Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, gui_mode):
     bg_im = None
     self.gui_mode_pyqt = (args.gui_mode == 'pyqt')
     self.gui_mode_opencv = (args.gui_mode == 'opencv')
     if self.gui_mode_pyqt:
         self.qtui = OpenTrajUI(reserve_n_agents=100)
         self.agent_index = -1
Beispiel #2
class Play:
    def __init__(self, gui_mode):
        bg_im = None
        self.gui_mode_pyqt = (args.gui_mode == 'pyqt')
        self.gui_mode_opencv = (args.gui_mode == 'opencv')
        if self.gui_mode_pyqt:
            self.qtui = OpenTrajUI(reserve_n_agents=100)
            self.agent_index = -1

    def is_a_video(self, filename):
        return '.mp4' in filename or '.avi' in filename

    def to_image_frame(self, Hinv, loc):
        Given H^-1 and world coordinates, returns (u, v) in image coordinates.
        if loc.ndim > 1:
            locHomogenous = np.hstack((loc, np.ones((loc.shape[0], 1))))
            loc_tr = np.transpose(locHomogenous)
            loc_tr = np.matmul(Hinv, loc_tr)  # to camera frame
            locXYZ = np.transpose(loc_tr /
                                  loc_tr[2])  # to pixels (from millimeters)
            return locXYZ[:, :2].astype(int)
            locHomogenous = np.hstack((loc, 1))
            locHomogenous =, locHomogenous)  # to camera frame
            locXYZ = locHomogenous / locHomogenous[
                2]  # to pixels (from millimeters)
            return locXYZ[:2].astype(int)

    def set_background_im(self, im, timestamp=-1):
        self.bg_im = im.copy()
        if self.gui_mode_pyqt:
        if timestamp >= 0:
            if self.gui_mode_pyqt:
            elif self.gui_mode_opencv:
                cv2.putText(self.bg_im, '%d' % timestamp, (30, 80),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 3)

    def draw_trajectory(self, id, ll, color, width):
        if self.gui_mode_pyqt:
            self.qtui.draw_path(ll[..., ::-1], color, [width])

        elif self.gui_mode_opencv:
            for tt in range(ll.shape[0] - 1):
                cv2.line(self.bg_im, (ll[tt][1], ll[tt][0]),
                         (ll[tt + 1][1], ll[tt + 1][0]), color, width)

    def draw_agent(self, id, pos, radius, color, width):
        if self.gui_mode_pyqt:
            self.qtui.draw_circle(pos, radius, color, width)
        elif self.gui_mode_opencv:
  , (pos[1], pos[0]), radius, color, width)

    def play(self, traj_dataset, Hinv, media_file):
        timestamps = sorted(traj_dataset.__t_p_dict__.keys())

        if os.path.exists(media_file):
            if self.is_a_video(media_file):
                cap = cv2.VideoCapture(media_file)
                ref_im = cv2.imread(media_file)

        ids_t = []
        # for t in range(timestamps[0], timestamps[-1]):
        # for t in range(0, timestamps[-1]):
        t = 0
        pause = False
        while True:
            if self.is_a_video(media_file) and not pause:
                ret, ref_im =

            ref_im_copy = np.copy(ref_im)
            self.set_background_im(ref_im, t)
            if t in timestamps:
                xys_t = traj_dataset.__t_p_dict__[t]
                ids_t = traj_dataset.__t_id_dict__[t]

            for i, id in enumerate(ids_t):
                xy_i = np.array(xys_t[i])
                UV_i = self.to_image_frame(Hinv, xy_i)

                # fetch entire trajectory
                traj_i = traj_dataset.__id_p_dict__[id]
                TRAJ_i = self.to_image_frame(Hinv, traj_i)

                self.draw_trajectory(id, TRAJ_i, (255, 255, 0), 2)
                self.draw_agent(id, (UV_i[1], UV_i[0]), 5, (0, 0, 255), 2)

            # if not ids_t:
            #     print('No agent')

            if not pause and t < timestamps[-1]:
                t += 1

            delay_ms = 20
            if self.gui_mode_pyqt:
                pause = self.qtui.pause
                time.sleep(delay_ms / 1000.)
                # cv2.namedWindow('OpenTraj (Press ESC for exit)', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
                # cv2.imshow('OpenTraj (Press ESC for exit)', ref_im_copy)
                key = cv2.waitKey(delay_ms * (1 - pause)) & 0xFF
                if key == 27:  # press ESCAPE to quit
                elif key == 32:  # press SPACE to pause/play
                    pause = not pause