def train_post_prototype(assignment): from config import get_prototype_config from model_torch import Post_Prototype_RCNN_L2 from stream import Post_Data config = get_prototype_config() ## 1. data prepare trainData = Post_Data(is_train=True, **config) testData = Post_Data(is_train=False, **config) ### 2. model & train nn = Post_Prototype_RCNN_L2(assignment, **config) LR = config['LR'] opt_ = torch.optim.SGD(nn.parameters(), lr=LR) best_auc = 0 trainFeature_all, _ = trainData.get_all() testFeature, testLabel = testData.get_all() for i in range(config['train_iter']): nn.generate_prototype(trainFeature_all) feat, label = loss, _ = nn(feat, label) opt_.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt_.step() loss_value =[0] if i % 1 == 0: score = post_evaluate(testFeature, testLabel, nn, **config) best_auc = score if score > best_auc else best_auc print('iter {}, auc:{} (best:{})'.format(i, str(score)[:5], str(best_auc)[:5]), end=' ') if i > 0: print('{} sec'.format(str(time() - t1)[:4])) t1 = time()
def test_conv_in_computational_graph(self): nn = NN(3) for param in nn.parameters(): assert param.requires_grad afl = AffineCouplingLayer(3) for param in afl.parameters(): assert param.requires_grad
def parameter_stats(nn: nn.Module, print_indivual_params=True): """Prints various statistics about the paramters of a neural neural network""" p = torch.nn.utils.parameters_to_vector(nn.parameters()).detach().numpy() print( f"max/min = {max(p):.1f}/{min(p):.1f}, mean={np.mean(p):.1f}+/-{np.std(p):.2f}" ) if print_indivual_params: for name, p in nn.named_parameters(): p = p.detach().numpy() print( f"{name:40s}max/min = {np.max(p):.1f}/{np.min(p):.1f}, mean={np.mean(p):.1f}+/-{np.std(p):.2f}" )
def train_weighted_post_prototype(assignment): from config import get_prototype_config from model_torch import Weighted_Post_Prototype_RCNN_L2 from stream import Weighted_Post_Data config = get_prototype_config() every_iter = config['every_iter'] ## 1. data prepare trainData = Weighted_Post_Data(is_train=True, **config) testData = Weighted_Post_Data(is_train=False, **config) ### 2. model & train nn = Weighted_Post_Prototype_RCNN_L2(assignment, **config) LR = config['LR'] opt_ = torch.optim.SGD(nn.parameters(), lr=LR) best_auc = 0 trainFeature_all, _, weight_all = trainData.get_all() testFeature, testLabel, _ = testData.get_all() for i in range(config['train_iter']): nn.generate_prototype(trainFeature_all, weight_all) feat, label, weight = loss, _ = nn(feat, label, weight) opt_.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt_.step() #loss_value =[0] if i % 1 == 0: score = post_evaluate(testFeature, testLabel, nn, **config) best_auc = score if score > best_auc else best_auc if i % every_iter == every_iter - 1 and i > 0: print('iter {}, auc:{} (best:{})'.format( i, str(score)[:5], str(best_auc)[:5]), end=' \n') # print('{} sec'.format(str(time() - t1)[:4])) #t1 = time() trainData.restart() reweight = [] for i in range(trainData.batch_number): feat, label, weight = reweight.extend(nn.measure_similarity(feat)) #print(reweight) reweight = normalize_weight(reweight, config['upper'], config['lower']) #print(reweight) return reweight
def train(self, grad_mod): ''' Computes an epoch of the full training step ''' for model in self.mrf.nnformulas: model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() preds = self.forward() # print(preds[1]) loss = criterion[0](preds[0], y_true) loss.backward() if (grad_mod): gradient = self.grad(preds) for fidx, nn in enumerate(self.mrf.nnformulas): for par in nn.parameters(): par.grad *= gradient[fidx] self.optimizer.step() return loss
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x))) #x = F.relu(self.conv2(x)) x = F.relu(self.conv3(x)) x = F.relu(self.conv4(x)) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = F.relu(self.fc( #x = F.relu(self.fc(x)) x = self.out(x) return x if __name__ == '__main__': #Test code nn = net(2, manifold=geoopt.manifolds.PoincareBall()) #nn = net(2,manifold=geoopt.manifolds.Euclidean()) #nn = net(2,manifold=geoopt.manifolds.Stiefel()) x = torch.randn(128, 1024, 2) y = nn(x) opt = geoopt.optim.RiemannianAdam(nn.parameters(), lr=1, stabilize=1) opt.zero_grad() opt.step() print(nn) #print(y)
def test(models, epoch, f=None): global num_tests num_tests += 1 class MStat: def __init__(self, model): model.eval() self.model = model self.correct = 0 class Stat: def __init__(self, d, dnm): self.domain = d = dnm self.width = 0 self.max_eps = None = 0 self.proved = 0 self.time = 0 = [ Stat(h.parseValues(d, goals), h.catStrs(d)) for d in args.test_domain ] model_stats = [MStat(m) for m in models] dict_map = dict(np.load("./dataset/AG/dict_map.npy").item()) lines = open("./dataset/en.key1").readlines() adjacent_keys = [[] for i in range(len(dict_map))] for line in lines: tmp = line.strip().split() ret = set(tmp[1:]).intersection(dict_map.keys()) ids = [] for x in ret: ids.append(dict_map[x]) adjacent_keys[dict_map[tmp[0]]].extend(ids) num_its = 0 saved_data_target = [] for data, target in test_loader: if num_its >= args.test_size: break if num_tests == 1: saved_data_target += list(zip(list(data), list(target))) num_its += data.size()[0] if num_its % 100 == 0: print(num_its, model_stats[0].domains[0].safe * 100.0 / num_its) if args.test_swap_delta > 0: length = data.size()[1] data = data.repeat(1, length) for i in data: for j in range(length - 1): for _ in range(args.test_swap_delta): t = np.random.randint(0, length) while len(adjacent_keys[int(i[t])]) == 0: t = np.random.randint(0, length) cid = int(i[t]) i[j * length + t] = adjacent_keys[cid][0] target = (target.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, length)).view(-1) data = data.view(-1, length) if h.use_cuda: data, target = data.cuda().to_dtype(), target.cuda() for m in model_stats: with torch.no_grad(): pred = m.model(data).vanillaTensorPart().max(1, keepdim=True)[ 1] # get the index of the max log-probability m.correct += pred.eq( for stat in timer = Timer(shouldPrint=False) with timer: def calcData(data, target): box =, w=m.model.w, model=m.model, untargeted=True, target=target).to_dtype() with torch.no_grad(): bs = m.model(box) org = m.model(data).vanillaTensorPart().max( 1, keepdim=True)[1] stat.width += bs.diameter().sum().item( ) # sum up batch loss stat.proved += bs.isSafe(org).sum().item() += bs.isSafe(target).sum().item() # stat.max_eps += 0 # TODO: calculate max_eps if ) < 5000 or stat.domain in SYMETRIC_DOMAINS: calcData(data, target) else: if args.test_swap_delta > 0: length = data.size()[1] pre_stat = copy.deepcopy(stat) for i, (d, t) in enumerate(zip(data, target)): calcData(d.unsqueeze(0), t.unsqueeze(0)) if (i + 1) % length == 0: d_proved = (stat.proved - pre_stat.proved) // length d_safe = ( - // length d_width = (stat.width - pre_stat.width) / length stat.proved = pre_stat.proved + d_proved = + d_safe stat.width = pre_stat.width + d_width pre_stat = copy.deepcopy(stat) else: for d, t in zip(data, target): calcData(d.unsqueeze(0), t.unsqueeze(0)) stat.time += timer.getUnitTime() l = num_its # len(test_loader.dataset) for m in model_stats: if args.lr_multistep: m.model.lrschedule.step() pr_corr = float(m.correct) / float(l) if args.use_schedule: m.model.lrschedule.step(1 - pr_corr) h.printBoth( ('Test: {:12} trained with {:' + str(largest_domain) + '} - Avg sec/ex {:1.12f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:3.1f}%)').format(,, m.model.speed, m.correct, l, 100. * pr_corr), f=f) model_stat_rec = "" for stat in pr_safe = / l pr_proved = stat.proved / l pr_corr_given_proved = pr_safe / pr_proved if pr_proved > 0 else 0.0 h.printBoth(( "\t{:" + str(largest_test_domain) + "} - Width: {:<36.16f} Pr[Proved]={:<1.3f} Pr[Corr and Proved]={:<1.3f} Pr[Corr|Proved]={:<1.3f} {}Time = {:<7.5f}" ).format(, stat.width / l, pr_proved, pr_safe, pr_corr_given_proved, "AvgMaxEps: {:1.10f} ".format(stat.max_eps / l) if stat.max_eps is not None else "", stat.time), f=f) model_stat_rec += "{}_{:1.3f}_{:1.3f}_{:1.3f}__".format(, pr_proved, pr_safe, pr_corr_given_proved) prepedname =" ", "_").replace( ",", "").replace("(", "_").replace(")", "_").replace("=", "_") net_file = os.path.join( out_dir, + "__" + prepedname + "_checkpoint_" + str(epoch) + "_with_{:1.3f}".format(pr_corr)) h.printBoth("\tSaving netfile: {}\n".format(net_file + ".pynet"), f=f) if (num_tests % args.save_freq == 1 or args.save_freq == 1) and not args.dont_write and (num_tests > 1 or args.write_first): print("Actually Saving"), net_file + ".pynet") if args.save_dot_net: with h.mopen(args.dont_write, net_file + ".net", "w") as f2: f2.close() if args.onyx: nn = copy.deepcopy( nn.remove_norm() torch.onnx.export( nn, h.zeros([1] + list(input_dims)), net_file + ".onyx", verbose=False, input_names=["actual_input"] + [ "param" + str(i) for i in range(len(list(nn.parameters()))) ], output_names=["output"]) if num_tests == 1 and not args.dont_write: img_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, "images") if not os.path.exists(img_dir): os.makedirs(img_dir) for img_num, (img, target) in zip( range(args.number_save_images), saved_data_target[:args.number_save_images]): sz = "" for s in img.size(): sz += str(s) + "x" sz = sz[:-1] img_file = os.path.join( img_dir, args.dataset + "_" + sz + "_" + str(img_num)) if img_num == 0: print("Saving image to: ", img_file + ".img") with open(img_file + ".img", "w") as imgfile: flatimg = img.view(h.product(img.size())) for t in flatimg.cpu(): print(decimal.Decimal(float(t)).__format__("f"), file=imgfile) with open(img_file + ".class", "w") as imgfile: print(int(target.item()), file=imgfile)
def train(self): self.bnn.train(self.X, self.y) for nn in self.bnn.nns: for p in nn.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False
# In[9]: n_actions = env.action_space.n nn = reinforce(n_actions) # In[12]: num_episodes = 500 episode_durations = [] episode_mean = [] memory = ReplayMemory() optimizer = optim.RMSprop(nn.parameters(), lr=8 * math.exp(-3)) # print(num_episodes) for i in range(num_episodes): # print(i) state = torch.FloatTensor([env.reset()]) for t in count(): # print(state) action = select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action.item()) reward = torch.tensor([reward], device=device) # Observe new state if not done: next_state = torch.FloatTensor([next_state]) else: next_state = None
# = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(nn_config[0]) self.fc = nn.ModuleList() for x in range(0, len(af_config) - 1): if af_config[x] is not None: self.fc.append(af_config[x]) self.fc.append(nn.Linear(nn_arch[x], nn_arch[x + 1])) if init_w[x] is not None: self.fc[-1][x], init_w[x]) else: s = self.fc[-1][0] s = 1. / np.sqrt(s) self.fc[-1], s) if af_config[len(af_config) - 1] is not None: self.fc.append(af_config[len(af_config) - 1]) def forward(self, x): for f in range(0, len(self.fc)): x = self.fc[f](x) return x if __name__ == '__main__': nc = NN_CONFIG(nn_arch=[10, 100, 10], af_config=[None, nn.modules.ReLU(), nn.modules.ReLU()], init_w=[None, None], lr=0.1, optim=None, load_path=None) nn = Net(nc.nn_arch, nc.af_config, nc.init_w) print(next(nn.parameters()).device)
def train(self): self.bnn.train(self.X, (self.y - self.y.mean(dim=0)) / self.y.std(dim=0)) for nn in self.bnn.nns: for p in nn.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False
# setup training set trainset = HLWDataset('hlw/split/train.txt', opt.imagesize, training=True) trainset_loader =, shuffle=True, num_workers=6, batch_size=opt.batchsize) # setup ng dsac estimator loss = Loss(opt.imagesize) ngdsac = NGDSAC(opt.hypotheses, opt.inlierthreshold, opt.inlierbeta, opt.inlieralpha, loss, opt.invalidloss) # setup network nn = Model(opt.capacity) nn.train() nn = nn.cuda() # optimizer and lr schedule (schedule offset handled further below) optimizer = optim.Adam(nn.parameters(), lr=opt.learningrate) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=opt.schedulestep, gamma=0.5) # keep track of training progress train_log = open('log_'+opt.session+'.txt', 'w', 1) iteration = 0 epochs = int(opt.iterations / len(trainset)) # number of epochs from number of target iterations for epoch in range(epochs): print('=== Epoch: ', epoch, '========================================') for inputs, labels, xStart, xEnd, imh, idx in trainset_loader: start_time = time.time()
def test(models, epoch, f = None): global num_tests num_tests += 1 class MStat: def __init__(self, model): model.eval() self.model = model self.correct = 0 class Stat: def __init__(self, d, dnm): self.domain = d = dnm self.width = 0 self.max_eps = 0 = 0 self.proved = 0 self.time = 0 = [ Stat(h.parseValues(domains,d), h.catStrs(d)) for d in args.test_domain ] model_stats = [ MStat(m) for m in models ] num_its = 0 saved_data_target = [] for data, target in test_loader: if num_its >= args.test_size: break if num_tests == 1: saved_data_target += list(zip(list(data), list(target))) num_its += data.size()[0] if h.use_cuda: data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda() for m in model_stats: with torch.no_grad(): pred = m.model(data).data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1] # get the index of the max log-probability m.correct += pred.eq( for stat in timer = Timer(shouldPrint = False) with timer: def calcData(data, target): box =, m.model.w, model=m.model, untargeted = True, target=target) with torch.no_grad(): bs = m.model(box) org = m.model(data).max(1,keepdim=True)[1] stat.width += bs.diameter().sum().item() # sum up batch loss stat.proved += bs.isSafe(org).sum().item() += bs.isSafe(target).sum().item() stat.max_eps += 0 # TODO: calculate max_eps if < 5000 or stat.domain in SYMETRIC_DOMAINS: calcData(data, target) else: for d,t in zip(data, target): calcData(d.unsqueeze(0),t.unsqueeze(0)) stat.time += timer.getUnitTime() l = num_its # len(test_loader.dataset) for m in model_stats: pr_corr = float(m.correct) / float(l) if args.use_schedule: m.model.lrschedule.step(1 - pr_corr) h.printBoth(('Test: {:12} trained with {:'+ str(largest_domain) +'} - Avg sec/ex {:1.12f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:3.1f}%)').format(,, m.model.speed, m.correct, l, 100. * pr_corr), f = f) model_stat_rec = "" for stat in pr_safe = / l pr_proved = stat.proved / l pr_corr_given_proved = pr_safe / pr_proved if pr_proved > 0 else 0.0 h.printBoth(("\t{:" + str(largest_test_domain)+"} - Width: {:<36.16f} Pr[Proved]={:<1.3f} Pr[Corr and Proved]={:<1.3f} Pr[Corr|Proved]={:<1.3f} AvgMaxEps: {:1.10f} Time = {:<7.5f}").format(, stat.width / l, pr_proved, pr_safe, pr_corr_given_proved, stat.max_eps / l, stat.time), f = f) model_stat_rec += "{}_{:1.3f}_{:1.3f}_{:1.3f}__".format(, pr_proved, pr_safe, pr_corr_given_proved) prepedname =" ", "_").replace(",", "").replace("(", "_").replace(")", "_").replace("=", "_") net_file = os.path.join(out_dir, +"__" +prepedname + "_checkpoint_"+str(epoch)+"_with_{:1.3f}".format(pr_corr)) h.printBoth("\tSaving netfile: {}\n".format(net_file + ".net"), f = f) if num_tests % args.save_freq == 1 or args.save_freq == 1 and not args.dont_write:, net_file + ".pynet") with h.mopen(args.dont_write, net_file + ".net", "w") as f2: f2.close() if args.onyx: nn = copy.deepcopy( nn.remove_norm() torch.onnx.export(nn, h.zeros([1] + list(input_dims)), net_file + ".onyx", verbose=False, input_names=["actual_input"] + ["param"+str(i) for i in range(len(list(nn.parameters())))], output_names=["output"]) if num_tests == 1 and not args.dont_write: img_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, "images") if not os.path.exists(img_dir): os.makedirs(img_dir) for img_num,(img,target) in zip(range(args.number_save_images), saved_data_target[:args.number_save_images]): sz = "" for s in img.size(): sz += str(s) + "x" sz = sz[:-1] img_file = os.path.join(img_dir, args.dataset + "_" + sz + "_"+ str(img_num)) if img_num == 0: print("Saving image to: ", img_file + ".img") with open(img_file + ".img", "w") as imgfile: flatimg = img.view(h.product(img.size())) for t in flatimg.cpu(): print(decimal.Decimal(float(t)).__format__("f"), file=imgfile) with open(img_file + ".class" , "w") as imgfile: print(int(target.item()), file=imgfile)
x = torch.randn(1000, 30) y = torch.randn(1000, 10) class Network(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.w1 = nn.Linear(30, 50) self.w2 = nn.Linear(50, 10) def forward(self, x): h = torch.relu(self.w1(x)) o = self.w2(h) return o nn = Network() op = torch.optim.Adam(nn.parameters(), lr=0.05) t1 = time.time() for i in range(2000): o = nn(x) l = torch.mean((o - y) ** 2) print(i, float(l)) l.backward() op.step() t2 = time.time() print(t2 - t1)
def main(tr_conf): import torch.nn as nn seed = 12345 random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) tr = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]) train_data = MovingObjects("train", tr, seed) train_loader = DataLoader(train_data, num_workers=tr_conf['b_s'], batch_size=tr_conf['b_s'], shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) param_list = [] in_chs = tr_conf['input_channels'] flow_l3 = nn.DataParallel( _Glow(in_channels=4 * in_chs, mid_channels=512, num_steps=24)).to(device) flow_l2 = nn.DataParallel( _Glow(in_channels=8 * in_chs, mid_channels=512, num_steps=24)).to(device) flow_l1 = nn.DataParallel( _Glow(in_channels=16 * in_chs, mid_channels=512, num_steps=24)).to(device) nntheta3 = nn.DataParallel( NNTheta(encoder_ch_in=4 * in_chs, encoder_mode=tr_conf['encoder_mode'], h_ch_in=2 * in_chs, num_blocks=tr_conf['enc_depth'])).to(device) # z1:2x32x32 nntheta2 = nn.DataParallel( NNTheta(encoder_ch_in=8 * in_chs, encoder_mode=tr_conf['encoder_mode'], h_ch_in=4 * in_chs, num_blocks=tr_conf['enc_depth'])).to(device) # z2:4x16x16 nntheta1 = nn.DataParallel( NNTheta(encoder_ch_in=16 * in_chs, encoder_mode=tr_conf['encoder_mode'], num_blocks=tr_conf['enc_depth'])).to(device) model_path = '/b_test/azimi/results/VideoFlow/SMovement/exp12_2/sacred/snapshots/55.pth' if tr_conf['resume']: print('model loading ...') flow_l3.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['glow_l3']) flow_l2.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['glow_l2']) flow_l1.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['glow_l1']) nntheta3.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['nn_theta_l3']) nntheta2.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['nn_theta_l2']) nntheta1.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['nn_theta_l1']) print("****LOAD THE OPTIMIZER") glow = Glow(l3=flow_l3, l2=flow_l2, l1=flow_l1) nn_theta = NN_Theta(l3=nntheta3, l2=nntheta2, l1=nntheta1) for f_level in glow: param_list += list(f_level.parameters()) for nn in nn_theta: param_list += list(nn.parameters()) loss_fn = NLLLossVF() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(param_list, lr=tr_conf['lr']) optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['optimizer']) optimizer.zero_grad() # scheduler_step = sched.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=0.99) # linear_decay = sched.LambdaLR(optimizer, lambda s: 1. - s / 150000. ) # linear_decay.step(global_step) # scheduler = sched.LambdaLR(optimizer, lambda s: min(1., s / 10000)) # optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)['optimizer']) for epoch in range(tr_conf['starting_epoch'], tr_conf['n_epoch']): print("the learning rate for epoch {} is {}".format( epoch, get_lr(optimizer))) train_smovement(train_loader, glow, nn_theta, loss_fn, optimizer, None, epoch)
def train(): if FLAGS.dnn_hidden_units: dnn_hidden_units = FLAGS.dnn_hidden_units.split(",") dnn_hidden_units = [ int(dnn_hidden_unit_) for dnn_hidden_unit_ in dnn_hidden_units ] else: dnn_hidden_units = [] # Get negative slope parameter for LeakyReLU neg_slope = FLAGS.neg_slope # use GPU if available device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print("Device :", device) # load data and sample the first batch cifar10 = cifar10_utils.get_cifar10(FLAGS.data_dir) x_np, y_np = cifar10['train'].next_batch(FLAGS.batch_size) x_np = x_np.reshape(FLAGS.batch_size, -1) # batchsize * pixels per image # initialize MLP nn = MLP(x_np.shape[1], dnn_hidden_units, 10, neg_slope).to(device) crossEntropy = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # initialize optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(nn.parameters(), lr=FLAGS.learning_rate) # initialization for plotting and metrics test_accuracies = [] training_losses = [] training_accuracies = [] test_losses = [] # extract test data x_test, y_test_np = cifar10['test'].images, cifar10['test'].labels x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], -1) x_test = torch.from_numpy(x_test).to(device) y_test = torch.from_numpy(y_test_np).to(device) # perform the forward step, backward step and updating of weights max_steps number of times, for step in range(FLAGS.max_steps): if (step + 1) % 100 == 0: print(step + 1, "/", FLAGS.max_steps, "\n") optimizer.zero_grad() x = (torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_np), requires_grad=1)).to(device) y = (torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_np), requires_grad=1)).to(device) pred = nn(x).to(device) train_acc = accuracy(pred, y) # compute cross entropy loss labels = torch.max(y, 1)[1] loss = crossEntropy(pred, labels) training_accuracies.append(train_acc) training_losses.append(loss) # evaluation on test set if step % FLAGS.eval_freq == 0: test_accuracies, test_losses = eval_on_test( nn, crossEntropy, x_test, y_test, test_accuracies, test_losses) # get a next batch x_np, y_np = cifar10['train'].next_batch(FLAGS.batch_size) x_np = x_np.reshape(FLAGS.batch_size, -1) # batchsize * pixels per image loss.backward() optimizer.step() # compute loss and accuracy on the test set a final time test_accuracies, test_losses = eval_on_test(nn, crossEntropy, x_test, y_test, test_accuracies, test_losses) print("Maximum accuracy :", max(test_accuracies), "after %d steps\n" % (np.argmax(test_accuracies) * FLAGS.eval_freq))