Beispiel #1
def create_forward_derivative(f: NativeFunction, formula: str, names: Tuple[str, ...]) -> ForwardDerivative:
    assert len(names) == 1, "Forward derivatives can define gradients for only one output at a time"
    var_name = names[0]
    var_type: Optional[Type] = None
    for r in f.func.returns:
        if == var_name:
            var_type = r.type
    # Handle default return names
    if var_type is None:
        if var_name == "result":
            assert len(f.func.returns) == 1
            var_type = f.func.returns[0].type
            res = re.findall(r"^result(\d+)$", var_name)
            if len(res) == 1:
                arg_idx = int(res[0])
                var_type = f.func.returns[arg_idx].type

    assert var_type is not None, "No matching output for forward derivative definition"
    return ForwardDerivative(
Beispiel #2
def create_forward_derivative(f: NativeFunction, formula: str,
                              names: Tuple[str, ...]) -> ForwardDerivative:
    var_names = names
    var_types: Optional[Tuple[Type, ...]] = None
    for r in f.func.returns:
        if in var_names:
            if var_types is None:
                var_types = tuple()
            var_types = var_types + (r.type, )

    # Handle default return names
    if var_types is None:
        if var_names == ("result", ):
            assert len(f.func.returns) == 1
            var_types = (f.func.returns[0].type, )
            for var_name in var_names:
                res = re.findall(r"^result(\d+)$", var_name)
                if len(res) == 1:
                    if var_types is None:
                        var_types = tuple()
                    arg_idx = int(res[0])
                    var_types = var_types + (f.func.returns[arg_idx].type, )

    assert var_types is not None, "No matching output for forward derivative definition"
    return ForwardDerivative(formula=formula,
Beispiel #3
def postprocess_forward_derivatives(
    f: NativeFunction,
    defn_name: str,
    all_arg_names: List[str],
    derivatives: List[Derivative],
    forward_derivatives: List[ForwardDerivative],
    args_with_derivatives: Sequence[Binding]
) -> List[ForwardDerivative]:

    def find_required_inputs(formula: str, postfix: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        required_inputs = set()
        for arg in args_with_derivatives:
            if arg.type == 'TensorList':
                # The functions taking TensorList handle everything internally
            arg_name =

            found =, formula)
            if found:
                raise RuntimeError(f"The forward formula for {defn_name} is using the base name of the {arg_name} "
                                   f"argument which is ambiguous. You should use {arg_name}_p to access the primal "
                                   f"value and {arg_name}_t to access the tangent.")

            found = + postfix), formula)
            if found:

        return tuple(required_inputs)

    updated_derivatives: List[ForwardDerivative] = []

    for defn in forward_derivatives:
        formula = defn.formula
        required_inputs_tangent = find_required_inputs(formula, "_t")
        if formula == "auto_element_wise":
            if (not len(args_with_derivatives) == 1) or len(forward_derivatives) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml defines the "
                                   "forward definition of gradient as element_wise but this only "
                                   "works for functions with a single differentiable input and a "
                                   "single differentiable output.")
            if not len(derivatives) == 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml defines the "
                                   "forward definition of gradient as element_wise but it does not "
                                   "defines the gradient formula for its argument which is required.")
            # This transformation is based on the observation that for element-wise functions, the Jacobian
            # matrix is diagonal and thus doing J * v or v * J gives the same result.
            # So here we are going to re-use the backward formula and replace two things:
            # 1) all occurrences of "grad" with "foo_t", where foo is the name of the unique differentiable input.
            # 2) all usage of an original input "foo" with its primal value "foo_p".
            # For example, for abs, the backward formula is:
            #   grad * self.sgn()
            # And this function generates a forward formula that is:
            #   self_t * self_p.sgn()

            backward_formula = derivatives[0].original_formula
            input_name = args_with_derivatives[0].name

            # Do replacement 1) of the grad
            def repl(m: Any) -> str:
                return f"{}{input_name}_t{}"
            fw_formula = re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format("grad"), repl, backward_formula)

            # Do replacement 2) of the input variables
            for arg in args_with_derivatives:
                arg_name =

                def repl(m: Any) -> str:
                    return f"{}{arg_name}_p{}"
                fw_formula = re.sub(IDENT_REGEX.format(arg_name), repl, fw_formula)

            # Since there is a single differentiable inputs and we necessarily need its tangent we can
            # simply require all differentiable input's tangent.
            required_inputs_tangent = tuple(all_arg_names)
            formula = fw_formula
        elif formula == "auto_linear":
            if len(forward_derivatives) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Derivative definition of {defn_name} in derivatives.yaml defines the "
                                   "forward definition of gradient as linear but this only works "
                                   "for functions with a single differentiable output.")
            # This transformation is based on the observation that linear functions can be written as:
            #   y = f(x) = A * x
            # For some matrix A and the Jacobian of the function f is also A.
            # So doing J * v = A * v = f(v).
            # Hence to do the jvp, we simply need to evaluate the function at the point v instead of x.
            # We do this by calling the forward again by replacing any occurrence of the differentiable
            # input "foo" by it's tangent "foo_t".
            # Note that multiple inputs are not a problem as long as the function is truly linear wrt to
            # the vector where all the differentiable inputs are stacked.

            diff_arg_names = [ for arg in args_with_derivatives]
            assert len(diff_arg_names) > 0

            # Do replacement of input variables
            new_args = []
            for arg_name in all_arg_names:
                if arg_name in diff_arg_names:
                    arg_name = arg_name + "_t"

            # Call into the forward again. We need two cases here to handle both Tensor methods and at:: functions.
            if Variant.function in f.variants:
                fw_formula = "at::{}({})".format(defn_name, ", ".join(new_args))
                assert f.func.kind() is not SchemaKind.inplace
                assert Variant.method in f.variants
                fw_formula = "{}.{}({})".format(new_args[0], defn_name, ", ".join(new_args[1:]))

            # All of the input tangents are always used so all of them are required here.
            required_inputs_tangent = tuple(diff_arg_names)
            formula = fw_formula

        # At this point, the formula is final and is not modified anymore.

        # During forward formula, we use the primal instead of the input Tensors.
        # This call inspects the formula to find for which input's primal are used.
        required_inputs_primal = find_required_inputs(formula, "_p")


    return updated_derivatives