def get_nodes_config(controller_channel):
    Get nodes configuration.
    # Create request message
    request = topology_manager_pb2.NodesConfigRequest()
    # Get the reference of the stub
    stub = topology_manager_pb2_grpc.TopologyManagerStub(controller_channel)
    # Send the request to the gRPC server
    response = stub.GetNodesConfig(request)
    # Check the status code and raise an exception if an error occurred
    # No errors during the operation
    # Extract the nodes config
    nodes_config = {
        'locator_bits': response.nodes_config.locator_bits,
        'usid_id_bits': response.nodes_config.locator_bits,
        'nodes': []
    # Add the nodes
    for node in response.nodes_config.nodes:
            'grpc_ip': node.grpc_ip,
            'grpc_port': node.grpc_port,
            'uN': node.uN,
            'uDT': node.uDT,
            'fwd_engine': node.fwd_engine
    # Return the nodes config
    return nodes_config
def push_nodes_config(controller_channel, nodes_config):
    Push nodes configuration.
    # Create request message
    request = topology_manager_pb2.NodesConfigRequest()
    # Set the locator bits
    request.nodes_config.locator_bits = nodes_config['locator_bits']
    # Set the uSID ID bits
    request.nodes_config.locator_bits = nodes_config['usid_id_bits']
    # Add the nodes
    for node in nodes_config['nodes'].values():
        # Create a new node
        _node = request.nodes_config.nodes.add() = node['name']
        _node.grpc_ip = node['grpc_ip']
        _node.grpc_port = node['grpc_port']
        _node.uN = node['uN']
        _node.uDT = node['uDT']
        _node.fwd_engine = node['fwd_engine']
    # Request message is ready
    # Get the reference of the stub
    stub = topology_manager_pb2_grpc.TopologyManagerStub(controller_channel)
    # Send the request to the gRPC server
    response = stub.PushNodesConfig(request)
    # Check the status code and raise an exception if an error occurred
def topology_information_extraction_isis(controller_channel,
                                         routers, period, isisd_pwd,
                                         addrs_config=None, hosts_config=None,
    Run periodical topology extraction
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, unused-argument
    # Create request message
    request = topology_manager_pb2.TopologyManagerRequest()
    # Set the protocol
    request.protocol = RoutingProtocol.ISIS.value
    # Set the IS-IS nodes
    for isis_node in routers.split(','):
        node = request.nodes.add()
        node.address = isis_node.split('-')[0]  # FIXME
        node.port = isis_node.split('-')[1]  # FIXME
    # Set the IS-IS password
    request.password = isisd_pwd
    # Set the period
    request.period = period
    # Set verbose mode
    request.verbose = verbose
    # Set the addresses configuration
    if addrs_config is not None:
        for addr in addrs_config:
            _addr = request.addrs_config.addrs.add()
            _addr.node = addr['node']
            _addr.ip_address = addr['ip_address']
    # Set the hosts configuration
    if hosts_config is not None:
        for host in hosts_config:
            _host = request.hosts_config.hosts.add()
   = host['name']
            _host.ip_address = host['ip_address']
            _host.gateway = host['gw']
    # Request message is ready
    # Get the reference of the stub
    stub = topology_manager_pb2_grpc.TopologyManagerStub(controller_channel)
    # Extract the topology
    for response in stub.ExtractAndLoadTopology(request):
        # Check the status code
        # No errors during the topology extraction
        # Extract the nodes from the gRPC response
        nodes = list()
        for node in response.topology.nodes:
            if node.type not in grpc_to_py_node_type:
                # Invalid node type
                logger.error('Invalid node type: %s', node.type)
                raise utils.InvalidArgumentError
                'ext_reachability': node.ext_reachability,
                'ip_address': node.ip_address,
                'type': grpc_to_py_node_type[node.type]
        # Extract the edges from the gRPC response
        edges = list()
        for edge in response.topology.links:
            if edge.type not in grpc_to_py_link_type:
                # Invalid link type
                logger.error('Invalid link type: %s', edge.type)
                raise utils.InvalidArgumentError
                '_from': edge.source,
                'type': grpc_to_py_link_type[edge.type]
        # Done, return the topology
        yield nodes, edges
def load_topo_on_arango(controller_channel, nodes_config, edges_config,
    Load a network topology on a Arango database.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    # Create request message
    request = topology_manager_pb2.TopologyManagerRequest()
    # Set verbose mode
    request.verbose = verbose
    # Set the nodes
    for node in nodes_config:
        _node = request.topology.nodes.add() = node['_key']
        if 'ext_reachability' in node:
            _node.ext_reachability = node['ext_reachability']
        if 'ip_address' in node:
            _node.ip_address = node['ip_address']
        if node['type'] not in py_to_grpc_node_type:
            # Invalid node type
            logger.error('Invalid node type %s', node['type'])
            raise utils.InvalidArgumentError
        _node.type = py_to_grpc_node_type[node['type']]
    # Set the edges
    for edge in edges_config:
        _edge = request.topology.links.add() = edge['_key']
        _edge.source = edge['_from'] = edge['_to']
        if edge['type'] not in py_to_grpc_link_type:
            # Invalid edge type
            logger.error('Invalid link type %s', edge['type'])
            raise utils.InvalidArgumentError
        _edge.type = py_to_grpc_link_type[edge['type']]
    # Request message is ready
    # Get the reference of the stub
    stub = topology_manager_pb2_grpc.TopologyManagerStub(controller_channel)
    # Extract the topology
    response = stub.LoadTopology(request)
    # Check the status code
    # No errors during the operation
    # Extract the nodes from the gRPC response
    nodes = list()
    for node in response.topology.nodes:
        if node.type not in grpc_to_py_node_type:
            # Invalid node type
            logger.error('Invalid node type: %s', node.type)
            raise utils.InvalidArgumentError
            'ext_reachability': node.ext_reachability,
            'ip_address': node.ip_address,
            'type': grpc_to_py_node_type[node.type]
    # Extract the edges from the gRPC response
    edges = list()
    for edge in response.topology.links:
        if edge.type not in grpc_to_py_link_type:
            # Invalid edge type
            logger.error('Invalid link type: %s', edge.type)
            raise utils.InvalidArgumentError
            '_from': edge.source,
            'type': grpc_to_py_link_type[edge.type]
    # Done, return the topology
    return nodes, edges