Beispiel #1
def build_distmat():
    # Build matrix of d(ant1,ant2)
    uid, x, y, z = getPos()
    nants = len(uid)
    p = np.vstack((x, y, z))
    d = np.ndarray(shape=(nants, nants))
    for i in range(nants):
        for j in range(nants):
            d[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(p[:, j] - p[:, i])
            d[j, i] = d[i, j]

    return uid, d
Beispiel #2
def plot_delays(runid,
    # Plot expected vs measured trig delays

    # Load arrays of delays if not in argument
    if exp_delays is None:
        print("Processing recons", coincid, " in run", runid)
        coincid = int(coincid)
        # Exp delays
        cfile = txtdir + "R" + runid + "_coinctable.txt"
        c = np.loadtxt(cfile)
        coincids = c[:, 3]
        ind = np.argwhere(coincids == coincid)
        ants = np.array(c[ind, 1]).T[0]
        exp_delays = np.array(c[ind, 4]).T[0]
        ants = ant_pos[:, 0]

    # Load antenna positions if not in argument
    if ant_pos is None:
        ant_pos = []
        uid, x, y, z = getPos()
        for a in ants:
            ind = np.argwhere(uid == a)[0]  # Makes me crazy
            ant_pos.append([a, x[ind][0], y[ind][0],
                            z[ind][0]])  #Northing, Westing, # Up
        ant_pos = np.array(ant_pos)

    # Load sph recons if not in argument
    if rec_source is None:
        sfile = txtdir + "R" + str(runid) + "_sphrecons.txt"
        a = np.loadtxt(sfile)
        coincids = a[:, 0]
        ind = np.argwhere(coincids == coincid)[0]
        rec_source = np.array([a[ind, 4], -a[ind, 3], a[ind, 5]]).T[0]

    #Now build expected delays for spherical hypothesis
    disv = ant_pos[:, 1:4] - rec_source
    recs_delays = np.linalg.norm(disv, axis=1) / c0 * 1e9
    recs_delays = [recs_delays - np.min(recs_delays)][0]
    # Compute Chi2
    chi2s = np.sum(np.square(recs_delays - exp_delays) / (sigma_t * sigma_t))
    ndf = len(ants) - 3
    chi2sndf = chi2s / ndf

    # Load plane recons if not in argument
    if rec_dir is None:
        pfile = txtdir + "R" + str(runid) + "_planerecons.txt"
        a = np.loadtxt(pfile)
        coincids = a[:, 0]
        ind = np.argwhere(coincids == coincid)[0]
        rec_dir = [a[ind, 3][0], a[ind, 5][0]]

    # Now build expected delays for plane hypothesis
    # First build wavefront vector
    st = np.sin(np.radians(rec_dir[0]))
    ct = np.cos(np.radians(rec_dir[0]))
    sp = np.sin(np.radians(rec_dir[1]))
    cp = np.cos(np.radians(rec_dir[1]))
    k = np.array([st * cp, st * sp, ct])
    # Now build delay vector
    disv = np.matmul(ant_pos[:, 1:4], k)
    recp_delays = disv / c0 * 1e9
    recp_delays = recp_delays - np.min(recp_delays)
    # Compute Chi2
    chi2p = np.sum(np.square(recp_delays - exp_delays) / (sigma_t * sigma_t))
    ndf = len(ants) - 2
    chi2pndf = chi2p / ndf

    # Display
    if DISPLAY and len(ants) > 0:
        # and len(ants)>4 and chi2sndf>100:
        # and exp_delays[0]==103:
        # and len(ants)>4 and chi2sndf>100:
        print("Coinc", coincid, "R", runid, ":")
        print("Experimental delays:", exp_delays)
        print("Reconstructed delays:", recs_delays)
        print("for point source reconstructed at location:", rec_source)
        print("Chi2/ndf =", chi2sndf)
        print("Reconstructed delays:", recp_delays)
        print("for reconstructed wave propag direction:", rec_dir)
        print("Chi2/ndf =", chi2pndf)

        pl.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        pl.plot(exp_delays, recp_delays, 'sk')
        pl.title("Plane recons")
        pl.xlabel("Experimental trigger delays (ns)")
        pl.ylabel("Reconstructed trigger delays (ns)")
        xl = [-100, max(exp_delays), max(exp_delays)]
        pl.plot(xl, xl, 'r')
        for i in range(len(ants)):
            pl.text(exp_delays[i] + 100, recp_delays[i], str(int(ants[i])))
        textmax = max(max(exp_delays), max(recp_delays))
            0, textmax * 0.95,
            "($\Theta$,$\phi$)=({0},{1}) deg".format(round(rec_dir[0], 1),
                                                     round(rec_dir[1], 1)))
        pl.text(0, textmax * 0.9,
                "$\chi^2$/ndf = {0}".format(round(chi2pndf), 1))

        pl.subplot(1, 2, 2)
        pl.plot(exp_delays, recs_delays, 'sk')
        pl.plot(xl, xl, 'r')
        pl.xlabel("Experimental trigger delays (ns)")
        pl.ylabel("Reconstructed trigger delays (ns)")
        for i in range(len(ants)):
            pl.text(exp_delays[i] + 100, recs_delays[i], str(int(ants[i])))
        textmax = max(max(exp_delays), max(recs_delays))
            0, textmax * 0.95,
            "Source position=({0},{1},{2})m".format(round(rec_source[0], 1),
                                                    round(rec_source[1], 1),
                                                    round(rec_source[2], 2)))
        pl.text(0, textmax * 0.9,
                "$\chi^2$/ndf = {0}".format(round(chi2sndf, 1)))
        pl.title("Spherical recons")
        pl.suptitle('Coinc {0} R{1}'.format(coincid, runid))

    return chi2sndf, chi2pndf
Beispiel #3
def loop_plot_delays(runid):
    # Loop on all reconstructed coinc and call plot_delays in order to compute Chi2

    # First load ALL txt infos
    cfile = txtdir + "R" + runid + "_coinctable.txt"
    c = np.loadtxt(cfile)
    ccoincids = c[:, 3]

    sfile = txtdir + "R" + sys.argv[1] + "_sphrecons.txt"
    s = np.loadtxt(sfile)
    scoincids = s[:, 0]

    pfile = txtdir + "R" + sys.argv[1] + "_planerecons.txt"
    p = np.loadtxt(pfile)
    pcoincids = p[:, 0]
    chi2ini = p[:, 8]
    sel = (np.isinf(chi2ini)) | (np.isnan(chi2ini))
    p[sel, 8] = 0

    uid, x, y, z = getPos()

    # Then loop on coincs and build list of parameters for plot_delays()
    chi2sv, chi2pv = [], []
    for i in scoincids:
        if int(i / 100) == i / 100:
            print("Processing recons", int(i), "in run", runid)
        ind = np.argwhere(ccoincids == i)
        ants = np.array(c[ind, 1]).T[0]
        exp_delays = np.array(c[ind, 4]).T[0]
        ant_pos = []
        for a in ants:
            ind = np.argwhere(uid == a)[0]  # Makes me crazy
            ant_pos.append([a, x[ind][0], y[ind][0],
                            z[ind][0]])  #Northing, Westing, # Up
        ant_pos = np.array(ant_pos)
        ind = np.argwhere(scoincids == i)[0]
        rec_source = np.array([s[ind, 4], -s[ind, 3], s[ind, 5]]).T[0]
        ind = np.argwhere(pcoincids == i)[0]
        rec_dir = [p[ind, 3][0], p[ind, 5][0]]

        # Now call plot_delays() and store resulting Chi2 value to array
        chi2s, chi2p = plot_delays(runid,

    # Append Chi2 value to recons results and write to file
    s = np.array(s)
    chi2sv = np.array(chi2sv)
    s = np.c_[s, chi2sv]  # Append chi2 column to result file
    sfile = "R" + sys.argv[1] + "_sphrecons_full.txt"
    np.savetxt(sfile, s, fmt='%f')  # Write to file
    p = np.c_[p, chi2pv]  # Append chi2 column to result file
    pfile = "R" + sys.argv[1] + "_planerecons_full.txt"
    np.savetxt(pfile, p, fmt='%f')  # Write to file