def _build_resources(self): for source, dest, required in self.resources: dest = self._get_abs_path(dest) logging.debug('Copying %s to %s' % (source, dest)) try: tools.copy(source, dest, required) except IOError, err: msg = 'Error: The file "%s" could not be copied to "%s": %s' raise SystemExit(msg % (source, dest, err))
def build_from_source(): try: cmdstr ="mvn -DskipTests clean install" shell.ShellCmd(cmdstr, workdir=self.zstack_java.source, pipe=False)() warstr = "mvn war:war" shell.ShellCmd(warstr, workdir=os.path.join(self.zstack_java.source, 'build'), pipe=False)() war = os.path.join(self.zstack_java.source, "build/target/zstack.war") tools.copy([(war, self.zstack_java.dist_war)]) self._info("zstack.war is created at %s" % self.zstack_java.dist_war) except Exception as e: raise BuildError(str(e))
def init(): global goal, states, init_state init_state = agent.init_state goal = agent.food_location states = tools.copy(data.states) init_north_south() init_east_west() init_map()
def build_from_source(): try: cmdstr = "mvn -DskipTests clean install" shell.ShellCmd(cmdstr, workdir=self.zstack_java.source, pipe=False)() warstr = "mvn war:war" shell.ShellCmd(warstr, workdir=os.path.join(self.zstack_java.source, 'build'), pipe=False)() war = os.path.join(self.zstack_java.source, "build/target/zstack.war") tools.copy([(war, self.zstack_java.dist_war)]) self._info("zstack.war is created at %s" % self.zstack_java.dist_war) except Exception as e: raise BuildError(str(e))
def remove_uneeded_actions(state_name, needed_actions): global actions uneeded_keys = [] uneeded_actions = tools.copy(actions) for action in needed_actions: uneeded_actions.remove(action) for action in uneeded_actions: uneeded_keys.append((state_name, action)) for key in uneeded_keys: if key in q_table: del q_table[key]
def update_prices(): global map_dict for state in states: map_list = list(map_dict.get(state)) working_map_list = tools.copy(map_list) for entry in working_map_list: new_price = data.q_table.get((str(state), str(entry[0]))) map_list.remove(entry) entry = (entry[0], entry[1], new_price) map_list.append(entry) del map_dict[state] map_dict[state] = map_list
def _build_resources(self): for name, content in self.new_files: filename = self._get_abs_path(name) with open(filename, 'w') as file: logging.debug('Writing file "%s"' % filename) file.write(content) if name == 'run': # Make run script executable os.chmod(filename, 0755) for source, dest, required, symlink in self.resources: if required and not os.path.exists(source): logging.error('The required resource can not be found: %s' % source) sys.exit(1) dest = self._get_abs_path(dest) if symlink: source = self._get_rel_path(source) os.symlink(source, dest) logging.debug('Linking from %s to %s' % (source, dest)) continue logging.debug('Copying %s to %s' % (source, dest)) tools.copy(source, dest, required)
def main(): options, args = cmdparameter(sys.argv) #----------------------------------- labelL = options.filein.split(' ') makefile_am = options.makefile_am sampleFile = options.sampleFile main_dir = options.dir sampD, condD = readSample(sampleFile) curation_label = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1].replace('.', '_') seqTypeD = {} for line in open(makefile_am): if line.startswith("prefix="): prefix = line.strip().split('=')[1] elif line.find('seq_type=') != -1: sample, seq_type = \ line.strip().replace('_seq_type','').split('=') seqTypeD[sample] = seq_type newfileL = [] read_base_countL = [] new_labelL = [] len_labelL = len(labelL) labelMapD = {} for i in range(len_labelL): label = labelL[i] seq_type = seqTypeD[label] if seq_type == "PE": left = label + '_1' right = label + '_2' new_labelL.extend([left, right]) newfileL.extend([ left + '_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt', right + '_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt' ]) read_base_countL.extend([ left + ".statistics_fastq_reads_bases", right + ".statistics_fastq_reads_bases" ]) labelMapD[left] = label labelMapD[right] = label elif seq_type == "SE": new_labelL.append(label) newfileL.append(label + '_fastqc/fastqc_data.txt') read_base_countL.extend([label + ".statistics_fastq_reads_bases"]) labelMapD[label] = label fileL = newfileL labelL = new_labelL #print read_base_countL baseCntD_T0_1, baseCntD_T0_1_1 = readBases(read_base_countL, labelMapD) #print >>sys.stderr, baseCntD_T0_1 #print >>sys.stderr, baseCntD_T0_1_1 len_labelL = len(labelL) #print fileL #print labelL verbose = options.verbose global dbug debug = options.debug #----------------------------------- print "## 测序质量总结 {#sub-sequence-summary}\n" curation_label = "Count_sequenced_reads_bases" knitr_read_txt(main_dir, curation_label) tableL = [] headerL = [ "Sample", "Total reads", "Total bases", "Sequence length (nt)", "GC content (%)", "Encoding" ] tableL.append(headerL) #Do not change keyL keyL = [ "Total Sequences", "Total bases", "Sequence length", "%GC", "Encoding" ] aDict = {} readCntD = {} baseCntD = {} T0_L = [] T0_1_L = [] sampleRepD = {} for i in range(len_labelL): file = fileL[i] label = labelL[i] aDict[label] = {} parseFile(file, aDict[label]) aDict[label]["Total bases"] = baseCntD_T0_1_1[label] sampleL = [label] sampleL.extend([aDict[label].get(key) for key in keyL]) tableL.append(sampleL) T0_1_1 = label T0_1 = labelMapD[T0_1_1] #print >>sys.stderr, T0_1_1, T0_1 T0 = sampD[T0_1] #print >>sys.stderr, T0_1_1, T0_1, T0 if T0 not in T0_L: T0_L.append(T0) if T0 not in readCntD: readCntD[T0] = {} baseCntD[T0] = {} T0_1 = T0_1.replace(T0, "") if not T0_1: T0_1 = '1' else: T0_1 = T0_1[1:] #sampleRepD[T0] = sampleRepD.get(T0, 0)+1 #T0_1 = str(sampleRepD[T0]) #print >>sys.stderr, T0_1_1, T0_1 if T0_1 not in T0_1_L: T0_1_L.append(T0_1) readCntD[T0][T0_1] = sampleL[1] baseCntD[T0][T0_1] = str(baseCntD_T0_1[labelMapD[T0_1_1]]) #-------------------------------------- #print >>sys.stderr, readCntD #print >>sys.stderr, baseCntD #sys.exit(1) #print tableL print "Table: (\#tab:seq-sta-sum) Summary of sequencing reads 测序量总结 \ (对于双端测序, *\_1* 表示左端reads, *\_2* 表示右端reads) \n" print '\n'.join(transferListToMultiLTable(tableL)) print tardir = "1_sequencing_quality_check" targetdir = main_dir + '/' + tardir + '/' os.system("mkdir -p " + targetdir) read_cnt_file = prefix + ".read_cnt.xls" read_cnt_fh = open(read_cnt_file, 'w') read_cnt_pdf = read_cnt_file + ".barplot.pdf" print >> read_cnt_fh, "Sample\t%s" % '\t'.join(T0_1_L) for T0 in T0_L: print >> read_cnt_fh, "%s\t%s" % (T0, '\t'.join( [readCntD[T0].get(i, '0') for i in T0_1_L])) read_cnt_fh.close() if len_labelL <= 60: cmd = "s-plot barPlot -f %s -d dodge -y 'Number of sequenced reads' -R 45 -P none -w 30" % read_cnt_file else: height = len_labelL // 5 if height < 10: height = 10 cmdL = [ "s-plot barPlot -f", read_cnt_file, "-d dodge -y 'Number of sequenced reads' -P none -w 20", "-F TRUE -u", str(height) ] cmd = ' '.join(cmdL) os.system(cmd) base_cnt_file = prefix + ".base_cnt.xls" base_cnt_fh = open(base_cnt_file, 'w') base_cnt_pdf = base_cnt_file + ".barplot.pdf" print >> base_cnt_fh, "Sample\t%s" % '\t'.join(T0_1_L) for T0 in T0_L: print >> base_cnt_fh, "%s\t%s" % (T0, '\t'.join( [baseCntD[T0].get(i, '0') for i in T0_1_L])) base_cnt_fh.close() if len_labelL <= 60: cmd = "s-plot barPlot -f %s -d dodge -y 'Number of sequenced bases' -R 45 -P none -w 30" % base_cnt_file else: #height = len_labelL // 3 #if height < 10: # height = 10 cmdL = [ "s-plot barPlot -f", base_cnt_file, "-d dodge -y 'Number of sequenced bases' -P none -w 20", "-F TRUE -u", str(height) ] cmd = ' '.join(cmdL) os.system(cmd) read_cnt_melt_file = prefix + ".read_cnt_melt.xls" read_cnt_melt_fh = open(read_cnt_melt_file, 'w') read_cnt_melt_pdf = read_cnt_melt_file + ".densityHist.pdf" print >> read_cnt_melt_fh, "variable\tvalue" for T0 in T0_L: for i in T0_1_L: cnt = int(readCntD[T0].get(i, '0')) if cnt: print >>read_cnt_melt_fh, \ "Number of sequenced reads (million)\t%s" % (\ str(cnt/(10**6))) read_cnt_melt_fh.close() cmdL = [ "s-plot densityHistPlot -f", read_cnt_melt_file, "-d hist -g ..count..", "-v TRUE -P none -R 45 -x 'Number of sequenced reads (million)'", "-y 'Sample count' -a 1" ] cmd = ' '.join(cmdL) os.system(cmd) base_cnt_melt_file = prefix + ".base_cnt_melt.xls" base_cnt_melt_fh = open(base_cnt_melt_file, 'w') base_cnt_melt_pdf = base_cnt_melt_file + ".densityHist.pdf" print >> base_cnt_melt_fh, "variable\tvalue" for T0 in T0_L: for i in T0_1_L: cnt = int(baseCntD[T0].get(i, '0')) if cnt: print >>base_cnt_melt_fh, \ "Number of sequenced bases (G)\t%s" % (\ str(cnt/(10**9))) base_cnt_melt_fh.close() cmdL = [ "s-plot densityHistPlot -f", base_cnt_melt_file, "-d hist -g ..count..", "-v TRUE -P none -R 45 -x 'Number of sequenced bases (G)'", "-y 'Sample count' -a 1" ] cmd = ' '.join(cmdL) os.system(cmd) copy(targetdir, read_cnt_file, base_cnt_file) copypdf(targetdir, read_cnt_pdf, base_cnt_pdf, read_cnt_melt_pdf, base_cnt_melt_pdf) #print "## Visualize statistics of sequenced reads\n" #knitr_read_txt(main_dir, curation_label) print "所有样品测序reads数目和碱基数目分布,用于查看是否存在测序量异常的样品 (Figure \@ref(fig:read-num-all-sample) and \@ref(fig:base-num-all-sample))。\n" print "\n(ref:read-num-all-sample) Distribution of sequenced reads in all samples. Vertical line represents average of sequenced reads of all samples. 1 Million = 10^6^. \ [PDF](%s/%s)\n" % (tardir, read_cnt_melt_pdf) print ''' ```{r read-num-all-sample, fig.cap="(ref:read-num-all-sample)"} knitr::include_graphics("%s/%s") ``` ''' % (tardir, read_cnt_melt_pdf.replace('pdf', 'png')) print "(ref:base-num-all-sample) Distribution of sequenced bases in all samples. Vertical line represents average of sequenced bases of all samples. 1G = 10^9^. \ [PDF](%s/%s)\n" % (tardir, base_cnt_melt_pdf) print '''```{r base-num-all-sample, fig.cap="(ref:base-num-all-sample)"} knitr::include_graphics("%s/%s") ``` ''' % (tardir, base_cnt_melt_pdf.replace('pdf', 'png')) print "单个样品测序Reads数目和碱基分布,如果一个样品有多个重复,会以不同颜色的柱子展示 (Figure \@ref(fig:read-num-per-sample))。\n" print "(ref:read-num-per-sample) Number of sequenced reads. Color bars represent \ each replicate. 每个样品各个重复测序获得的reads数目。1 Million = 10^6^.\ [PDF](%s/%s) [SOURCE](%s/%s)\n" % (tardir, read_cnt_pdf, tardir, read_cnt_file) print '''```{r read-num-per-sample, fig.cap="(ref:read-num-per-sample)"} knitr::include_graphics("%s/%s") ``` ''' % (tardir, read_cnt_pdf.replace('pdf', 'png')) print "(ref:base-num-per-sample) Number of sequenced bases. Color bars represent \ each replicate. 每个样品各个重复测序获得的碱基数。1 G = 10^9^.\ [PDF](%s/%s) [SOURCE](%s/%s)\n" % (tardir, base_cnt_pdf, tardir, base_cnt_file) print '''```{r base-num-per-sample, fig.cap="(ref:base-num-per-sample)"} knitr::include_graphics("%s/%s") ``` ''' % (tardir, base_cnt_pdf.replace('pdf', 'png')) ###--------multi-process------------------ #pool = ThreadPool(5) # 5 represents thread_num #result =, iterable_object) #pool.close() #pool.join() ###--------multi-process------------------ if verbose: print >>sys.stderr,\ "--Successful %s" % strftime(timeformat, localtime())
def test_copy_dir_to_dir(): copy(src_dir, dest_dir3) assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base, 'dest_dir_also_not_existing')) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base, 'dest_dir_also_not_existing', 'nested_src_file'))
def test_copy_file_to_not_ex_dir(): copy(src_file, dest_dir2) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base, 'dest_dir_not_existing'))
def test_copy_file_to_ex_dir(): copy(src_file, dest_dir1) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base, 'dest_dir_existing', 'src_file'))
def test_copy_file_to_file(): copy(src_file, dest_file) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base, 'dest1', 'dest_file'))