def main(): g_inc = np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 5e18], [900, 5e18], [901, 0], [1101, 0]]) pth = os.path.join(, "pyfit", "points.pdf") dirpth = os.path.dirname(pth) if not os.path.isdir(dirpth): os.makedirs(dirpth) i = 0 dT = [0.01, 0.001, 0.0005] JJ = [2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] JJ = [4] ku = 1e-33 kd = 1e-33 D = 2.7e-9 with PdfPages(pth) as pdf: for dt in dT: for xpoints in JJ: i += 1 print("{:.1%}".format(float(i) / (len(dT) * len(JJ)))) fig = run( g_inc, L=20e-6, T=1100, dt=dt, J=xpoints, k_u=ku, k_d=kd, suffix="ku%.3e" % ku, D=D, ) pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close() pass
def plot_result(**kws): u"plot function" gpdp = kws.pop("pdp", [0]) ginc = kws.pop("ginc", [0]) tm = kws.pop("time", [0]) gfited = kws.pop("gfited", [0]) title = kws.pop("title", "") savefig = kws.pop("savefig", os.path.join(, "wave.png")) font = {"family": "Times New Roman", "weight": "heavy", "size": 18} plt.rc("font", **font) plt.rcParams.update({"mathtext.default": "regular"}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7), facecolor="w") gs = GridSpec(2, 1) gs.update(left=0.05, right=0.9, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.0) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) [ax.set_xticklabels([]) for ax in [ax1]] ax1.plot(tm, gpdp, "ko", label="experiment") ax1.plot(tm, gfited, "r.-", label="fit") ax2.plot(tm, ginc, "k.", label="sig") ginc_smth = tools.savitzky_golay(ginc, int(0.005 * len(ginc)) + 1, 1) ax2.plot(tm, ginc_smth, "r-", label="smooth") lbls = ["$\Gamma_{pdp}$", "$\Gamma_{inc}$"] [ ax.set_ylabel(r"%s" % (lbl), fontweight="heavy") for ax, lbl in zip([ax1, ax2], lbls) ] [tools.grid_visual(ax) for ax in fig.axes] [tools.ticks_visual(ax) for ax in fig.axes] [ax.locator_params("y", nbins=5) for ax in [ax1, ax2]] ax2.set_xlabel("time (sec)", fontweight="heavy") [ax.get_yaxis().set_label_coords(-0.08, 0.5) for ax in fig.axes] ax1.legend( labelspacing=0.1, columnspacing=0.1, handletextpad=0.5, numpoints=1, framealpha=0, bbox_to_anchor=(0.7, 0.5), ) [ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks()[-1].label1.set_visible(False) for ax in [ax2]] ax1.margins(0.1) ax2.margins(0.1) plt.suptitle(title) plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
def scan_parameters(): """change ku,kd, D and save all results in multipage PDF file for comparison""" g_inc = np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 5e18], [900, 5e18], [901, 0], [1101, 0]]) # dT =[1,0.1,0.01] # JJ = [5,10,20,30,40,50] pth = os.path.join(, "pyfit", "D.pdf") dirpth = os.path.dirname(pth) if not os.path.isdir(dirpth): os.makedirs(dirpth) i = 0 ru = np.linspace(5e-34, 5e-32, 30) ru = [1e-33] rd = [1e-33] rD = np.linspace(5e-10, 5e-8, 30) # rD = [2.7e-9] with PdfPages(pth) as pdf: for D in rD: for ku in ru: for kd in rd: i += 1 print("{:.1%}".format( float(i) / (len(ru) * len(rd) * len(rD)))) fig = run( g_inc, L=20e-6, T=1100, dt=0.01, J=20, k_u=ku, k_d=kd, suffix="ku%.3e" % ku, D=D, ) pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close()
def wavefit(**kws): u"minimize using scipy" Nt = kws.pop("Nt", 100) T = float(kws.pop("T", 200)) Tend = float(kws.pop("Tend", 100)) probe = kws.pop("probe", "PDP4") shot = kws.pop("shot", 29733) ks = kws.pop("ks", 1.1e18) ku = kws.pop("ku", 1e-32) silent = kws.pop("silent", True) kd = kws.pop("kd", 1e-33) global gpdp def mbe(x, uinit=False): global gpdp try: x = x[0] except: pass G_stp = np.ones(Nt_stp) * x if x < 0: # flog.write('%.2e\t[%.2e %.2e]\t%e\t[%.4f]\t%e\n'% # (ey[N*stp],gpdp[0],gpdp[1],x,G_stp[0],1e10)) return 1e10 pm.update([ ("G", G_stp), ("T", T_stp), ("Tend", Tend_stp), ("Nt", Nt_stp), ("Uinit", U), ]) res = BE(**pm) gpdp = res.pop("pdp") # print ey[N*stp],gpdp,x,G_stp,chi(ey[N*stp],gpdp) if not uinit: # flog.write('%.2e\t[%.2e %.2e]\t%e\t[%.4f]\t%e\n'% # (ey[N*stp],gpdp[0],gpdp[1],x,G_stp[0],chi(ey[N*stp],gpdp))) pass if uinit: return res.pop("concentration") else: return chi(ey[N * stp], gpdp) # pth = os.path.join(docs(0),'Stencils') pth = os.path.join(, "PDP") # data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(pth,'expTest.txt')) # ex = data[:,0]; ey = data[:,1] PTH = tools.network_drives() fpth = os.path.join(PTH["freenas"], "Results", "%s" % probe, "%d_%s.txt" % (shot, probe)) if not os.path.exists(fpth): fpth = os.path.join(PTH["freenas"], "Results", "%s" % probe, "%d_%s.dat" % (shot, probe)) if not os.path.exists(fpth): fpth = os.path.join(, "PyOut", "%d_%s.txt" % (shot, probe)) print(fpth) data = np.loadtxt(fpth, skiprows=1) ex = data[:, 0] ey = data[:, 1] if ex[-1] < T: T = ex[-1] pm = parameters() Nx = pm.get("Nx") # ;Nt=pm.get('Nt');T=pm.get('T');Tend=pm.get('Tend') U = np.zeros(Nx + 1) pm.update([("T", T), ("Tend", Tend), ("Nt", Nt)]) tm = np.linspace(0, T, Nt + 1) dt = tm[1] - tm[0] pm.update([("ks", ks), ("ku", ku), ("kd", kd), ("Tend", Tend)]) print("#{} {} Tend={} T={} N={} ks={:.2e}, ku={:.2e}, kd={:.2e}".format( shot, probe, Tend, T, Nt, ks, ku, kd)) if Nt + 1 != len(ey): # print pm['Nt'],len(ey),ex[-1],pm['T'] ef = interp1d(ex, ey) ex = tm ey = ef(tm) G = np.zeros(Nt + 1) stp = 1 # step in points for fitting time window, min=1, best resolution. # print int(Tend/T*Nt),Nt R = range(int(Tend / T * Nt) + int(Nt * 0.00)) # R = range(Nt) # clrs = np.linspace(0,1,len(R)) # plt.plot(ex,ey,'k.--') Nt_stp = 1 T_stp = dt Tend_stp = dt gpdp = [] for N in R: # flog.write('{:.2%}\n'.format((N+1)/float(len(R)))) # res = minimize(mbe,25,options={'maxiter':50}) # res = minimize(mbe,25,method='CG')#Works well,but slow res = minimize(mbe, 25, method="Nelder-Mead") if not silent: print("{:.2%}\t{:.4f}".format((N + 1) / float(len(R)), res.x[0])) if res.x[0] < 0: G[N * stp] = 0 U = mbe(0, True) else: G[N * stp - 1] = res.x[0] U = mbe(res.x[0], True) # flog.write('Ginc[%d] = %.4f\n'%(N*stp,res.x[0])) # plt.plot(tm_stp+N*stp*dt,gpdp,'-',[N])) # print gpdp[-1],ey[N*stp] G[-1] = 0 pm.update([("T", T), ("Tend", Tend), ("Nt", Nt), ("G", G), ("Uinit", np.zeros(Nx + 1))]) res = BE(**pm) t = res.pop("time") pdp = res.pop("pdp") with open(os.path.join(pth, "%d_%s.txt" % (shot, probe)), "w") as ff: ff.write("time\tGinc\tcalc\texp\n") for tg, ginc, clc, exp in zip(t, G * ks, pdp, ey): ff.write("%.4f\t%.4e\t%.4e\t%.4e\n" % (tg, ginc, clc, exp)) plot_result( **{ "time": t, "pdp": ey, "gfited": pdp, "ginc": G * ks, "title": "%d %s" % (shot, probe), "savefig": os.path.join(pth, "%d_%s.png" % (shot, probe)), }) plt.close()
def BE(**kws): """ Permeation solver. """ Nx = kws.get("Nx", 30) # Number of space mesh points Nt = kws.get("Nt", 100) # Number of time mesh points T = kws.get("T", None) # Duration of the calculated permeation [s] D = kws.get("D", 1.1e-8) # Diffusion coeff. I = kws.get("I", None) # I(x) - initial concentration profile function ku = kws.get("ku", None) # upstream recombination coeff. [] kd = kws.get("kd", None) # downstream recombination coeff. ks = kws.get("ks", None) # amplitude of the incident flux G = kws.get("G", None) # initial guess for the incident flux L = kws.get("L", 2e-5) # membrane thickness [m] PLOT = kws.get("PLOT", False) # plot or not the results saveU = kws.get("saveU", None) # Uinit = kws.get("Uinit", None) # initial concentration profile # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if == "nt": # print 'windows' ku = 2 * ku kd = 2 * kd # if this is applied, result is same with TMAP7. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G = G * ks if len(np.where(G < 0)[0]): return { "time": np.linspace(0, T, Nt + 1), "pdp": np.zeros(Nt + 1), "concentration": Uinit, } # start = time.clock() x = np.linspace(0, L, Nx + 1) # mesh points in space t = np.linspace(0, T, Nt + 1) # mesh points in time if I: u_1 = np.array([I(i) for i in x]) # initial concentration else: u_1 = np.copy(Uinit) # if len(np.where(U==0)[0]) > 0: print 'zeros' dx = x[1] - x[0] dt = t[1] - t[0] F = D * dt / dx**2 inlet = [] outlet = [] inlet.append(ku * u_1[0]**2) outlet.append(kd * u_1[Nx]**2) u = np.zeros(Nx + 1) if saveU: Usave = np.zeros((Nt + 1, Nx + 1), float) if saveU: Usave[0] = u_1 if PLOT: plt.plot(x / 1e-6, u_1, "k-", lw=4) color_idx = np.linspace(0, 1, Nt) teta1 = D / (ku * dx) teta2 = D / (kd * dx) for n in range(0, Nt): # calculate u[1] and u[Nx-1] using explicit stencil g0 = F * u_1[0] + (1 - 2 * F) * u_1[1] + F * u_1[2] gL = F * u_1[Nx - 2] + (1 - 2 * F) * u_1[Nx - 1] + F * u_1[Nx] # put 1 for u[0] and u[Nx-1] in A A = diags( diagonals=[ [0] + [-F for i in range(Nx - 1)], [1] + [1.0 + 2.0 * F for i in range(Nx - 1)] + [1], [-F for i in range(Nx - 1)] + [0], ], offsets=[1, 0, -1], shape=(Nx + 1, Nx + 1), format="csr", ) # in the b (for BE) put roots of the quadratic equation for the border. b = np.array([ -teta1 / 2.0 + 0.5 * np.sqrt(teta1**2 + 4 * teta1 * g0 + 4 * G[n] / ku) ] + [i for i in u_1[1:Nx]] + [-teta2 / 2.0 + 0.5 * np.sqrt(teta2**2 + 4 * teta2 * gL)]) # solve SLE u[:] = spsolve(A, b) u"Instead of u**2 put u*a, where a - u from previous step" for _ in range(3): a0 = u[0] aL = u[Nx] A = diags( diagonals=[ [-D / dx] + [-F for i in range(Nx - 1)], [D / dx + ku * a0] + [1.0 + 2.0 * F for i in range(Nx - 1)] + [D / dx + kd * aL], [-F for i in range(Nx - 1)] + [-D / dx], ], offsets=[1, 0, -1], shape=(Nx + 1, Nx + 1), format="csr", ) b = np.array([G[n]] + [i for i in u_1[1:Nx]] + [0]) u[:] = spsolve(A, b) u_1, u = u, u_1 inlet.append(ku * u_1[0]**2) outlet.append(kd * u_1[Nx]**2) if PLOT: plt.plot(x / 1e-6, u_1, ".-",[n])) if saveU: Usave[n + 1] = u_1 if PLOT: font = {"family": "Times New Roman", "weight": "heavy", "size": 25} plt.rc("font", **font) plt.rcParams.update({"mathtext.default": "regular"}) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim(0, L / 1e-6) ax.set_xlabel("x ($\mu m$)", fontweight="heavy") ax.set_ylabel("concentration ($m^{-3}$)", fontweight="heavy") sf = os.path.join(, "Stencils", "concentraion.png") # %(F)) plt.savefig(sf, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") # end = time.clock() result = dict() result.update([("reflected", inlet), ("pdp", outlet), ("time", t), ("concentration", u_1)]) if saveU: return Usave, [t, outlet] else: return result
def run(g_inc, L=20e-6, T=900, dt=1, J=40, k_u=1e-33, k_d=1e-30, suffix="a", D=1e-9): u""" T = time, dt - time step, J - x steps, k_u, k_d - recombination """ dx = float(L) / float(J - 1) # Grid parameter x_grid = np.array([j * dx for j in range(J)]) # Grid N = 1 + int(float(T) / float(dt)) # Time step t_grid = np.array([n * dt for n in range(N)]) # Time grid # plt.plot(t_grid,'.') # T_membrane = 573.0 # D=2.9e-7*np.exp(-0.23*1.6e-19/(1.38e-23*T_membrane)) # Diffusion coeffitient for U sigma = float(D * dt) / float((2.0 * dx * dx)) if 0: print("%.3e:\tN" % N) print("%.3e:\tdx" % dx) print("%.3e:\tsigma" % sigma) print("%.3e:\tdt" % dt) # suffix = '%.0es %.0e'%(dt, dx) u""" initial concentration """ U = np.array([0.0 for _ in range(J)]) ff = interp1d(g_inc[:, 0], g_inc[:, 1]) g_inc = ff(t_grid) if 0: plt.plot(t_grid, g_inc, ".") plt.margins(0.1) def f_vec(U, ti): "ti - time index" upstream = -D / (2.0 * k_u * dx) + 0.5 * np.sqrt( (D / (k_u * dx))**2 + 4 * D * U[1] / (k_u * dx) + 4 * g_inc[ti - 1] / k_u) downstream = -D / (2.0 * k_d * dx) + 0.5 * np.sqrt( (D / (k_d * dx))**2 + 4 * D * U[-2] / (k_d * dx)) vivec = np.array([0.0 for _ in range(J)]) vivec[0] = upstream vivec[-1] = downstream return vivec plt.gca().margins(0.1) u""" Matrixes """ A = (np.diagflat([-sigma for _ in range(J - 1 - 1)] + [0.0], -1) + np.diagflat([1.0] + [1.0 + 2.0 * sigma for _ in range(J - 2)] + [1.0]) + np.diagflat([0.0] + [-sigma for _ in range(J - 1 - 1)], 1)) B = (np.diagflat([sigma for _ in range(J - 1 - 1)] + [0.0], -1) + np.diagflat([0.0] + [1.0 - 2.0 * sigma for _ in range(J - 2)] + [0.0]) + np.diagflat([0.0] + [sigma for _ in range(J - 1 - 1)], 1)) U_record = [] U_record.append(U) # U_record.append([U[0],U[-1]]) u""" Solving matrix equation for all time-layers""" for ti in range(1, N): U_new = np.linalg.solve(A, + f_vec(U, ti)) # numpy Gauss U = U_new U_record.append(U) # U_record.append([U[0],U[-1]]) fig = plt.figure() if 1: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("concentration") nn = 20 tt = np.linspace(0 + T / float(nn), T - T / float(nn), nn) plt.plot(x_grid, U_record[0], "k.", label="t = %.1f" % t_grid[0], lw=2) color_idx = np.linspace(0, 1, nn) for ij, t1 in enumerate(tt): plt.plot( x_grid, U_record[int(t1 / dt)], label="t = %.2f" % t_grid[int(t1 / dt)],[ij]), ) # @UndefinedVariable plt.plot(x_grid, U, "k--", label="t = %.1f" % t_grid[-1], lw=2) # legend(framealpha = 0.8) plt.margins(0.1) pth = os.path.join(, "pyfit", "diff_profile%s.png" % suffix) dirpth = os.path.dirname(pth) if not os.path.isdir(dirpth): os.makedirs(dirpth) # plt.savefig(pth,bbox_inches = 'tight', dpi = 300) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) U_r = np.array(U_record) try: plt.plot(t_grid, U_r[:, -1]**2 * k_d, label="out") except: plt.plot(t_grid, U_r[1]**2 * k_d, label="out") # plot(t_grid,U_r[:,0]**2*k_u,label = 'input') if 0: "plot 24248 PDP6 experimental result" epth = os.path.join(, "workspace", "fit", "output", "24248_PDP6_gamma_pdp_exp.txt") expdata = np.loadtxt(epth, skiprows=1) plt.plot(expdata[:, 0], expdata[:, 1], label="29005 PDP6") plt.legend(framealpha=0.8) plt.margins(0.1) pth = os.path.join(, "pyfit", "diff_fluxes%s.png" % suffix) plt.suptitle(r"$%ss\;%sm\;k_u = %s;k_d = %s;D = %s$" % (ltexp( dt, 0), ltexp(dx, 1), ltexp(k_u, 1), ltexp(k_d, 1), ltexp(D, 2))) plt.grid(True) return plt.gcf()