Beispiel #1
NET_C_FE_RCV_MSG = 0x21  #:next hop receive:msg uid, origin, last_hop
NET_C_FE_FWD_MSG = 0x22  #:fwd msg         :msg uid, origin, next_hop
NET_C_FE_DST_MSG = 0x23  #:base app. recv  :msg_uid, origin, last_hop
NET_DC_REPORT = 0x60  #duty cycle report :uint16_t dutyCycle, uint16_t time
NET_LL_DUPLICATE = 0x61  #dropped duplicate packet seen in cache:dsn, source, accept
NET_LPL_SENDDONE = 0x62  #report duration of send duty cycle
#Filters a dict by only permitting certain keys.
NET_APP_SENT = 0x70  #app. send       :msg uid, origin
NET_C_DIE = 0x71

#trace_20140420_212823.2 orw 0x1000 2 hour

path = '/home/nagatoyuki/Desktop/Thesis/Twist/trace_20140420_212823.2.txt'
OrwdebugMsgs, _, _, _ = treader.load(path)
path = '/home/nagatoyuki/Desktop/Thesis/Twist/trace_20140420_234914.3.txt'
CtpdebugMsgs, _, _, CtpDataMsgs = treader.load(path)

children_orw = defaultdict(set)
num_fwd_orw = defaultdict(int)
num_init_orw = defaultdict(int)
route_hist_orw = defaultdict(set)
DutyCycle_orw = defaultdict(list)
dir_neig_orw = set()
# This is the time when packet is generated
timeline_orw = []
# this is every transmission
timeline_transmit_orw = defaultdict(list)
node_transmit_orw = defaultdict(list)
PRR_orw = []
Beispiel #2
Tmin = 6.0

Trx = 25.0
#time needed for a transmition to sink
Ttx = 3.0 + 3.0 + 20 #cca + trans+ack + post(20ms)

Tipi = 1000*60.0
Tibi = 8*1000*60.0

y = []
for test in FileCollection_orw:
	if not TWIST:
		FileDict['OrwDebug'] = reader.loadDebug(base_path + test, FileNames['OrwDebug']) 
		FileDict['OrwDebug'], FileDict['OrwNt'], _, _ = Treader.load(base_path + test) 
	prop_orw = calprop.prop_orw(FileDict, result)
	templist = []
	d1, d2, d3 = Seperate_Avg(prop_orw['Avg_Total_dc'], prop_orw['Dir_Neig'],
							prop_orw['Relay'], prop_orw['Leaf'])
	y.append((d1, d2, d3))
	print "Dir_Neig:{:.2f}	Relay:{:.2f} 	Leaf:{:.2f}".format(d1, d2, d3)
fig = pl.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ym = np.array(y)
ax.plot(wakeup, ym[:,0], ls='--', color='b', label='ORW_SN')
ax.plot(wakeup, ym[:,1], ls='--', color='r',label='ORW_RL')
ax.plot(wakeup, ym[:,2], ls='--', color='g',label='ORW_LF')
Beispiel #3
NET_C_FE_RCV_MSG 	= 0x21			#:next hop receive:msg uid, origin, last_hop
NET_C_FE_FWD_MSG 	= 0x22			#:fwd msg         :msg uid, origin, next_hop
NET_C_FE_DST_MSG 	= 0x23			#:base app. recv  :msg_uid, origin, last_hop 
NET_DC_REPORT 		= 0x60			#duty cycle report :uint16_t dutyCycle, uint16_t time
NET_LL_DUPLICATE 	= 0x61			#dropped duplicate packet seen in cache:dsn, source, accept
NET_LPL_SENDDONE 	= 0x62			#report duration of send duty cycle
#Filters a dict by only permitting certain keys.
NET_APP_SENT 		= 0x70			#app. send       :msg uid, origin
NET_C_DIE 			= 0x71

#trace_20140420_212823.2 orw 0x1000 2 hour

path = '/home/nagatoyuki/Desktop/Thesis/Twist/trace_20140420_212823.2.txt'
OrwdebugMsgs, _, _, _= treader.load(path)
path = '/home/nagatoyuki/Desktop/Thesis/Twist/trace_20140420_234914.3.txt'
CtpdebugMsgs, _, _, CtpDataMsgs= treader.load(path)

children_orw = defaultdict(set)
num_fwd_orw = defaultdict(int)
num_init_orw = defaultdict(int)
route_hist_orw = defaultdict(set)
DutyCycle_orw = defaultdict(list)
dir_neig_orw = set()	
# This is the time when packet is generated
timeline_orw = []
# this is every transmission
timeline_transmit_orw = defaultdict(list)
node_transmit_orw = defaultdict(list)
Beispiel #4
Trx = 25.0
#time needed for a transmition to sink
Ttx = 3.0 + 3.0 + 20  #cca + trans+ack + post(20ms)

Tpost = 20.0
Tipi = 1000 * 60.0
Tibi = 8 * 1000 * 60.0

y = []
for test in FileCollection_orw:
    if not TWIST:
        FileDict['OrwDebug'] = reader.loadDebug(base_path + test,
        FileDict['OrwDebug'], FileDict['OrwNt'], _, _ = Treader.load(
            base_path + test)
    prop_orw = calprop.prop_orw(FileDict, result)
    templist = []
    d1, d2, d3 = Seperate_Avg(prop_orw['Avg_Total_dc'], prop_orw['Dir_Neig'],
                              prop_orw['Relay'], prop_orw['Leaf'])
    y.append((d1, d2, d3))
    print "Dir_Neig:{:.2f}	Relay:{:.2f} 	Leaf:{:.2f}".format(d1, d2, d3)

fig = pl.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ym = np.array(y)
ax.plot(wakeup, ym[:, 0], ls='--', color='b', label='ORW_SN')
ax.plot(wakeup, ym[:, 1], ls='--', color='r', label='ORW_RL')
ax.plot(wakeup, ym[:, 2], ls='--', color='g', label='ORW_LF')