Beispiel #1
def test_temperature_forced():
    from tools import SMBusFakeDevice
    from bme280 import BME280
    from calibration import BME280Calibration
    dev = SMBusFakeDevice(1)

    # Load the fake temperature into the virtual registers
    dev.regs[0xfc] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0x0000F) << 4
    dev.regs[0xfb] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0x00FF0) >> 4
    dev.regs[0xfa] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0xFF000) >> 12

    bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=dev)

    # Replace the loaded calibration with our known values
    bme280.calibration = BME280Calibration()

    assert round(bme280.get_temperature(), 4) == round(TEST_TEMP_CMP, 4)
Beispiel #2
def test_altitude():
    from tools import SMBusFakeDevice
    from bme280 import BME280
    from calibration import BME280Calibration
    dev = SMBusFakeDevice(1)

    # Load the fake temperature values into the virtual registers
    # Pressure is temperature compensated!!!
    dev.regs[0xfc] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0x0000F) << 4
    dev.regs[0xfb] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0x00FF0) >> 4
    dev.regs[0xfa] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0xFF000) >> 12

    # Load the fake pressure values
    dev.regs[0xf9] = (TEST_PRES_RAW & 0x0000F) << 4
    dev.regs[0xf8] = (TEST_PRES_RAW & 0x00FF0) >> 4
    dev.regs[0xf7] = (TEST_PRES_RAW & 0xFF000) >> 12

    bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=dev)

    # Replace the loaded calibration with our known values
    bme280.calibration = BME280Calibration()

    assert round(bme280.get_altitude(), 4) == round(TEST_ALT_CMP, 4)
Beispiel #3
def test_humidity():
    from tools import SMBusFakeDevice
    from bme280 import BME280
    from calibration import BME280Calibration
    dev = SMBusFakeDevice(1)

    # Load the fake temperature values into the virtual registers
    # Humidity is temperature compensated!!!
    dev.regs[0xfc] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0x0000F) << 4
    dev.regs[0xfb] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0x00FF0) >> 4
    dev.regs[0xfa] = (TEST_TEMP_RAW & 0xFF000) >> 12

    # Load the fake humidity values
    dev.regs[0xfd] = TEST_HUM_RAW >> 8
    dev.regs[0xfe] = TEST_HUM_RAW & 0xFF

    bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=dev)

    # Replace the loaded calibration with our known values
    bme280.calibration = BME280Calibration()

    assert round(bme280.get_humidity(), 4) == round(TEST_HUM_CMP, 4)