Beispiel #1
TCombobox1['values'] = photos

Frame3 = Frame(root), rely=0.33, relheight=0.63, relwidth=0.46)

Label4 = Label(Frame3), rely=-0.04, height=21, width=44)

Radiobutton1 = Radiobutton(Frame3), rely=0.08, relheight=0.09, relwidth=0.38)
Radiobutton1.configure(text='''Single Hashtag''')

TCombobox3 = Combobox(Frame3), rely=0.19, relheight=0.08, relwidth=0.6)
TCombobox3['values'] = hashtags

Radiobutton2 = Radiobutton(Frame3), rely=0.3, relheight=0.09, relwidth=0.44)
Radiobutton2.configure(text='''Multiple Hashtags''')
class AnalyzeSPC:
    def __init__( self, master ):
        #Set Master TK Window from intiation (root)
        self.master             = master

        #Name the Window
        master.title("Analyze Rennishaw SPC files")

        #Style a general outside padding of 10px                      = Frame( master, padding = "10" )

        #Initiate Menubar
        self.menubar            = Menu( self.master )

        #File Menu
        self.filemenu           = Menu( self.menubar, tearoff = 0 )
        self.filemenu.add_command( label = "Exit", command = self.master.quit, accelerator = "Alt+F4"  )
        self.menubar.add_cascade(  label = "File", menu = self.filemenu )

        #Help Menu
        self.helpmenu           = Menu( self.menubar, tearoff = 0 )
        self.helpmenu.add_command( label = "How to use", command = lambda: self.output_message("How to use this application", "Base file names must follow a specific format such that each measured grain is indicated, along with how many measurements are made on that grain.\n\n\tFor Example:\n\n\t\tSomeFileName_GrainNumber_MeasurementNumberOnGrain.spc\n\n\t\t5 measurements on a single grain would look like this:\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_1_1.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_1_2.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_1_3.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_1_4.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_1_5.spc\n\n\t\t2 measurements each made on 3 grains would look like this:\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_1_1.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_1_2.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_2_1.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_2_2.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_3_1.spc\n\t\t\tSomeFileName_3_2.spc\n\n\tThis format is important for the code to differentiate which items should be compared for Averaging and SEM purposes.", "Close", None))

        self.menubar.add_cascade(  label = "Help", menu = self.helpmenu )

        self.master.config( menu = self.helpmenu )

        #Initiate Grid format for TKinter = 0, row = 0, sticky = ( N, W, E, S ) ) 0, weight = 1 )    0, weight = 1 )

        #Build Input variables
        self.message            = "Select folder containing *.SPC files to be Analyzed"
        self.label_text         = StringVar()
        self.folder             = StringVar()
        self.output_fmt         = StringVar( value = "csv")
        self.output_folder      = StringVar()
        self.output_plots       = IntVar( value = 1 )
        self.output_fmt_bool    = IntVar( value = 0 )
        self.progress_var       = DoubleVar( )

        #Set Initial Output Information for User
        self.label_text.set( self.message )

        #Label User Choices
        self.label              = Label(, textvariable = self.label_text )
        self.folder_label       = Label(, text = "Input Folder" )
        self.output_fmt_label   = Label(, text = "Output Format" )
        self.output_fold_label  = Label(, text = "Output Folder" )

        #Build Output Selection Choices for User
        self.fmt_txt            = Radiobutton(, text = "TXT", variable = self.output_fmt, value = 'txt', state = DISABLED )
        self.fmt_csv            = Radiobutton(, text = "CSV", variable = self.output_fmt, value = 'csv', state = DISABLED )
        self.fmt_plot           = Checkbutton(, text = "Plot Data", variable = self.output_plots, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0 )
        self.fmt_bool           = Checkbutton(, text =  "Output Raw Data", variable = self.output_fmt_bool, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, command = self.output_enable)
        self.p_bar              = Progressbar(, length = 300, mode = 'determinate', variable = self.progress_var, maximum = 100. )

        #Build Directory Input/Output for User
        self.folder_entry       = Entry(, textvariable = self.folder )
        self.folder_output      = Entry(, textvariable = self.output_folder )

        #Build Buttons for User
        self.sel_folder         = Button(, text = "Browse",  command = self.ask_dir )
        self.sel_out_folder     = Button(, text = "Browse",  command = self.ask_out_dir )
        self.analyze_btn        = Button(, text = "Analyze", command = self.convert )

        #Build GUI Layout
        self.label.grid(             row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 4, sticky = W + E)   #Label

        self.folder_label.grid(      row = 1, column = 0, sticky = E )                      #Input Folder Directory Label
        self.folder_entry.grid(      row = 1, column = 1, sticky = W + E, columnspan = 2 )  #Input Folder Input
        self.sel_folder.grid(        row = 1, column = 3, sticky = W )                      #Input Folder Directory Button

        self.fmt_bool.grid(          row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W, columnspan = 2 )      #Boolean that allows raw data output

        self.output_fmt_label.grid(  row = 3, column = 0, sticky = E )                      #Output Format type (TXT, CSV Radio buttons Label)
        self.fmt_txt.grid(           row = 3, column = 1, sticky = W )                      #Output Format type TXT button
        self.fmt_csv.grid(           row = 3, column = 2, sticky = W )                      #Output Format type CSV button
        self.fmt_plot.grid(          row = 3, column = 3, sticky = W )                      #Output Plots

        self.output_fold_label.grid( row = 4, column = 0, sticky = E )                      #Output Folder Directory Label
        self.folder_output.grid(     row = 4, column = 1, sticky = W + E, columnspan = 2 )  #Output Folder Input
        self.sel_out_folder.grid(    row = 4, column = 3, sticky = W )                      #Output Folder Directory Button

        self.analyze_btn.grid(       row = 5, column = 1, columnspan = 2, sticky = W + E )  #Analyze Files Button

        self.p_bar.grid(             row = 6, column = 0, columnspan = 4, sticky = E )

        #Add 5px padding to all elements
        for child in
            child.grid_configure( padx = 5, pady = 5 )

    def output_enable(self):

        if not self.output_fmt_bool.get():
            self.fmt_txt.configure(state = DISABLED)
            self.fmt_csv.configure(state = DISABLED)
            self.fmt_txt.configure(state = NORMAL)
            self.fmt_csv.configure(state = NORMAL)

    def convert(self):

        #Get Folder names
        self.fol_val        = str( self.folder.get() )
        self.fol_out_val    = str( self.output_folder.get() )

        ffn_out             = os.path.abspath(self.fol_out_val)

        #Get output format (txt or csv)
        self.fmt_val        = str( self.output_fmt.get() )

        #Get whether to plot or not
        self.fmt_plot_val   = bool( self.output_plots.get() )

        #Inform user of starting conversions
        print( "Analyzing {} with {} ext".format(self.fol_val, self.fmt_val) )

        #Figure output file extension and delimiter
        if self.fmt_val == 'txt':
            exten = '.txt'
            delim = '\t'
            #Default is CSV
            exten = '.csv'
            delim = ','

        #Initiate grain and measurement indices
        self.grain          = 0
        self.measurement    = 0

        #Build list for files
        flist = []

        #Get file directory from folder value
        ffn = os.path.abspath( self.fol_val )

        #Check for output folder location. If none, default to Input folder
        out_str = self.fol_out_val.replace(" ","")

        #If No output folder selected
        if out_str == "":
            #Default to input folder
            self.fol_out_val = self.fol_val
            self.output_folder.set( value = self.fol_out_val )

        #Find how many grain files exist in folder
        self.grain_count = 0
        for f in os.listdir( ffn ):

            #Check extension
            if f.lower().endswith('spc'):

                #Split file name by underscores
                f_split = f.split("_")
                #Ensure correct format for tracking
                if len(f_split) >= 2:

                    #Look at second to last in split ( SomeFileName_1_1.spc )
                    if int( f_split[-2] ) > self.grain_count:
                        self.grain_count = int( f_split[-2] )

        #Consider grain count
        if self.grain_count == 0:
            self.output_message("Input Folder Empty", "Your input folder is either empty or the spc files are not configured correctly.", "Close", None)

        #Cycle through each grain count and append files
        for i in range(self.grain_count):

            #Build Measurements list
            mlist = []
            #Append sorted files to the filelist
            for f in os.listdir( ffn ):

                #Check extension
                if f.lower().endswith('spc'):
                    fl = f

                    #Split file name to find current
                    f_split = fl.split("_")

                    #Ensure correct format for tracking
                    if len(f_split) >= 2:

                        #Check if current file is the current grain
                        if int( f_split[-2] ) == i+1:
                            #print( f )
                            #Add to measurement list
                            mlist.append( os.path.join( ffn , f) )

            #Append grain i+1 files
            flist.append( mlist )


        #Check if any output is selected. If not, make a silly message
        output_data = bool( self.output_fmt_bool.get() )

        output_plot = bool( self.output_plots.get() )

        if (not output_data) and (not output_plot):
            self.output_message( "What are you doing?", "... You have to select some output method...\n\nI mean, I could analyze this for you but you won't see it.", "Oh yeah, duh!", None  )

        #Else, continue analyzing
            prog_incr = 100./len( flist )

            #Look at grain i

            #Loop through i grains
            for i in range( len( flist ) ):                     #3

                tot_grain_data_list     = []                    #All unanalyzed grain data
                ave_grain_data_list     = []                    #Averaged data per grain
                sem_grain_data_list     = []                    #SEM data per grain

                #Loop through j measurements   
                for j in range( len( flist[i] ) ):              #5

                    #Open file into array
                    f       = spc.File( flist[i][j] )
                    xy_data = f.data_list()                     #xy data for grain i, measurement j

                    #Append collected data to the grain_data_list for later processing
                    tot_grain_data_list.append( xy_data )

                #print( len(tot_grain_data_list) )    #total measurements
                #print( len(tot_grain_data_list[0]) ) #x and y

                #Average arrays (function? OUT = Single array)
                normalized_to = 1.0

                ave_grain_data_list.append( self.grain_average( tot_grain_data_list, normalized_to ) )

                #Find SEM in arrays (function? OUT = Single array of +/-)
                sem_grain_data_list.append( self.SEM_calc( tot_grain_data_list, ave_grain_data_list[0] ) )

                #print( sem_grain_data_list[0][0][:5] )

                #if i==0:
                #    print( sem_grain_data_list[0][0][:10] )

                #If plot, save plot data as PNG
                if output_plot:
                    #Plot normalized and averaged values
                    figsize = ( 16, 9 )
                    plt.figure( figsize = figsize, dpi = 600 )

                    plt.plot( ave_grain_data_list[0][0], ave_grain_data_list[0][1], color = '#000099', lw = 0.5 )

                    #Calc total SEM Values
                    sem_above = []
                    sem_below = []


                    for k in range( len( sem_grain_data_list[0][0] ) ):

                        sem_above.append( ave_grain_data_list[0][1][k] + sem_grain_data_list[0][1][k] )
                        sem_below.append( ave_grain_data_list[0][1][k] + sem_grain_data_list[0][0][k] )

                    #Plot +/- SEM
                    plt.fill_between( ave_grain_data_list[0][0], sem_below, sem_above, facecolor = '#9999FF', interpolate = True )

                    plt.xlabel( 'cm^-1' )
                    plt.ylabel( 'Intensity (Normalized to {})'.format( normalized_to ) )

                    plt.ylim( 0., normalized_to*1.1 )

                    plt.xticks( np.arange( min( ave_grain_data_list[0][0] ), max( ave_grain_data_list[0][0] )+1, 500.) )
                    plt.yticks( np.arange( 0., normalized_to*1.1, step = 0.2*normalized_to ) ) 

                    data_line = mpatches.Patch(color='#000099', label='Averaged Data' )
                    sem_colors = mpatches.Patch(color='#9999FF', label='SEM Range')

                    plt.legend(handles=[data_line, sem_colors])

                    plt.title( "Averaged Data in Grain {}".format( ( i+1 ) ) )


                    plt.savefig( os.path.join(ffn_out, "Grain {} - Averaged_RAMAN.png".format( (i+1) )) )
                #If output type enabled, output data type
                if output_data:

                    #Open File
                    fle     = open( os.path.join(ffn_out, "Grain {} - Averaged_RAMAN{}".format( (i+1), exten )) , 'w' )

                    #Create Header
                    header  = "x" + delim + "y-Ave" + delim + "y-SEM\n"
                    fle.write( header )

                    #Cycle through 'x' values for SEM and
                    for l in range( len( sem_grain_data_list[0][0] ) ):
                        line = str( ave_grain_data_list[0][0][l] )
                        line += delim + str( ave_grain_data_list[0][1][l] )
                        line += delim + str( sem_grain_data_list[0][1][l] )
                        line += "\n"
                        fle.write( line )
                    #Close File

                #Update Progress bar
                self.progress_var.set( prog_incr*(i+1) )

            self.progress_var.set( 0. )

        #Process SPC files
        for fpath in flist:

            #Check if file ends with 'spc'
            if fpath.lower().endswith('spc'):

                #Get file name - the extension
                foutp = fpath[:-4] + exten
                    print(fpath, end=' ')

                    f = spc.File(fpath)
                    f.write_file(foutp, delimiter=delim)

                    print('Error processing %s' % fpath)
                print('%s not spc file, skipping' % fpath)
    #Removes stray data points that aren't real measurements
    def sanitize_list(self, m_data, slope_threshold = 50. ):

        #Check data for large unwanted slopes
        for i in range( len( m_data[1] ) ):

            #If on first point, set the previous point
            if not i == 0:
                slope = abs( (m_data[1][i] - m_data[1][i-1] )/( m_data[0][i-1] - m_data[0][i] ) )

                #If the slope is too large, remove the point
                if slope >= slope_threshold:
                    #If not the 2nd to last point
                    if not i == ( len( m_data[1] ) - 2 ):
                        #Remove the large point and replace with an average
                        point_ave       = ( m_data[1][i-1] + m_data[1][i+1] )/2.
                        m_data[1][i]    = point_ave
        #Return the resultant list
        return m_data

    #Normalize given data to given max height
    def measurement_normalized( self, m_data, max_h, m_count):

        #Remove nasty stray data points
        clean_list = self.sanitize_list( m_data )

        #Find maximum value in list
        max_val = 0.

        #Cycle through 'y' values
        for i in range( len( clean_list[1] ) ):

            if  clean_list[1][i] > max_val:

                max_val =  clean_list[1][i]

        #Calculate Normalizing value
        norm_val = max_h/( max_val*m_count )

        #Normalize system to max_h/m_count
        for i in range( len( clean_list[1] ) ):
            clean_list[1][i] *= norm_val

        #Return Normalized data
        return clean_list

    #Average given data
    def grain_average( self, g_data, n_to ):
        #g_data = [ 
        #           [ [x,x,x,x], [y,y,y,y] ], 
        #           [ [x,x,x,x], [y,y,y,y] ], 
        #           [ [x,x,x,x], [y,y,y,y] ], 
        #          ... ]

        ave_grain_list = []

        #Cycle through each measurement on this grain
        for i in range( len( g_data ) ): #5

            #m_list = [ [x,x,x,x], [y,y,y,y] ]
            m_list = g_data[i]

            norm_m_list = self.measurement_normalized( m_list, n_to, len( g_data ) )  #( [[x],[y]], 1.0, 5 )

            #If first loop
            if i == 0:
                ave_grain_list.append( norm_m_list )

            #Else, add the list y-elements
                for j in range( len( ave_grain_list[0][1] ) ):
                    ave_grain_list[0][1][j] += norm_m_list[1][j]

        #Return Final List
        return ave_grain_list[0]

    #Standard Error of the Mean Calculation
    def SEM_calc(self, g_data, ave_g_data):

        p_sem = []
        m_sem = []

        sem_l = []

        #Cycle through each 'x' value
        for i in range( len( ave_g_data[0] ) ):

            #SEM at point i
            sem = 0.

            #Cycle through each 'y' value at the given 'x'
            count = len( g_data )           #5
            for j in range( count ):

                sem += math.pow( ( ave_g_data[1][i] - g_data[j][1][i] ) , 2. )

            sem = math.sqrt( sem )

            sem /= (count - 1.)*count

            p_sem.append( sem )
            m_sem.append( -1.*sem )
        sem_l.append( m_sem )
        sem_l.append( p_sem )

        return sem_l

    #Ask for directory. (Used in init)
    def ask_dir(self):
        self.folder.set( filedialog.askdirectory() )

    def ask_out_dir(self):
        self.output_folder.set( filedialog.askdirectory() )

    def output_message(self, title, message, button_txt, event):

        #Build Toplevel window and set its title
        self.sel_top = Toplevel(master = None, padx = 10, pady = 10)
        self.sel_top.title( title )

        self.sel_msg_txt = message

        #Show Message in window
        self.sel_msg = Message( self.sel_top, text = self.sel_msg_txt )

        #Add button to window
        self.sel_button = Button( self.sel_top, text = button_txt, command = self.sel_top.destroy )