Beispiel #1
def deltaCg(w_f1, w_f0, a=False, ref=False, l_p0=l_p0, l_p1=l_p1):
     - w_f1 = fuel used at the second point
     - w_f0 = fuel used at beginning of cg shift
     - a    = if True, returns absolute value of shift in cg, otherwise it return positive or negative value accordingly
     - ref  = if True, outputs data for reference data, otherwise it outputs data for actual flight

      - The shift in cg, given in m

    w_fuel_dcg = w_fuel_ref if ref else w_fuel
    idx_pax = -3
    l_p0 = np.array([131,131,214,214,251,251,288,288,170])*inc
    l_p1 = np.array([131,131,214,214,251,251,288,288,170])*inc
    l_p1[idx_pax] = 134*inc
    w_pax_dcg = w_pass_ref if ref else w_pass

    m_f0 = interpolate(fuel_cg[:,0],fuel_cg[:,1],w_fuel_dcg-w_f0)
    m_f1 = interpolate(fuel_cg[:,0],fuel_cg[:,1],w_fuel_dcg-w_f1)
    m_p0 = l_p0*w_pax_dcg
    m_p1 = l_p1*w_pax_dcg

    x_cg0 = (sum(m_p0)+m_oew+m_f0)/(sum(w_pax_dcg)+w_oew+(w_fuel_dcg-w_f0))
    x_cg1 = (sum(m_p1)+m_oew+m_f1)/(sum(w_pax_dcg)+w_oew+(w_fuel_dcg-w_f1))

    if ref:
        m_f0 = interpolate(fuel_cg[:, 0], fuel_cg[:, 1], w_fuel_ref - w_f0)
        m_f1 = interpolate(fuel_cg[:, 0], fuel_cg[:, 1], w_fuel_ref - w_f1)
        #l_p0 = np.array([131,131,214,214,251,251,288,288,170])*inc
        #l_p1 = np.array([131,131,214,214,251,251,134,288,170])*inc
        m_p0 = l_p0 * w_pass_ref
        m_p1 = l_p1 * w_pass_ref

        x_cg0 = (sum(m_p0) + m_oew + m_f0) / (sum(w_pass_ref) + w_oew +
                                              (w_fuel_ref - w_f0))
        x_cg1 = (sum(m_p1) + m_oew + m_f1) / (sum(w_pass_ref) + w_oew +
                                              (w_fuel_ref - w_f1))
        m_f0 = interpolate(fuel_cg[:, 0], fuel_cg[:, 1], w_fuel - w_f0)
        m_f1 = interpolate(fuel_cg[:, 0], fuel_cg[:, 1], w_fuel - w_f1)
        #l_p0 = np.array([131,131,214,214,251,251,288,288,170])*inc
        #l_p1 = np.array([131,131,214,214,251,251,134,288,170])*inc
        m_p0 = l_p0 * w_pass
        m_p1 = l_p1 * w_pass

        x_cg0 = (sum(m_p0) + m_oew + m_f0) / (sum(w_pass_ref) + w_oew +
                                              (w_fuel - w_f0))
        x_cg1 = (sum(m_p1) + m_oew + m_f1) / (sum(w_pass_ref) + w_oew +
                                              (w_fuel - w_f1))

    return abs(x_cg1 - x_cg0) if a else x_cg1 - x_cg0
Beispiel #2
    def mapper(self, _, line):
        """ The mapper loads a track and yields its ramp factor """
        t = track.load_track(line)
        segments = t['segments']
        duration = t['duration']
        xdata = []
        ydata = []
        for i in xrange(len(segments)):
            seg = segments[i]
            sloudness = seg['loudness_max']
            sstart = seg['start'] + seg['loudness_max_time']
            xdata.append( sstart )
            ydata.append( sloudness )

        if duration > 20:
            idata = tools.interpolate(xdata, ydata, int(duration) * 10)
            smooth = tools.smooth(idata, 20)
            samp = tools.sample(smooth, self.SIZE)
            ndata = tools.rnormalize(samp, -60, 0)
            if self.DUMP:
                for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(self.MATCH, ndata)):
                    print i, x, y
            if self.VECTOR:
                yield (t['artist_name'], t['title'], t['track_id']), ndata
                distance = tools.distance(self.MATCH, ndata)
                yield (t['artist_name'], t['title'], t['track_id']), distance
Beispiel #3
    def mapper(self, _, line):
        """ The mapper loads a track and yields its ramp factor """
        t = track.load_track(line)
        segments = t['segments']
        duration = t['duration']
        xdata = []
        ydata = []
        for i in xrange(len(segments)):
            seg = segments[i]
            sloudness = seg['loudness_max']
            sstart = seg['start'] + seg['loudness_max_time']

        if duration > 20:
            idata = tools.interpolate(xdata, ydata, int(duration) * 10)
            smooth = tools.smooth(idata, 20)
            samp = tools.sample(smooth, self.SIZE)
            ndata = tools.rnormalize(samp, -60, 0)
            if self.DUMP:
                for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(self.MATCH, ndata)):
                    print i, x, y
            if self.VECTOR:
                yield (t['artist_name'], t['title'], t['track_id']), ndata
                distance = tools.distance(self.MATCH, ndata)
                yield (t['artist_name'], t['title'], t['track_id']), distance
Beispiel #4
##Conversion factors
lbs = 0.45359  #kg
inc = 0.0254  #m
g = 9.81  #m/s^2

w_fuel = 2640 * lbs * g
w_fuel_ref = 4050 * lbs * g

##Generate input data

fuel_cg = np.genfromtxt("cg_data/fuel_cg.dat", delimiter=",")
fuel_cg = np.column_stack(
    (fuel_cg[:, 0] * g * lbs,
     fuel_cg[:, 1] * lbs * g * inc * 100))  #convert to metric system

m_fuel = interpolate(fuel_cg[:, 0], fuel_cg[:, 1], w_fuel)
m_fuel_ref = interpolate(fuel_cg[:, 0], fuel_cg[:, 1], w_fuel_ref)

w_pass = np.genfromtxt("cg_data/pass_w.dat") * g
l_pass = np.array([131, 131, 214, 214, 251, 251, 288, 288, 170]) * inc
m_pass = l_pass * w_pass

w_pass_ref = np.genfromtxt("cg_data/pass_w_ref.dat") * g
l_pass = np.array([131, 131, 214, 214, 251, 251, 288, 288, 170]) * inc
m_pass_ref = l_pass * w_pass_ref

w_oew = 9165.0 * lbs * g
l_oew = 291.65 * inc
m_oew = 2672953.5 * inc * lbs * g

x_cg = (sum(m_pass) + m_oew + m_fuel) / (w_fuel + sum(w_pass) + w_oew)
	def __init__(self, machine, name, **keys):

		super(self.__class__, self).__init__( machine, name )	

		if 'Filename' in keys.keys():
			self.Filename=  str(keys['Filename'])
			raise ValueError("Input Filename Required")

		if 'Sigma' in keys.keys():
			self.Sigma=  float(keys['Sigma'])
			raise ValueError("Sigma Required")

		if 'OutputFilename' in keys.keys():
			self.OFilename=  str(keys['OutputFilename'])
			raise ValueError("Output filename Required")

		check  = False
		checka = False
		checkb = False
		checkc = False

		if 'ForcefieldSize' in keys.keys():
			ForcefieldSize = keys['ForcefieldSize']
			check = True
			ForcefieldSize = [15.562592,13.4776,25.413607]

		if 'ForcefieldStepSize' in keys.keys():
			STEPSIZE = keys['ForcefieldStepSize']
			raise ValueError("ERROR: No Force field step size specified")

		stepx = STEPSIZE[0]
		stepy = STEPSIZE[1]
		stepz = STEPSIZE[2]

		if 'LatticeVectora' in keys.keys():
			LatticeVectora = keys['LatticeVectora']
			checka = True
		if 'LatticeVectorb' in keys.keys():
			LatticeVectorb = keys['LatticeVectorb']
			checkb = True		
		if 'LatticeVectorc' in keys.keys():
			LatticeVectorc = keys['LatticeVectorc']
			checkc = True

		if 'ZCutOff' in keys.keys():
			ZCutOff = keys['ZCutOff']
			ZCutOff = [0,0]

		MakeSquare = False
		if 'MakeSquare' in keys.keys():
			MakeSquare = keys['MakeSquare']
			MakeSquare = False

		fo = open(self.OFilename, "w")

		f = open(self.Filename, "r")

		print "Reading in file: "+ self.Filename

		index = [0,0,0]


		Vx =[0,0,0]
		Vy =[0,0,0]
		Vz =[0,0,0]

		linelen = 0
		check = False

		for line in f:
			if linenumber == 2:
				size[0] = (float(line.split()[0])**2 + float(line.split()[1])**2 + float(line.split()[2])**2) ** (0.5)
				Vx[0] = float(line.split()[0])
				Vx[1] = float(line.split()[1])
				Vx[2] = float(line.split()[2])

			if linenumber == 3:
				size[1] = (float(line.split()[0])**2 + float(line.split()[1])**2 + float(line.split()[2])**2) ** (0.5)

				Vy[0] = float(line.split()[0])
				Vy[1] = float(line.split()[1])
				Vy[2] = float(line.split()[2])

			if linenumber == 4:
				size[2] = (float(line.split()[0])**2 + float(line.split()[1])**2 + float(line.split()[2])**2) ** (0.5)

				Vz[0] = float(line.split()[0])
				Vz[1] = float(line.split()[1])
				Vz[2] = float(line.split()[2])

			#Find number of atoms
			if linenumber == 6:
				for i in range(0, (len(line.split()))  ):
					NumberOfAtoms += float(line.split()[i])

			#find number of points
			if linenumber == NumberOfAtoms+9:

				NumberOfPoints[0]= int(line.split()[0])
				NumberOfPoints[1]= int(line.split()[1])
				NumberOfPoints[2]= int(line.split()[2])		
				V = [[[0 for k in xrange( int (NumberOfPoints[2]) ) ] for j in xrange( int (NumberOfPoints[1]) )] for i in xrange(int (NumberOfPoints[0]) )]
			if linenumber > NumberOfAtoms+9:

				for i in range(0, (len(line.split()))  ):

					V[ index[0] ][ index[1] ] [ index[2] ] = float (line.split()[i])
					index[0] = index[0] +1

					if index [0] == NumberOfPoints[0]:
						index[0] = 0
						index[1] = index [1] +1

					if index [1] == NumberOfPoints[1]:
						index[1] = 0
						index[2] = index[2] +1	

				if len(line.split()) == 0:
			linenumber = linenumber + 1

		if check == True:
			ForcefieldSize = [Vx[0],Vy[1],Vz[2]]

		if checka == True:
			LatticeVectora = [Vx[0],Vx[1],Vx[2]]

		if checkb == True:
			LatticeVectorb = [Vy[0],Vy[1],Vy[2]]

		if checkc == True:
			LatticeVectorc = [Vz[0],Vz[1],Vz[2]]

		print "File read in"
		#Find step size
		dx = float(size[0]/NumberOfPoints[0])
		dy = float(size[1]/NumberOfPoints[1])
		dz = float(size[2]/NumberOfPoints[2])

		Datax = len(V)
		Datay = len(V[0])
		Dataz = len(V[0][0])

		Lattice = [ [Vx[0] ,Vx[1] ,  Vx[2]],
					[Vy[0] ,Vy[1] ,  Vy[2] ],
					[Vz[0] ,Vz[1] ,  Vz[2]] ]

		GridDim = [ Datax , Datay , Dataz ]


		OUT = gauss(Lattice,GridDim,V,self.Sigma)

		#Start making it square 
		if check == True:
			ForcefieldSize = [Vx[0],Vy[1],Vz[2]]

		if checka == True:
			LatticeVectora = [Vx[0],Vx[1],Vx[2]]

		if checkb == True:
			LatticeVectorb = [Vy[0],Vy[1],Vy[2]]

		if checkc == True:
			LatticeVectorc = [Vz[0],Vz[1],Vz[2]]

		#For coord transform find:

		ax = LatticeVectora[0]
		ay = LatticeVectora[1]
		az = LatticeVectora[2]
		bx = LatticeVectorb[0]
		by = LatticeVectorb[1]
		bz = LatticeVectorb[2]

		cx = LatticeVectorc[0]
		cy = LatticeVectorc[1]
		cz = LatticeVectorc[2]		

		maga = math.sqrt (LatticeVectora[0]*LatticeVectora[0] + LatticeVectora[1]*LatticeVectora[1] + LatticeVectora[2]*LatticeVectora[2])
		magb = math.sqrt (LatticeVectorb[0]*LatticeVectorb[0] + LatticeVectorb[1]*LatticeVectorb[1] + LatticeVectorb[2]*LatticeVectorb[2])
		magc = math.sqrt (LatticeVectorc[0]*LatticeVectorc[0] + LatticeVectorc[1]*LatticeVectorc[1] + LatticeVectorc[2]*LatticeVectorc[2])

		print "Interpolating"

		x = 0
		y = 0
		z = 0

		counter = [0,0,0]

		sizex = math.ceil(ForcefieldSize[0] / stepx)
		sizey = math.ceil(ForcefieldSize[1] / stepy)
		sizez = math.ceil(ForcefieldSize[2] / stepz)


		U = [[[0 for k in xrange( int (sizez) ) ] for j in xrange( int (sizey) )] for i in xrange(int (sizex) )]

	 	xarray = []
	 	yarray = []
	 	zarray = []

		#Build the 3d interpolated square grid
		while x <= ForcefieldSize[0]:
			while y<=ForcefieldSize[1]:
				while z <= ForcefieldSize[2]:

					#Find the transformed coordiante
					posx = maga*(bz*cy*x - by*cz*x - bz*cx*y + bx*cz*y + by*cx*z - bx*cy*z)/ (az*by*cx - ay*bz*cx - az*bx*cy + ax*bz*cy + ay*bx*cz - ax*by*cz)
					posy = magb*(az*cy*x - ay*cz*x - az*cx*y + ax*cz*y + ay*cx*z - ax*cy*z)/ (-(az*by*cx) + ay*bz*cx + az*bx*cy - ax*bz*cy - ay*bx*cz + ax*by*cz)
					posz = magc*(az*by*x - ay*bz*x - az*bx*y + ax*bz*y + ay*bx*z - ax*by*z)/ (az*by*cx - ay*bz*cx - az*bx*cy + ax*bz*cy + ay*bx*cz - ax*by*cz)

					ans = tools.interpolate(OUT,[dx,dy,dz],posx,posy,posz)
					U[ counter[0] ][ counter[1] ][ counter[2] ] = ans


				counter[1] += 1
				counter[2] =  0
				z = 0
				y += stepy

			counter[0] += 1
			counter[1] =  0
			counter[2] =  0
			y = 0
			z = 0
			x += stepx

		#Output the Potential
		print "Writing to File"
		for x in range(0, int (sizex) ):
			for y in range(0,int(sizey) ):
				for z in range(0+ZCutOff[0],int(sizez-ZCutOff[1]) ):
					fo.write(str(x+1)+" "+str(y+1)+" "+str(z+1)+" " + str(U[x][y][z]) + "\n")

		print "Writing to File"
		for x in range(0,Datax):
			for y in range(0,Datay):				
				for z in range(0,Dataz):
					#print x,y,z
					fo.write(str(x+1)+" "+str(y+1)+" "+str(z+1)+" "+str(OUT[x][y][z]) + "\n")
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, machine, name, **keys):

        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(machine, name)

        A = 0.13
        f0 = 1.553e6
        K = 130

        if 'filename' in keys.keys():
            FILENAME = keys["filename"]
            raise NameError("Missing filename")

        if 'NumberOfPoints' in keys.keys():
            NumberOfPoints = keys["NumberOfPoints"]
            raise NameError("Missing NumberOfPoints")

        if 'K' in keys.keys():
            K = keys["K"]
            raise NameError("Missing K")

        if 'A' in keys.keys():
            A = keys["A"]
            raise NameError("Missing A")

        if 'f0' in keys.keys():
            f0 = keys["f0"]
            raise NameError("Missing f0")

        res = [51, 51, 201]
        if 'res' in keys.keys():
            res = keys["res"]

        step = []
        if 'step' in keys.keys():
            step = keys["step"]
            raise NameError("Missing step")

        NumberOfUnitCells = [1, 1, 1]
        if 'NumberOfFFCells' in keys.keys():
            NumberOfUnitCells = keys["NumberOfFFCells"]

        convertion = 1
        if 'convertion' in keys.keys():
            convertion = keys["convertion"]

        zHeight = None
        if 'zHeight' in keys.keys():
            zHeight = keys["zHeight"]

        OutputFile = ""
        if 'OutputFile' in keys.keys():
            OutputFile = keys["OutputFile"]
            raise NameError("Missing OutputFile")

        OscRes = 100
        if 'OscRes' in keys.keys():
            OscRes = keys["OscRes"]

        if 'TipPos' in keys.keys():
            TipPos = keys["TipPos"]

        arrayx = linspace(
            (step[0] * NumberOfPoints[0] * NumberOfUnitCells[0]) + TipPos[0],
        arrayy = linspace(
            (step[1] * NumberOfPoints[1] * NumberOfUnitCells[1]) + TipPos[1],
        arrayz = linspace(
            (step[2] * NumberOfPoints[2] * NumberOfUnitCells[2]) + TipPos[2],

        if 'ScanType' in keys.keys():
            ScanType = keys["ScanType"]
            if ScanType != "Vertical":
                if ScanType != "Lateral":
                    print "ERROR: Scan type can only be Vertical or Lateral"

        if zHeight != None and ScanType == "Lateral":
            arrayz = [zHeight]

        if ScanType == "Vertical":
            arrayx = [TipPos[0]]
            arrayy = [TipPos[1]]

        if 'MinMaxz' in keys.keys():
            MinMaxz = keys["MinMaxz"]
            arrayz = linspace(MinMaxz[0], MinMaxz[1], res[2])

        force = []

        FF = open(FILENAME, 'r')
        Data = [[[0 for k in xrange(int(NumberOfPoints[2]))]
                 for j in xrange(int(NumberOfPoints[1]))]
                for i in xrange(int(NumberOfPoints[0]))]

        for line in FF:
            i = int(line.split()[0]) - 1
            j = int(line.split()[1]) - 1
            k = int(line.split()[2]) - 1
            Data[i][j][k] = float(line.split()[3]) * convertion

        counter = 0
        linecounter = 0
        xpos = 0
        ypos = 0
        Resultsx = []
        Resultsy = []
        Resultsz = []
        Resultsdf = []
        ForceTest = []

        for ypos in arrayy:
            linecounter += 1
            print "Running line number " + str(linecounter)

            for xpos in arrayx:

                for z in arrayz:
                    #Solve the integral from 0 to 2pi
                    Integral = 0
                    size = OscRes
                    x = linspace(0, 2 * pi, size)

                    #Find x_0
                    pos = float(z + A * cos(x[0]))
                    Force = tools.interpolate(Data, step, xpos, ypos, pos)
                    #Force= tools.interpolate(Data,[0.705,0.705,0.1],xpos,ypos,pos)

                    Integral += cos(x[0]) * Force

                    #x_1 tp x _ size-1
                    for i in range(1, size - 1):

                        pos = float(z + A * cos(x[i]))
                        Force = tools.interpolate(Data, step, xpos, ypos, pos)
                        #Force= tools.interpolate(Data,[0.705,0.705,0.1],xpos,ypos,pos)

                        if i % 2 == 0:  #Is even
                            Integral += 2 * cos(x[i]) * Force

                        if i % 2 != 0:  #Is odd
                            Integral += 4 * cos(x[i]) * Force

                    #Find x_size_n
                    pos = float(z + A * cos(x[size - 1]))
                    Force = tools.interpolate(Data, step, xpos, ypos, pos)
                    #Force= tools.interpolate(Data,[0.705,0.705,0.1],xpos,ypos,pos)
                    Integral += cos(x[size - 1]) * Force

                    Integral = Integral * ((x[0] - x[size - 1]) /
                                           (len(x) - 1)) / 3

                    FreqShift = Integral * f0 / (2 * pi * K * A)

        W = open(OutputFile, 'w')
        counter = 0
        for i in range(0, len(Resultsx)):
                str(Resultsx[i]) + " " + str(Resultsy[i]) + " " +
                str(Resultsz[i]) + " " + str(Resultsdf[i]) + "\n")
            oldy = Resultsy[i]
            counter += 1
