def setup(self): for child in child.destroy() n = True for i in range(len(self.board)): for j in range(len(self.board[i])): if (self.board[i][j] == -100): if (self.turn == len(clicked) - 1): if n: tile = Frame(, width=60, height=60, bg="#E74C3C", borderwidth=0) else: tile = Frame(, width=60, height=60, bg="#C0392B", borderwidth=0) else: if n: tile = Frame(, width=60, height=60, bg="#34495E", borderwidth=0) else: tile = Frame(, width=60, height=60, bg="#2C3E50", borderwidth=0) else: if n: tile = Frame(, width=60, height=60, bg="#ECF0F1", borderwidth=0) else: tile = Frame(, width=60, height=60, bg="#DFE4E6", borderwidth=0) if (self.board[i][j] == 1): Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg=tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#3498DB").place(x=30, y=30, anchor="center") elif (self.board[i][j] == 2): Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg=tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#2ECC71").place(x=30, y=30, anchor="center") elif (self.board[i][j] == 3): Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg=tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#E67E22").place(x=30, y=30, anchor="center") elif (self.board[i][j] == 4): Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg=tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#9B59B6").place(x=30, y=30, anchor="center") # elif (self.board[i][j] == 5): # Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg = tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#E74C3C").place(x = 30, y = 30, anchor="center") # elif (self.board[i][j] == 6): # Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg = tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#1ABC9C").place(x = 30, y = 30, anchor="center") # elif (self.board[i][j] == 7): # Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg = tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#2C3E50").place(x = 30, y = 30, anchor="center") # elif (self.board[i][j] == 8): # Label(tile, text=self.board[i][j], bg = tile.cget("bg"), font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#7F8C8D").place(x = 30, y = 30, anchor="center") tile.grid(row=i, column=j) n = not n n = not n tile = Frame(, width=60 * (j + 1), height=60, bg="#95A5A6", borderwidth=0) tile.grid(row=i + 1, column=0, columnspan=j + 1) Button(tile, text="◀", bg="#2ECC71", borderwidth=0, font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#ECF0F1", command=self.prev).pack(side=LEFT, expand=False, fill='both', anchor="w") Button(tile, text="▶", bg="#2ECC71", borderwidth=0, font=("CourierNew 24 bold"), foreground="#ECF0F1",, expand=False, fill='both', anchor="e") b = Frame(tile, width=60 * (j - 0.4), height=60, bg="#3498DB", borderwidth=0) Label(b, text="Move: " + str(self.move), bg="#3498DB", font=("CourierNew 18 bold"), foreground="#ECF0F1").place(x=(60 * (j - 0.4)) / 2, y=30, anchor="center") b.pack(expand=True, fill='both', side="left")
block_size = int(main_window.winfo_screenheight() / 4) main_window.geometry(str(block_size * 6) + 'x' + str(block_size * 4)) main_window.overrideredirect(True) # 16个时间显示正方形 bc = Create_blocks(main_window, block_size) # 开启二进制钟 CLOCK_STATUS = True # 信息和按键展示框 info_frame = Frame(main_window, height=block_size * 4, width=block_size * 2) * 5, y=block_size * 2, anchor='center') original_bg = info_frame.cget('bg') # 博文推送信息框和番茄钟信息框 blogging_status = StringVar() blogger_label = Label(info_frame, textvariable=blogging_status), y=block_size * 0.5, anchor='center') pomodoro_info = StringVar() status_label = Label(info_frame, textvariable=pomodoro_info, font=('Helvetica', 24)), y=block_size, anchor='center') # 设置 def setting_time(): setting_wd = Toplevel() setting_wd.title('番茄钟设置')
class StreamFrame: def __init__(self, stream: Stream, parent, scrollWindow, searchFrame, color): self.frame = Frame(scrollWindow, relief=GROOVE, highlightbackground=color, highlightcolor=color, highlightthickness=3) = stream self.parent = parent self.searchFrame = searchFrame self.previewFrame = Frame(self.frame, width=322, height=182) self.previewFrame.grid_propagate(False) self.boxFrame = Frame(self.frame) self.boxArtFrame = Frame(self.boxFrame) self.boxArtLabelFrame = Frame(self.boxFrame) self.filterFrame = Frame(self.frame) self.labelImage = None self.labelBoxArt = None self.buttonFilterGame = None self.buttonFilterStreamer = None self.buttonFilterCombined = None self.previewTitle = StringVar() self.previewImage = None self.boxArtImage = None self.previewName = StringVar() self.previewViewers = StringVar() self.setStringVars() self.addPreview() self.addFilterFrame() self.gridFrames() def gridFrames(self): self.previewFrame.grid(row=0, sticky=NSEW) self.boxFrame.grid(row=1, sticky=NSEW) self.boxArtFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW) self.boxArtLabelFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) self.filterFrame.grid(row=2, sticky=NSEW) def setStream(self, stream): = stream self.setStringVars() def setStringVars(self): self.previewTitle.set("ascii", "ignore").decode()) self.boxArtImage = self.previewImage = self.previewName.set( self.previewViewers.set( + LabelConstants.VIEWERS) def addPreview(self): self.labelImage = Label(self.previewFrame, image=self.previewImage, bd=1) self.labelImage.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) self.labelImage.grid(row=1, sticky=W) dummyImageToMakeLabelHaveWidthInPixels = PhotoImage(width=1, height=1) dummyLabelToGetWidthOfText = Label(None, textvariable=self.previewTitle) titleWidth = min(dummyLabelToGetWidthOfText.winfo_reqwidth() - 4, 308) labelTitle = Label(self.previewFrame, image=dummyImageToMakeLabelHaveWidthInPixels, textvariable=self.previewTitle, fg="white", bg="black", compound=RIGHT, anchor=W, width=titleWidth) labelTitle.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) labelTitle.grid(row=1, sticky=NW, padx=4, pady=4) self.labelBoxArt = Label(self.previewFrame, image=self.boxArtImage, bd=1) self.labelBoxArt.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) self.labelBoxArt.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=SW, padx=4, pady=4) labelName = Label(self.previewFrame, textvariable=self.previewName, fg="white", bg="#b71ef7") labelName.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) labelName.grid(row=1, sticky=S, padx=4, pady=4) labelViewers = Label(self.previewFrame, textvariable=self.previewViewers, fg="white", bg="black") labelViewers.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) labelViewers.grid(row=1, sticky=SE, padx=4, pady=4) def addFilterFrame(self): labelFilter = Label(self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER, anchor=W) labelFilter.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW, padx=(4, 2)) self.buttonFilterStreamer = Button( self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER_STREAMER, width=10, command=lambda: self.parent.addFilter(, None)) self.buttonFilterStreamer.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NSEW, padx=(2, 4), pady=(0, 4)) self.buttonFilterGame = Button( self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER_GAME, width=10, command=lambda: self.parent.addFilter(None, self.buttonFilterGame.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=NSEW, padx=4, pady=(0, 4)) self.buttonFilterCombined = Button( self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER_COMBO, width=13, command=lambda: self.parent.addFilter(, self.buttonFilterCombined.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=NSEW, padx=(4, 0), pady=(0, 4)) def onClick(self, event): if self.frame.cget("highlightbackground") == "red": self.frame.config(highlightbackground="grey", highlightcolor="grey") idx = self.searchFrame.selectedStreamsListbox.get(0, END).index( self.searchFrame.selectedStreamsListbox.delete(idx) else: self.frame.config(highlightbackground="red", highlightcolor="red") self.searchFrame.selectedStreamsListbox.insert( END,
class Tooltip2: def __init__(self, widget, *, bg='#FFFFEA', pad=(5, 3, 5, 3), text='widget info', waittime=400, wraplength=500, pos=TIP_RIGHT): self.waittime = waittime # in miliseconds, originally 500 self.wraplength = wraplength # in pixels, originally 180 self.widget = widget self.text = text self.widget.bind('<Configure>', self.onConfigure, add='+') # self.widget.winfo_toplevel().bind('<Configure>', self.onWindowConfigure, add='+') = bg self.pad = pad self.pos = pos = None = None self.label = None def onWindowConfigure(self, event): if not event.widget.winfo_viewable(): self.hide() else: self.updatePosition() def onConfigure(self, event=None): self.updatePosition() def onEnter(self, event=None): self.schedule() def onLeave(self, event=None): self.unschedule() self.hide() def schedule(self): self.unschedule() = self.widget.after(self.waittime, def unschedule(self): id_ = = None if id_: self.widget.after_cancel(id_) def show(self, text=None, pos=None): self.hide() if text is not None: self.text = text if pos is not None: self.pos = pos bg = pad = self.pad widget = self.widget # self.widget.bind('<Configure>', self.onConfigure, add='+') = Frame(self.widget.winfo_toplevel(), background=bg, highlightcolor='red', highlightthickness=2, highlightbackground='red', borderwidth=0) self.label = Label(, text=self.text, justify=LEFT, background=bg, # foreground='blue', # relief=SOLID, borderwidth=0, wraplength=self.wraplength) self.label.grid(padx=(pad[0], pad[2]), pady=(pad[1], pad[3]), sticky=NSEW) # #, x=0,y=0) # widget.update_idletasks() self.updatePosition() def hide(self): if # self.widget.unbind('<Configure>', self.onConfigure) = None def updatePosition(self): if x, y = self._tip_pos_calculator(self.widget,, x=x, y=y) def _tip_pos_calculator(self, widget, frm, tip_delta=(5, 3)): w = widget width, height = frm.winfo_width(), frm.winfo_height() width = self.label.winfo_reqwidth() + self.pad[0] + self.pad[ 2] + float('highlightthickness')) * 2 height = self.label.winfo_reqheight() + self.pad[1] + self.pad[ 3] + float('highlightthickness')) * 2 if self.pos == TIP_BELOW: x1, y1 = 0, w.winfo_height() + tip_delta[1] elif self.pos == TIP_ABOVE: x1, y1 = 0, -height - tip_delta[1] else: x1, y1 = w.winfo_width() + tip_delta[0], (w.winfo_height() - height) / 2 return x1, y1
class ButtonGroup(WidgetMixin, ScheduleMixin, DestroyMixin, FocusMixin, DisplayMixin, ReprMixin): def __init__(self, master, options, selected, horizontal=False, command=None, grid=None, align=None, args=None): self._master = master self._grid = grid self._align = align self._visible = True # Set (using StringVar set() method) the selected option **number** = Frame( self._selected = StringVar( self._selected.set(selected) self.description = "[ButtonGroup] object with selected option \"" + self._selected.get( ) + "\"" self._options = [] # List of RadioButton objects self._layout_manager = "grid" # Create a Tk frame object to contain the RadioButton objects # Position the radio buttons in the Frame gridx = 0 gridy = 0 # Loop through the list given, creating a RadioButton object from each # Defaults to setting the hidden value to the same as the text for button in options: # If only a 1D list was provided, auto number the items FROM 1 if not isinstance(button, list): button = [button, options.index(button) + 1] # Create a radio button object rbutton = RadioButton(self, text=str(button[0]), value=str(button[1]), variable=self._selected) # Add this radio button to the internal list self._options.append(rbutton) # Place on grid utils.auto_pack(rbutton, self, [gridx, gridy], "left") # Which way the buttons go if horizontal: gridx += 1 else: gridy += 1 # Set the callback # Add a command if there was one self.update_command(command, args) # Pack the whole button group utils.auto_pack(self, master, grid, align) # PROPERTIES # ----------------------------------- @property def bg(self): return ("bg")) @bg.setter def bg(self, color): for item in self._options: = color # Gets the selected value (1, 2, 3 etc.) @property def value(self): return (self._selected.get()) # Sets which option is selected (if it doesn't exist, nothing is selected) @value.setter def value(self, value): self._selected.set(str(value)) # Gets the text of the currently selected option @property def value_text(self): search = self._selected.get( ) # a string containing the selected option # This is a bit nasty - suggestions welcome for item in self._options: if item.value == search: return item.text return "" # Wondering if this is really confusing. value_text is the text associated with the selected # option. You can change it because it's useful to be able to *get* it, but maybe this is weird. @value_text.setter def value_text(self, value): search = self._selected.get() # Currently selected number for item in self._options: if item.value == search: item.text = str(value) print(item.text) return 0 utils.error_format("Could not set value text - no matching option") # Get the text colour as a string @property def text_color(self): return self._options[0].text_color # Set the text colour @text_color.setter def text_color(self, color): for item in self._options: item.text_color = color # Get the current font as a string @property def font(self): return self._options[0].font # Set the current font @font.setter def font(self, font): for item in self._options: item.font = font # Get the current text size as an integer @property def text_size(self): return self._options[0].text_size # Set the font size @text_size.setter def text_size(self, size): for item in self._options: item.text_size = size # METHODS # ----------------------------------- # To help with debugging - return list of text/value pairs def get_group_as_list(self): return [[option.text, option.value] for option in self._options] def update_command(self, command, args=None): if command is None: self._command = lambda: None else: if args is None: self._command = command else: self._command = utils.with_args(command, *args) def _command_callback(self): self._command() # DEPRECATED METHODS # ----------------------------------- # Get selected value (e.g. 1, 2, 3) def get(self): return self._selected.get() utils.deprecated( "ButtonGroup get() is deprecated. Please use the value property instead." ) # Set which option is selected def set(self, value): self._selected.set(str(value)) utils.deprecated( "ButtonGroup set() is deprecated. Please use the value property instead." )