Beispiel #1
def test_a_base64_param():
    Verification of a mapped parameter as BASE64
    result = map_param("[BASE64:toolium/test/resources/document.txt]")
    expected = "RG9jdW1lbnQgdXNlZCB0byB2ZXJpZnkgZnVuY3Rpb25hbGl0aWVzIGluIE1TUyA="
    assert expected == result
    result = map_param("[BASE64:document.txt]")
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #2
def test_a_file_param():
    Verification of a mapped parameter as FILE
    result = map_param("[FILE:toolium/test/resources/document.txt]")
    expected = "Document used to verify functionalities in MSS "
    assert expected == result
    result = map_param("[FILE:document.txt]")
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #3
def test_a_poe_param_no_result_assertion():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter without result
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "Poniendo mute",
            "definition": "Ahora la tele está silenciada",
            "reference": "",
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
    assert "No translations found in POEditor for reference" in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #4
def test_a_context_param():
    Verification of a mapped parameter as CONTEXT
    context = mock.MagicMock()
    context.attribute = "attribute value" = {"storage_key": "storage entry value"}
    dataset.behave_context = context

    result_att = map_param("[CONTEXT:attribute]")
    expected_att = "attribute value"
    assert expected_att == result_att
    result_st = map_param("[CONTEXT:storage_key]")
    expected_st = "storage entry value"
    assert expected_st == result_st
Beispiel #5
def test_a_text_param():
    Verification of a text param
    result = map_param("just_text")
    expected = "just_text"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #6
def test_a_poe_param_with_two_prefixes():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter with several results for a reference, filtered with two prefixes
    dataset.project_config = {'poeditor': {'prefixes': ['MH.', 'PRE.']}}
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "definition": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "reference": "common:common.greetings.main",
            "term": "Hola! En qué puedo ayudarte?",
            "definition": "Hola, buenas",
            "reference": "common:PRE.common.greetings.main",
            "term": "Hola! En qué puedo ayudarte MH?",
            "definition": "Hola, buenas MH",
            "reference": "common:MH.common.greetings.main",
    result = map_param('[POE:common.greetings.main]')
    expected = "Hola, buenas MH"
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #7
def test_a_poe_param_multiple_options_but_only_one_result():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter with a single result from several options for a key
    dataset.project_config = {'poeditor': {'key_field': 'term', 'search_type': 'exact'}}
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "loginSelectLine_text_subtitle",
            "definition": "Te damos la bienvenida_1",
            "context": "",
            "term_plural": "",
            "reference": "",
            "comment": ""
            "term": "loginSelectLine_text_subtitle_2",
            "definition": "Te damos la bienvenida_2",
            "context": "",
            "term_plural": "",
            "reference": "",
            "comment": ""
    result = map_param('[POE:loginSelectLine_text_subtitle]')
    expected = "Te damos la bienvenida_1"
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #8
def test_a_conf_param_with_special_characters():
    Verification of a combination of text plus a config param with special characters
    dataset.project_config = {"user": "******", "password": "******"}
    result = map_param("[CONF:user]-an:d_![CONF:password]")
    expected = "user-1-an:d_!p4:ssw0_rd"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #9
def test_a_combi_of_textplusconfig():
    Verification of a combination of text plus a config param
    os.environ['MY_VAR'] = "some value"
    result = map_param("adding [ENV:MY_VAR]")
    expected = "adding some value"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #10
def test_an_env_param():
    Verification of a mapped parameter as ENV
    os.environ['MY_PASSWD'] = "admin123"
    result = map_param("[ENV:MY_PASSWD]")
    expected = "admin123"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #11
def test_a_conf_param():
    Verification of a mapped parameter as CONF
    dataset.project_config = {"service": {"port": 80}}
    result = map_param("[CONF:service.port]")
    expected = 80
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #12
def test_a_combi_of_textplusconfig_integer():
    Verification of a combination of text plus a config param
    dataset.project_config = {"service": {"port": 80}}
    result = map_param("use port [CONF:service.port]")
    expected = "use port 80"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #13
def test_a_combi_of_config_plustext_plusconfig():
    Verification of a combination of a config param plus text plus a config param
    os.environ['MY_VAR_1'] = "this is"
    os.environ['MY_VAR_2'] = "some value"
    result = map_param("[ENV:MY_VAR_1] some text and [ENV:MY_VAR_2]")
    expected = "this is some text and some value"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #14
def test_a_lang_param():
    Verification of a mapped parameter as LANG
    dataset.language_terms = {"home": {"button": {"send": {"es": "enviar", "en": "send"}}}}
    dataset.language = "es"
    result = map_param("[LANG:home.button.send]")
    expected = "enviar"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #15
def test_a_toolium_param():
    Verification of a mapped parameter as TOOLIUM
    config_file_path = os.path.join("toolium", "test", "resources", "toolium.cfg")
    dataset.toolium_config = ExtendedConfigParser.get_config_from_file(config_file_path)
    result = map_param("[TOOLIUM:TestExecution_environment]")
    expected = "QA"
    assert expected == result
Beispiel #16
def test_a_poe_param_single_result():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter with a single result for a reference
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "Poniendo mute",
            "definition": "Ahora la tele está silenciada",
            "reference": "",
    result = map_param('[]')
    expected = "Ahora la tele está silenciada"
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #17
def send_poeditor_request(context, endpoint, method, params, status_code):
    Send a request to the POEditor API

    :param context: behave context
    :param endpoint: endpoint path
    :param method: HTTP method to be used in the request
    :param params: parameters to be sent in the request
    :param code: expected status code
    :return: response
    url = "/".join([map_param('[CONF:poeditor.base_url]'), endpoint])
    r = requests.request(method, url, data=params)
    assert r.status_code == status_code, f"{r.status_code} status code has been received instead of {status_code} \
        in POEditor response. Response body: {r.json()}"

    return r
Beispiel #18
def get_poeditor_project_info_by_name(context, project_name=None):
    Get POEditor project info from project name from config or parameter

    :param context: behave context
    :param project_name: POEditor project name
    :return: N/A (saves it to context.poeditor_project)
    projects = get_poeditor_projects(context)
    project_name = project_name if project_name else map_param(
    projects_by_name = [
        project for project in projects if project['name'] == project_name

    assert len(projects_by_name) == 1, "ERROR: Project name %s not found, available projects: %s" % \
                                       (project_name, [project['name'] for project in projects])
    context.poeditor_project = projects_by_name[0]
Beispiel #19
def test_a_poe_param_single_result_selecting_a_key_field():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter with a single result for a term
    dataset.project_config = {'poeditor': {'key_field': 'term'}}
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "loginSelectLine_text_subtitle",
            "definition": "Te damos la bienvenida",
            "context": "",
            "term_plural": "",
            "reference": "",
            "comment": ""
    result = map_param('[POE:loginSelectLine_text_subtitle]')
    expected = "Te damos la bienvenida"
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #20
def test_a_poe_param_with_prefix():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter with several results for a reference, filtered with a prefix
    dataset.project_config = {'poeditor': {'key_field': 'reference', 'search_type': 'contains', 'prefixes': ['PRE.']}}
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "definition": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "reference": "common:common.greetings.main",
            "term": "Hola! En qué puedo ayudarte?",
            "definition": "Hola, buenas",
            "reference": "common:PRE.common.greetings.main",
    result = map_param('[POE:common.greetings.main]')
    expected = "Hola, buenas"
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #21
def test_a_poe_param_with_prefix_and_exact_resource():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter that uses an exact resource name and has a prefix configured
    dataset.project_config = {'poeditor': {'prefixes': ['PRE.']}}
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "definition": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "reference": "common:common.greetings.main",
            "term": "Hola! En qué puedo ayudarte?",
            "definition": "Hola, buenas",
            "reference": "common:PRE.common.greetings.main",
    result = map_param('[POE:common:common.greetings.main]')
    expected = "Hola, buenas"
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #22
def test_a_poe_param_multiple_results():
    Verification of a POE mapped parameter with several results for a reference
    dataset.project_config = {'poeditor': {'key_field': 'reference'}}
    dataset.poeditor_terms = [
            "term": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "definition": "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte",
            "reference": "common:common.greetings.main",
            "term": "Hola! En qué puedo ayudarte?",
            "definition": "Hola, buenas",
            "reference": "common:common.greetings.main",
    result = map_param('[POE:common.greetings.main]')
    first_expected = "Hola, estoy aquí para ayudarte"
    second_expected = "Hola, buenas"
    assert len(result) == 2
    assert result[0] == first_expected
    assert result[1] == second_expected
Beispiel #23
def load_poeditor_texts(context):
    Download POEditor texts and save in output folder if the config exists or use previously downloaded texts

    :param context: behave context
    if get_poeditor_api_token(context):
        # Try to get poeditor mode param from toolium config first
        poeditor_mode = dataset.toolium_config.get_optional(
            'TestExecution', 'poeditor_mode')
        if poeditor_mode:
            dataset.project_config['poeditor']['mode'] = poeditor_mode
        if 'mode' in dataset.project_config['poeditor'] and map_param(
                '[CONF:poeditor.mode]') == 'offline':
            file_path = get_poeditor_file_path(context)

            # With offline POEditor mode, file must exist
            if not os.path.exists(file_path):
                error_message = 'You are using offline POEditor mode but poeditor file has not been found in %s' % \
                assert False, error_message

            with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
                dataset.poeditor_terms = json.load(f)
                # For backwards compatibility
                context.poeditor_export = dataset.poeditor_terms
                last_mod_time = time.strftime(
                    '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
                    'Using local POEditor file "%s" with date: %s' %
                    (file_path, last_mod_time))
        else:  # without mode configured or mode = 'online'
            download_poeditor_texts(context, 'json')
    else:"POEditor is not configured")