Beispiel #1
def get_fields_info(fmt, request, api_code, slug=None, collapse=False):
    "Helper routine for api_get_fields."
    cache_key = (settings.CACHE_SERVER_PREFIX + settings.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX +
                 ':getFields:field:' + str(slug) + ':' + str(collapse))
    return_obj = cache.get(cache_key)
    if return_obj is None:
        if slug:
            fields = ParamInfo.objects.filter(slug=slug)
            fields = ParamInfo.objects.all()
        fields.order_by('category_name', 'slug')
        # We cheat with the HTML return because we want to collapse all the
        # surface geometry down to a single target version to save screen
        # space. This is a horrible hack, but for right now we just assume
        # there will always be surface geometry data for Saturn.
        return_obj = {}
        for f in fields:
            if not f.slug:
                # Include referred slug
                if f.referred_slug is not None:
                    referred_slug = f.referred_slug
                    category = f.category_name
                    disp_order = f.disp_order
                    f = get_param_info_by_slug(referred_slug, 'col')
                    f.label = f.body_qualified_label()
                    f.label_results = f.body_qualified_label_results(True)
                    f.referred_slug = referred_slug
                    f.category_name = category
                    f.disp_order = disp_order
            if (collapse and f.slug.startswith('SURFACEGEO')
                    and not f.slug.startswith('SURFACEGEOsaturn')):
            if f.slug.startswith('**'):
                # Internal use only

            table_name = TableNames.objects.get(table_name=f.category_name)
            cat = table_name.label
            if collapse and cat.find('Surface Geometry Constraints') != -1:
                cat = cat.replace('Saturn', '<TARGET>')

            return_obj[cat] = return_obj.get(cat, OrderedDict())

            entry = OrderedDict()
            return_obj[cat]['table_order'] = table_name.disp_order
            entry['disp_order'] = f.disp_order
            collapsed_slug = f.slug
            if collapse:
                collapsed_slug = entry['field_id'] = f.slug.replace(
                    'saturn', '<TARGET>')
                entry['category'] = table_name.label.replace(
                    'Saturn', '<TARGET>')
                entry['field_id'] = f.slug
                entry['category'] = table_name.label
            f_type = None
            (form_type, form_type_format,
             form_type_unit_id) = parse_form_type(f.form_type)
            if form_type in settings.RANGE_FORM_TYPES:
                if form_type == 'LONG':
                    f_type = 'range_longitude'
                elif form_type_format is not None:
                    if form_type_format[-1] == 'd':
                        f_type = 'range_integer'
                    elif form_type_format[-1] == 'f':
                        f_type = 'range_float'
                        log.warning('Unparseable form type ' +
                elif form_type_unit_id == 'datetime':
                    f_type = 'range_time'
                elif form_type_unit_id is not None:
                    f_type = 'range_special'
            elif form_type in settings.MULT_FORM_TYPES:
                f_type = 'multiple'
            elif form_type == 'STRING':
                f_type = 'string'
                log.warning('Unparseable form type ' + str(f.form_type))
            entry['type'] = f_type
            entry['label'] = f.label_results
            entry['search_label'] = f.label
            entry['full_label'] = f.body_qualified_label_results()
            entry['full_search_label'] = f.body_qualified_label()
            (form_type, form_type_format,
             form_type_unit_id) = parse_form_type(f.form_type)
            entry['default_units'] = get_default_unit(form_type_unit_id)
            entry['available_units'] = get_valid_units(form_type_unit_id)
            if f.old_slug and collapse:  # Backwards compatibility
                entry['old_slug'] = f.old_slug.replace('saturn', '<TARGET>')
                entry['old_slug'] = f.old_slug
            entry['slug'] = entry['field_id']  # Backwards compatibility
            entry['linked'] = True if f.referred_slug else False
            return_obj[cat][collapsed_slug] = entry

        # Organize return_obj before returning
        # Sort categories by table_order
        return_obj = OrderedDict(
            sorted(return_obj.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['table_order']))
        for cat, cat_data in return_obj.items():
            del cat_data['table_order']
            # Sort slugs of each category by disp_order
            cat_data = OrderedDict(
                sorted(cat_data.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['disp_order']))
            return_obj[cat] = cat_data
            for key, val in cat_data.items():
                del val['disp_order']

        cache.set(cache_key, return_obj)

    if fmt == 'raw':
        ret = return_obj
    elif fmt == 'json':
        ret = json_response({'data': return_obj})
    elif fmt == 'csv':
        labels = [
            'Field ID', 'Category', 'Type', 'Search Label', 'Results Label',
            'Full Search Label', 'Full Results Label', 'Default Units',
            'Available Units', 'Old Field ID', 'Linked'

        rows = []
        for cat, cat_data in return_obj.items():
            for k, v in cat_data.items():
                # In csv, we will store the linked field value as 0 or 1.
                linked = 1 if v['linked'] else 0
                row_data = [
                    (v['field_id'], v['category'], v['type'],
                     v['search_label'], v['label'], v['full_search_label'],
                     v['full_label'], v['default_units'], v['available_units'],
                     v['old_slug'], linked)
                rows += row_data
        ret = csv_response('fields', rows, labels)
        log.error('get_fields_info: Unknown format "%s"', fmt)
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_FORMAT(fmt, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    return ret
Beispiel #2
def api_get_result_count(request, fmt, internal=False):
    """Return the result count for a given search.

    You can specify a sort order as well as search arguments because the result
    of the search (including the sort order) is cached for future use.

    This is a PUBLIC API.

    Format: api/meta/result_count.(?P<fmt>json|html|csv)
    Arguments: Normal search arguments
               reqno=<N> (Required for internal, ignored for external)

    Can return JSON, HTML, or CSV (external) or JSON (internal)

    Returned JSON:
        {"data": [{"result_count": 47}]}
        {"data": [{"result_count": 47, "reqno": 1}]}

    Returned HTML:

    Returned CSV:
        result count,47
    api_code = enter_api_call('api_get_result_count', request)

    if not request or request.GET is None:
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_NO_REQUEST(f'/api/meta/result_count.{fmt}'))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    count, _, err = get_result_count_helper(request, api_code)
    if err is not None:  # pragma: no cover
        exit_api_call(api_code, err)
        return err

    data = {'result_count': count}
    if internal:
        reqno = get_reqno(request)
        if reqno is None or throw_random_http404_error():
            log.error('api_get_result_count: Missing or badly formatted reqno')
            ret = Http404(
            exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
            raise ret
        data['reqno'] = reqno

    if fmt == 'json':
        ret = json_response({'data': [data]})
    elif fmt == 'html':
        ret = render_to_response('metadata/result_count.html', {'data': data})
    elif fmt == 'csv':
        ret = csv_response('result_count', [['result count', count]])
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        log.error('api_get_result_count: Unknown format "%s"', fmt)
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_FORMAT(fmt, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
    return ret
Beispiel #3
def api_get_mult_counts(request, slug, fmt, internal=False):
    r"""Return the mults for a given slug along with result counts.

    This is a PUBLIC API.

    Format: api/meta/mults/(?P<slug>[-\w]+).(?P<fmt>json|html|csv)
    Arguments: Normal search arguments
               reqno=<N> (Required for internal, ignored for external)

    Can return JSON, HTML, or CSV (external) or JSON (internal)

    Returned JSON:
        {'field_id': slug, 'mults': mults}
        {'field_id': slug, 'mults': mults, 'reqno': reqno}

        mult is a list of entries pairing mult name and result count.

    Returned HTML:

    Returned CSV:
    api_code = enter_api_call('api_get_mult_counts', request)

    if not request or request.GET is None:
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_NO_REQUEST(f'/api/meta/mults/{slug}.{fmt}'))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    (selections, extras) = url_to_search_params(request.GET)
    if selections is None or throw_random_http404_error():
            'api_get_mult_counts: Failed to get selections for slug %s, ' +
            'URL %s', str(slug), request.GET)
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_SEARCH_PARAMS_INVALID(request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    param_info = get_param_info_by_slug(slug, 'col')
    if not param_info or throw_random_http404_error():
            'api_get_mult_counts: Could not find param_info entry for ' +
            'slug %s *** Selections %s *** Extras %s', str(slug),
            str(selections), str(extras))
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_SLUG(slug, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    table_name = param_info.category_name
    param_qualified_name = param_info.param_qualified_name()

    # If this param is in selections already we want to remove it
    # We want mults for a param as they would be without itself
    if param_qualified_name in selections:
        del selections[param_qualified_name]

    cache_num, cache_new_flag = set_user_search_number(selections, extras)
    if cache_num is None or throw_random_http500_error():  # pragma: no cover
            'api_get_mult_counts: Failed to create user_selections entry' +
            ' for *** Selections %s *** Extras %s', str(selections),
        ret = HttpResponseServerError(HTTP500_DATABASE_ERROR(request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        return ret

    # Note we don't actually care here if the cache table even exists, because
    # if it's in the cache, it must exist, and if it's not in the cache, it
    # will be created if necessary by get_user_query_table below.
    cache_key = (settings.CACHE_SERVER_PREFIX + settings.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX +
                 ':mults_' + param_qualified_name + ':' + str(cache_num))

    cached_val = cache.get(cache_key)
    if cached_val is not None:
        mults = cached_val
        mult_name = get_mult_name(param_qualified_name)
            mult_model = apps.get_model('search',
                                        mult_name.title().replace('_', ''))
            if throw_random_http500_error():  # pragma: no cover
                raise LookupError
        except LookupError:  # pragma: no cover
            log.error('api_get_mult_counts: Could not get_model for %s',
                      mult_name.title().replace('_', ''))
            ret = HttpResponseServerError(HTTP500_INTERNAL_ERROR(request))
            exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
            return ret

            table_model = apps.get_model('search',
                                         table_name.title().replace('_', ''))
            if throw_random_http500_error():  # pragma: no cover
                raise LookupError
        except LookupError:  # pragma: no cover
            log.error('api_get_mult_counts: Could not get_model for %s',
                      table_name.title().replace('_', ''))
            ret = HttpResponseServerError(HTTP500_INTERNAL_ERROR(request))
            exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
            return ret

        results = (table_model.objects.values(mult_name).annotate(

        user_table = get_user_query_table(selections,

        if ((selections and not user_table)
                or throw_random_http500_error()):  # pragma: no cover
                'api_get_mult_counts: has selections but no user_table ' +
                'found *** Selections %s *** Extras %s', str(selections),
            ret = HttpResponseServerError(HTTP500_SEARCH_CACHE_FAILED(request))
            exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
            return ret

        if selections:
            # selections are constrained so join in the user_table
            if table_name == 'obs_general':
                where = [
                    connection.ops.quote_name(table_name) + '.id=' +
                    connection.ops.quote_name(user_table) + '.id'
                where = [
                    connection.ops.quote_name(table_name) +
                    '.obs_general_id=' +
                    connection.ops.quote_name(user_table) + '.id'
            results = results.extra(where=where, tables=[user_table])

        mult_result_list = []
        for row in results:
            mult_id = row[mult_name]
                mult = mult_model.objects.get(id=mult_id)
                mult_disp_order = mult.disp_order
                mult_label = mult.label
                if throw_random_http500_error():  # pragma: no cover
                    raise ObjectDoesNotExist
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:  # pragma: no cover
                    'api_get_mult_counts: Could not find mult entry for ' +
                    'mult_model %s id %s', str(mult_model), str(mult_id))
                ret = HttpResponseServerError(HTTP500_INTERNAL_ERROR(request))
                exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
                return ret

                (mult_disp_order, (mult_label, row[mult_name + '__count'])))

        mults = OrderedDict()  # info to return
        for _, mult_info in mult_result_list:
            mults[mult_info[0]] = mult_info[1]

        cache.set(cache_key, mults)

    data = {'field_id': slug, 'mults': mults}
    if internal:
        reqno = get_reqno(request)
        if reqno is None or throw_random_http404_error():
            log.error('api_get_mult_counts: Missing or badly formatted reqno')
            ret = Http404(HTTP404_BAD_OR_MISSING_REQNO(request))
            exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
            raise ret
        data['reqno'] = reqno

    if fmt == 'json':
        ret = json_response(data)
    elif fmt == 'html':
        ret = render_to_response('metadata/mults.html', data)
    elif fmt == 'csv':
        ret = csv_response(slug, [list(mults.values())],
        log.error('api_get_mult_counts: Unknown format "%s"', fmt)
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_FORMAT(fmt, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
    return ret
Beispiel #4
def api_get_range_endpoints(request, slug, fmt, internal=False):
    r"""Compute and return range widget endpoints (min, max, nulls)

    This is a PUBLIC API.

    Compute and return range widget endpoints (min, max, nulls) for the
    widget defined by [slug] based on current search defined in request.

    Format: api/meta/range/endpoints/(?P<slug>[-\w]+).(?P<fmt>json|html|csv)
    Arguments: Normal search arguments
               units=<unit> (Optional, gives units to return in)
               reqno=<N>    (Required for internal, ignored for external)

    Can return JSON, HTML, or CSV (external) or JSON (internal)

    Returned JSON:
        {"min": 63.592, "max": 88.637, "nulls": 2365, units: "km"}
        {"min": 63.592, "max": 88.637, "nulls": 2365, units: "km", "reqno": 123}

        Note that min and max can be strings, not just real numbers. This
        happens, for example, with spacecraft clock counts, and may also happen
        with floating point values when we want to force a particular display
        format (such as full-length numbers instead of exponential notation).

        {"min": "0.0000", "max": "50000.0000", "nulls": 11}

    Returned HTML:

    Returned CSV:
    api_code = enter_api_call('api_get_range_endpoints', request)

    if not request or request.GET is None:
        ret = Http404(
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    param_info = get_param_info_by_slug(slug, 'widget')
    if not param_info or throw_random_http404_error():
            'get_range_endpoints: Could not find param_info entry for ' +
            'slug %s', str(slug))
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_SLUG(slug, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    (form_type, form_type_format,
     form_type_unit_id) = parse_form_type(param_info.form_type)
    units = request.GET.get('units', get_default_unit(form_type_unit_id))
    if ((form_type_unit_id and not is_valid_unit(form_type_unit_id, units))
            or throw_random_http404_error()):
        log.error('get_range_endpoints: Bad units "%s" for ' + 'slug %s',
                  str(units), str(slug))
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_UNITS(units, slug, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    param_name =  # Just name
    param_qualified_name = param_info.param_qualified_name()  #
    (form_type, form_type_format,
     form_type_unit_id) = parse_form_type(param_info.form_type)
    table_name = param_info.category_name
        table_model = apps.get_model('search',
                                     table_name.title().replace('_', ''))
        if throw_random_http500_error():  # pragma: no cover
            raise LookupError
    except LookupError:  # pragma: no cover
        log.error('api_get_range_endpoints: Could not get_model for %s',
                  table_name.title().replace('_', ''))
        ret = HttpResponseServerError(HTTP500_INTERNAL_ERROR(request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        return ret

    param_no_num = strip_numeric_suffix(param_name)
    param1 = param_no_num + '1'
    param2 = param_no_num + '2'

    if (form_type in settings.RANGE_FORM_TYPES
            and param_info.slug[-1] not in '12'):
        param1 = param2 = param_no_num  # single column range query

    (selections, extras) = url_to_search_params(request.GET)
    if selections is None or throw_random_http404_error():
            'api_get_range_endpoints: Could not find selections for ' +
            'request %s', str(request.GET))
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_SEARCH_PARAMS_INVALID(request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    # Remove this param from the user's query if it is constrained.
    # This keeps the green hinting numbers from reacting to changes to its
    # own field.
    qualified_param_name_no_num = strip_numeric_suffix(param_qualified_name)
    for to_remove in [
            qualified_param_name_no_num, qualified_param_name_no_num + '1',
            qualified_param_name_no_num + '2'
        if to_remove in selections:
            del selections[to_remove]
    if selections:
        user_table = get_user_query_table(selections,
        if (user_table is None
                or throw_random_http500_error()):  # pragma: no cover
                'api_get_range_endpoints: Count not retrieve query table' +
                ' for *** Selections %s *** Extras %s', str(selections),
            ret = HttpResponseServerError(HTTP500_SEARCH_CACHE_FAILED(request))
            exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
            return ret
        user_table = None

    # Is this result already cached?
    cache_key = (settings.CACHE_SERVER_PREFIX + settings.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX +
                 ':rangeep:' + qualified_param_name_no_num + ':units:' +
    if user_table:
        cache_num, cache_new_flag = set_user_search_number(selections, extras)
        if cache_num is None:  # pragma: no cover
                'api_get_range_endpoints: Failed to create cache table ' +
                'for *** Selections %s *** Extras %s', str(selections),
            exit_api_call(api_code, Http404)
            raise Http404
        # We're guaranteed the table actually exists here, since
        # get_user_query_table has already returned for the same search.
        cache_key += ':' + str(cache_num)

    range_endpoints = cache.get(cache_key)
    if range_endpoints is None:
        # We didn't find a cache entry, so calculate the endpoints
        results = table_model.objects

        if selections:
            # There are selections, so tie the query to user_table
            if table_name == 'obs_general':
                where = (connection.ops.quote_name(table_name) + '.id=' +
                         connection.ops.quote_name(user_table) + '.id')
                where = (connection.ops.quote_name(table_name) + '.' +
                         connection.ops.quote_name('obs_general_id') + '=' +
                         connection.ops.quote_name(user_table) + '.id')
            range_endpoints = (results.extra(where=[where],
            where += ' AND ' + param1 + ' IS NULL AND ' + param2 + ' IS NULL'
            range_endpoints['nulls'] = (results.extra(where=[where],
            # There are no selections, so hit the whole table
            range_endpoints = results.all().aggregate(min=Min(param1),
            where = param1 + ' IS NULL AND ' + param2 + ' IS NULL'
            range_endpoints['nulls'] = (results.all().extra(

        # The returned range endpoints are converted to the destination
        # unit
        range_endpoints['min'] = format_unit_value(range_endpoints['min'],
                                                   form_type_unit_id, units)
        range_endpoints['max'] = format_unit_value(range_endpoints['max'],
                                                   form_type_unit_id, units)

        cache.set(cache_key, range_endpoints)

    if internal:
        reqno = get_reqno(request)
        if reqno is None or throw_random_http404_error():
                'api_get_range_endpoints: Missing or badly formatted reqno')
            ret = Http404(HTTP404_BAD_OR_MISSING_REQNO(request))
            exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
            raise ret
        range_endpoints['reqno'] = reqno

    range_endpoints['units'] = units

    if fmt == 'json':
        ret = json_response(range_endpoints)
    elif fmt == 'html':
        ret = render_to_response('metadata/endpoints.html',
                                 {'data': range_endpoints})
    elif fmt == 'csv':
        ret = csv_response(slug, [[
            range_endpoints['min'], range_endpoints['max'],
            range_endpoints['nulls'], range_endpoints['units']
        ]], ['min', 'max', 'nulls', 'units'])
        log.error('api_get_range_endpoints: Unknown format "%s"', fmt)
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_FORMAT(fmt, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
    return ret
Beispiel #5
def get_fields_info(fmt, slug=None, collapse=False):
    "Helper routine for api_get_fields."
    cache_key = (settings.CACHE_SERVER_PREFIX + settings.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX
                 + ':getFields:field:' + str(slug) + ':' + str(collapse))
    return_obj = cache.get(cache_key)
    if return_obj is None:
        if slug:
            fields = ParamInfo.objects.filter(slug=slug)
            fields = ParamInfo.objects.all()
        fields.order_by('category_name', 'slug')
        # We cheat with the HTML return because we want to collapse all the
        # surface geometry down to a single target version to save screen
        # space. This is a horrible hack, but for right now we just assume
        # there will always be surface geometry data for Saturn.
        return_obj = {}
        for f in fields:
            if not f.slug:
            if (collapse and
                f.slug.startswith('SURFACEGEO') and
                not f.slug.startswith('SURFACEGEOsaturn')):
            if f.slug.startswith('**'):
                # Internal use only
            entry = OrderedDict()
            table_name = TableNames.objects.get(table_name=f.category_name)
            entry['table_order'] = table_name.disp_order
            entry['disp_order'] = f.disp_order
            entry['label'] = f.label_results
            entry['search_label'] = f.label
            entry['full_label'] = f.body_qualified_label_results()
            entry['full_search_label'] = f.body_qualified_label()
            entry['default_units'] = f.units
            entry['available_units'] = opus_support.get_valid_units(f.units)
            collapsed_slug = f.slug
            if collapse:
                entry['category'] = table_name.label.replace('Saturn',
                collapsed_slug = entry['field_id'] = f.slug.replace('saturn',
                entry['category'] = table_name.label
                entry['field_id'] = f.slug
            if f.old_slug and collapse: # Backwards compatibility
                entry['old_slug'] = f.old_slug.replace('saturn', '<TARGET>')
                entry['old_slug'] = f.old_slug
            entry['slug'] = entry['field_id'] # Backwards compatibility
            return_obj[collapsed_slug] = entry

        return_obj = OrderedDict(sorted(return_obj.items(),
                                        key=lambda x: (x[1]['table_order'],
        # Hide internal sort order info from the end user
        for key, val in return_obj.items():
            del val['table_order']
            del val['disp_order']

        cache.set(cache_key, return_obj)

    if fmt == 'raw':
        ret = return_obj
    elif fmt == 'json':
        ret = json_response({'data': return_obj})
    elif fmt == 'csv':
        labels = ['Field ID', 'Category',
                  'Search Label', 'Results Label',
                  'Full Search Label', 'Full Results Label',
                  'Old Field ID', 'Units'
        rows = [(v['field_id'], v['category'],
                 v['search_label'], v['label'],
                 v['available_units']) for k,v in return_obj.items()]
        ret = csv_response('fields', rows, labels)
        log.error('get_fields_info: Unknown format "%s"', fmt)
        ret = Http404(HTTP404_UNKNOWN_FORMAT(fmt, request))
        exit_api_call(api_code, ret)
        raise ret

    return ret