def main(data_fol, data_file):
    """Extract and write air traffic information between countries
       data_fol : partial path.join function
            Partial path function that links to the data directory
        data_file : str
            File name of the input file
    yr_range = tuple(map(str, range(2006, 2016)))
    fname = data_fol(data_file)
    air_traffic = defaultdict(float)
    mean_func = compose(np.mean, list, cfilter(lambda x: x is not None),
    with open(fname, 'r') as fid:
        header_finfo, *header_tinfo = next(fid).split('\t')
        header_tinfo = [d.strip() for d in header_tinfo]
        yr_inds = tuple(
            filter(lambda x: header_tinfo[x] in yr_range,
        for row in fid:
            location, *flow_rate = row.split('\t')
            flow_rate = [d.strip() for d in flow_rate]
            unit, code, source, dest = location.split(',')
            if unit != 'PAS' or code != 'PAS_CRD' or \
            any(map(lambda x: 'EU' in x or 'EA' in x, (source, dest))):
            air_traffic[(source, dest)] += mean_func(flow_rate[i]
                                                     for i in yr_inds)
            print(source, dest, air_traffic[(source, dest)])
    write_file(air_traffic, data_fol)
    return air_traffic
Beispiel #2
    def _word_skip_grams(self, tokens, stop_words=None):
        # handle stop words
        if stop_words is not None:
            tokens = [w for w in tokens if w not in stop_words]

        return compose(cmap(' '.join), pluck([0, 2]),
Beispiel #3
    def paths_to_major_minors(self, device_paths):
        Create a list of device major minors for a list of
        device paths from _path_to_major_minor dict.
        If any of the paths come back as None, continue to the next.

        :param device_paths: The list of paths to get
            the list of major minors for.
        :return: list of dev_major_minors, or an empty
            list if any device_path is not found.

        return pipe(device_paths, cmap(self.path_to_major_minor),
                    cfilter(None), list)
Beispiel #4
def paths_to_major_minors(node_block_devices, ndt, device_paths):
    Create a list of device major minors for a list of
    device paths from _path_to_major_minor dict.
    If any of the paths come back as None, continue to the next.

    :param node_block_devices: dict of major-minor ids keyed on path
    :param ndt: normalised device table
    :param device_paths: The list of paths to get
        the list of major minors for.
    :return: list of dev_major_minors, or an empty
        list if any device_path is not found.
    c_path_to_major_minor = path_to_major_minor(node_block_devices, ndt)

    return pipe(device_paths, cmap(c_path_to_major_minor), cfilter(None), list)
Beispiel #5
    def check(self, skip_keys, expect, result, x):
        from toolz import pipe
        from toolz.curried import map as cmap, filter as cfilter

        def cmpval(key):
            expected = expect[x][key]
            actual = result[x][key]
            if type(expected) is dict:
                self.check(skip_keys, expect[x], result[x], key)
                    "item {} ({}) in {} does not match expected ({})".format(
                        key, actual, x, expected),

        pipe(expect[x].keys(), cfilter(lambda y: y not in skip_keys),
             cmap(cmpval), list)
Beispiel #6
 def from_figures(cls, figures):
     "return the Entry (tuple of Lines) that contains the given Figures"
     lines = cmap(curry(cls._line_by_index, figures))
     return pipe(settings.lines_per_entry, range, lines, tuple)
Beispiel #7
 def with_invalid_strokes(cls):
     "return tuple of Lines that each include an invalid stroke"
     return pipe(Strokes.invalid(), cmap(cls._by_invalid_stroke), tuple)
Beispiel #8
import os
import copy
import random

from toolz import pipe, curry
from toolz.curried import nth
from toolz.curried import map as cmap

from parse import settings
import parse

from common_tools import get_one_or_more, adulterate_iterable, bad_length_duplicator
import fixture_constants

_first_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 0))
_second_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 1))
_third_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 2))
_fourth_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 3))
_fifth_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 4))

class Numerals:
    "methods that provide Numerals for testing"

    def get_random(cls, count=None):
        "return random valid Numeral[s]"
        getter = lambda: random.choice(cls.valid())
        return get_one_or_more(getter, count)

 def from_figures(cls, figures):
     "return the Entry (tuple of Lines) that contains the given Figures"
     lines = cmap(curry(cls._line_by_index, figures))
     return pipe(settings.lines_per_entry, range, lines, tuple)
Beispiel #10
def create_device_list(device_dict):
    return pipe(device_dict.itervalues(), cmap(as_device),
                cfilter(filter_device), list)
Beispiel #11
 def valid(cls):
     "return ordered Figures representing Numerals 0-9"
     return cmap(cls.from_numeral, Numerals.valid())
Beispiel #12
 def of_example_accounts(cls):
     "return lists of Superpositions made from example accounts"
     return pipe(fixture_constants.example_accounts, _first_elements, cmap(cls.from_account))
import os
import copy
import random

from toolz import pipe, curry
from toolz.curried import nth
from toolz.curried import map as cmap

from parse import settings
import parse

from common_tools import get_one_or_more, adulterate_iterable, bad_length_duplicator
import fixture_constants

_first_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 0))
_second_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 1))
_third_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 2))
_fourth_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 3))
_fifth_elements = cmap(curry(nth, 4))

class Numerals:
    "methods that provide Numerals for testing"

    def get_random(cls, count=None):
        "return random valid Numeral[s]"
        getter = lambda: random.choice(cls.valid())
        return get_one_or_more(getter, count)
 def from_account(cls, account):
     "return the Figures that represent the given Account"
     return pipe(account, tuple, cmap(cls.from_numeral), tuple)
 def valid(cls):
     "return ordered Figures representing Numerals 0-9"
     return cmap(cls.from_numeral, Numerals.valid())
 def of_example_accounts(cls):
     "return lists of Superpositions made from example accounts"
     return pipe(fixture_constants.example_accounts, _first_elements,
 def of_basic_input_file(cls):
     "return Entries from basic input file"
     return pipe(Accounts.of_basic_input_file(), cmap(cls.from_account),
 def _line_by_index(cls, figures, line_index):
     "return a Line composed of Figures Substrings"
     substrings = cmap(curry(cls._substring_by_index, line_index))
     return pipe(figures, substrings, ''.join)
Beispiel #19
 def _line_by_index(cls, figures, line_index):
     "return a Line composed of Figures Substrings"
     substrings = cmap(curry(cls._substring_by_index, line_index))
     return pipe(figures, substrings, ''.join)
Beispiel #20
def fetch_device_list():["udevadm", "settle"])
    info = scanner_cmd("info")

    return pipe(info.itervalues(), cmap(as_device), cfilter(filter_device),
Beispiel #21
 def of_basic_input_file(cls):
     "return Entries from basic input file"
     return pipe(Accounts.of_basic_input_file(), cmap(cls.from_account), tuple)
Beispiel #22
 def custom_analyser(self, token, n, k):
     return compose(cmap(' '.join), skipgrams)(token, n, k)
Beispiel #23
 def from_account(cls, account):
     "return the Figures that represent the given Account"
     return pipe(account, tuple, cmap(cls.from_numeral), tuple)
def _invalid_or_illegible_account(superpositions):
    "return the invalid or illegible Account represented by Superpositions"
    return pipe(superpositions, cmap(_numeral), ''.join)
def _invalid_or_illegible_account(superpositions):
    "return the invalid or illegible Account represented by Superpositions"
    return pipe(superpositions, cmap(_numeral), ''.join)
def _substrings_in_line(line):
    "return list of Substrings within a single Line"
    splitter = curry(partition, settings.strokes_per_substring)
    return pipe(line, splitter, cmap(''.join))
Beispiel #27
def _substrings_in_line(line):
    "return list of Substrings within a single Line"
    splitter = curry(partition, settings.strokes_per_substring)
    return pipe(line, splitter, cmap(''.join))
 def with_invalid_strokes(cls):
     "return tuple of Lines that each include an invalid stroke"
     return pipe(Strokes.invalid(), cmap(cls._by_invalid_stroke), tuple)