Beispiel #1
def test_instrument_response_constructor():

    # Make a fake test matrix

    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    assert np.all(rsp.matrix == matrix)
    assert np.all(rsp.ebounds == ebounds)
    assert np.all(rsp.monte_carlo_energies == mc_energies)

    # Now with coverage interval

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):

        _ = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies, "10-20")

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies,
                             TimeInterval(10.0, 20.0))

    assert rsp.rsp_filename is None
    assert rsp.arf_filename is None
    assert rsp.coverage_interval == TimeInterval(10.0, 20.0)

    # Check that we do not accept nans in the matrix
    matrix[2, 2] = np.nan

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):

        _ = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies, "10-20")
Beispiel #2
def test_response_set_constructor():

     rsp_bw], exposure_getter, counts_getter = get_matrix_set_elements()

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

        # This should raise because there is no time information for the matrices

        _ = InstrumentResponseSet([rsp_aw, rsp_bw], exposure_getter,

    # Add the time information

        [rsp_a, rsp_b],
    ) = get_matrix_set_elements_with_coverage()

    # This should work now
    rsp_set = InstrumentResponseSet([rsp_a, rsp_b], exposure_getter,

    assert rsp_set[0] == rsp_a
    assert rsp_set[1] == rsp_b

    # Check that the constructor order the matrices by time when needed
    # This should work now
    rsp_set = InstrumentResponseSet([rsp_b, rsp_a], exposure_getter,

    assert rsp_set[0] == rsp_a
    assert rsp_set[1] == rsp_b

    # Now test construction from the .from_rsp2 method
    rsp2_file = get_path_of_data_file("ogip_test_gbm_b0.rsp2")

    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        warnings.simplefilter("error", np.VisibleDeprecationWarning)

        rsp_set = InstrumentResponseSet.from_rsp2_file(rsp2_file,

    assert len(rsp_set) == 3

    # Now test that we cannot initialize a response set with matrices which have non-contiguous coverage intervals
    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp_c = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies,
                               TimeInterval(0.0, 10.0))
    rsp_d = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies,
                               TimeInterval(20.0, 30.0))

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

        _ = InstrumentResponseSet([rsp_c, rsp_d], exposure_getter,
Beispiel #3
def get_matrix_set_elements():

    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp_a = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    # Make another matrix with the same matrix but divided by 2
    other_matrix = matrix / 2.0

    rsp_b = InstrumentResponse(other_matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    # Remember: the second matrix is like the first one divided by two, and it covers twice as much time.
    # They cover 0-10 s the first one, and 10-30 the second one.

    # Fake an exposure getter by using a fixed 10% deadtime
    livetime_fraction = 0.9
    exposure_getter = lambda t1, t2: livetime_fraction * (t2 - t1)

    # Fake a count getter
    law = lambda x: 1.23 * x
    # The counts getter is the integral of the law
    counts_getter = (lambda t1, t2: 1.23 * 0.5 *
                     (t2**2.0 - t1**2.0) * livetime_fraction)

    return [rsp_a, rsp_b], exposure_getter, counts_getter
Beispiel #4
def test_instrument_response_plot_response():

    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

Beispiel #5
def test__instrument_response_energy_to_channel():

    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    assert rsp.energy_to_channel(1.5) == 0
    assert rsp.energy_to_channel(2.6) == 1
    assert rsp.energy_to_channel(4.75) == 2
    assert rsp.energy_to_channel(100.0) == 3
Beispiel #6
    def to_3ML_response_direct_sat_coord(self, az, el):

        self.set_location_direct_sat_coord(az, el)

        response = InstrumentResponse(self.matrix, self.ebounds,

        return response
Beispiel #7
    def to_3ML_response(self, ra, dec):

        self.set_location(ra, dec, use_numba=True)

        response = InstrumentResponse(self.matrix, self.ebounds,

        return response
Beispiel #8
def test_instrument_response_set_function_and_convolve():

    # A very basic test. More tests will be made against XSpec later

    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    # Integral of a constant, so we know easily what the output should be

    integral_function = lambda e1, e2: e2 - e1


    folded_counts = rsp.convolve()

    assert np.all(folded_counts == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
Beispiel #9
def test_response_write_to_fits1():

    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    temp_file = "__test.rsp"

    rsp.to_fits(temp_file, "TEST", "TEST", overwrite=True)

    # Now check that reloading gives back the same matrix
    rsp_reloaded = OGIPResponse(temp_file)

    assert np.allclose(rsp_reloaded.matrix, rsp.matrix)
    assert np.allclose(rsp_reloaded.ebounds, rsp.ebounds)
    assert np.allclose(rsp_reloaded.monte_carlo_energies,

Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, polar_root_file, reference_time=0., rsp_file=None):
        container class that converts raw POLAR root data into useful python

        :param polar_root_file: path to polar event file
        :param reference_time: reference time of the events (tunix?)
        :param rsp_file: path to rsp file

        # open the event file
        with open_ROOT_file(polar_root_file) as f:
            tmp = tree_to_ndarray(f.Get('polar_out'))

            # extract the pedestal corrected ADC channels
            # which are non-integer and possibly
            # less than zero
            pha = tmp['Energy']

            # non-zero ADC channels are invalid
            idx = pha >= 0
            pha = pha[idx]

            # get the dead time fraction
            self._dead_time_fraction = tmp['dead_ratio'][idx]

            # get the arrival time, in tunix of the events
            self._time = tmp['tunix'][idx] - reference_time

            # digitize the ADC channels into bins
            # these bins are preliminary

        with open_ROOT_file(rsp_file) as f:
            matrix = th2_to_arrays(f.Get('rsp'))[-1]
            ebounds = th2_to_arrays(f.Get('EM_bounds'))[-1]
            mc_low = th2_to_arrays(f.Get('ER_low'))[-1]
            mc_high = th2_to_arrays(f.Get('ER_high'))[-1]

        mc_energies = np.append(mc_low, mc_high[-1])

        # build the POLAR response

        self._rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix=matrix,

        # bin the ADC channels

        self._binned_pha = np.digitize(pha, ebounds)
Beispiel #11
def test_instrument_response_replace_matrix():

    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    new_matrix = matrix / 2.0


    assert np.all(rsp.matrix == new_matrix)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):

        rsp.replace_matrix(np.random.uniform(0, 1, 100).reshape(10, 10))
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, name, time_series, response=None,
                 poly_order=-1, unbinned=True, verbose=True, restore_poly_fit=None, container_type=BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion):
        Class for handling generic time series data including binned and event list
        series. Depending on the data, this class builds either a  SpectrumLike or
        DisperisonSpectrumLike plugin

        For specific instruments, use the TimeSeries.from() classmethods

        :param name: name for the plugin
        :param time_series: a TimeSeries instance
        :param response: options InstrumentResponse instance
        :param poly_order: the polynomial order to use for background fitting
        :param unbinned: if the background should be fit unbinned
        :param verbose: the verbosity switch
        :param restore_poly_fit: file from which to read a prefitted background

        assert isinstance(time_series, TimeSeries), "must be a TimeSeries instance"

        assert issubclass(container_type,Histogram), 'must be a subclass of Histogram'

        self._name = name

        self._container_type = container_type

        self._time_series = time_series  # type: TimeSeries

        # make sure we have a proper response

        if response is not None:
            assert isinstance(response, InstrumentResponse) or isinstance(response,
                                                                          InstrumentResponseSet) or isinstance(response, str), 'Response must be an instance of InstrumentResponse'

        # deal with RSP weighting if need be

        if isinstance(response, InstrumentResponseSet):

            # we have a weighted response
            self._rsp_is_weighted = True
            self._weighted_rsp = response

            # just get a dummy response for the moment
            # it will be corrected when we set the interval

            self._response = InstrumentResponse.create_dummy_response(response.ebounds,


            self._rsp_is_weighted = False
            self._weighted_rsp = None

            self._response = response

        self._verbose = verbose
        self._active_interval = None
        self._observed_spectrum = None
        self._background_spectrum = None
        self._measured_background_spectrum = None

        self._time_series.poly_order = poly_order

        self._default_unbinned = unbinned

        # try and restore the poly fit if requested

        if restore_poly_fit is not None:

            if file_existing_and_readable(restore_poly_fit):

                if verbose:
                    print('Successfully restored fit from %s'%restore_poly_fit)


                    "Could not find saved background %s." % restore_poly_fit)
Beispiel #13
def test_response_against_xspec():

    # Make a response and write to a FITS OGIP file
    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    temp_file = "__test.rsp"

    rsp.to_fits(temp_file, "TEST", "TEST", overwrite=True)

    # Test for various photon indexes

    for index in np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 10):

        if index == 1.0:

            # This would make the integral of the power law different, so let's just
            # skip it


        # First reset xspec

        # Create a model in XSpec

        mo = xspec.Model("po")

        # Change the default value for the photon index
        # (remember that in XSpec the definition of the powerlaw is norm * E^(-PhoIndex),
        # so PhoIndex is positive normally. This is the opposite of astromodels.
        mo.powerlaw.PhoIndex = index
        mo.powerlaw.norm = 12.2

        # Now repeat the same in 3ML

        # Generate the astromodels function and set it to the same values as the XSpec power law
        # (the pivot in XSpec is set to 1). Remember also that the definition in xspec has the
        # sign of the photon index opposite
        powerlaw = Powerlaw()
        powerlaw.piv = 1.0
        powerlaw.index = -mo.powerlaw.PhoIndex.values[0]
        powerlaw.K = mo.powerlaw.norm.values[0]

        # Exploit the fact that the power law integral is analytic
        powerlaw_integral = Powerlaw()
        powerlaw_integral.K._transformation = None
        powerlaw_integral.K.bounds = (None, None)
        powerlaw_integral.index = powerlaw.index.value + 1
        powerlaw_integral.K = old_div(powerlaw.K.value, (powerlaw.index.value + 1))

        integral_function = lambda e1, e2: powerlaw_integral(e2) - powerlaw_integral(e1)

        # Now check that the two convoluted model give the same number of counts in each channel

        # Fake a spectrum so we can actually compute the convoluted model

        # Get path of response file

        fs1 = xspec.FakeitSettings(
            temp_file, exposure=1.0, fileName="_fake_spectrum.pha"

        xspec.AllData.fakeit(noWrite=True, applyStats=False, settings=fs1)

        # Get the expected counts
        xspec_counts = mo.folded(1)

        # Now get the convolution from 3ML


        threeML_counts = rsp.convolve()

        # Compare them
        assert np.allclose(xspec_counts, threeML_counts)

Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, polar_hdf5_file, polar_hdf5_response=None, reference_time=0.):
        container class that converts raw POLAR HDF5 data into useful python

        This can build both the polarization and spectral data

        :param polar_root_file: path to polar event file
        :param reference_time: reference time of the events (tunix?)
        :param rsp_file: path to rsp file

        with h5py.File(polar_hdf5_file, 'r') as f:

            # This gets the spectral response
            rsp_grp = f['rsp']

            matrix = rsp_grp['matrix'].value
            ebounds = rsp_grp['ebounds'].value
            mc_low = rsp_grp['mc_low'].value
            mc_high = rsp_grp['mc_high'].value

            # open the event file

            # extract the pedestal corrected ADC channels
            # which are non-integer and possibly
            # less than zero
            pha = f['energy'].value

            # non-zero ADC channels are invalid
            idx = pha >= 0
            #pha = pha[idx]

            idx2 = (pha <= ebounds.max()) & (pha >= ebounds.min())

            pha = pha[idx2 & idx]

            # get the dead time fraction
            self._dead_time_fraction = (f['dead_ratio'].value)[idx & idx2]

            # get the arrival time, in tunix of the events
            self._time = (f['time'].value)[idx & idx2] - reference_time

            # digitize the ADC channels into bins
            # these bins are preliminary

            # now do the scattering angles

            scattering_angles = f['scatter_angle'].value

            # clear the bad scattering angles
            idx = scattering_angles != -1

            self._scattering_angle_time = (f['time'].value)[idx] - reference_time
            self._scattering_angle_dead_time_fraction = (f['dead_ratio'].value)[idx]
            self._scattering_angles = scattering_angles[idx]

        # build the POLAR response

        mc_energies = np.append(mc_low, mc_high[-1])

        self._rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix=matrix, ebounds=ebounds, monte_carlo_energies=mc_energies)

        # bin the ADC channels

        self._binned_pha = np.digitize(pha, ebounds)

        # bin the scattering_angles

        if polar_hdf5_response is not None:

            with h5py.File(polar_hdf5_response, 'r') as f:

                scatter_bounds = f['bins'].value

            self._scattering_bins = scatter_bounds
            self._binned_scattering_angles = np.digitize(self._scattering_angles, scatter_bounds)


            self._scattering_bins = None
            self._binned_scattering_angles = None
    def __init__(self,
        Class for handling generic time series data including binned and event list
        series. Depending on the data, this class builds either a  SpectrumLike or
        DisperisonSpectrumLike plugin

        For specific instruments, use the TimeSeries.from() classmethods

        :param name: name for the plugin
        :param time_series: a TimeSeries instance
        :param response: options InstrumentResponse instance
        :param poly_order: the polynomial order to use for background fitting
        :param unbinned: if the background should be fit unbinned
        :param verbose: the verbosity switch
        :param restore_poly_fit: file from which to read a prefitted background

        assert isinstance(time_series,
                          TimeSeries), "must be a TimeSeries instance"

        assert issubclass(container_type,
                          Histogram), 'must be a subclass of Histogram'

        self._name = name

        self._container_type = container_type

        self._time_series = time_series  # type: TimeSeries

        # make sure we have a proper response

        if response is not None:
            assert isinstance(response, InstrumentResponse) or isinstance(
                response, InstrumentResponseSet) or isinstance(
                    str), 'Response must be an instance of InstrumentResponse'

        # deal with RSP weighting if need be

        if isinstance(response, InstrumentResponseSet):

            # we have a weighted response
            self._rsp_is_weighted = True
            self._weighted_rsp = response

            # just get a dummy response for the moment
            # it will be corrected when we set the interval

            self._response = InstrumentResponse.create_dummy_response(
                response.ebounds, response.monte_carlo_energies)


            self._rsp_is_weighted = False
            self._weighted_rsp = None

            self._response = response

        self._verbose = verbose
        self._active_interval = None
        self._observed_spectrum = None
        self._background_spectrum = None
        self._measured_background_spectrum = None

        self._time_series.poly_order = poly_order

        self._default_unbinned = unbinned

        # try and restore the poly fit if requested

        if restore_poly_fit is not None:

            if file_existing_and_readable(restore_poly_fit):

                if verbose:
                    print('Successfully restored fit from %s' %


                custom_warnings.warn("Could not find saved background %s." %
Beispiel #16
def test_response_against_xspec():

    # Make a response and write to a FITS OGIP file
    matrix, mc_energies, ebounds = get_matrix_elements()

    rsp = InstrumentResponse(matrix, ebounds, mc_energies)

    temp_file = "__test.rsp"

    rsp.to_fits(temp_file, "TEST", "TEST", overwrite=True)

    # Test for various photon indexes

    for index in np.linspace(-2.0, 2.0, 10):

        if index == 1.0:

            # This would make the integral of the power law different, so let's just
            # skip it


        # First reset xspec

        # Create a model in XSpec

        mo = xspec.Model("po")

        # Change the default value for the photon index
        # (remember that in XSpec the definition of the powerlaw is norm * E^(-PhoIndex),
        # so PhoIndex is positive normally. This is the opposite of astromodels.
        mo.powerlaw.PhoIndex = index
        mo.powerlaw.norm = 12.2

        # Now repeat the same in 3ML

        # Generate the astromodels function and set it to the same values as the XSpec power law
        # (the pivot in XSpec is set to 1). Remember also that the definition in xspec has the
        # sign of the photon index opposite
        powerlaw = Powerlaw()
        powerlaw.piv = 1.0
        powerlaw.index = -mo.powerlaw.PhoIndex.values[0]
        powerlaw.K = mo.powerlaw.norm.values[0]

        # Exploit the fact that the power law integral is analytic
        powerlaw_integral = Powerlaw()
        powerlaw_integral.K._transformation = None
        powerlaw_integral.K.bounds = (None, None)
        powerlaw_integral.index = powerlaw.index.value + 1
        powerlaw_integral.K = powerlaw.K.value / (powerlaw.index.value + 1)

        integral_function = lambda e1, e2: powerlaw_integral(e2) - powerlaw_integral(e1)

        # Now check that the two convoluted model give the same number of counts in each channel

        # Fake a spectrum so we can actually compute the convoluted model

        # Get path of response file

        fs1 = xspec.FakeitSettings(temp_file, exposure=1.0, fileName="_fake_spectrum.pha")

        xspec.AllData.fakeit(noWrite=True, applyStats=False, settings=fs1)

        # Get the expected counts
        xspec_counts = mo.folded(1)

        # Now get the convolution from 3ML


        threeML_counts = rsp.convolve()

        # Compare them
        assert np.allclose(xspec_counts, threeML_counts)
