Beispiel #1
def listen():
    readbuffer = ""
    while True:					# loop FOREVER (exit with ctrl c)
        # all of the code between set 1 and set 2 is just putting the message received from the server into a nice format for us
        # set 1
        readbuffer=readbuffer+s.recv(1024).decode()		# store info sent from the server into
        print("LTHREAD received data")
        temp=readbuffer.split("\n")		# remove \n from the readbuffer and store in a temp variable
        readbuffer=temp.pop( )			# restore readbuffer to empty
        #totranslate = ""

        for line in temp:				# parse through every line read from server
	        # turn line into a list

            # set 2
            if(line[0]=="PING"):			#if irc server sends a ping, pong back at it
                # this assignment (indivserver) really should only be done once
                indivserver = line[1]
                PONG = True
                print("LTHREAD PONG")
            elif(line[2]==CHAN):	#if a message comes in from the channel
                print("LTHREAD message sent from " + CHAN)
                thread = Thread(target = trans, args = (line, USER, userlang))
                thread.handled = False
    	        #line[0] is user ident

            elif(line[0][1:len(USER)+1] == USER and line[2]==NICK): #if user privmsg us
                #transmesg(line, CHAN, chanlang)
                thread = Thread(target = trans, args = (line, CHAN, chanlang))
                thread.handled = False