Beispiel #1
def test_strikethrough():
    """Ensure strikethrough works and doesn't turn into a group link."""
    markdown = "This ~~should not~~ should work"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert "<del>" in processed
    assert "<a" not in processed
Beispiel #2
def test_add_anchor_to_headings():
    """Ensure that a basic heading ends up with the expected id."""
    markdown = "# Some heading"
    html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)
    html = add_anchors_to_headings(html)

    assert 'id="some_heading"' in html
Beispiel #3
def test_subreddit_linkified_without_punctuation():
    """Ensure subreddit is linkified without punctuation."""
    markdown = "Check out: /r/antarctica!"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="")
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, conversation: MessageConversation, sender: User,
              markdown: str):
     """Add a new reply to a message conversation."""
     self.conversation = conversation
     self.sender = sender
     self.markdown = markdown
     self.rendered_html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)
Beispiel #5
def test_subreddit_with_leading_forward_slash_linkified():
    """Ensure subreddit with leading forward slash is linkified."""
    markdown = "Check out: /r/antarctica"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="")
Beispiel #6
    def edit(self, new_markdown: str, user: User, edit_message: str) -> None:
        """Set the page's markdown, render its HTML, and commit the repo."""
        if new_markdown == self.markdown:

        self.markdown = new_markdown
        self.rendered_html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(new_markdown)
        self.rendered_html = add_anchors_to_headings(self.rendered_html)
        self.last_edited_time = utc_now()

        repo = Repository(self.BASE_PATH)
        author = Signature(user.username, user.username)

        # Prepend the group name and page path to the edit message - if you change the
        # format of this, make sure to also change the page-editing template to match
        edit_message = f"~{}/{self.path}: {edit_message}"

Beispiel #7
def test_group_ref_inside_link_not_replaced():
    """Ensure a group ref inside a longer link doesn't get re-linked."""
    markdown = "Found [this band from a ~music.punk post]("
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert processed.count("<a") == 1
    assert 'href="/~music.punk"' not in processed
Beispiel #8
def test_group_ref_inside_other_tags_linkified():
    """Ensure a group ref inside non-ignored tags gets linked."""
    markdown = "> Here is **a ~group.reference inside** other stuff"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="/~group.reference")
Beispiel #9
def test_uppercase_group_ref_links_correctly():
    """Ensure using uppercase in a group ref works but links correctly."""
    markdown = "That was in ~Music.Metal.Progressive"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="/")
Beispiel #10
def test_existing_link_group_ref_not_replaced():
    """Ensure a group ref with an existing link doesn't get overwritten."""
    markdown = "Doesn't go []("
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert '<a href=""' in processed
    assert 'href="/"' not in processed
Beispiel #11
def test_invalid_group_reference_not_linkified():
    """Ensure an invalid group reference doesn't linkify."""
    markdown = ("You can't name a group ~games.pokémon.\n"
                "You also can't have a name like ~_underscores.")
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert "<a" not in processed
Beispiel #12
def test_group_reference_linkified():
    """Ensure a simple group reference gets linkified."""
    markdown = "Yeah, I saw that in ~books.fantasy yesterday."
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="/~books.fantasy")
Beispiel #13
def test_html_lookalike_not_closed():
    """Ensure text that looks like an HTML tag isn't "fixed" by adding a closing tag."""
    markdown = "I can't believe it's not <blank>!"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert "&lt;blank&gt;" in processed
    assert "&lt;/blank&gt;" not in processed
Beispiel #14
def test_html_disallowed_attributes():
    """Ensure disallowed HTML attributes are removed."""
    markdown = ('<a href="" title="example" target="_blank" '
                'referrerpolicy="unsafe-url">test link</a>')
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert processed == '<p><a href="" title="example">test link</a></p>\n'
Beispiel #15
def test_username_and_group_refs_linked():
    """Ensure username and group references together get linkified."""
    markdown = '@SomeUser makes the best posts in for sure'
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert '<a href="/user/SomeUser">@SomeUser</a>' in processed
    assert '<a href="/"></a>' in processed
Beispiel #16
def test_html_attr_whitelist_violation():
    """Ensure using non-whitelisted HTML attributes removes the tag."""
    markdown = ('<a href="" title="example" target="_blank" '
                'referrerpolicy="unsafe-url">test link</a>')
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert processed == '<p>test link</p>\n'
Beispiel #17
def test_strikethrough_with_group():
    """Ensure strikethrough works with a group name in the middle."""
    markdown = "They ~~spammed ~music heavily~~ posted lots of songs."
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert processed.count("<del>") == 1
    assert "<a" in processed
Beispiel #18
def test_anchor_on_complex_heading():
    """Ensure that a more complex heading still gets the expected id."""
    markdown = "# This *heading* has **more formatting**"
    html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)
    html = add_anchors_to_headings(html)

    assert 'id="this_heading_has_more_formatting"' in html
Beispiel #19
def test_image_syntax_ignored():
    """Ensure inline image syntax is treated as a link."""
    markdown = "An exclamation mark preceding a ![link](url)."
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert "!<a" in processed
    assert "img" not in processed
Beispiel #20
def test_a_rel_kept_user_bio_context():
    """Ensure a rel= attr is kept on an <a> tag in the user bio context."""
    markdown = '<a href="" rel="something">Link</a>'
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown,

    assert "rel=" in processed
Beispiel #21
def test_u_alt_style_username_ref_linked():
    """Ensure a u/username reference gets linkified."""
    markdown = "Hey u/SomeUser, what do you think of this?"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="/user/SomeUser")
Beispiel #22
def test_subreddit_followed_by_apostrophe_not_linkified():
    """Ensure we don't linkify apostrophes after subreddit references."""
    markdown = "/r/funny's moderators"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="")
Beispiel #23
def test_subreddit_lookalike_conjunction_not_linkified():
    """Ensure where forward slash used for conjunction, text doesn't linkify."""
    markdown = "water/ocean"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert len(soup.find_all("a")) == 0
Beispiel #24
    def __init__(self, conversation: MessageConversation, sender: User, markdown: str):
        """Add a new reply to a message conversation."""
        self.conversation_id = conversation.conversation_id
        self.sender_id = sender.user_id
        self.markdown = markdown
        self.rendered_html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

        incr_counter("messages", type="reply")
Beispiel #25
def test_username_and_group_refs_linked():
    """Ensure username and group references together get linkified."""
    markdown = "@SomeUser makes the best posts in for sure"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(processed, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.find("a", href="/user/SomeUser")
    assert soup.find("a", href="/")
Beispiel #26
def test_accidental_ordered_list():
    """Ensure a common "accidental" ordered list gets escaped."""
    markdown = ('What year did this happen?\n\n'
                '1975. It was a long time ago.\n\n'
                'But I remember it like it was yesterday.')
    html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert '<ol' not in html
Beispiel #27
def test_username_ref_inside_pre_ignored():
    """Ensure a username ref inside a <pre> tag doesn't get linked."""
    markdown = ('```\n'
                '# Code blatantly stolen from @HelpfulGuy on StackOverflow\n'
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert '<a' not in processed
Beispiel #28
def test_heading_links_to_itself():
    """Ensure that a heading ends up containing a link to itself."""
    markdown = "## Important information"
    html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)
    html = add_anchors_to_headings(html)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="html5lib")
    assert soup.h2.a["href"] == "#" + soup.h2["id"]
Beispiel #29
def test_subreddit_inside_pre_ignored():
    """Ensure a subreddit link inside a <pre> tag doesn't get linked."""
    markdown = ("```\n"
                "# This is a code block\n"
                "# I found this code on r/python, hopefully it works\n"
    processed = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)

    assert "<a" not in processed
Beispiel #30
 def __init__(self, sender: User, recipient: User, subject: str,
              markdown: str):
     """Create a new message conversation between two users."""
     self.sender = sender
     self.recipient = recipient
     self.unread_user_ids = [self.recipient.user_id]
     self.subject = subject
     self.markdown = markdown
     self.rendered_html = convert_markdown_to_safe_html(markdown)