Beispiel #1
	def decode_probs(self, context, state, emb):
			Get the probability of the next word. Used in beam search and sampling.

			:type context: theano variable
			:param context: the context vectors

			:type state: theano variable
			:param state: the last hidden state

			:type emb: theano variable
			:param emb: the embedding of the last generated word
		att_c = tools.dot3d(context, self.att_context)
		att_before =, self.att_hidden) # size: (batch_size,dim)
		energy = + att_before.dimshuffle('x', 0, 1)), self.att).reshape((context.shape[0], context.shape[1])) # size: (length, batch_size)
		energy = tensor.exp(energy)
		normalizer = energy.sum(axis = 0)
		attention = energy / normalizer # size: (length, batch_size)
		c = (context * attention.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')).sum(axis = 0) # size: (batch_size, dim_c)
		readout =, self.readout_emb) + \, self.readout_context) + \, self.readout_hidden)
		readout += self.readout_offset
		maxout = tools.maxout(readout, self.maxout)

		outenergy =, self.probs_emb)
		outenergy =, self.probs)

		outenergy += self.probs_offset

		return outenergy, c
Beispiel #2
	def forward(self, emb_in, length, context, state_init, parent_t_seq, batch_size = 1, mask = None, cmask = None):
			Build the computational graph which computes the hidden states.

			:type emb_in: theano variable
			:param emb_in: the input word embeddings

			:type length: theano variable
			:param length: the length of the input

			:type context: theano variable
			:param context: the context vectors

			:type state_init: theano variable
			:param state_init: the inital states 

			:type batch_size: int
			:param batch_size: the batch size

			:type mask: theano variable
			:param mask: indicate the length of each sequence in one batch

			:type cmask: theano variable
			:param cmask: indicate the length of each context sequence in one batch
		# calculate the input vector for inputter, updater and reseter
		att_c = tools.dot3d(context, self.att_context) # size: (length annotation, batch_size,dim)
		state_in = (, self.input_emb)+self.input_emb_offset).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))
		gate_in =, self.gate_emb).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))
		reset_in =, self.reset_emb).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))

		length_annot, batch_size, dim = att_c.shape[0], att_c.shape[1], att_c.shape[2]
		state_hist = tools.alloc_zeros_matrix(length+2, batch_size, dim)
		state_hist = tensor.set_subtensor(state_hist[1, :, :], state_init) # first is empty state, second is time 1
		time_steps = tensor.arange(length, dtype='int64') + 2

		#parent_t_seq_print = theano.printing.Print('this is a very important value')(parent_t_seq)
		if mask:
			scan_inp = [time_steps, state_in, gate_in, reset_in, mask, parent_t_seq]
			scan_func = lambda t, x, g, r, m, par_t, h, s_hist, c, attc, cm: self.forward_step(t, h, s_hist, x, g, r, par_t, c, attc,m, cm)
			scan_inp = [time_steps, state_in, gate_in, reset_in, parent_t_seq]
			scan_func = lambda t, x, g, r, par_t, h, s_hist, c, attc: self.forward_step(t, h, s_hist, x, g, r, par_t, c, attc)

		if self.verbose:
			outputs_info=[state_init, state_hist, None, None,  None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
			outputs_info=[state_init, state_hist, None, None]

		# calculate hidden states
		hiddens, updates = theano.scan(scan_func,
							sequences = scan_inp,
							outputs_info = outputs_info,
							non_sequences = [context, att_c, cmask],
							n_steps = length)
		c = hiddens[2]
		attentions = hiddens[3]

		# Add the initial state and discard the last hidden state
		state_before = tensor.concatenate((state_init.reshape((1, state_init.shape[0], state_init.shape[1]))
											, hiddens[0][:-1]))

		state_in_prev =, self.readout_emb).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))
		# calculate the energy for each word
		readout_c =, self.readout_context)
		readout_h =, self.readout_hidden)
		readout_h += self.readout_offset
		state_in_prev = tools.shift_one(state_in_prev)
		readout = readout_c + readout_h + state_in_prev
		readout = readout.reshape((readout.shape[0] * readout.shape[1], readout.shape[2]))
		maxout = tools.maxout(readout, self.maxout)

		outenergy =, self.probs_emb)
		outenergy_1 = outenergy
		outenergy =, self.probs)
		outenergy_2 = outenergy

		outenergy += self.probs_offset
		if self.verbose:
			return hiddens, outenergy, state_in, gate_in, reset_in, state_in_prev, readout, maxout, outenergy_1, outenergy_2
			return hiddens, outenergy, attentions
Beispiel #3
	def forward(self, emb_in, length, context, state_init, batch_size = 1, mask = None, cmask = None):
			Build the computational graph which computes the hidden states.

			:type emb_in: theano variable
			:param emb_in: the input word embeddings

			:type length: theano variable
			:param length: the length of the input

			:type context: theano variable
			:param context: the context vectors

			:type state_init: theano variable
			:param state_init: the inital states 

			:type batch_size: int
			:param batch_size: the batch size

			:type mask: theano variable
			:param mask: indicate the length of each sequence in one batch

			:type cmask: theano variable
			:param cmask: indicate the length of each context sequence in one batch
		# calculate the input vector for inputter, updater and reseter
		att_c = tools.dot3d(context, self.att_context) # size: (length, batch_size,dim)
		state_in = (, self.input_emb)+self.input_emb_offset).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))
		gate_in =, self.gate_emb).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))
		reset_in =, self.reset_emb).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))
		if mask:
			scan_inp = [state_in, gate_in, reset_in, mask]
			scan_func = lambda x, g, r, m, h, c, attc, cm : self.forward_step(h, x, g, r, c, attc,m, cm)
			scan_inp = [state_in, gate_in, reset_in]
			scan_func = lambda x, g, r, h, c, attc : self.forward_step(h, x, g, r, c, attc)

		if self.verbose:
			outputs_info=[state_init, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
			outputs_info=[state_init, None, None]

		# calculate hidden states
		hiddens, updates = theano.scan(scan_func,
							sequences = scan_inp,
							outputs_info = outputs_info,
							non_sequences = [context, att_c, cmask],
							n_steps = length)
		c = hiddens[1]
		attentions = hiddens[2]

		# Add the initial state and discard the last hidden state
		state_before = tensor.concatenate((state_init.reshape((1, state_init.shape[0], state_init.shape[1]))
											, hiddens[0][:-1]))

		state_in_prev =, self.readout_emb).reshape((length, batch_size, self.dim))
		# calculate the energy for each word
		readout_c =, self.readout_context)
		readout_h =, self.readout_hidden)
		readout_h += self.readout_offset
		state_in_prev = tools.shift_one(state_in_prev)
		readout = readout_c + readout_h + state_in_prev
		readout = readout.reshape((readout.shape[0] * readout.shape[1], readout.shape[2]))
		maxout = tools.maxout(readout, self.maxout)

		outenergy =, self.probs_emb)
		outenergy_1 = outenergy
		outenergy =, self.probs)
		outenergy_2 = outenergy

		outenergy += self.probs_offset
		if self.verbose:
			return hiddens, outenergy, state_in, gate_in, reset_in, state_in_prev, readout, maxout, outenergy_1, outenergy_2
			return hiddens, outenergy, attentions