def test_simpleBlockExtraction(self):
        for params in TestBlockExtraction.PARAMS:
            strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy([1] * len(params.aryshape))  # dummy splits; not used here
            n = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, params.aryshape)
            ary = arange(n, dtype="int16").reshape(params.aryshape)
            key, val = strategy.extractBlockFromImage(ary, params.blockslices, params.timepoint, params.ntimepoints)

            expectedSlices = [slice(params.timepoint, params.timepoint + 1, 1)] + list(params.blockslices)
            expectedAry = expand_dims(ary[params.blockslices], axis=0)
            assert_equals(params.timepoint, key.temporalKey)
            assert_equals(params.ntimepoints, key.origShape[0])
            assert_equals(tuple(params.aryshape), tuple(key.origShape[1:]))
            assert_equals(tuple(expectedSlices), tuple(key.imgSlices))
            assert_true(array_equal(expectedAry, val))
    def test_simpleBlockExtraction(self):
        for params in TestBlockExtraction.PARAMS:
            strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy([1]*len(params.aryshape))  # dummy splits; not used here
            n = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, params.aryshape)
            ary = arange(n, dtype='int16').reshape(params.aryshape)
            key, val = strategy.extractBlockFromImage(ary, params.blockslices, params.timepoint, params.ntimepoints)

            expectedSlices = [slice(params.timepoint, params.timepoint+1, 1)] + list(params.blockslices)
            expectedAry = expand_dims(ary[params.blockslices], axis=0)
            assert_equals(params.timepoint, key.temporalKey)
            assert_equals(params.ntimepoints, key.origShape[0])
            assert_equals(tuple(params.aryshape), tuple(key.origShape[1:]))
            assert_equals(tuple(expectedSlices), tuple(key.imgSlices))
            assert_true(array_equal(expectedAry, val))
Beispiel #3
    def test_fromStackToSeriesWithPack(self):
        ary = arange(8, dtype=dtypeFunc('int16')).reshape((2, 4))
        filename = os.path.join(self.outputdir, "test.stack")

        image = ImagesLoader(, dims=(4, 2))
        strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy.generateFromBlockSize(image, "150M")
        series = image.toBlocks(strategy).toSeries()

        seriesVals = series.collect()
        seriesAry = series.pack()

        # check ordering of keys
        assert_equals((0, 0), seriesVals[0][0])  # first key
        assert_equals((1, 0), seriesVals[1][0])  # second key
        assert_equals((2, 0), seriesVals[2][0])
        assert_equals((3, 0), seriesVals[3][0])
        assert_equals((0, 1), seriesVals[4][0])
        assert_equals((1, 1), seriesVals[5][0])
        assert_equals((2, 1), seriesVals[6][0])
        assert_equals((3, 1), seriesVals[7][0])

        # check dimensions tuple is reversed from numpy shape
        assert_equals(ary.shape[::-1], series.dims.count)

        # check that values are in original order
        collectedVals = array([kv[1] for kv in seriesVals],
        assert_true(array_equal(ary.ravel(), collectedVals))

        # check that packing returns transpose of original array
        assert_true(array_equal(ary.T, seriesAry))
Beispiel #4
    def test_fromStackToSeriesWithPack(self):
        ary = arange(8, dtype=dtypeFunc("int16")).reshape((2, 4))
        filename = os.path.join(self.outputdir, "test.stack")

        image = ImagesLoader(, dims=(4, 2))
        strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy.generateFromBlockSize(image, "150M")
        series = image.toBlocks(strategy).toSeries()

        seriesVals = series.collect()
        seriesAry = series.pack()

        # check ordering of keys
        assert_equals((0, 0), seriesVals[0][0])  # first key
        assert_equals((1, 0), seriesVals[1][0])  # second key
        assert_equals((2, 0), seriesVals[2][0])
        assert_equals((3, 0), seriesVals[3][0])
        assert_equals((0, 1), seriesVals[4][0])
        assert_equals((1, 1), seriesVals[5][0])
        assert_equals((2, 1), seriesVals[6][0])
        assert_equals((3, 1), seriesVals[7][0])

        # check dimensions tuple is reversed from numpy shape
        assert_equals(ary.shape[::-1], series.dims.count)

        # check that values are in original order
        collectedVals = array([kv[1] for kv in seriesVals], dtype=dtypeFunc("int16")).ravel()
        assert_true(array_equal(ary.ravel(), collectedVals))

        # check that packing returns transpose of original array
        assert_true(array_equal(ary.T, seriesAry))
Beispiel #5
    def test_roundtripConvertToSeries(self):
        imagepath = findSourceTreeDir("utils/data/fish/tif-stack")

        images = ImagesLoader(
        strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy.generateFromBlockSize(images,
                                                                blockSize=76 *
        self._run_tst_roundtripConvertToSeries(images, strategy)
 def _run_tst_splitCalc(blockSize, image, expectedSplits, expectedSize, testIdx=-1):
     strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy.generateFromBlockSize(image, blockSize)
     splits = strategy.splitsPerDim
     avgSize = strategy.calcAverageBlockSize()
     assert_equals(tuple(expectedSplits), tuple(splits),
                   msg="Failure in test %i, expected splits %s != actual splits %s" %
                       (testIdx, tuple(expectedSplits), tuple(splits)))
     assert_true(isclose(expectedSize, avgSize, rtol=0.001),
                 msg="Failure in test %i, expected avg size %g not close to actual size %g" %
                     (testIdx, expectedSize, avgSize))
 def _run_tst_splitCalc(blockSize, image, expectedSplits, expectedSize, testIdx=-1):
     strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy.generateFromBlockSize(image, blockSize)
     splits = strategy.splitsPerDim
     avgSize = strategy.calcAverageBlockSize()
     assert_equals(tuple(expectedSplits), tuple(splits),
                   msg="Failure in test %i, expected splits %s != actual splits %s" %
                       (testIdx, tuple(expectedSplits), tuple(splits)))
     assert_true(isclose(expectedSize, avgSize, rtol=0.001),
                 msg="Failure in test %i, expected avg size %g not close to actual size %g" %
                     (testIdx, expectedSize, avgSize))
Beispiel #8
    def test_splitsAndPix(self):
        def genSlicesForPix(pix, size):
            slices = []
            st = 0
            while st < size:
                en = min(st + pix, size)
                slices.append(slice(st, en, 1))
                st = en
            return slices

        def genSlicesForSplits(splits, size):
            slices = []
            blocksize = size / splits  # integer division
            blockrem = size % splits
            st = 0
            while st < size:
                en = st + blocksize
                if blockrem > 0:
                    en += 1
                    blockrem -= 1
                en = min(en, size)
                slices.append(slice(st, en, 1))
                st = en
            return slices

        Params = namedtuple(
            "unitsPerDim units image padding expPix expSplits expSlices0")
        PARAMS = \
            [Params((5, 5, 1), "pix", MockImage((15, 15, 3), 2, "uint8"), 0, (5, 5, 1), None, genSlicesForPix(5, 15)),
             Params((5, 5, 2), "pix", MockImage((7, 7, 3), 2, "uint8"), 0, (5, 5, 2), None, genSlicesForPix(5, 7)),
             Params((2, 2, 2), "s", MockImage((7, 7, 3), 2, "uint8"), 0, None, (2, 2, 2), genSlicesForSplits(2, 7)),
             Params((5, 5, 1), "pix", MockImage((15, 15, 3), 2, "uint8"), 2, (5, 5, 1), None, genSlicesForPix(5, 15)),
             Params((5, 5, 2), "pix", MockImage((7, 7, 3), 2, "uint8"), 2, (5, 5, 2), None, genSlicesForPix(5, 7)),
             Params((2, 2, 2), "s", MockImage((7, 7, 3), 2, "uint8"), 2, None, (2, 2, 2), genSlicesForSplits(2, 7))]
        for params in PARAMS:
            if params.padding:
                strat = PaddedBlockingStrategy(params.unitsPerDim,
                strat = SimpleBlockingStrategy(params.unitsPerDim,
            if params.expPix:
                assert_equals(tuple(params.expPix), tuple(strat._pixPerDim))
                assert_true(strat._pixPerDim is None)
            if params.expSplits:
                assert_true(strat._splitsPerDim is None)
            assert_equals(params.expSlices0, strat._slices[0])
Beispiel #9
 def test_roundtripThroughBlocks(self):
     strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy((2, 2, 2), units="s")
Beispiel #10
 def test_toSeriesWithSplitsAndPack(self):
     strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy((1, 2), units="s")
Beispiel #11
    def test_roundtripConvertToSeries(self):
        imagepath = findSourceTreeDir("utils/data/fish/images")

        images = ImagesLoader(
        strategy = SimpleBlockingStrategy.generateFromBlockSize(images, blockSize=76 * 20)
        self._run_tst_roundtripConvertToSeries(images, strategy)