Beispiel #1
class Document(BS):
    """A class for working with MAE annotation XMLs."""
    def __init__(self, doc_file):
        super(Document, self).__init__(, "xml")
        from tokenizer import Tokenizer
        self.root =
        self.task = =
        self.basename = os.path.basename(
        self.dirname = os.path.dirname(
        self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(self.text())
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Document:{d}".format(d=os.path.basename(
    def text(self):
        return u''.join(map(lambda t : t.decode_contents(), self('TEXT')))
    def tags(self, ttypes=None):
        """Return all annotation tags whose type is in ttypes (if ttypes is unspecified, all tags are returned)."""
        is_tag = lambda item : isinstance(item, Tag)
        if not self.find('TAGS'):
            tags = []
            tags = filter(is_tag, self.find('TAGS').children)
        if ttypes:
            tags = filter(lambda tag : in ttypes, tags)
        return tags
    def query_extents(self, ttypes, start, end):
        """Return a list of extent tags whose types are in the list of ttypes 
        and whose start and end attributes match the given start and end."""
        matches = lambda t : \
            map(int, (t['start'], t['end'])) == map(int, (start, end))
        return filter(matches, self.tags(ttypes=ttypes))
    def query_links(self, ttypes, trigger_id):
        """Return a list of link tags whose types are in the list of ttypes
        and whose trigger has the specified trigger id."""
        matches = lambda t : unicode(t['trigger']) == unicode(trigger_id)
        return filter(matches, self.tags(ttypes=ttypes))

    def query_links_by_attr(self, ttypes, attr_name, attr_value):
        """Return a list of link tags whose types are in the list of ttypes
        and whose attribute field has the specified value."""
        matches = lambda t : unicode(t[attr_name]) == unicode(attr_value)
        return filter(matches, self.tags(ttypes=ttypes))
    def query(self, tag_id):
        """Return the tag whose identifier matches the specified id."""
        matches = lambda t : t.attrs.get('id', object()) == unicode(tag_id)
        results = filter(matches, self.tags())
        if any(results):
            return results[0]
            return None
    def add_attribute(self, attribute, value=u'', ttypes=None):
        """Add an attribute to a tag (and possibly specify it's value)."""
        for tag in self.tags(ttypes):
            if not attribute in tag.attrs.keys():
                tag[attribute] = value
    def rename_attribute(self, old_ttype, new_ttype, ttypes=None):
        """Change the name of attributes for all tags with the given ttypes."""
        for tag in self.tags(ttypes):
            if tag.attrs.get(old_ttype):
                tag.attrs[new_ttype] = tag.attrs.pop(old_ttype)
    def rename_tag(self, old_ttype, new_ttype):
        """Rename a tag."""
        for tag in self.tags([old_ttype]):
   = new_ttype
    def rename_task(self, new_task):
        """Rename the document task (the XML root tag type)."""
        self.task = new_task
    def consuming_tags(self):
        """Return extent annotation tags with non-negative starting offsets."""
        is_extent_tag = lambda t : t.attrs.has_key('start')
        is_consuming = lambda t : int(t['start']) >= 0
        return filter(is_consuming, filter(is_extent_tag, self.tags()))

    def sort_tags_by_begin_offset(self):
        """Make dictionary of tag objects keyed on their 'start' field.
        Used for matching tags to tokens using offsets"""
        tag_dict = {}
        movelink_tag_dict = {}
        olink_tag_dict = {}
        qslink_tag_dict = {}
        tags = self.tags()
        for t in tags:
            # load entity / event / signal tags
            if 'start' in t.attrs:
                tag_dict[int(t.attrs['start'])] = t.attrs  # {start offset: xml tokens, offsets, spatial data}
            # load movelink tags
            if t.attrs.get('id', '').startswith('mvl'):
                movelink_tag_dict[t.attrs['trigger']] = t.attrs
            # load qslinks
            if t.attrs.get('id', '').startswith('qs'):
                if t.attrs['trigger']:
                    qslink_tag_dict[t.attrs['trigger']] = t.attrs                    
                elif t.attrs['fromText']:
                    qslink_tag_dict[t.attrs['fromID']] = t.attrs
                elif t.attrs['toText']:
                    qslink_tag_dict[t.attrs['toID']] = t.attrs
            # load olinks
            if t.attrs.get('id', '').startswith('ol'):
                if t.attrs['trigger']:
                    olink_tag_dict[t.attrs['trigger']] = t.attrs                    
                elif t.attrs['fromText']:
                    olink_tag_dict[t.attrs['fromID']] = t.attrs
                elif t.attrs['toText']:
                    olink_tag_dict[t.attrs['toID']] = t.attrs
        return tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict, qslink_tag_dict

    def extents(self, indices_function, extent_class=Extent):
        tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict, qslink_tag_dict = self.sort_tags_by_begin_offset()
        for s in self.tokenizer.tokenize_text().sentences:
            sent = s.as_pairs()  # [ (token, lexeme obj), (token, lexeme obj), ...]
            offsets = indices_function(sent, tag_dict)
            for begin, end in offsets:
                extent = extent_class(sent, tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict,
                                      qslink_tag_dict, begin, end, self.basename, self)
                yield extent
    def qs_o_link_triples(self, indices_function, extent_class=Extent):
        tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict, qslink_tag_dict = self.sort_tags_by_begin_offset()
        for s in self.tokenizer.tokenize_text().sentences:
            sent = s.as_pairs()  # [ (token, lexeme obj), (token, lexeme obj), ...]
            offsets = indices_function(sent, tag_dict)
            for begin, end in offsets:
                extent = extent_class(sent, tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict,
                                      qslink_tag_dict, begin, end, self.basename, self)
                trigger = extent.tag
                tags = extent.prev_tags + extent.next_tags
                for from_tag in tags:
                    for to_tag in tags:
                        if to_tag['id'] != from_tag['id']:
                            alt_extent = extent_class(sent, tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict,
                                                      qslink_tag_dict, begin, end, self.basename, self)                            
                            alt_extent.token = (trigger, from_tag, to_tag)
                            yield alt_extent
    def move_link_triples(self, indices_function, extent_class=Extent):
        tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict, qslink_tag_dict = self.sort_tags_by_begin_offset()
        for s in self.tokenizer.tokenize_text().sentences:
            sent = s.as_pairs()  # [ (token, lexeme obj), (token, lexeme obj), ...]
            offsets = indices_function(sent, tag_dict)
            for begin, end in offsets:
                extent = extent_class(sent, tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict,
                                      qslink_tag_dict, begin, end, self.basename, self)
                tags = extent.prev_tags + extent.next_tags + [{'id': '', 'start': '-1', 'end': '-1'}]
                for to_tag in tags:
                    alt_extent = extent_class(sent, tag_dict, movelink_tag_dict, olink_tag_dict,
                                              qslink_tag_dict, begin, end, self.basename, self)                    
                    alt_extent.token = (extent.tag, extent.tag, to_tag)
                    yield alt_extent
    def validate(self):
        is_valid = True
        tag_count = len(self.tags())
        if not (tag_count > 0):
            is_valid = False
            warning = '\n'.join([
                'No tag elements found',
                "\tFile : '{doc}'"
            warn(warning, RuntimeWarning)
        for tag in self.consuming_tags():
            start, end = int(tag['start']), int(tag['end'])
            extent = slice(start, end)
            text_attribute = tag['text'].encode('utf-8')
            text_slice = self.text()[extent].encode('utf-8').replace('\n', ' ')
            if text_attribute != text_slice:
                is_valid = False
                warning = '\n'.join([
                    'Misaligned extent tag',
                    "\tFile : '{doc}'",
                    '\tSpan  : [{start}:{end}]',
                    "\tTag   : '{id}'",
                    "\tText  : '{text}'",
                    "\tSlice : '{slice}'"
                warn(warning, RuntimeWarning)
        return is_valid
    def get_xml(self):
        xml = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
        root = Tag(name=self.task)
        text = Tag(name='TEXT')
        tags = self.TAGS
        tokens = (BS(
        elements = [u'\n', text, u'\n', tags, u'\n', tokens, u'\n']
        for element in elements:
            if element: # if missing tags, system will crash
        xml += unicode(root)
        return xml
    def save_xml(self, file):
        if isinstance(file, basestring):
            with open(file, 'wb') as file: