def transform_images(image_sequence, processors_num=None, use_shared_memory=False): ticker = Ticker() image_sequence["enhanced"] = ('i', rescale_intensity( image_sequence["enhanced"][1].astype( np.double))) image_sequence["skeletons"] = ('i', (image_sequence["skeletons"][1] > 0).astype( np.uint8)) ticker.tick("\nTransforming images...") transform = ParallelMap(processors_num) image_sequence["binaries"] = ('i',, image_sequence["binaries"][1])) image_sequence["branching"] = ('i', transform_distance, image_sequence["branching"][1])) ticker.tock(" Finished.") if use_shared_memory: ticker.tick("\nMapping to shared memory...") image_sequence_shared = to_shared_memory(image_sequence) ticker.tock(" Finished.") # Return shared memory return image_sequence_shared return image_sequence
def track_individual(input): # Initialize global variables global Global_Sequence global Global_Parameters global Global_Lock global Output_Folder # Initialize ticker ticker = Ticker(Global_Lock) # Unpack data index, data = input filename, initial_polyline = data ticker.tick(" Started tracking {0}.".format(filename)) # Reparametrize contour new_x, new_y, new_step = reparametrize(initial_polyline[:, 0], initial_polyline[:, 1],, 'linear') initial_points = np.dstack([new_x, new_y])[0] tracking_result = None try: # Create tracker tracker = Tracker(Global_Sequence, Global_Parameters) # Initialize log log = "" result = tracker.track(initial_points, log) ticker.tock(" Finished: " + filename) if result is not None: if Global_Lock is not None: Global_Lock.acquire() try: zip_path = os.path.join(Output_Folder, '{0}.zip'.format(filename)) # Save ZIP zip_csv(zip_path, result["snake_trajectory"][:, -1]) except: pass if Global_Lock is not None: Global_Lock.release() except Exception as e: print e traceback.print_exc() ticker.tock(" Failed: " + filename) return tracking_result
def on_execute(self): if self.on_init() == False: self._running = False pygame.mixer.init() os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..\sound\\Pixelland.wav")) tmx_loader = TmxLoader() map = tmx_loader.load_map("game_map") sprite_handler = SpriteHandler() entity_handler = EntityHandler(tmx_loader) map = Map(map) player = Player(Location.Spawn, ID.Player, "Engineer", Sprite_ID.Player_d4, map) inv = Inv(None) entity_handler.add_entity(player) renderer = Renderer(entity_handler, sprite_handler, self._display_surf) ticker = Ticker(entity_handler, self, inv) time_next_tick = 0 time_next_render = 0 tick = 0 render = 0 nextsecond = 0 while (self._running): time_now = pygame.time.get_ticks() if (time_now > time_next_tick): ticker.tick() time_next_tick = time_now + 1000 / self.tps tick += 1 if (time_now > time_next_render): renderer.render(entity_handler, map, inv) time_next_render = time_now + 1000 / self.fps render += 1 if (nextsecond < time_now): print("TPS: " + str(tick) + " FPS: " + str(render)) tick, render = 0, 0 nextsecond = time_now + 1000 self.on_cleanup()
def upload_sequence(path, processors_num=None, use_shared_memory=False): filenames = [ 'enhanced.tif', 'skeletons.tif', 'binaries.tif', 'branching.tif', # check if we really need this one 'gvf_magnitude.tif', 'gvf_angle.tif', '' ] ticker = Ticker() ticker.tick("\nLoading image sequence...") image_sequence = ImageSequence.load(path, filenames) ticker.tock(" Finished.") return transform_images(image_sequence, processors_num, use_shared_memory)
print "Loaded %d images" % len(images) # Start the BinarySocket comp = True if not server else False sock = BinarySocket(host, port, server=server, bufsize=1024 * 256, compress=comp, compress_level=9) client = sock if not server else None ticker = Ticker(5) # Keep running until user interrupts while True: ticker.tick() if not client: client = sock.wait_connect(0.5) if not client: continue if not client.connected() and server: # If a client disconnected, wait for a new connection client = None continue # Get all data from the socket data = client.get_data() for metadata, binary_data in data: # Display the received image
def main(): # Read configuration common_config = Config(os.path.join('..', '..', 'config', 'common.config')) # Read image preprocessing configuration tracker_config = Config( os.path.join('..', '..', 'config', 'tracker.config')) # Get output folder output_folder = common_config['Output']['Folder'] # Use multiprocessing is_parallel = tracker_config['Parallel Computing']['Enabled_b'] # Read preprocessed data image_sequence = upload_sequence(os.path.join('..', '..', 'output', 'preprocessing', output_folder), use_shared_memory=is_parallel) try: init_path = tracker_config['Initialization']['Path'] if init_path == '': raise Exception("Empty Path") except: sequence_path = os.path.join('../../output/generator', output_folder) try: input_folder = get_latest_folder(sequence_path) init_path = os.path.join(sequence_path, input_folder, "") except: return ticker = Ticker() ticker.tick("\nReading initial filaments...") initialization = upload_initialization(init_path) ticker.tock(" Finished.") sequence_output = os.path.join("../../output/tracking", output_folder) try: os.mkdir(sequence_output) except: pass run_output = os.path.join(sequence_output,'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')) try: os.mkdir(run_output) except: pass try: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sequence_path, input_folder, 'colors.csv'), run_output) except: pass # Track all filaments ticker.tick("\nStarting tracking...") track_all(initialization, image_sequence, tracker_config, run_output) ticker.tock(" Tracking completed!")
def main(): ticker = Ticker() ticker.tick("Started filament generation...") input_dir = os.path.join("..", "..", "output", "preprocessing") output_dir = os.path.join("..", "..", "output", "generator") # Read configuration common_config = Config(os.path.join("..", "..", "config", "common.config")) # Read filaments generator configuration generator_config = Config( os.path.join("..", "..", "config", "generator.config")) folder_name = common_config["Output"]["Folder"] sequence_path = os.path.join(common_config["Image Sequence"]["Path"], common_config["Image Sequence"]["Filename"]) # Generate filaments filaments_original, filaments_filtered = generator.generate( input_dir, folder_name, generator_config) directory = os.path.join(output_dir, folder_name) # Make folder try: os.mkdir(directory) except: pass # Output path current_date ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') output_path = os.path.join( directory, "__".join([current_date, str(len(filaments_filtered))])) try: os.mkdir(output_path) except: pass # Get colors colors = get_random_colors(len(filaments_filtered)) # Get background image image_sequence = imread(sequence_path) background = np.squeeze(image_sequence)[0].astype(np.float32) background /= background.max() # Save filaments save_filaments(filaments_filtered, output_path, background, colors) # Plot sequence if __PLOT_OVERLAY__: plot_filaments(filaments_original, background, None, "Original filaments") plot_filaments(filaments_filtered, background, colors, "Filtered filaments", True) ticker.tock(" Generation finished.")
for filename in image_names: print "Loading %s..." % filename img = cv.LoadImage(filename) images.append(img) print "Loaded %d images" % len(images) # Start the BinarySocket comp = True if not server else False sock = BinarySocket(host, port, server=server, bufsize=1024*256, compress=comp, compress_level=9) client = sock if not server else None ticker = Ticker(5) # Keep running until user interrupts while True: ticker.tick() if not client: client = sock.wait_connect(0.5) if not client: continue if not client.connected() and server: # If a client disconnected, wait for a new connection client = None continue # Get all data from the socket data = client.get_data() for metadata, binary_data in data: # Display the received image
from SimpleCV import * from ticker import Ticker import IPython cam = Camera(0) t = Ticker() while True: img = cam.getImage() img = img.binarize(200).invert() blobs = img.findBlobs() if blobs: for b in blobs: img.drawCircle(b.centroid(),10,color=Color.GREEN) t.tick()
def finallize(directory, image_sequence, config): # Import imsave from skimage.external.tifffile import imsave from zip import zip_csv ticker = Ticker() ticker.tick("\nSaving to the folder: " + directory) # Make folder try: os.mkdir(directory) ticker.tock(" Folder was created.") except: ticker.tock( " The folder with this name exists, it's content might be overwritten." ) # Obtain skeleton images skeletons = np.asarray([d["skeleton"] for d in image_sequence.image_data]) # Obtain enhanced images enhanced = np.asarray( [d["enhanced_image"] for d in image_sequence.image_data]) # Obtain binary images binaries = np.asarray( [d["binary_image"] for d in image_sequence.image_data]) # Branching images branching_images = np.asarray( [d["branching_image"] for d in image_sequence.image_data]) # Branching points coordinates branching_points = np.asarray( [d["branching_coords"] for d in image_sequence.image_data]) ticker.tick("\nCalculating stable branching points...") stable_branching, stable_coordinates = detect_stable_points( enhanced, branching_images, branching_points) ticker.tock(" Finished.") ticker.tick("\nStart coding gradient vector flow...") gvf_encoded = encode_gvf( image_sequence, processors_num=config["Parallel Computing"]["processors_number_i"]) ticker.tock(" Finished.") # TIFF metadata meta = {'axes': 'TZCYX'} ticker.tick("\nSaving files...") # Save skeleton images imsave(os.path.join(directory, 'skeletons.tif'), tyx_to_tzcyx(skeletons), metadata=meta) # Save enhanced images imsave(os.path.join(directory, 'enhanced.tif'), tyx_to_tzcyx(enhanced), metadata=meta) # Save binary images imsave(os.path.join(directory, 'binaries.tif'), tyx_to_tzcyx(binaries), metadata=meta) # Save branching images imsave(os.path.join(directory, 'branching.tif'), tyx_to_tzcyx(branching_images), metadata=meta) # Save branching points zip_csv(os.path.join(directory, ""), np.asarray(branching_points)) # Save GVF imsave(os.path.join(directory, 'gvf_magnitude.tif'), tyx_to_tzcyx(gvf_encoded[:, 0], np.uint8, 1), metadata=meta) imsave(os.path.join(directory, 'gvf_angle.tif'), tyx_to_tzcyx(gvf_encoded[:, 1], np.uint8, 1), metadata=meta) # Save stable branching points imsave(os.path.join(directory, 'stable_branching.tif'), tyx_to_tzcyx(stable_branching, np.uint16, 1), metadata=meta) zip_csv(os.path.join(directory, ''), stable_coordinates) ticker.tock(" Finished.") print "\nProcessing completed:", str(