Beispiel #1
    def canonicalize(self, solver):
        """Computes the graph implementation of the problem.

        solver: str
            The solver being targetted.

            (affine objective,
             constraints list,
             cone dimensions,
             solver chosen)
        constraints = []
        obj, constr = self.objective.canonical_form
        constraints += constr
        unique_constraints = list(unique(self.constraints,
                                         key=lambda c:
        for constr in unique_constraints:
            constraints += constr.canonical_form[1]
        constr_map = self._filter_constraints(constraints)
        solver = self._choose_solver(constr_map, solver)
        dims = {}
        dims["f"] = sum(c.size[0]*c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EQ])
        dims["l"] = sum(c.size[0]*c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.LEQ])
        # Formats SOC, SOC_EW, and SDP constraints for the solver.
        nonlin = constr_map[s.SOC] + constr_map[s.SOC_EW] + constr_map[s.SDP]
        for constr in nonlin:
            for ineq_constr in constr.format():
        dims["q"] = [c.size[0] for c in constr_map[s.SOC]]
        # Elemwise SOC constraints have an SOC constraint
        # for each element in their arguments.
        for constr in constr_map[s.SOC_EW]:
            for cone_size in constr.size:
        dims["s"] = [c.size[0] for c in constr_map[s.SDP]]

        # Format exponential cone constraints.
        if solver == s.CVXOPT:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.EQ] += constr.format(s.CVXOPT)
        elif solver == s.SCS:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.LEQ] += constr.format(s.SCS)
            dims["ep"] = sum(c.size[0]*c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EXP])

        # Remove redundant constraints.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            constraints = unique(constr_map[key],
                                 key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
            constr_map[key] = list(constraints)

        return (obj, constr_map, dims, solver)
Beispiel #2
    def canonicalize(self, solver):
        """Computes the graph implementation of the problem.

        solver: str
            The solver being targetted.

            (affine objective,
             constraints list,
             cone dimensions,
             solver chosen)
        constraints = []
        obj, constr = self.objective.canonical_form
        constraints += constr
        unique_constraints = list(unique(self.constraints, key=lambda c:
        for constr in unique_constraints:
            constraints += constr.canonical_form[1]
        constr_map = self._filter_constraints(constraints)
        solver = self._choose_solver(constr_map, solver)
        dims = {}
        dims["f"] = sum(c.size[0] * c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EQ])
        dims["l"] = sum(c.size[0] * c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.LEQ])
        # Formats SOC, SOC_EW, and SDP constraints for the solver.
        nonlin = constr_map[s.SOC] + constr_map[s.SOC_EW] + constr_map[s.SDP]
        for constr in nonlin:
            for ineq_constr in constr.format():
        dims["q"] = [c.size[0] for c in constr_map[s.SOC]]
        # Elemwise SOC constraints have an SOC constraint
        # for each element in their arguments.
        for constr in constr_map[s.SOC_EW]:
            for cone_size in constr.size:
        dims["s"] = [c.size[0] for c in constr_map[s.SDP]]

        # Format exponential cone constraints.
        if solver == s.CVXOPT:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.EQ] += constr.format(s.CVXOPT)
        elif solver == s.SCS:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.LEQ] += constr.format(s.SCS)
            dims["ep"] = sum(c.size[0] * c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EXP])

        # Remove redundant constraints.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            constraints = unique(constr_map[key], key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
            constr_map[key] = list(constraints)

        return (obj, constr_map, dims, solver)
Beispiel #3
def matchingfrequencies(*seqs: Iterable[T],
                        key=None) -> Iterable[Tuple[T, int]]:
    c: Counter = Counter()
    for seq in seqs:
        c.update(unique(seq, key=key))

    return c.items()
Beispiel #4
def test_print_table(labels, title):
    table = cli_inference.print_table(labels, title, print=False)
    assert isinstance(table, rich.table.Table)
    assert table.title == title
    unique = itertoolz.count(itertoolz.unique(labels))
    assert table.row_count == unique + 1
    assert all(label in getattr(itertoolz.first(table.columns), "_cells")
               for label in labels)
    table = cli_inference.print_table(labels, title, print=True)
Beispiel #5
    def presolve(objective, constr_map, check_params=False):
        """Eliminates unnecessary constraints and short circuits the solver
        if possible.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constr_map : dict
            A map of constraint type to a list of constraints.
        check_params : bool, optional
            Should constraints with parameters be evaluated?

            Is the problem infeasible?
        # Remove redundant constraints.
        for key, constraints in constr_map.items():
            uniq_constr = unique(constraints,
                                 key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
            constr_map[key] = list(uniq_constr)

        # If there are no constraints, the problem is unbounded
        # if any of the coefficients are non-zero.
        # If all the coefficients are zero then return the constant term
        # and set all variables to 0.
        if not any(constr_map.values()):
            str(objective) # TODO

        # Remove constraints with no variables or parameters.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            new_constraints = []
            for constr in constr_map[key]:
                vars_ = lu.get_expr_vars(constr.expr)
                if len(vars_) == 0 and not lu.get_expr_params(constr.expr):
                    coeff = op2mat.get_constant_coeff(constr.expr)
                    sign = intf.sign(coeff)
                    # For equality constraint, coeff must be zero.
                    # For inequality (i.e. <= 0) constraint,
                    # coeff must be negative.
                    if key is s.EQ and not sign.is_zero() or \
                        key is s.LEQ and not sign.is_negative():
                        return s.INFEASIBLE
            constr_map[key] = new_constraints

        return None
Beispiel #6
    def presolve(objective, constr_map, check_params=False):
        """Eliminates unnecessary constraints and short circuits the solver
        if possible.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constr_map : dict
            A map of constraint type to a list of constraints.
        check_params : bool, optional
            Should constraints with parameters be evaluated?

            Is the problem infeasible?
        # Remove redundant constraints.
        for key, constraints in constr_map.items():
            uniq_constr = unique(constraints, key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
            constr_map[key] = list(uniq_constr)

        # If there are no constraints, the problem is unbounded
        # if any of the coefficients are non-zero.
        # If all the coefficients are zero then return the constant term
        # and set all variables to 0.
        if not any(constr_map.values()):
            str(objective)  # TODO

        # Remove constraints with no variables or parameters.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            new_constraints = []
            for constr in constr_map[key]:
                vars_ = lu.get_expr_vars(constr.expr)
                if len(vars_) == 0 and not lu.get_expr_params(constr.expr):
                    coeff = op2mat.get_constant_coeff(constr.expr)
                    sign = intf.sign(coeff)
                    # For equality constraint, coeff must be zero.
                    # For inequality (i.e. <= 0) constraint,
                    # coeff must be negative.
                    if key is s.EQ and not sign.is_zero() or \
                        key is s.LEQ and not sign.is_negative():
                        return s.INFEASIBLE
            constr_map[key] = new_constraints

        return None
Beispiel #7
    def _format_for_solver(self, constr_map, solver):
        """Formats the problem for the solver.

        constr_map : dict
            A map of constraint type to a list of constraints.
        solver: str
            The solver being targetted.

            The dimensions of the cones.
        dims = {}
        dims["f"] = sum(c.size[0]*c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EQ])
        dims["l"] = sum(c.size[0]*c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.LEQ])
        # Formats SOC, SOC_EW, and SDP constraints for the solver.
        nonlin = constr_map[s.SOC] + constr_map[s.SDP]
        for constr in nonlin:
            for ineq_constr in constr.format():
        # Elemwise SOC constraints have an SOC constraint
        # for each element in their arguments.
        dims["q"] = []
        for constr in constr_map[s.SOC]:
            for cone_size in constr.size:
        dims["s"] = [c.size[0] for c in constr_map[s.SDP]]

        # Format exponential cone constraints.
        if solver == s.CVXOPT:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.EQ] += constr.format(s.CVXOPT)
        elif solver == s.SCS:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.LEQ] += constr.format(s.SCS)
            dims["ep"] = sum(c.size[0]*c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EXP])

        # Remove redundant constraints.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            constraints = unique(constr_map[key],
                                 key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
            constr_map[key] = list(constraints)

        return dims
Beispiel #8
    def _format_for_solver(self, constr_map, solver):
        """Formats the problem for the solver.

        constr_map : dict
            A map of constraint type to a list of constraints.
        solver: str
            The solver being targetted.

            The dimensions of the cones.
        dims = {}
        dims["f"] = sum(c.size[0] * c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EQ])
        dims["l"] = sum(c.size[0] * c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.LEQ])
        # Formats SOC, SOC_EW, and SDP constraints for the solver.
        nonlin = constr_map[s.SOC] + constr_map[s.SDP]
        for constr in nonlin:
            for ineq_constr in constr.format():
        # Elemwise SOC constraints have an SOC constraint
        # for each element in their arguments.
        dims["q"] = []
        for constr in constr_map[s.SOC]:
            for cone_size in constr.size:
        dims["s"] = [c.size[0] for c in constr_map[s.SDP]]

        # Format exponential cone constraints.
        if solver == s.CVXOPT:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.EQ] += constr.format(s.CVXOPT)
        elif solver == s.SCS:
            for constr in constr_map[s.EXP]:
                constr_map[s.LEQ] += constr.format(s.SCS)
            dims["ep"] = sum(c.size[0] * c.size[1] for c in constr_map[s.EXP])

        # Remove redundant constraints.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            constraints = unique(constr_map[key], key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
            constr_map[key] = list(constraints)

        return dims
Beispiel #9
def filter_to_preferred_ext(files: Iterable[Path],
                            exts: List[str]) -> Iterable[Path]:
    files = list(files)
    files_without_ext = (file.with_suffix("") for file in files
                         if not"."))
    file_names_without_ext = ( for file in files_without_ext)
    unique = set(itertoolz.unique(file_names_without_ext))
    for file in files:
        file_without_suffix = file.with_suffix("")
        for ext in exts:
            if in unique:
                if file.with_suffix(ext).is_file():
                    yield file.with_suffix(ext)
                    yield file
Beispiel #10
    def canonicalize(self):
        """Computes the graph implementation of the problem.

            (affine objective,
             constraints dict)
        constraints = []
        obj, constr = self.objective.canonical_form
        constraints += constr
        unique_constraints = list(unique(self.constraints, key=lambda c:
        for constr in unique_constraints:
            constraints += constr.canonical_form[1]
        constr_map = self._filter_constraints(constraints)

        return (obj, constr_map)
Beispiel #11
    def canonicalize(self):
        """Computes the graph implementation of the problem.

            (affine objective,
             constraints dict)
        constraints = []
        obj, constr = self.objective.canonical_form
        constraints += constr
        unique_constraints = list(unique(self.constraints,
                                         key=lambda c:
        for constr in unique_constraints:
            constraints += constr.canonical_form[1]
        constr_map = self._filter_constraints(constraints)

        return (obj, constr_map)
Beispiel #12
    def add_extra_content_to_mapping_info(self, mapping):
        # this will append the field names

        ndar_cols = self._get_ndar_cols_with_def_()

#        ndar_definition = self._get_ndar_definition_()

        # if ndar_definition is not None:
        #     ndar_elements = NdarTemplateParser.get_columns(ndar_definition)
        #     ndar_cols = [e.col_name for e in ndar_elements]
        # else:
        #     ndar_cols = []

        fields_for_tables = [self._get_table_fields_(f) for f in self.source.data_table_names] # type: List[List[str]]
        all_fields_with_no_duplicate = list(unique(chain.from_iterable(fields_for_tables)))

        # This will insert each field information
        mapping_header = self._add_mapping_headers_from_src_sink()
        wtp_col_id_index = mapping_header.index(self.source.template_fields["id"])
        wtp_col_name_index = mapping_header.index(self.source.template_fields["col_name"])
        wtp_missing_value_index = mapping_header.index(self.source.template_fields["missing_vals"])

        ndar_col_id_index = mapping_header.index(self.sink.template_fields["id"])
        ndar_col_name_index = mapping_header.index(self.sink.template_fields["col_name"])
        ndar_default_index = mapping_header.index(self.sink.template_fields["default"])

        longest = max(len(all_fields_with_no_duplicate), len(ndar_cols))
        # the index starts from 1, for user convenience
        for index in range(1, longest + 1):
            # fill in each section
            row = [""] * len(mapping_header)  # type:List[str]
            if index <= len(all_fields_with_no_duplicate):
                row[wtp_col_id_index] = index
                row[wtp_col_name_index] = all_fields_with_no_duplicate[index - 1]
                row[wtp_missing_value_index] = "9998, 9999, "

            if index <= len(ndar_cols):
                row[ndar_col_id_index] = index
                row[ndar_col_name_index] = ndar_cols[index - 1]
                row[ndar_default_index] = ""

Beispiel #13
    def canonicalize(self):
        """Computes the graph implementation of the problem.

            (affine objective,
             constraints dict)
        canon_constr = []
        obj, constr = self.objective.canonical_form
        canon_constr += constr

        for constr in self.constraints:
            canon_constr += constr.canonical_form[1]
        # Remove redundant constraints.
        canon_constr = unique(canon_constr, key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
        constr_map = self._filter_constraints(canon_constr)

        return (obj, constr_map)
Beispiel #14
def journal_volume_sorting(packages):
    return namedtuple for package sorting with volume/issue as key

    v = 'dara_Publication_Volume'
    i = 'dara_Publication_Issue'

    def t_construct(vi):
        VIP = namedtuple('VIP', 'volume issue packages')
        pf = filter(lambda d: d.get(v, '') == vi[0] and d.get(i, '') == vi[1],
        return VIP(vi[0], vi[1], pf)

    sort = tk.request.params.get('sort', False)
    if sort == u'{} desc, {} desc'.format(v, i):
        vi_list = map(lambda d: (d.get(v, ''), d.get(i, '')), packages)
        return map(t_construct, unique(vi_list))

    return False
Beispiel #15
    def canonicalize(self):
        """Computes the graph implementation of the problem.

            (affine objective,
             constraints dict)
        canon_constr = []
        obj, constr = self.objective.canonical_form
        canon_constr += constr

        for constr in self.constraints:
            canon_constr += constr.canonical_form[1]
        # Remove redundant constraints.
        canon_constr = unique(canon_constr,
                              key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
        constr_map = self._filter_constraints(canon_constr)

        return (obj, constr_map)
Beispiel #16
def matchingfrequencies(*seqs: Iterable[T],
                        key=None) -> Iterable[Tuple[T, int]]:
    for k, g in groupby(merge(*[unique(seq, key=key) for seq in seqs],
        yield (k, count(g))
Beispiel #17
def test_unique():
    assert tuple(unique((1, 2, 3))) == (1, 2, 3)
    assert tuple(unique((1, 2, 1, 3))) == (1, 2, 3)
    assert tuple(unique((1, 2, 3), key=iseven)) == (1, 2)
Beispiel #18
def fetchEMail(credentials):
    Fetch all emails and delete old messages and other messages
    from imapclient import IMAPClient
    rgx = re.compile(
        r"(\d+) crowdin entries linted for ([a-z]{2}(-[a-zA-Z]{2})?)")

    server = IMAPClient(credentials["host"], use_uid=True, ssl=True)
    server.login(credentials["user"], credentials["password"])

    select_info = server.select_folder('INBOX')
    print('{0} messages in INBOX'.format(select_info[b'EXISTS']))
    #Fetch list of emails
    messages =['NOT', 'DELETED'])
    msgmap = collections.defaultdict(list)
    # Fetch, filter and parse messages
    response = server.fetch(messages, [
    for msgid, data in response.items():
            subject = data[b'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)]'].decode("utf-8")
        except KeyError:
        if subject.startswith("Subject: "):
            subject = subject[len("Subject: "):]
        subject = subject.strip()
        # Date
        date = data[b'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE)]'].decode("utf-8").strip()
        if date.startswith("Date: "):
            date = date[len("Date: "):]
        if date.endswith("(PST)"):
            date = date[:-len("(PST)")].strip()
        if date.endswith("(PDT)"):
            date = date[:-len("(PDT)")].strip()
        if date.endswith("(UTC)"):
            date = date[:-len("(UTC)")].strip()
        if date.endswith("(CEST)"):
            date = date[:-len("(CEST)")].strip()
        if date.endswith("(EST)"):
            date = date[:-len("(EST)")].strip()
            date = datetime.strptime(date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
        except ValueError:
            date = datetime.strptime(date, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
        match = rgx.match(subject)
        if not match:  # Delete message
            print('   Deleting "{1}"'.format(msgid, subject))
                KALintMail(msgid, subject, date,
    # Filter duplicates and sort by date
    msgmap = valmap(
        lambda vs: sorted(unique(vs, key=operator.attrgetter("msgid")),
                          key=operator.attrgetter("date")), msgmap)
    # Delete old messages
    msgidsToDelete = set()
    for lang, values in msgmap.items():
        msgidsToDelete.update([v.msgid for v in values[:-1]])
    print("Deleted {0} messages".format(len(msgidsToDelete)))
    # Remove old messages from msgmap (keep only latest)
    return valmap(operator.itemgetter(-1), msgmap)