def get_fname_from_label(strings): """ files/32beams_dingdianlukou_2018-03-12-11-02-41/32beams_dingdianlukou_2018-03-12-11-02-41_0.pcd files/32_daxuecheng_01803191740/32_daxuecheng_01803191740_1.pcd files/32_gaosulu_test/32_gaosulu_test_1.pcd files/xuanchuan/xuanchuan_200.pcd :param strings: :return: """ regulars = [ 'files/32_gaosulu_test/32_gaosulu_test_\d+.pcd', 'files/32_daxuecheng_01803191740/32_daxuecheng_01803191740_\d+.pcd', 'files/32beams_dingdianlukou_2018-03-12-11-02-41/32beams_dingdianlukou_2018-03-12-11-02-41_\d+.pcd', 'files/xuanchuan/xuanchuan_\d+.pcd', 'files/p3_beihuan_B16_11803221546/p3_beihuan_B16_11803221546_\d+.pcd', 'files/32_yuanqu_11804041320/32_yuanqu_11804041320_\d+.pcd', ] # TODO:add more regular for i in range(len(regulars)): res = re.findall(regulars[i], strings) if len(res) != 0: if len(res) == 1: return res[0][6:] else: print red( 'File->dataset_sti,function->get_fname_from_label \n regular expression get more than one qualified file name,string:{}' .format(strings)) exit(22) print red( 'File->dataset_sti,function->get_fname_from_label: There is no illegal file name in string: {}' .format(strings)) exit(23)
def checkArgs(Args): # print('Using config:') # pprint.pprint(cfg) print yellow("Checking the args ...") if Args.fineTune == 'True': Args.fine_tune = True else: Args.fine_tune = False if Args.useDemo == 'True': Args.use_demo = True else: Args.use_demo = False if Args.method == 'test': if Args.weights is None: print red(" Specify the testing network weights!") sys.exit(3) else: print blue(" Test the weight: \n {}".format(Args.weights)) elif Args.fine_tune: if Args.weights is None: print red(" Specify the finetune network weights!") sys.exit(4) else: print blue(" Finetune the weight: {}".format(Args.weights)) else: print red(" The network will RE-TRAIN from empty ! ! ") print ' Called with args:', args
def load_sti_annotation(self): total_box_labels, total_fnames, total_object_labels, total_height_labels = [], [], [], [] for index, folder in enumerate(self.folder_list): print(green(' Process the folder {}'.format(folder))) # TODO:declaration: the result.txt file in shrink_box_label_bk contains illegal number like: "x":"-1.#IND00","y":"-1.#IND00","z":"-1.#IND00" libel_fname = path_add(self.data_path, folder, 'label', 'result.txt') pixel_libel_folder = path_add(self.data_path, folder, 'label_rect') box_label, files_names, one_object_label, one_height_label = [], [], [], [] with open(libel_fname, 'r') as f: frames = f.readlines() for idx__, one_frame in enumerate( frames): # one frame in a series data one_frame = one_frame.replace('unknown', '0.0').replace('smallMot', '1.0').replace('bigMot', '2.0') \ .replace('nonMot', '3.0').replace('pedestrian', '4.0').replace('dontcare', '0.0') object_str = one_frame.translate(None, '\"').split('position:{')[1:] label_in_frame = [] if idx__ % 150 == 0: print(" Process is going on {}/{} ".format( idx__, len(frames))) for obj in object_str: f_str_num = re.findall('[-+]?\d+\.\d+', obj) f_num = map(float, f_str_num) if len( f_num ) == 11: # filter the wrong type label like type: position label_in_frame.append(f_num) else: # toxic label ! shit! print( red(' There is a illegal lbael(length:{}) in result.txt in frame-{} without anything in folder {} and it has been dropped' .format(len(f_num), idx__, folder))) print f_num # print one_frame label_in_frame_np = np.array(label_in_frame, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 11) if label_in_frame_np.shape[0] == 0: print( red(' There is a empty frame-{} without anything in folder {} and it has been dropped' .format(idx__, folder))) continue if len(np.where(label_in_frame_np[:, 9] != 0)[0]) == 0: print( red(' There is a frame-{} without any object in folder {} and it has been dropped' .format(idx__, folder))) continue box_label.append(label_in_frame_np[:, ( 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 3, 9)]) # extract the valuable data:x,y,z,l,w,h,theta,type files_names.append(self.get_fname_from_label(one_frame)) print(" Loading .npy labels ... ") for file_ in sorted(os.listdir(pixel_libel_folder), key=lambda name: int(name[0:-4])): data_matrix = np.load(path_add(pixel_libel_folder, file_)) one_object_label.append(data_matrix[:, :, 0:1]) # TODO:check one_height_label.append(data_matrix[:, :, 1:2]) assert len(one_object_label) == len( files_names ), "There happens a ERROR when generating dataset in" total_box_labels.extend(box_label) total_fnames.extend(files_names) total_object_labels.extend(one_object_label) total_height_labels.extend(one_height_label) print(" Completing loading {} is done! ".format(folder)) print(" Zip data in one dict ... ") return_dataset = [ dict({ 'files_name': total_fnames[i], 'boxes_labels': total_box_labels[i], 'object_labels': total_object_labels[i], 'height_labels': total_height_labels[i] }) for i in range(len(total_fnames)) ] print(" Total number of frames is {}".format(len(total_fnames))) return return_dataset
# rospy.init_node('node_labels') # label_pub = rospy.Publisher('labels', MarkerArray, queue_size=100) # point_pub = rospy.Publisher('points', PointCloud, queue_size=100) # rospy.loginfo('Ros begin ...') # while True: # blobs = dataset.get_minibatch(idx) # pointcloud = PointCloud_Gen(blobs["lidar3d_data"], frameID='rslidar') # label_box = Boxes_labels_Gen(blobs["boxes_labels"], ns='test_box') # label_pub.publish(label_box) # point_pub.publish(pointcloud) # rospy.loginfo('Send {} frame'.format(idx)) # idx += 1 dataset = DataSetTrain() print red('Generate dataset Done!!') # name = '/home/hexindong/Videos/Apoxel-Server/RSdata32b/32_gaosulu_test/pcd/32_gaosulu_test_435.pcd' # a = dataset.check_name_get_data(name) # print(yellow('Convert {} data into pkl file ...').format(dataset.training_rois_length)) for idx in range(dataset.training_rois_length): blobs = dataset.get_minibatch(idx) name = blobs['serial_num'] points = blobs['grid_stack'] a = 0 #'/home/hexindong/he/Apoxel-Server/32_yuanqu_11804041320_152.npy',points) # exit() # data_pkl_name = os.path.join(cfg.DATA_DIR,name.split('/')[0],'data_pkl',name.split('/')[1][:-4]+'.pkl') # with open(data_pkl_name, 'wb') as fid: # cPickle.dump(blobs, fid, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # print ' Wrote data_pkl to {}'.format(data_pkl_name)
def training(self, sess): with tf.name_scope('loss_cube'): cube_score = cube_label = if self.arg.focal_loss: alpha = [1.0, 1.0] gamma = 2 cube_probi = tf.nn.softmax(cube_score) tmp = tf.one_hot(cube_label, depth=2) * ( (1 - cube_probi)** gamma) * tf.log([cfg.EPS, cfg.EPS] + cube_probi) * alpha cube_cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( -tf.reduce_sum(tmp, axis=1)) else: cube_probi = tf.nn.softmax(cube_score) # use for debug tmp = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=cube_score, labels=cube_label) cube_cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tmp) loss = cube_cross_entropy with tf.name_scope('train_op'): global_step = tf.Variable(1, trainable=False, name='Global_Step') lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(, global_step, 1000, 0.90, name='decay-Lr') train_op = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(lr, momentum=0.9).minimize( loss, global_step=global_step) with tf.name_scope('train_cubic'): extractor_int = extractor_float = extractor_outs = #(160, 30, 30, 15, 32) # extractor_F_grad = tf.gradients(loss, extractor_float) # extractor_Int_grad = tf.gradients(loss, extractor_int) # conv1_grad = tf.gradients(loss, # conv2_grad = tf.gradients(loss, # conv3_grad = tf.gradients(loss, # fc1_grad = tf.gradients(loss, # fc2_grad = tf.gradients(loss, watch_data_idx = 0 inputs_cube = tf.reshape( tf.reduce_sum(tf.squeeze([watch_data_idx, ...]), axis=-1, keep_dims=True), [-1, 30, 30, 1]) tf.summary.image('extractor_int', tf.reshape(extractor_int, [1, 27, -1, 1])) data0_kernel0_outs = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(extractor_outs[0, :, :, 2, :], [1, 30, 30, -1]), [3, 1, 2, 0]) data0_kernel1_outs = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(extractor_outs[1, :, :, 2, :], [1, 30, 30, -1])) data0_kernel2_outs = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(extractor_outs[2, :, :, 2, :], [1, 30, 30, -1])) data0_kernel3_outs = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(extractor_outs[3, :, :, 2, :], [1, 30, 30, -1])) tf.summary.image('extractor_inputs_cube', inputs_cube) tf.summary.image('extractor_outs1', data0_kernel0_outs, max_outputs=50) # tf.summary.image('extractor_outs2', data0_kernel1_outs,max_outputs=50) # tf.summary.image('extractor_outs3', data0_kernel2_outs,max_outputs=50) # tf.summary.image('extractor_outs2', data0_kernel3_outs,max_outputs=50) # tf.summary.image('extractor_two', tf.reshape(tf.transpose(extractor_int),[32,9,3,1])) # tf.summary.image('extractor_float', tf.reshape(extractor_float, [-1, 27, 32, 1])) # tf.summary.image('conv1_kernel', tf.reshape([0], [-1, 27, 32, 1]), max_outputs=3) # tf.summary.image('conv2_kernel', tf.reshape([0], [-1, 27, 64, 1]), max_outputs=3) # tf.summary.image('conv3_kernel', tf.reshape([0], [-1, 27, 128, 1]), max_outputs=3) # # tf.summary.histogram('float_grad', extractor_F_grad) # tf.summary.histogram('Int_grad', extractor_Int_grad) # tf.summary.histogram('conv1_grad', conv1_grad[0]) # tf.summary.histogram('conv2_grad', conv2_grad[0]) # tf.summary.histogram('conv3_grad', conv3_grad[0]) # tf.summary.histogram('fc1_grad', fc1_grad[0]) # tf.summary.histogram('fc2_grad', fc2_grad[0]) tf.summary.scalar('total_loss', loss) glb_var = tf.global_variables() # for var in glb_var: # tf.summary.histogram(, var) merged_op = tf.summary.merge_all() with tf.name_scope('valid_cubic'): epoch_cubic_recall = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) cubic_recall_smy_op = tf.summary.scalar('cubic_recall', epoch_cubic_recall) epoch_cubic_precise = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) cubic_precise_smy_op = tf.summary.scalar('cubic_precise', epoch_cubic_precise) epoch_extractor_occupy = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) cubic_occupy_smy_op = tf.summary.scalar('extractor_occupy', epoch_extractor_occupy) valid_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([ cubic_recall_smy_op, cubic_precise_smy_op, cubic_occupy_smy_op ]) with tf.name_scope('load_weights'): if self.arg.weights is not None:, sess, self.saver) print 'Loading pre-trained model weights from {:s}'.format( red(self.arg.weights)) else: print 'The network will be {} from default initialization!'.format( yellow('re-trained')) timer = Timer() if DEBUG: pass vispy_init() cube_label_gt = np.concatenate( (np.ones([self.arg.batch_size]), np.zeros([self.arg.batch_size ]))).astype(np.int32) train_epoch_cnt = int(self.dataset.train_positive_cube_cnt / self.arg.batch_size / 2) training_series = range( train_epoch_cnt) # range(train_epoch_cnt) # train_epoch_cnt for epo_cnt in range(self.arg.epoch_iters): for data_idx in training_series: iter = global_step.eval() timer.tic() series = self.train_series_Gen(self.arg.batch_size, 'train') data_batchP = self.dataset.get_minibatch(series[0], data_type='train', classify='positive') data_batchN = self.dataset.get_minibatch(series[1], data_type='train', classify='negative') data_batch = np.vstack((data_batchP, data_batchN)) timer.toc() time1 = timer.average_time timer.tic() if self.arg.use_aug_data_method: data_aug = self.cube_augmentation(data_batch, aug_data=True, DEBUG=False) else: data_aug = data_batch timer.toc() time2 = timer.average_time if DEBUG: a = data_batch[data_idx].sum() b = data_batch[data_idx].sum() if a != b: print 'There is some points loss' else: print 'points cnt: ', a box_np_view(data_aug[data_idx], data_aug[data_idx + self.arg.batch_size]) feed_dict = { data_aug, cube_label_gt, } timer.tic() extractor_outs_,extractor_int_, extractor_float_, cube_probi_, cube_label_, loss_, merge_op_, _ = \[extractor_outs, extractor_int, extractor_float, cube_probi, cube_label, loss, merged_op, train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) timer.toc() # print extractor_outs_.shape,"Look here!" if iter % 4 == 0: predict_result = cube_probi_.argmax(axis=1) one_train_hist = fast_hist(cube_label_gt, predict_result) occupy_part_pos = (extractor_int_.reshape( -1) == 1.0).astype(float).sum() / extractor_int_.size occupy_part_neg = (extractor_int_.reshape( -1) == -1.0).astype(float).sum() / extractor_int_.size print 'Training step: {:3d} loss: {:.4f} occupy: +{}% vs -{}% inference_time: {:.3f} '. \ format(iter, loss_, int(occupy_part_pos * 100), int(occupy_part_neg * 100), timer.average_time) # print(' class bg precision = {:.3f} recall = {:.3f}'.format( # (one_train_hist[0, 0] / (one_train_hist[0, 0] + one_train_hist[1, 0] + 1e-6)), # (one_train_hist[0, 0] / (one_train_hist[0, 0] + one_train_hist[0, 1] + 1e-6)))) print ' class car precision = {:.3f} recall = {:.3f}'.format( (one_train_hist[1, 1] / (one_train_hist[1, 1] + one_train_hist[0, 1] + 1e-6)), (one_train_hist[1, 1] / (one_train_hist[1, 1] + one_train_hist[1, 0] + 1e-6))), '\n' if socket.gethostname() == "szstdzcp0325" and False: with self.printoptions(precision=2, suppress=False, linewidth=10000): print 'scores: {}'.format(cube_probi_[:, 1]) print 'divine:', str(predict_result) print 'labels:', str(cube_label_), '\n' if iter % 1 == 0 and cfg.TRAIN.TENSORBOARD: pass self.writer.add_summary(merge_op_, iter) if (iter % 3000 == 0 and cfg.TRAIN.DEBUG_TIMELINE) or iter == 200: if socket.gethostname() == "szstdzcp0325": run_options = tf.RunOptions( trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() _ =[cube_score], feed_dict=feed_dict, options=run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata) # chrome://tracing trace = timeline.Timeline( step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats) trace_file = open( cfg.LOG_DIR + '/' + 'training-step-' + str(iter).zfill(7) + '.ctf.json', 'w') trace_file.write( trace.generate_chrome_trace_format( show_memory=False)) trace_file.close() if epo_cnt % 10 == 0 and cfg.TRAIN.EPOCH_MODEL_SAVE: pass self.snapshot(sess, epo_cnt) if cfg.TRAIN.USE_VALID: with tf.name_scope('valid_cubic_' + str(epo_cnt + 1)): print 'Valid the net at the end of epoch_{} ...'.format( epo_cnt + 1) hist = np.zeros((cfg.NUM_CLASS, cfg.NUM_CLASS), dtype=np.float32) valid_epoch_cnt = int( self.dataset.valid_positive_cube_cnt / self.arg.batch_size / 2) for data_idx in range(valid_epoch_cnt): series = self.train_series_Gen(self.arg.batch_size, 'valid') data_batchP = self.dataset.get_minibatch( series[0], data_type='valid', classify='positive') data_batchN = self.dataset.get_minibatch( series[1], data_type='valid', classify='negative') data_batch = np.vstack((data_batchP, data_batchN)) feed_dict_ = { data_batch, cube_label_gt, } valid_cls_score_ =, feed_dict=feed_dict_) valid_result = valid_cls_score_.argmax(axis=1) one_hist = fast_hist(cube_label_gt, valid_result) hist += one_hist if cfg.TRAIN.VISUAL_VALID: print 'Valid step: {:d}/{:d}'.format( data_idx + 1, valid_epoch_cnt) print( ' class bg precision = {:.3f} recall = {:.3f}' .format( (one_hist[0, 0] / (one_hist[0, 0] + one_hist[1, 0] + 1e-6)), (one_hist[0, 0] / (one_hist[0, 0] + one_hist[0, 1] + 1e-6))) ) print( ' class car precision = {:.3f} recall = {:.3f}' .format( (one_hist[1, 1] / (one_hist[1, 1] + one_hist[0, 1] + 1e-6)), (one_hist[1, 1] / (one_hist[1, 1] + one_hist[1, 0] + 1e-6))) ) if data_idx % 20 == 0 and cfg.TRAIN.TENSORBOARD: pass # train_writer.add_summary(valid_result_, data_idx/20+epo_cnt*1000) valid_extractor_int_ = extractor_occupy = valid_extractor_int_.sum( ) / valid_extractor_int_.size precise_total = hist[1, 1] / (hist[1, 1] + hist[0, 1] + 1e-6) recall_total = hist[1, 1] / (hist[1, 1] + hist[1, 0] + 1e-6) valid_res =, feed_dict={ epoch_cubic_recall: recall_total, epoch_cubic_precise: precise_total, epoch_extractor_occupy: extractor_occupy }) self.writer.add_summary(valid_res, epo_cnt + 1) print 'Validation of epoch_{}: cubic_precision = {:.3f} cubic_recall = {:.3f}' \ .format(epo_cnt + 1, precise_total, recall_total) self.shuffle_series() print yellow('Training process has done, enjoy every day !')