Beispiel #1
 def __getattr__(self, attr):
     if self._has_method(attr):
         if attr in self.__class__._original_methods:
             original_method = self.__class__._original_methods[attr]
             script_method = self._get_method(attr)
             return functools.wraps(original_method)(script_method)
             return self._get_method(attr)
     return Module.__getattr__(self, attr)
Beispiel #2
 def __getattr__(self, attr):
     if self._has_method(attr):
         if attr in self.__class__._original_methods:
             original_method = self.__class__._original_methods[attr]
             script_method = self._get_method(attr)
             return functools.wraps(original_method)(script_method)
             return self._get_method(attr)
     return Module.__getattr__(self, attr)
Beispiel #3
    def load_network(self, load_path:str, network:nn.Module,
            strict:bool=True, submodule:str=None,
            model_type:str=None, param_key:str=None):
        Load pretrained model into instantiated network.
        :param load_path: The path of model to be loaded into the network.
        :param network: the network.
        :param strict: Whether if the model will be strictly loaded.
        :param submodule: Specify a submodule of the network to load the model into.
        :param model_type: To do additional validations if needed (either 'G' or 'D').
        :param param_key: The parameter key of loaded model. If set to None, will use the root 'path'.

        # Get bare model, especially under wrapping with DistributedDataParallel or DataParallel.
        if isinstance(network, (nn.DataParallel, nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel)):
            network = network.module
        # network.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_path), strict=strict)

        # load into a specific submodule of the network
        if not (submodule is None or submodule.lower() == 'none'.lower()):
            network = network.__getattr__(submodule)

        # load_net = torch.load(load_path)
        load_net = torch.load(
            load_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)

        # to allow loading state_dicts
        if 'state_dict' in load_net:
            load_net = load_net['state_dict']

        # load specific keys of the model
        if param_key is not None:
            load_net = load_net[param_key]

        # remove unnecessary 'module.' if needed
        # for k, v in deepcopy(load_net).items():
        #     if k.startswith('module.'):
        #         load_net[k[7:]] = v
        #         load_net.pop(k)

        # validate model type to be loaded in the network can do
        # any additional conversion or modification steps here
        # (requires 'model_type', either 'G' or 'D')
        if model_type:
            load_net = model_val(

        # to remove running_mean and running_var from models using
        # InstanceNorm2d trained with PyTorch before 0.4.0:
        # for k in list(load_net.keys()):
        #     if (k.find('running_mean') > 0) or (k.find('running_var') > 0):
        #         del load_net[k]

        network.load_state_dict(load_net, strict=strict)
def count_parameters(model: nn.Module, keys: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> Dict[str, int]:
    Count number of total and trainable parameters of a model
    :param model: A model
    :param keys: Optional list of top-level blocks
    :return: Tuple (total, trainable)
    if keys is None:
        keys = ["encoder", "decoder", "logits", "head", "final"]
    total = int(sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()))
    trainable = int(sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad))
    parameters = {"total": total, "trainable": trainable}

    for key in keys:
        if hasattr(model, key) and model.__getattr__(key) is not None:
            parameters[key] = int(sum(p.numel() for p in model.__getattr__(key).parameters()))

    return parameters
Beispiel #5
def count_parameters(model: nn.Module) -> dict:
    Count number of total and trainable parameters of a model
    :param model: A model
    :return: Tuple (total, trainable)
    total = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters())
    trainable = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
    parameters = {"total": total, "trainable": trainable}

    for key in ["encoder", "decoder"]:
        if hasattr(model, key):
            parameters[key] = sum(p.numel()
                                  for p in model.__getattr__(key).parameters())

    return parameters
Beispiel #6
 def __getattr__(self, attr):
     if self._has_method(attr):
         return self._get_method(attr)
     return Module.__getattr__(self, attr)
Beispiel #7
 def __getattr__(self, attr):
     if self._has_method(attr):
         return self._get_method(attr)
     return Module.__getattr__(self, attr)