Beispiel #1
def update_data_ip(server_name, session_id, new_ip_configs):

    # Create the Appliance object with the new configIps DTO.
    new_appliance = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'configIps': new_ip_configs
    # Create the Request object with the Appliance DTO.
    Request = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'objectsWithNewValues': new_appliance,
         'propertiesToBeUpdated': ['configIps']
    # Update the VMstore wit the new data IP configuration.
    r = tintri.api_put(server_name, url, Request, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)
    # if HTTP Response is not 204 then raise exception
    if r.status_code != 204:
        message = "The HTTP response for put call to the server is not 204."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, str(Request), r.text)
def process_vmstore(vmstore_name, user_name, password, new_dns_primary):

    server_name = vmstore_name

    # Get the server type
    r = tintri.api_version(server_name)
    json_info = r.json()
    if json_info['productName'] != "Tintri VMstore":
        this_error = "Server needs to be a VMstore"
        return this_error

    session_id = tintri.api_login(server_name, user_name, password)
    dns_info = get_dns_info(server_name, session_id)
    print_dns_info(dns_info, server_name + " current: ")
    new_dns_secondary = dns_info['dnsSecondary']
    # Create the ApplianceDns DTO.
    new_dns_info = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'dnsPrimary': new_dns_primary,
         'dnsSecondary': new_dns_secondary
    # Create the Appliance object wit the new ApplianceDns DTO.
    new_appliance = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'dnsConfig': new_dns_info
    # Create the Request object with the Appliance DTO.
    Request = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'objectsWithNewValues': new_appliance,
         'propertiesToBeUpdated': ['dnsConfig']
    r = tintri.api_put(server_name, url, Request, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)
    # if HTTP Response is not 204 then raise exception
    if r.status_code != 204:
        tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
        message = "The HTTP response for put call to the server is not 204."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, str(Request), r.text)
    dns_info = get_dns_info(server_name, session_id)
    print_dns_info(dns_info, server_name + " now: ")
    # All pau, log out
    tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
Beispiel #3
def set_qos(server_name, session_id, sg_uuid, new_min_value, new_max_value):
    # Create new QoS object with the fields to be changed
    modify_qos_info = {

    # Configure the QoS for the service group
    modify_qos_url = "/v310/servicegroup/" + sg_uuid + "/qosConfig"
    r = tintri.api_put(server_name, modify_qos_url, modify_qos_info,
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)

    # if HTTP Response is not 204 then raise an exception
    if r.status_code != 204:
        print_error("The HTTP response for the put invoke to the server " +
                    server_name + " is not 204, but is: " + str(r.status_code))
        print_error("url = " + modify_qos_url)
        print_error("payload = " + str(modify_qos_info))
        print_error("response: " + r.text)
        tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
        print_info("Error log off " + server_name)

    # Apply the QoS values that were for the service group that
    # were configured above.
    apply_qos_url = "/v310/servicegroup/" + sg_uuid + "/qos"
    r = tintri.api_post(server_name, apply_qos_url, None, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)

    # if HTTP Response is not 204 then raise an exception
    if r.status_code != 204:
        print_error("The HTTP response for the post invoke to the server " +
                    server_name + " is not 204, but is: " + str(r.status_code))
        print_error("url = " + modify_qos_url)
        print_error("payload = None")
        print_error("response: " + r.text)
        tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
        print_info("Error log off " + server_name)