Beispiel #1
def operation(func, o1, o2, reindex=True, broadcast=True, constructor=None):
    """ operation on LaxArray objects

        func        : operator
        o1            : LHS operand: DimArray
        o2            : RHS operand: at least: be convertible by np.array())
        align, optional: if True, use pandas to align the axes

        values: array values
        dims : dimension names
    if constructor is None:
        constructor = o1._constructor

    # second operand is not a DimArray: let numpy do the job
    if not is_DimArray(o2):  # isinstance
        if np.ndim(o2) > np.ndim(o1):
            raise ValueError(
                "bad input: second operand's dimensions not documented")
        res = func(o1.values, np.array(o2))
        return constructor(res, o1.axes)

    # check for first operand (reverse operations)
    elif not is_DimArray(o1):  # isinstance
        if np.ndim(o1) > np.ndim(o2):
            raise ValueError(
                "bad input: second operand's dimensions not documented")
        res = func(np.array(o1), o2.values)
        return constructor(res, o2.axes)

    # both objects are dimarrays

    # Align axes by re-indexing
    if reindex:
        o1, o2 = align_axes(o1, o2)

    # Align dimensions by adding new axes and transposing if necessary
    if broadcast:
        o1, o2 = align_dims(o1, o2)

    # make the new axes
    newaxes = o1.axes.copy()

    # ...make sure no singleton value is included
    for i, ax in enumerate(newaxes):
        if ax.values[0] is None:
            newaxes[i] = o2.axes[]

    res = func(o1.values, o2.values)

    return constructor(res, newaxes)
Beispiel #2
def operation(func, o1, o2, reindex=True, broadcast=True, constructor=None):
    """ operation on LaxArray objects

        func        : operator
        o1            : LHS operand: DimArray
        o2            : RHS operand: at least: be convertible by np.array())
        align, optional: if True, use pandas to align the axes

        values: array values
        dims : dimension names
    if constructor is None:
        constructor = o1._constructor

    # second operand is not a DimArray: let numpy do the job 
    if not is_DimArray(o2): # isinstance
        if np.ndim(o2) > np.ndim(o1):
            raise ValueError("bad input: second operand's dimensions not documented")
        res = func(o1.values, np.array(o2))
        return constructor(res, o1.axes)

    # check for first operand (reverse operations)
    elif not is_DimArray(o1): # isinstance
        if np.ndim(o1) > np.ndim(o2):
            raise ValueError("bad input: second operand's dimensions not documented")
        res = func(np.array(o1), o2.values)
        return constructor(res, o2.axes)

    # both objects are dimarrays

    # Align axes by re-indexing
    if reindex:
        o1, o2 = align_axes(o1, o2)

    # Align dimensions by adding new axes and transposing if necessary
    if broadcast:
        o1, o2 = align_dims(o1, o2)

    # make the new axes
    newaxes = o1.axes.copy()

    # ...make sure no singleton value is included
    for i, ax in enumerate(newaxes):
        if ax.values[0] is None:
            newaxes[i] = o2.axes[]

    res = func(o1.values, o2.values)

    return constructor(res, newaxes)
Beispiel #3
def stack(arrays, axis, keys=None, align=False):
    """ stack arrays along a new dimension (raise error if already existing)

    arrays: sequence or dict of arrays
    axis: str, new dimension along which to stack the array 
    keys, optional: stack axis values, useful if array is a sequence, or a non-ordered dictionary
    align, optional: if True, align axes prior to stacking (Default to False)

    DimArray: joint array

    Sea Also:
    concatenate: join arrays along an existing dimension

    >>> a = DimArray([1,2,3])
    >>> b = DimArray([11,22,33])
    >>> stack([a, b], axis='stackdim', keys=['a','b'])
    dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'stackdim', 'x0'
    0 / stackdim (2): a to b
    1 / x0 (3): 0 to 2
    array([[ 1,  2,  3],
           [11, 22, 33]])
    # make a sequence of arrays
    arrays, keys = _check_stack_args(arrays, keys)

    for a in arrays: 
        if not is_DimArray(a): raise TypeError('can only stack DimArray instances')

    # make sure the stacking dimension is OK (new)
    dims = get_dims(*arrays)
    axis = _check_stack_axis(axis, dims)

    # re-index axes if needed
    if align:
	arrays = align_axes(*arrays)

    # make it a numpy array
    data = [a.values for a in arrays]
    data = np.array(data)

    # new axis
    newaxis = Axis(keys, axis)

    # find common axes
	axes = _get_axes(*arrays)
    except ValueError, msg: 
	if 'axes are not aligned' in repr(msg):
	    msg = 'axes are not aligned\n ==> Try passing `align=True`' 
	raise ValueError(msg)
Beispiel #4
def is_boolean_array(value):

    >>> a = DimArray([1,2,3])
    >>> is_boolean_array(a)
    >>> is_boolean_array(a>1)
    return (isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or is_DimArray(value)) \
            and value.dtype is np.dtype('bool')
Beispiel #5
def is_boolean_index(indices, shape):
    """ check if something like a[a>2] is performed for ndim > 1
    # indices = np.index_exp[indices]
    # if len(shape) > 1 and len(indices) == 1:
    if isinstance(indices, np.ndarray) or is_DimArray(indices):
        if indices.shape == shape:
            if indices.dtype == np.dtype(bool):
                return True

    return False  # otherwise
Beispiel #6
def is_boolean_array(value):

    >>> a = DimArray([1,2,3])
    >>> is_boolean_array(a)
    >>> is_boolean_array(a>1)
    return (isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or is_DimArray(value)) \
            and value.dtype is np.dtype('bool')
Beispiel #7
def is_boolean_index(indices, shape):
    """ check if something like a[a>2] is performed for ndim > 1
    #indices = np.index_exp[indices]
    #if len(shape) > 1 and len(indices) == 1:
    if isinstance(indices, np.ndarray) or is_DimArray(indices):
        if indices.shape == shape:
            if indices.dtype == np.dtype(bool):
                return True

    return False  # otherwise
Beispiel #8
    def __getitem__(self, ix):
        # check special cases
        assert ix is not None, "index is None!"

        if self.position_index:
            return ix

        # boolean indexing ?
        if is_DimArray(ix):
            ix = ix.values

        if type(ix) in (np.ndarray, ) and ix.dtype is np.dtype(bool):
            return ix

        # make sure (1,) is understood as 1 just as numpy would
        elif type(ix) is tuple:
            if len(ix) == 1:
                ix = ix[0]
        #    else:
        #        raise TypeError("index not understood: did you mean a `slice`?")

        # look up corresponding numpy indices
        # e.g. 45:56
        if type(ix) is slice:
            res = self.slice(ix)

        elif self._islist(ix):
            res = map(self.locate, ix)

            res = self.locate(ix)

        return res
Beispiel #9
    def __getitem__(self, ix):
        # check special cases
        assert ix is not None, "index is None!"

        if self.position_index:
            return ix

        # boolean indexing ?
        if is_DimArray(ix):
            ix = ix.values

        if type(ix) in (np.ndarray,) and ix.dtype is np.dtype(bool):
            return ix

        # make sure (1,) is understood as 1 just as numpy would
        elif type(ix) is tuple:
            if len(ix) == 1:
                ix = ix[0]
        #    else:
        #        raise TypeError("index not understood: did you mean a `slice`?")

        # look up corresponding numpy indices
        # e.g. 45:56
        if type(ix) is slice:
            res = self.slice(ix)

        elif self._islist(ix):
            res = map(self.locate, ix)

            res = self.locate(ix)

        return res
Beispiel #10
def put(
    """ Put new values into DimArray (inplace)

    obj: DimArray (do not provide if method bound to class instance)
    val: value to put in: scalar or array-like with appropriate shape or DimArray
    indices, optional: see `take` for indexing rules. indices may be omitted if 
        val is a DimArray (will then deduce `indices` from its axes)
    axis: for single index (see help on `take`)
    indexing : "position", "values"
    convert: convert array to val's type
    inplace: True
    broadcast_arrays: See documentation on `take`.

    None: (inplace modification)


    >>> a = DimArray(np.zeros((2,2)), [('d0',['a','b']), ('d1',[10.,20.])])

    Index by values
    >>> b = a.put(1, indices={'d0': 'b'})
    >>> b
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  1.]])
    >>> a['b'] = 2   # slicing equivalent
    >>> a
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  2.]])

    Index by position
    >>> b = a.put(3, indices=1, axis='d1', indexing="position")
    >>> b
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  3.],
           [ 2.,  3.]])
    >>> a.ix[:,1] = 4  # slicing equivalent
    >>> a
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  4.],
           [ 2.,  4.]])

    Multi-dimension, multi-index
    >>> b = a.put(5, indices={'d0':'b', 'd1':[10.]})
    >>> b
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  4.],
           [ 5.,  4.]])
    >>> a["b",[10]] = 6
    >>> a
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  4.],
           [ 6.,  4.]])

    >>> a.put(6, indices={'d0':'b', 'd1':[10.]}, inplace=True)

    Multi-Index tests (not straightforward to get matlab-like behaviour)
    >>> big = DimArray(np.zeros((2,3,4,5)))
    >>> indices = {'x0':0 ,'x1':[2,1],'x3':[1,4]}
    >>> sub = big.take(indices, broadcast_arrays=False)*0
    >>> sub.dims == ('x1','x2','x3')
    >>> sub.shape == (2,4,2)
    >>> big.put(sub+1, indices, inplace=True, broadcast_arrays=False)
    >>> sub2 = big.take(indices, broadcast_arrays=False)
    >>> np.all(sub+1 == sub2)
    assert indexing in ("position", "values"), "invalid mode: " + repr(indexing)

    if indices is None:

        # DimArray as subarray: infer indices from its axes
        if is_DimArray(val):
            indices = { ax.values for ax in val.axes}
            broadcast_arrays = False

        elif np.isscalar(val):
            raise ValueError("indices must be provided for non-DimArray or non-matching shape. See also `fill` method.")

            raise ValueError("indices must be provided for non-DimArray or non-matching shape")

        indices = _fill_ellipsis(indices, obj.ndim)

    # SPECIAL CASE: full scale boolean array
    if is_boolean_index(indices, obj.shape):
        return _put(obj, val, np.asarray(indices), inplace=inplace, convert=convert)

    indices_numpy = obj.axes.loc(indices, axis=axis, position_index=(indexing == "position"), tol=tol)

    # do nothing for full-array, boolean indexing
    # if len(indices_numpy) == 1 and isinstance

    # Convert to matlab-like indexing
    if not broadcast_arrays:

        indices_array = array_indices(indices_numpy, obj.shape)
        indices_numpy_ = np.ix_(*indices_array)
        shp = [len(ix) for ix in indices_array]  # get an idea of the shape

        ## ...first check that val's shape is consistent with originally required indices
        # if DimArray, transpose to the right shape
        if is_DimArray(val):
            newdims = [d for d in obj.dims if d in val.dims] + [d for d in val.dims if d not in obj.dims]
            val = val.transpose(newdims)

        # only check for n-d array of size and dimensions > 1
        if np.size(val) > 1 and np.ndim(val) > 1 and np.any(np.array(shp) > 1):
            shp1 = [d for d in shp if d > 1]
            shp2 = [d for d in np.shape(val) if d > 1]
            if shp1 != shp2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "array is not broadcastable to correct shape (got values: {} but inferred from indices {})".format(
                        shp2, shp1
        #    # ...then reshape to new matlab-like form
        if np.isscalar(val):
            val_ = val
        elif np.size(val) == 1:
            val_ = np.squeeze(val)
            val = np.asarray(val)
            val_ = np.reshape(val, shp)

        val_ = val
        indices_numpy_ = indices_numpy

    return _put(obj, val_, indices_numpy_, inplace=inplace, convert=convert)
Beispiel #11
def put(obj,
    """ Put new values into DimArray (inplace)

    obj: DimArray (do not provide if method bound to class instance)
    val: value to put in: scalar or array-like with appropriate shape or DimArray
    indices, optional: see `take` for indexing rules. indices may be omitted if 
        val is a DimArray (will then deduce `indices` from its axes)
    axis: for single index (see help on `take`)
    indexing : "position", "values"
    convert: convert array to val's type
    inplace: True
    broadcast_arrays: See documentation on `take`.

    None: (inplace modification)


    >>> a = DimArray(np.zeros((2,2)), [('d0',['a','b']), ('d1',[10.,20.])])

    Index by values
    >>> b = a.put(1, indices={'d0': 'b'})
    >>> b
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  1.]])
    >>> a['b'] = 2   # slicing equivalent
    >>> a
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  2.]])

    Index by position
    >>> b = a.put(3, indices=1, axis='d1', indexing="position")
    >>> b
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  3.],
           [ 2.,  3.]])
    >>> a.ix[:,1] = 4  # slicing equivalent
    >>> a
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  4.],
           [ 2.,  4.]])

    Multi-dimension, multi-index
    >>> b = a.put(5, indices={'d0':'b', 'd1':[10.]})
    >>> b
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  4.],
           [ 5.,  4.]])
    >>> a["b",[10]] = 6
    >>> a
    dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'd0', 'd1'
    0 / d0 (2): a to b
    1 / d1 (2): 10.0 to 20.0
    array([[ 0.,  4.],
           [ 6.,  4.]])

    >>> a.put(6, indices={'d0':'b', 'd1':[10.]}, inplace=True)

    Multi-Index tests (not straightforward to get matlab-like behaviour)
    >>> big = DimArray(np.zeros((2,3,4,5)))
    >>> indices = {'x0':0 ,'x1':[2,1],'x3':[1,4]}
    >>> sub = big.take(indices, broadcast_arrays=False)*0
    >>> sub.dims == ('x1','x2','x3')
    >>> sub.shape == (2,4,2)
    >>> big.put(sub+1, indices, inplace=True, broadcast_arrays=False)
    >>> sub2 = big.take(indices, broadcast_arrays=False)
    >>> np.all(sub+1 == sub2)
    assert indexing in ("position",
                        "values"), "invalid mode: " + repr(indexing)

    if indices is None:

        # DimArray as subarray: infer indices from its axes
        if is_DimArray(val):
            indices = { ax.values for ax in val.axes}
            broadcast_arrays = False

        elif np.isscalar(val):
            raise ValueError(
                "indices must be provided for non-DimArray or non-matching shape. See also `fill` method."

            raise ValueError(
                "indices must be provided for non-DimArray or non-matching shape"

        indices = _fill_ellipsis(indices, obj.ndim)

    # SPECIAL CASE: full scale boolean array
    if is_boolean_index(indices, obj.shape):
        return _put(obj,

    indices_numpy = obj.axes.loc(indices,
                                 position_index=(indexing == "position"),

    # do nothing for full-array, boolean indexing
    #if len(indices_numpy) == 1 and isinstance

    # Convert to matlab-like indexing
    if not broadcast_arrays:

        indices_array = array_indices(indices_numpy, obj.shape)
        indices_numpy_ = np.ix_(*indices_array)
        shp = [len(ix) for ix in indices_array]  # get an idea of the shape

        ## ...first check that val's shape is consistent with originally required indices
        # if DimArray, transpose to the right shape
        if is_DimArray(val):
            newdims = [d for d in obj.dims if d in val.dims
                       ] + [d for d in val.dims if d not in obj.dims]
            val = val.transpose(newdims)

        # only check for n-d array of size and dimensions > 1
        if np.size(val) > 1 and np.ndim(val) > 1 and np.any(np.array(shp) > 1):
            shp1 = [d for d in shp if d > 1]
            shp2 = [d for d in np.shape(val) if d > 1]
            if shp1 != shp2:
                raise ValueError(
                    'array is not broadcastable to correct shape (got values: {} but inferred from indices {})'
                    .format(shp2, shp1))
    #    # ...then reshape to new matlab-like form
        if np.isscalar(val):
            val_ = val
        elif np.size(val) == 1:
            val_ = np.squeeze(val)
            val = np.asarray(val)
            val_ = np.reshape(val, shp)

        val_ = val
        indices_numpy_ = indices_numpy

    return _put(obj, val_, indices_numpy_, inplace=inplace, convert=convert)
Beispiel #12
def broadcast(self, other):
    """ broadcast the array along a set of axes by repeating it as necessay

    other             : DimArray or Axes objects or ordered Dictionary of axis values

    Create some dummy data:
    # ...create some dummy data:
    >>> lon = np.linspace(10, 30, 2)
    >>> lat = np.linspace(10, 50, 3)
    >>> time = np.arange(1950,1955)
    >>> ts = da.DimArray.from_kw(np.arange(5), time=time)
    >>> cube = da.DimArray.from_kw(np.zeros((3,2,5)), lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time)  # lat x lon x time
    >>> cube.axes  
    dimensions: 'lat', 'lon', 'time'
    0 / lat (3): 10.0 to 50.0
    1 / lon (2): 10.0 to 30.0
    2 / time (5): 1950 to 1954

    # ...broadcast timeseries to 3D data
    >>> ts3D = ts.broadcast(cube) #  lat x lon x time
    >>> ts3D
    dimarray: 30 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'lat', 'lon', 'time'
    0 / lat (3): 10.0 to 50.0
    1 / lon (2): 10.0 to 30.0
    2 / time (5): 1950 to 1954
    array([[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
           [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
           [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]])
    # Input as axes
    if isinstance(other, list):
        newaxes = other

    # Or as DimArray
    elif is_DimArray(other):
         newaxes = other.axes

    # Or as OrderedDict of axis names, axis values
    elif isinstance(other, OrderedDict):
        newaxes = [Axis(other[k], k) for k in other]

        raise TypeError("should be a DimArray, a list of Axis objects or an OrderedDict of Axis objects")

    if len(newaxes) > 0 and not isinstance(newaxes[0], Axis): # just check the first as basic test
        raise TypeError("should be a DimArray, a list of Axis objects or an OrderedDict of Axis objects")

    newshape = [ for ax in newaxes]

    # First give it the right shape
    newobj = self.reshape(newshape)

    # Then repeat along axes
    #for newaxis in newaxes:  
    for newaxis in reversed(newaxes):  # should be faster ( CHECK ) 
        if newobj.axes[].size == 1 and newaxis.size != 1:
            newobj = newobj.repeat(newaxis.values,

    return newobj