Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, pool, dbname, serialized=True):
        self.sql_from_log = {}
        self.sql_into_log = {}

        # default log level determined at cursor creation, could be
        # overridden later for debugging purposes
        self.sql_log = _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)

        self.sql_log_count = 0
        self.__closed = True    # avoid the call of close() (by __del__) if an exception
                                # is raised by any of the following initialisations
        self._pool = pool
        self.dbname = dbname

        # Whether to enable snapshot isolation level for this cursor.
        # see also the docstring of Cursor.  
        self._serialized = serialized

        self._cnx = pool.borrow(dsn(dbname))
        self._obj = self._cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg1cursor)
        if self.sql_log:
            self.__caller = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(),2)
            self.__caller = False
        self.__closed = False   # real initialisation value
        self.__closer = False

        self._default_log_exceptions = True
Beispiel #2
    def _close(self, leak=False):
        if not self._obj:

        if self.sql_log:
            self.__closer = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(),3)


        # This force the cursor to be freed, and thus, available again. It is
        # important because otherwise we can overload the server very easily
        # because of a cursor shortage (because cursors are not garbage
        # collected as fast as they should). The problem is probably due in
        # part because browse records keep a reference to the cursor.
        del self._obj
        self.__closed = True

        # Clean the underlying connection.

        if leak:
            self._cnx.leaked = True
            chosen_template = tools.config['db_template']
            templates_list = tuple(set(['template0', 'template1', 'postgres', chosen_template]))
            keep_in_pool = self.dbname not in templates_list
            self._pool.give_back(self._cnx, keep_in_pool=keep_in_pool)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, pool, dbname, serialized=True):
        self.sql_from_log = {}
        self.sql_into_log = {}

        # default log level determined at cursor creation, could be
        # overridden later for debugging purposes
        self.sql_log = _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)

        self.sql_log_count = 0
        self.__closed = True  # avoid the call of close() (by __del__) if an exception
        # is raised by any of the following initialisations
        self._pool = pool
        self.dbname = dbname

        # Whether to enable snapshot isolation level for this cursor.
        # see also the docstring of Cursor.
        self._serialized = serialized

        self._cnx = pool.borrow(dsn(dbname))
        self._obj = self._cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg1cursor)
        if self.sql_log:
            self.__caller = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 2)
            self.__caller = False
        self.__closed = False  # real initialisation value
        self.__closer = False

        self._default_log_exceptions = True

        self.cache = {}
Beispiel #4
    def _close(self, leak=False):
        if not self._obj:

        del self.cache

        if self.sql_log:
            self.__closer = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 3)


        # This force the cursor to be freed, and thus, available again. It is
        # important because otherwise we can overload the server very easily
        # because of a cursor shortage (because cursors are not garbage
        # collected as fast as they should). The problem is probably due in
        # part because browse records keep a reference to the cursor.
        del self._obj
        self.__closed = True

        # Clean the underlying connection.

        if leak:
            self._cnx.leaked = True
            chosen_template = tools.config['db_template']
            templates_list = tuple(
                set(['template0', 'template1', 'postgres', chosen_template]))
            keep_in_pool = self.dbname not in templates_list
            self._pool.give_back(self._cnx, keep_in_pool=keep_in_pool)
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, name, value=None):
     if type(self) == except_orm:
         caller = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 1)
         _logger.warn('except_orm is deprecated. Please use specific exceptions like UserError or AccessError. Caller: %s:%s', *caller) = name
     self.value = value
     self.args = (name, value)
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, name, value=None):
     if type(self) == except_orm:
         caller = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 1)
         _logger.warn('except_orm is deprecated. Please use specific exceptions like UserError or AccessError. Caller: %s:%s', *caller) = name
     self.value = value
     self.args = (name, value)
Beispiel #7
    def _close(self, leak=False):
        global sql_counter

        if not self._obj:

        del self.cache begin // remove all listeners
        if self.event_listener:
            self.execute("UNLISTEN *")

        del self.event_listener end

        if self.sql_log:
            self.__closer = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 3)

        # simple query count is always computed
        sql_counter += self.sql_log_count

        # advanced stats only if sql_log is enabled


        # This force the cursor to be freed, and thus, available again. It is
        # important because otherwise we can overload the server very easily
        # because of a cursor shortage (because cursors are not garbage
        # collected as fast as they should). The problem is probably due in
        # part because browse records keep a reference to the cursor.
        del self._obj
        self._closed = True

        # Clean the underlying connection.

        if leak:
            self._cnx.leaked = True
            chosen_template = tools.config['db_template']
            templates_list = tuple(
                set(['template0', 'template1', 'postgres', chosen_template]))
            keep_in_pool = self.dbname not in templates_list
            self.__pool.give_back(self._cnx, keep_in_pool=keep_in_pool)
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, pool, dbname, serialized=False):
        self.sql_stats_log = {}
        # stats log will be a dictionary of 
        # { (table, kind-of-qry): (num, delay, {queries?: num}) }

        # default log level determined at cursor creation, could be
        # overridden later for debugging purposes
        self.sql_log = self.__logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG_SQL)

        self.sql_log_count = 0
        self.__closed = True    # avoid the call of close() (by __del__) if an exception
                                # is raised by any of the following initialisations
        self._pool = pool
        self.dbname = dbname
        self.auth_proxy = None
        self._serialized = serialized
        self._cnx, self._obj = pool.borrow(dsn(dbname), True)
        self.__closed = False   # real initialisation value
        if self.sql_log:
            self.__caller = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(),2)
            self.__caller = False
        if not hasattr(self._cnx,'_prepared'):
            self._cnx._prepared = []
        if not self.__pgmode:
            # No features shall use these modes yet!
            #if self._cnx.server_version >= 90200:
            #    self.__pgmode = 'pg92'
            #elif self._cnx.server_version >= 90100:
            #    self.__pgmode = 'pg91'
            if self._cnx.server_version >= 90000:
                self.__pgmode = 'pg90'
            elif self._cnx.server_version >= 80400:
                self.__pgmode = 'pg84'
                self.__pgmode = 'pgsql'
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, pool, dbname, dsn, serialized=True):
        self.sql_from_log = {}
        self.sql_into_log = {}

        # default log level determined at cursor creation, could be
        # overridden later for debugging purposes
        self.sql_log = _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)

        self.sql_log_count = 0

        # avoid the call of close() (by __del__) if an exception
        # is raised by any of the following initialisations
        self._closed = True

        self.__pool = pool
        self.dbname = dbname
        # Whether to enable snapshot isolation level for this cursor.
        # see also the docstring of Cursor.
        self._serialized = serialized

        self._cnx = pool.borrow(dsn)
        self._obj = self._cnx.cursor()
        if self.sql_log:
            self.__caller = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 2)
            self.__caller = False
        self._closed = False  # real initialisation value
        self.__closer = False

        self._default_log_exceptions = True

        self.cache = {}
        self._files_to_clean = []

        # event handlers, see method after() below
        self._event_handlers = {'commit': [], 'rollback': []}