Beispiel #1
def getCardWidthAndHeight(imgCard):
    wid = -1
    hei = -1

    global version
    global fMinArea, fMaxArea
    img = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(imgCard, 25, 10)
    #img = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgCard, (5, 5), 0)
    img = imgCard.copy()
    cv2.imwrite('pymidCard.jpg', img)

    imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    #imgCanny, imgCannyDil = tl.getCanny(img, 100, 3, 3, 11, 11, 7, 7, True)

    himg, wimg, _ = imgCard.shape

    if himg < 200 and wimg < 200:
        print 'getCardWidthAndHeight(), card area is smaller than 40000'
        imgCanny, imgCannyDil = tl.getCanny(img, 45, 3, 1, 7, 7, 5, 5, True)
        print 'getCardWidthAndHeight(), card area is bigger than 40000'
        #imgCanny, imgCannyDil = tl.getCanny(img, 100, 3, 1, 11, 11, 7, 7, True)
        imgCanny, imgCannyDil = tl.getCanny(img, 85, 2, 1, 11, 11, 7, 7, True)

    cv2.imwrite('cardcanny.jpg', imgCannyDil)

    kernels_dil = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
    gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(imgCanny, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernels_dil)
    newSub = gradient
    cv2.imwrite('gradientcard.jpg', newSub)

    # get card region
    #_, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgCannyDil, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(newSub, cv2.RETR_LIST,

    if contours is None:
        print 'getCardWidthAndHeight(), contour is none'
        return -1, -1

    max = -1
    inxMax = -1
    w, h, s = img.shape
    size = w * h

    chooseCnt = 0
    minRatio = 2.0

    smallestArea = longPic * shortPic * 0.001

    corner = []
    bCardRot = 0
    cntMax = 0

    smallestArea = longPic * shortPic * 0.001

    area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(contours[0], version)
    print 'before for cycle corner = ', corner
    if wid < hei:
        maxLen = hei
        hei = wid
        wid = maxLen
        bRot = 1

    minRatio = 1.0 * (wid / hei)

    for cnt, cons in enumerate(contours):
        area, _, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(cons, version)
        bRot = 0
        if hei <= 0:
        if wid < hei:
            maxLen = hei
            hei = wid
            wid = maxLen
            bRot = 1

        ratio = 1.0 * (wid / hei)

        if abs(ratio - 1.57) < abs(minRatio - 1.57) and area > size / 3:
            minRatio = ratio
            chooseCnt = cnt
            bCardRot = bRot
            cntMax = cnt

    # grabcut method to get card region more approximately
    imgBoxMask = np.full(img.shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8)
    imgCardSave = imgCard.copy()
    #cv2.drawContours(imgCardSave, contours, cntMax, (0, 255, 255), -1)
    cv2.drawContours(imgCardSave, contours, cntMax, (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.imwrite('maskcardContour.jpg', imgCardSave)

    area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(contours[cntMax], version)
    mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8)

    bgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
    fgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
    rect = (corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[3][0], corner[3][1])
    cv2.grabCut(img, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, 5, cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_RECT)
    mask2 = np.where((mask == 2) | (mask == 0), 0, 1).astype('uint8')
    imgs = img * mask2[:, :, np.newaxis]

    cv2.imwrite('cutcard.jpg', imgs)
    imgsGray = cv2.cvtColor(imgs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    _, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgsGray, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    cv2.imwrite('cutcardBINARY.jpg', thresh)

    #imgsGray = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    imgCannyGauss = cv2.Canny(thresh, 3, 9, 1)
    firstContMax = contours[cntMax]

    _, contoursCard, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgCannyGauss, cv2.RETR_LIST,
    if len(contoursCard) == 0:
        print 'getCardWidthAndHeight(), second contours is none'
        # largest contour dilate out 3 pixel
        area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(firstContMax, version)
        drawCont = firstContMax
        cntMax = 0
        maxArea, _, _, _ = tl.computeRectArea(contours[0], version)
        for cnt, cons in enumerate(contoursCard):
            area, corner, tmpWid, tmpHei = tl.computeRectArea(cons, version)
            if area > maxArea:
                maxArea = area
                wid = tmpWid
                hei = tmpHei
                cntMax = cnt

                # largest contour dilate out 3 pixel
        area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(contoursCard[cntMax],
        drawCont = contoursCard[cntMax]

    print 'getCardWidthAndHeight(), card width = ', wid, 'card height = ', hei

    print 'getCardWidthAndHeight(), card corner = ', corner
    if wid < hei:
        tmp = wid
        wid = hei
        hei = tmp

    longedge = wid
    global cameraHeight
    cameraHeight = (fCardWid) * fRatio / longedge

    print 'getCardWidthAndHeight(), camera height = ', cameraHeight
    # cv2.drawContours(img, drawCont, -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)

    cv2.line(img, (corner[0][0], corner[0][1]), (corner[2][0], corner[2][1]),
             (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(img, (corner[2][0], corner[2][1]), (corner[3][0], corner[3][1]),
             (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(img, (corner[3][0], corner[3][1]), (corner[1][0], corner[1][1]),
             (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(img, (corner[0][0], corner[0][1]), (corner[1][0], corner[1][1]),
             (0, 255, 255), 2)

    cv2.imwrite('cardcontour.jpg', img)
    return wid, hei
Beispiel #2
def getContourShoe2(img, thresh):
    boxes = []

    global version
    if version == '3.1.0':
        # _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST,
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST,

    print 'getContourShoe2(), Contours = ', len(contours)

    max = -1
    inxMax = -1
    w, h, s = img.shape
    size = w * h
    chooseCnt = 0

    smallestArea = longPic * shortPic * 0.001
    largestContour = contours[0]
    largestInx = 0
    maxArea, _, _, _ = tl.computeRectArea(contours[0], version)

    corner = []
    for cnt, cons in enumerate(contours):
        area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(cons, version)
        if area > maxArea:
            maxArea = area
            largestContour = cons
            largestInx = cnt

    # shoe contour mask
    box = largestContour
    newmask = np.full(img.shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(newmask, [box], 0, (255, 255, 255), -1)
    cv2.imwrite('shoecontour.jpg', newmask)

    #print 'contour[0] = ', largestContour[0]

    tmp1 = largestContour[0]
    tmp2 = largestContour[1]
    x1 = tmp1[0][0]
    y1 = tmp1[0][1]
    x2 = tmp2[0][0]
    y2 = tmp2[0][1]

    maxDist = tl.computeDist(x1, y1, x2, y2)

    if y1 == y2:
        minRankRatio = 0.0
    elif x1 == x2:
        minRankRatio = INFINIT
        minRankRatio = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2)
        if minRankRatio - INFINIT > EPSILONG and minRankRatio > EPSILONG:
            minRankRatio = INFINIT
        elif minRankRatio < EPSILONG and abs(minRankRatio) - INFINIT > EPSILONG:
            minRankRatio = EPSILONG / 2 - INFINIT

    print 'getContourShoe2(), longEdgeRankRatio=', longEdgeKRatio
    maxEdge = longEdge
    if longEdge - shortEdge < 0.0001:
        maxEdge = shortEdge

    maxEdge = 1.5 * maxEdge
    for cnt1, cord1 in enumerate(largestContour):
        #print cnt1, cord1[0]
        label1 = cord1[0]
        for cnt2, cord2 in enumerate(largestContour):
            if cnt2 == cnt1:

            label2 = cord2[0]

            if abs(label1[0] - label2[0]) <= maxEdge and abs(
                    label1[1] - label2[1]) <= maxEdge:

            tmpDist = 0.0
            tmpRankRatio = 0.0

            if label1[0] == label2[0]:
                tmpDist = abs(label1[1] - label2[1])
                tmpRankRatio = 0.0
            elif label1[1] == label2[1]:
                tmpDist = abs(label1[1] - label2[1])
                tmpRankRatio = INFINIT
                tmpDist = tl.computeDist(label1[0], label1[1], label2[0],
                tmpRankRatio = (label1[1] - label2[1]) / (label1[0] -
                if tmpRankRatio - INFINIT > EPSILONG and tmpRankRatio > EPSILONG:
                    tmpRankRatio = INFINIT
                elif tmpRankRatio < EPSILONG and abs(
                        tmpRankRatio) - INFINIT > EPSILONG:
                    tmpRankRatio = EPSILONG / 2 - INFINIT

            if abs(minRankRatio - longEdgeKRatio) >= abs(tmpRankRatio - longEdgeKRatio) and \
                                    tmpDist - maxDist > 0.001:
                maxDist = tmpDist
                minRankRatio = tmpRankRatio
                x1 = label1[0]
                y1 = label1[1]
                x2 = label2[0]
                y2 = label2[1]

    ShoeWid = maxDist - 10, (x1, y1), 3, (0, 0, 255), 3), (x2, y2), 3, (0, 0, 255), 3)
    cv2.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.imwrite('circle.jpg', img)
    print 'getContourShoe2(), shoe pixel=', ShoeWid
    if cameraHeight > 0:
        ShoeWid = cameraHeight * ShoeWid / 3038.3
    print 'getContourShoe2(), shoe wid=', ShoeWid, '(cm)'
Beispiel #3
def getContourShoe(img, thresh):
    boxes = []

    global version
    if version == '3.1.0':
        #_, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST,
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST,

    print 'getContourShoe(), Contours = ', len(contours)

    max = -1
    inxMax = -1
    w, h, s = img.shape
    size = w * h
    chooseCnt = 0

    smallestArea = longPic * shortPic * 0.001
    largestContour = contours[0]
    largestInx = 0
    maxArea, _, _, _ = tl.computeRectArea(contours[0], version)

    corner = []
    for cnt, cons in enumerate(contours):
        area, _, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(cons, version)
        if area > maxArea:
            maxArea = area
            largestContour = cons
            largestInx = cnt

    # shoe contour mask
    box = largestContour
    newmask = np.full(img.shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(newmask, [box], 0, (255, 255, 255), -1)
    cv2.imwrite('shoecontour.jpg', newmask)

    # gradient shoe
    kernels_dil = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    #gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(newmask, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernels_dil)
    gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(newmask, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernels_dil)
    newSub = gradient
    cv2.imwrite('shoegradient.jpg', newSub)

    # shoe contour min rect area
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(largestContour)

    if version == '3.1.0':
        box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
        box =
    box = np.int0(box)

    corner = tl.sortBoxPoints(box)
    print 'getContourShoe(), shoe corner=', corner

    # get shoe information
    region = img.copy()
    cv2.line(region, (corner[0][0], corner[0][1]),
             (corner[2][0], corner[2][1]), (0, 0, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(region, (corner[2][0], corner[2][1]),
             (corner[3][0], corner[3][1]), (0, 0, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(region, (corner[3][0], corner[3][1]),
             (corner[1][0], corner[1][1]), (0, 0, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(region, (corner[0][0], corner[0][1]),
             (corner[1][0], corner[1][1]), (0, 0, 255), 2)
    cv2.imwrite('region.jpg', region)

    wid = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[2][0],
    hei = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[1][0],

    pts1 = np.float32([[corner[0][0], corner[0][1]],
                       [corner[1][0], corner[1][1]],
                       [corner[2][0], corner[2][1]]])
    pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, (int)(hei)], [(int)(wid), 0]])

    # grabcut shoe region
    mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8)
    bgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
    fgdModel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
    rect = (corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[3][0], corner[3][1])
    cv2.grabCut(img, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, 5, cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_RECT)
    mask2 = np.where((mask == 2) | (mask == 0), 0, 1).astype('uint8')
    imgs = img * mask2[:, :, np.newaxis]

    cv2.imwrite('cutshoe.jpg', imgs)
    warpDst = tl.getWarpAffine(imgs, pts1, pts2, (int)(wid), (int)(hei))

    warpDst = tl.getWarpAffine(img, pts1, pts2, (int)(wid), (int)(hei))
    cv2.imwrite('warpAffineShoe.jpg', warpDst)

    print 'getContourShoe(), shoe picture wid = ', wid, 'hei = ', hei


Beispiel #4
def getShoeLength(imgShoe):

    imgShoeCpy = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgShoe, (35, 35), 0)
    imgCanny, imgCannyDil = tl.getCanny(imgShoeCpy, 16, 2, 1, 5, 5, 2, 2,
    #imgCanny, imgCannyDil = tl.getCanny(imgShoeCpy, 15, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, False)

    if version == '3.1.0':
        #_, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgCannyDil,
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgCannyDil, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,

    print 'getShoeLength(), Contours = ', len(contours)
    max = -1
    inxMax = -1
    w, h, s = img.shape
    size = w * h
    listContour = []
    chooseCnt = 0
    minRatio = 2.0

    smallestArea = longPic * shortPic * 0.001
    largestContour = contours[0]
    largestInx = 0
    maxArea, _, _, _ = tl.computeRectArea(contours[0], version)

    corner = []
    longEdge = 0
    shortEdge = 0
    bCardRot = 0
    for cnt, cons in enumerate(contours):

        area, _, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(cons, version)
        if area > maxArea:
            maxArea = area
            largestContour = cons
            largestInx = cnt

    newmask = np.full(imgShoe.shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(newmask, [largestContour], -1, (255, 255, 255), -1)

    kernels_dil = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(newmask, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernels_dil)
    newSub = gradient
    cv2.imwrite('gradient.jpg', newSub)

    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(largestContour)

    if version == '3.1.0':
        box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
        box =
    box = np.int0(box)

    corner = tl.sortBoxPoints(box)
    print 'getShoeLength(), shoe corner=', corner

    cv2.line(newSub, (corner[0][0], corner[0][1]),
             (corner[2][0], corner[2][1]), (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(newSub, (corner[2][0], corner[2][1]),
             (corner[3][0], corner[3][1]), (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(newSub, (corner[3][0], corner[3][1]),
             (corner[1][0], corner[1][1]), (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.line(newSub, (corner[0][0], corner[0][1]),
             (corner[1][0], corner[1][1]), (0, 255, 255), 2)
    cv2.imwrite('gradientRect.jpg', newSub)

    wid = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[2][0],
    hei = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[1][0],

    if wid < hei:
        tmp = hei
        hei = wid
        wid = tmp

    print 'getShoeLength(), shoe wid pixel = ', wid, 'height pixel = ', hei
    shoewid = -1
    if cameraHeight > 0:
        shoewid = cameraHeight * wid / 3038.3
    print 'getShoeLength(), shoe wid = ', shoewid

    return None
Beispiel #5
def getContourCard(img, thresh):

    global longEdgeKRatio
    global longEdge, shortEdge

    if version == '3.1.0':
        #_, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,

    print 'getContourCard(), Contours = ', len(contours)
    max = -1
    inxMax = -1
    w, h, s = img.shape
    size = w * h

    chooseCnt = -1
    minRatio = INFINIT

    corner = []
    longEdge = 0
    shortEdge = 0
    bCardRot = 0
    bRot = 0
    smallestArea = longPic * shortPic * 0.001
    area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(contours[0], version)
    print 'before for cycle corner = ', corner
    if wid < hei:
        maxLen = hei
        hei = wid
        wid = maxLen
        bRot = 1
    bCardRot = bRot
    minRatio = 1.0*(wid/hei)

    for cnt, cons in enumerate(contours):
        if cnt == 0:
        area, _, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(cons, version)
        bRot = 0
        if wid < hei:
            maxLen = hei
            hei = wid
            wid = maxLen
            bRot = 1

        ratio = 1.0 * (wid / hei)

        if abs(ratio - 1.57) < abs(
                minRatio - 1.57) and area > fMinArea and area < fMaxArea:
            #if abs(ratio - 1.57) < abs(minRatio - 1.57):
            print 'getContourCard(), cnt=', cnt, 'ratio = ', ratio, 'area = ', area, 'minArea = ', fMinArea, 'fMaxArea = ', fMaxArea
            minRatio = ratio
            chooseCnt = cnt
            bCardRot = bRot

    if chooseCnt == -1:
        print 'getContourCard(), couldnot find card contour!!!.....'

    print 'getContourCard(), cnt = ', chooseCnt, 'ratio = ', minRatio
    area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(contours[chooseCnt], version)
    # save card region jpg
    imgTest = img.copy()
    cv2.drawContours(imgTest, contours, chooseCnt, (0, 0, 255), 2)

    strPath = 'wholecard.jpg'
    cv2.imwrite(strPath, imgTest)

    print 'getContourCard(), corner = ', corner

    if len(corner) == 0:
        print 'getContourCard(), corner is none'
        return None, None, None

    corner = tl.sortBoxPoints(corner)
    print 'getContourCard(), after sort corner = ', corner
    longEdge = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[1][0],
    shortEdge = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[2][0],

    if longEdge < shortEdge:
        print 'getContourCard(), longEdge < shortEdge'
        if corner[2][0] == corner[0][0]:
            longEdgeKRatio = INFINIT
        elif corner[2][1] == corner[0][1]:
            longEdgeKRatio = 0.0
            longEdgeKRatio = (1.0 * (corner[2][1] - corner[0][1])) / (
                1.0 * (corner[2][0] - corner[0][0]))
        print 'getContourCard(), longEdge >= shortEdge'
        if corner[1][0] == corner[0][0]:
            longEdgeKRatio = INFINIT
        elif corner[1][1] == corner[0][1]:
            longEdgeKRatio = 0.0
            longEdgeKRatio = (1.0 * (corner[1][1] - corner[0][1])) / (
                1.0 * (corner[1][0] - corner[0][0]))

    if longEdgeKRatio - INFINIT > EPSILONG and longEdgeKRatio > EPSILONG:
        longEdgeKRatio = INFINIT
    elif longEdgeKRatio < EPSILONG and abs(longEdgeKRatio) - INFINIT > EPSILONG:
        longEdgeKRatio = EPSILONG / 2 - INFINIT

    print 'getContourCard(), longEdgeKRatio = ', longEdgeKRatio
    # get card region
    if bCardRot == 0:
        print 'getContourCard(), do not rotate'
        print 'getContourCard(), rotate'
        pts1 = np.float32([[corner[2][0], corner[2][1]],
                           [corner[0][0], corner[0][1]],
                           [corner[3][0], corner[3][1]]])
        pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, (int)(shortEdge)], [(int)(longEdge),

    pts1 = np.float32([[corner[0][0], corner[0][1]],
                       [corner[2][0], corner[2][1]],
                       [corner[1][0], corner[1][1]]])
    pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, (int)(shortEdge)], [(int)(longEdge), 0]])

    warpDst = tl.getWarpAffine(img, pts1, pts2, (int)(longEdge),
    cv2.imwrite('warpAffine.jpg', warpDst)

    _, _ = getCardWidthAndHeight(warpDst)

    return contours[chooseCnt]
Beispiel #6
def getContour(img, thresh):
    boxes = []
    imgcanny = thresh.copy()

    if version == '3.1.0':
        _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,

    print 'Contours = ', len(contours)
    w, h, s = img.shape
    size = w * h

    chooseCnt = -1
    minRatio = INFINIT

    corner = []
    longEdge = 0
    shortEdge = 0
    bCardRot = 0
    bRot = 0
    smallestArea = w * h * 0.001
    maxArea = -1

    for cnt, cons in enumerate(contours):
        area, _, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(cons, version)
        if area <= smallestArea:
        bRot = 0
        if wid < hei:
            maxLen = hei
            hei = wid
            wid = maxLen
            bRot = 1

        ratio = 1.0 * (wid / hei)

        if abs(ratio - 1.41) < abs(minRatio - 1.41) and maxArea < area:
            # if abs(ratio - 1.57) < abs(minRatio - 1.57):
            #print 'getContourCard(), cnt=', cnt, 'ratio = ', ratio, 'area = ', area, 'minArea = ', fMinArea, 'fMaxArea = ', fMaxArea
            minRatio = ratio
            chooseCnt = cnt
            bCardRot = bRot
            maxArea = area

    if chooseCnt == -1:
        print 'getContourCard(), couldnot find card contour!!!.....'

    #print 'getContourCard(), cnt = ', chooseCnt, 'ratio = ', minRatio
    area, corner, wid, hei = tl.computeRectArea(contours[chooseCnt], version)
    # save card region jpg

    imgTest = img.copy()
    cv2.drawContours(imgTest, contours, chooseCnt, (0, 0, 255), 2)

    strPath = 'wholepaper.jpg'
    cv2.imwrite(strPath, imgTest)
    imgCurMask = np.full(img.shape, 0, dtype=np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(imgCurMask, contours, chooseCnt, (255, 255, 255), -1)
    imgNoCurMask = cv2.bitwise_not(imgCurMask)
    imgRes = img.copy()
    imgRes = cv2.bitwise_and(img, imgCurMask, imgNoCurMask)
    cv2.imwrite('whitepaper.jpg', imgRes)

    #print 'getContourCard(), corner = ', corner

    if len(corner) == 0:
        print 'getContourCard(), corner is none'
        return None

    corner = tl.sortBoxPoints(corner)
    print 'getContourCard(), after sort corner = ', corner
    longEdge = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[1][0],
    shortEdge = tl.computeDist(corner[0][0], corner[0][1], corner[2][0],

    if longEdge < shortEdge:
        longEdge, shortEdge = shortEdge, longEdge
        pts1 = np.float32([[corner[0][0], corner[0][1]],
                           [corner[1][0], corner[1][1]],
                           [corner[2][0], corner[2][1]]])
        #pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, (int)(shortEdge)], [(int)(longEdge), 0]])
        pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, (int)(heiResize)], [(int)(widResize),
        pts1 = np.float32([[corner[0][0], corner[0][1]],
                           [corner[2][0], corner[2][1]],
                           [corner[1][0], corner[1][1]]])
        #pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, (int)(shortEdge)], [(int)(longEdge), 0]])
        pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, (int)(heiResize)], [(int)(widResize),

    #warpDst = tl.getWarpAffine(imgRes, pts1, pts2, (int)(longEdge), (int)(shortEdge))
    warpDst = tl.getWarpAffine(img, pts1, pts2, (int)(widResize),
    cv2.imwrite('warpAffine.jpg', warpDst)
    return warpDst

    thH, thW = warpDst.shape[0], warpDst.shape[1]
    meter = 0.0
    _, imgThresh = cv2.threshold(warpDst, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    # dilate
    # dilate mask = (3, 3)

    cv2.imwrite('binpaper.jpg', imgThresh)

    print 'TH = ', thH, thW

    # horizontal projection
    hPro = [0] * (thH)

    # vertical projection
    vPro = [0] * (thW)
    minH = 999
    for inxH in range(thH - 1):
        bFirst = 1
        iFirst = 0
        for inxW in range(thW - 1):
            #print 'thresh = ', inxH, inxW, imgThresh[inxH, inxW]
            if imgThresh[inxH, inxW] == 255:
                if bFirst == 1:
                    iFirst = inxW
                    bFirst = 0
                    hPro[inxH] = inxW - iFirst
        if hPro[inxH] < minH:
            minH = hPro[inxH]
    tsW = minH
    print 'tsw = ', tsW
    meter = 1.0 * (tsW * 210) / thH
    meter = 297 - meter
    print 'getShoeLength() = ', meter
    #return meter
    return warpDst