Beispiel #1
        # Forward pass on real MNIST
        out_dis, hid = Net_D(data)
        c1 = LogSoftmax()(Q_cat(hid))
        loss_dis = mse(out_dis, ones) - torch.sum(targets * c1) / (torch.sum(targets) + 1e-3) # Loss for real MNIST

        # Forward pass on generated MNIST
        out_gen = Net_G(z)
        out_dis, hid = Net_D(out_gen)

        # Loss for generated MNIST
        loss_dis = loss_dis + mse(out_dis, zeros)
        loss_dis = loss_dis

        # Zero gradient buffers for gen and Q_cat and backward pass
        loss_dis.backward(retain_graph = True) # We need PyTorch to retain the graph buffers so we can run backward again later
        d_optim.step() # Apply the discriminator's update now since we have to delete its gradients later

        # And backward pass and loss for generator and update
        loss_gen = mse(out_dis, ones)
        loss_gen.backward(retain_graph = True)
        Net_D.zero_grad() # Don't want the gradients of the generator's objective in the discriminator

        # Forward pass and loss for latent codes
        loss_q = 0

        c1 = LogSoftmax()(Q_cat(hid))
        loss_q += nll(c1, torch.max(z_dict['cat'], dim = 1)[1])