic_equation1('gamma_pi_pi'))) *
                self.R * self.T * 1000)

        elif self._is_in_region() == 2:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 3:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 4:
        elif self._is_in_region() == 5:
        return -1
Beispiel #16
    def _basic_equation2(self, value='gamma'):
        """Returns equation 1 and its derivatives, ex: 'gamma', 'gamma_tau',
        'gamma_tau_pi', etc."""
        # region2; ideal part
        J0 = array([0, 1, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 2, 3], dtype='d')
        n0 = array([
            -9.6927686500217, 10.086655968018, -0.005608791128302,
            0.071452738081455, -0.40710498223928, 1.4240819171444,
            -4.383951131945, -0.28408632460772, 0.021268463753307
        # region2; real part
        Ii = array([
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6,
            7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 16, 16, 18, 20, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23,
            24, 24, 24
        Ji = array([
            0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 7, 36, 0, 1, 3, 6, 35, 1, 2, 3, 7, 3, 16,
            35, 0, 11, 25, 8, 36, 13, 4, 10, 14, 29, 50, 57, 20, 35, 48, 21,
            53, 39, 26, 40, 58
        ni = array([
            -0.0017731742473213, -0.017834862292358, -0.045996013696365,
            -0.057581259083432, -0.05032527872793, -3.3032641670203e-05,
            -0.00018948987516315, -0.0039392777243355, -0.043797295650573,
            -2.6674547914087e-05, 2.0481737692309e-08, 4.3870667284435e-07,
            -3.227767723857e-05, -0.0015033924542148, -0.040668253562649,
            -7.8847309559367e-10, 1.2790717852285e-08, 4.8225372718507e-07,
            2.2922076337661e-06, -1.6714766451061e-11, -0.0021171472321355,
            -23.895741934104, -5.905956432427e-18, -1.2621808899101e-06,
            -0.038946842435739, 1.1256211360459e-11, -8.2311340897998,
            1.9809712802088e-08, 1.0406965210174e-19, -1.0234747095929e-13,
            -1.0018179379511e-09, -8.0882908646985e-11, 0.10693031879409,
            -0.33662250574171, 8.9185845355421e-25, 3.0629316876232e-13,
            -4.2002467698208e-06, -5.9056029685639e-26, 3.7826947613457e-06,
            -1.2768608934681e-15, 7.3087610595061e-29, 5.5414715350778e-17,

        pi = self.p / Pressure(1).unit('MPa')
        tau = 540 / self.T
        # arrays
        if value == 'gamma':
            return (self._basic_equation2('gamma_0') +
        elif value == 'gamma_0':
            return log(pi) + sum(n0 * (tau**J0))
        elif value == 'gamma_r':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * (tau - 0.5)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi':
            return 1 / pi
        elif value == 'gamme_0_pi_pi':
            return -1 / (pi**2)
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau':
            return 0 + sum(n0 * J0 * (tau**(J0 - 1)))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_tau_tau':
            return 0 + sum(n0 * J0 * (J0 - 1) * tau**(J0 - 2))
        elif value == 'gamma_0_pi_tau' or value == 'gamma_0_tau_pi':
            return 0
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (pi**(Ii - 1)) * ((tau - 0.5)**Ji))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (tau - 0.5)**(Ji - 1))
        elif value == 'gamma_r_pi_pi':
            return sum(ni * Ii * (Ii - 1) * (pi**(Ii - 2))(tau - 0.5)**Ji)
        elif value == 'gamma_r_tau_tau':
            return sum(ni * (pi**Ii) * Ji * (Ji - 1) * (tau - 0.5)**(Ji - 2))
        elif value == 'gamma_pi_tau' or value == 'gamma_tau_pi':
Beispiel #17
def test_iapws():
    Tests are given inside the IAPWS document. See references for more details.
    #test Tsat given P
    assert round(Water(1e5, 373.15).temperature_saturation(0.1e6),
                 6) == 372.755919
    assert round(Water(1e5, 373.15).temperature_saturation(1e6),
                 6) == 453.035632
    assert round(Water(1e5, 373.15).temperature_saturation(10e6),
                 6) == 584.149488

    #test Psat given T
    assert round(Water(1e5, 373.15).pressure_saturation(300).MPa,
                 11) == 0.00353658941
    assert round(Water(1e5, 373.15).pressure_saturation(500).MPa,
                 8) == 2.63889776
    assert round(Water(1e5, 373.15).pressure_saturation(600).MPa,
                 7) == 12.3443146

    #test regions
    # arbitrary points
    point_in_region1 = (Pressure(20e6), Temperature(300))
    point_in_region2 = (Pressure(1e5), Temperature(373.15))
    point_in_region3 = (Pressure(40e6), Temperature(700))
    point_in_region4 = (Pressure(1).unit('atm'), Temperature(373.1243))
    point_in_region5 = (Pressure(20e6), Temperature(1500))
    assert Water(*point_in_region1)._is_in_region() == 1
    assert Water(*point_in_region2)._is_in_region() == 2
    assert Water(*point_in_region3)._is_in_region() == 3
    # region 4 does not exist as a region; it is rather the saturation line
    assert Water(*point_in_region5)._is_in_region() == 5
    #region 1
    #assert specific volume
    assert round(Water(3e6, 300, massic_basis=True).specific_volume(),
                 11) == 0.00100215168
    assert round(Water(80e6, 300, massic_basis=True).specific_volume(),
                 12) == 0.000971180894
    assert round(Water(3e6, 500, massic_basis=True).specific_volume(),
                 11) == 0.00120241800
    #    #assert internal energy
    assert round(Water(3e6, 300, massic_basis=True).internal_energy(),
                 6) == 112.324818
    assert round(Water(80e6, 300, massic_basis=True).internal_energy(),
                 6) == 106.448356
    assert round(Water(3e6, 500, massic_basis=True).internal_energy(),
                 6) == 971.934985
    #    #assert enthropy
    assert round(Water(3e6, 300, massic_basis=True).entropy(),
                 9) == 0.392294792
    assert round(Water(80e6, 300, massic_basis=True).entropy(),
                 9) == 0.368563852
    assert round(Water(3e6, 500, massic_basis=True).entropy(), 8) == 2.58041912

    #assert enthalpy
    assert round(Water(3e6, 300, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 6) == 115.331273
    assert round(Water(80e6, 300, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 6) == 184.142828
    assert round(Water(3e6, 500, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 6) == 975.542239

    #assert cp
    assert round(Water(3e6, 300, massic_basis=True).heat_capacity(),
                 8) == 4.17301218
    assert round(Water(80e6, 300, massic_basis=True).heat_capacity(),
                 8) == 4.01008987
    assert round(Water(3e6, 500, massic_basis=True).heat_capacity(),
                 8) == 4.65580682

    #    #assert cv
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239
    #assert speed of sound
    assert round(Water(3e6, 300, massic_basis=True).speed_of_sound(),
                 5) == 1507.73921
    assert round(Water(80e6, 300, massic_basis=True).speed_of_sound(),
                 5) == 1634.69054
    assert round(Water(3e6, 500, massic_basis=True).speed_of_sound(),
                 5) == 1240.71337

    #region 2
    #assert specific volume
    assert round(Water(3500, 300, massic_basis=True).specific_volume(),
                 7) == 39.4913866
    assert round(Water(3500, 700, massic_basis=True).specific_volume(),
                 7) == 92.3015898
    assert round(Water(30e6, 700, massic_basis=True).specific_volume(),
                 11) == 0.00542946619
    #    #assert internal energy
    assert round(Water(3500, 300, massic_basis=True).internal_energy(),
                 5) == 2411.69160
    assert round(Water(3500, 700, massic_basis=True).internal_energy(),
                 5) == 3012.62819
    assert round(Water(30e6, 700, massic_basis=True).internal_energy(),
                 5) == 2468.61076
    #    #assert enthropy
    assert round(Water(3500, 300, massic_basis=True).entropy(),
                 8) == 8.52238967
    assert round(Water(3500, 700, massic_basis=True).entropy(),
                 7) == 10.1749996
    assert round(Water(30e6, 700, massic_basis=True).entropy(),
                 8) == 5.17540298

    #assert enthalpy
    assert round(Water(3500, 300, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 2549.91145
    assert round(Water(3500, 700, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 3335.68375
    assert round(Water(30e6, 700, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 2631.49474

    #assert cp
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).heat_capacity(),8) == 4.17301218
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).heat_capacity(),8) == 4.01008987
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).heat_capacity(),8) == 4.65580682

    #    #assert enthalpy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239
    #    #assert enthalpy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239

    #region 3
    #assert specific volume
    #    assert round(Water(3500, 300).specific_volume(),7) == 39.4913866
    #    assert round(Water(3500, 700).specific_volume(),7) == 92.3015898
    #    assert round(Water(30e6, 700).specific_volume(),11) == 0.00542946619
    #    #assert internal energy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239
    #    #assert enthropy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239

    #assert enthalpy
    assert round(Water(25.5837018e6, 650, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 1863.43019
    assert round(Water(22.2930643e6, 650, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == round(2375.12401, 3)
    assert round(Water(78.3095639e6, 750, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 2258.68845

    #assert cp
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).heat_capacity(),8) == 4.17301218
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).heat_capacity(),8) == 4.01008987
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).heat_capacity(),8) == 4.65580682

    #    #assert enthalpy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239
    #    #assert enthalpy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239

    # region 4
    # There is no region 4; instead region 4 is the saturation line

    # region 5
    #assert specific volume
    #    assert round(Water(3500, 300).specific_volume(),7) == 39.4913866
    #    assert round(Water(3500, 700).specific_volume(),7) == 92.3015898
    #    assert round(Water(30e6, 700).specific_volume(),11) == 0.00542946619
    #    #assert internal energy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239
    #    #assert enthropy
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 115.331273
    #    assert round(Water(80e6, 300).enthalpy(),6) == 184.142828
    #    assert round(Water(3e6, 500).enthalpy(),6) == 975.542239

    #assert enthalpy
    assert round(Water(0.5e6, 1500, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 5219.76855
    assert round(Water(30e6, 1500, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 5167.23514
    assert round(Water(30e6, 2000, massic_basis=True).enthalpy(),
                 5) == 6571.22604