Beispiel #1
def _correct_drift(self, air_pixels=20, num_cores=None, chunk_size=None, overwrite=True):

    # Check input.
    if air_pixels <= 0:
        air_pixels = 0
    if not isinstance(air_pixels, np.int32):
        air_pixels = np.array(air_pixels, dtype="int32")

    data = correct_drift(, air_pixels)

    # Update log.
    self.logger.debug("correct_drift: air_pixels: " + str(air_pixels))"correct_drift [ok]")

    # Update returned values.
    if overwrite: = data
        return data
Beispiel #2
def _correct_drift(self,

    # Check input.
    if air_pixels <= 0:
        air_pixels = 0
    if not isinstance(air_pixels, np.int32):
        air_pixels = np.array(air_pixels, dtype='int32')

    data = correct_drift(, air_pixels)

    # Update log.
    self.logger.debug("correct_drift: air_pixels: " + str(air_pixels))"correct_drift [ok]")

    # Update returned values.
    if overwrite: = data
    else: return data
Beispiel #3
def focus_region(data, xcoord, ycoord, diameter, center, padded=False, correction=True):
    Uses only a portion of the sinogram for reconstructing
    a circular region of interest (ROI). 

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    xcoord, ycoord : scalar
        X- and Y-coordinates of the center location of the circular ROI.
    diameter : scalar
        Diameter of the circular ROI.
    center : scalar
        Center of rotation of the original dataset.

    padded : bool, optional
        True if the original sinogram size is preserved.
    correction : bool, optional
        True if the correct_drift is applied after ROI selection.
    roidata : ndarray
        Modified ROI data.
    num_projections = data.shape[0]
    num_pixels = data.shape[2]
    rad = np.sqrt(xcoord*xcoord+ycoord*ycoord)
    alpha = np.arctan2(xcoord, ycoord)
    l1 = center-diameter/2
    l2 = center-diameter/2+rad
    if padded: roidata = np.ones((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2]), dtype='float32')
    else: roidata = np.ones((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], diameter), dtype='float32')

    delphi = np.pi/num_projections
    for m in range(num_projections):
        ind1 = np.ceil(np.cos(alpha-m*delphi)*(l2-l1)+l1)
        ind2 = np.floor(np.cos(alpha-m*delphi)*(l2-l1)+l1+diameter)
        if ind1 < 0:
            ind1 = 0
        if ind2 < 0:
            ind2 = 0
        if ind1 > num_pixels:
            ind1 = num_pixels
        if ind2 > num_pixels:
            ind2 = num_pixels
        if padded: 
            if correction: roidata[m, :, ind1:ind2] = correct_drift(np.expand_dims(data[m, :, ind1:ind2], axis=1), air_pixels=5)
            else: roidata[m, :, ind1:ind2] = data[m, :, ind1:ind2]
            if correction: roidata[m, :,0:(ind2-ind1)] = correct_drift(np.expand_dims(data[m, :, ind1:ind2], axis=1), air_pixels=5)
            else: roidata[m, :, 0:(ind2-ind1)] = data[m, :, ind1:ind2]
    return roidata
Beispiel #4
def focus_region(data, xcoord, ycoord, diameter, center, padded=False, correction=True):
    Uses only a portion of the sinogram for reconstructing
    a circular region of interest (ROI).

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    xcoord, ycoord : scalar
        X- and Y-coordinates of the center location of the circular ROI.

    diameter : scalar
        Diameter of the circular ROI.

    center : scalar
        Center of rotation of the original dataset.

    padded : bool, optional
        True if the original sinogram size is preserved.

    correction : bool, optional
        True if the correct_drift is applied after ROI selection.

    roidata : ndarray
        Modified ROI data.
    num_projections = data.shape[0]
    num_pixels = data.shape[2]

    rad = np.sqrt(xcoord * xcoord + ycoord * ycoord)
    alpha = np.arctan2(xcoord, ycoord)

    l1 = center - diameter / 2
    l2 = center - diameter / 2 + rad

    if padded:
        roidata = np.ones((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2]), dtype='float32')
        roidata = np.ones((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], diameter), dtype='float32')

    delphi = np.pi / num_projections
    for m in range(num_projections):
        ind1 = np.ceil(np.cos(alpha - m * delphi) * (l2 - l1) + l1)
        ind2 = np.floor(np.cos(alpha - m * delphi) * (l2 - l1) + l1 + diameter)

        if ind1 < 0:
            ind1 = 0
        if ind2 < 0:
            ind2 = 0
        if ind1 > num_pixels:
            ind1 = num_pixels
        if ind2 > num_pixels:
            ind2 = num_pixels

        arr = np.expand_dims(data[m, :, ind1:ind2], axis=0)
        if padded:
            if correction:
                roidata[m, :, ind1:ind2] = correct_drift(arr, air_pixels=5)
                roidata[m, :, ind1:ind2] = arr
            if correction:
                roidata[m, :, 0:(ind2 - ind1)] = correct_drift(arr, air_pixels=5)
                roidata[m, :, 0:(ind2 - ind1)] = arr

    return roidata